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Cultural differences between Chinese and Western food 中西方饮食文化的差异

The ancients say: In the development of human society, the national diet also gradually formed its own unique culture.Different regions, different eating habits in different diet contributed to the different diet culture.The differences between Chinese culture and western diet culture created the difference, the difference between different from the way of thinking and philosophy.“Nature and humanity” to the Chinese and western “people-oriented”.From the following five aspects are here to talk about the western diet culture differences..古人云:民以食为天。在人类社会的发展中,各国的饮食也逐渐形成了自己独特的文化。不同的地区有着不同的饮食习惯,不同的饮食习惯造就了不同的饮食文化。中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。中国人注重“天人合一”,西方人注重“以人为本”。这里简要从下面五个方面谈谈中西方饮食文化的差异。

A, Chinese and western culture中西饮食文化(a)the Chinese diet culture中国的饮食文化

China has a history of more than 5000 years, formed the can Bad rich and profound Chinese culture.Chinese note Heavy “unity”.The Chinese diet with food, with things.Ideographic

Feeling.The Chinese diet culture surprising, reward Heart pleasing to the eye.This is pleasing to the eye, refers to the activities of the Chinese diet The content and means to perfect and unified, caused by people The aesthetic pleasure and mental enjoyment.中国有着五千多年的历史,形成了灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化。中国人注重“天人合一”。中国饮食以食表意,以物传情。中国的饮食文化令人拍案叫绝,赏心悦目。这种悦目,是指中国饮食活动形成与内容的完美统一,是指给人们所带来的审美愉悦和精神享受。

China's traditional diet has four features: 中国的传统饮食有四大特点: 1 heavy food: the ancients had “saying” Said.Meet often ask “ate no”, the diet culture Status.To have friends clutch, and people are used On the table and welcome the farewell party expre mood.emotional The storm, people often borrow tables.This is the drink Feed on social psychological activity adjustment function.1.重食:古人就有“民以食为天”之说。见面常问“吃了没有”,可见饮食文化的地位。朋友离合,送往迎来,人们都习惯在饭桌上表达惜别和欢迎的心情。感情上的**,人们也往往借酒菜平息。这是饮 食活动对社会心理的调节功能。2 “grain weight raises:” keep “six dirty,” diet

Attention human health care.The Chinese diet attention to various The collocation of food, such XiangShengXiangKe cournties, Yin Yang formula rational knowledge instruction cooking.2.重养:以“五谷”养“六脏”,饮食中重视人体养生保健。中国的饮食注意各种食物的搭配,以相生相克、相辅相成等阴阳调和之理性认识指导烹饪。heavy flavour: Chinese food is the most attention to the food's Flavour, exquisite “color, aroma, taste and appearance”.Dr.Sun yat-sen “Don't taste, divides the cooking of bad”, aesthetic The first meaning for cooking.3.重味:中国的饮食最注重食物的味,讲究“色、香、味、型”。孙中山先生讲“辩味不精,则烹调之述不妙”,将审美视作烹调的第一要义。weighs about the emotional activities: diet And a guide and promote the grade.China Advocate healthy diet culture, graceful upwards Attune, the pursuit of a noble sentiment.4.重理:对于饮食活动中的情感文化,有个引导和提升品位的问题。中国的饮食提倡健康优美、奋发向上的文化情调,追求一种高尚的情操。

(2)the diet culture in western countries西方国家的饮食文化 The main characteristic is western-style food: one is born.If

Steak with bloodshot, 2 is cold, who drinks like ice Block, Three is sweet, sweet, eat not eat not sweet.Besides the Type, fine food, fast and convenient, also don't Luxury, more popular.西式餐饮的主要特点是:一是生.如牛排带血丝;二是冷,如凡是饮料都加冰块;三是甜,无甜不餐,无餐不甜。此外西式餐饮不讲究精细,追求快捷方便,也不奢华,比较大众化。

Besides western-style still following features: 此外西餐还有以下显著特点:the importance of nutrition ingredient combinations, root According to various human nutrition(carbohydrate, fat, protein, dimension Raw meat)and heat to arrange the demand and proceing cooking.1.重视各类营养成分的搭配组合,根据人体对各种营养(糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素)和热量的需求来安排菜或加工烹调。2 fine materials, materials.In western cuisine When the material is very delicate, elegant, and the material is very wide Pan.If American cuisine dishes or rice production common fruit, Sweet;carry salty, Italian food will be made of pasta Into strips and various dishes: can be made to spend noodles, and beauty Flavor table delicacies.2.选料精细,用料广泛。西餐烹饪在选料时十分精细、考究,而且

选料十分广泛。如美国菜常用水果制作菜肴或饭点,咸里带甜;意大利菜则会将各类面食制作成菜肴:各种面片、面条、面花都能制成美 味的席上佳肴。exquisite taste seasoning, variety.West polonium is cooking Different from the dreing mostly Chinese, such as sour cream, guangxi Leaf, lemon, etc are common spices.3.讲究调味,调味品种多。西镤烹调的调味品大多不同于中餐,如酸奶油、桂叶、柠檬等都是常用的调味品。notice colour and lustre.The collocation of colour and lustre is in pay Contrast, lively, bright color, can stimulate appetite.4.注重色泽。在色泽的搭配上则讲究对比、明快,因而色泽鲜艳,能刺激食欲。

5, cooking method variety.Western ten Points to proce, pay attention to scientific and programmed, work Sequence.Western food cooking methods, many are Fried, stewed, baking, frying, braised, fans, fume, grilled etc, One grilled, bake, most fans.5.工艺严谨,烹调方法多样。西餐十分注重工艺流程,讲究科学化、程序化,工序严谨。西餐的烹调方法很多,常用的有煎、烩、烤、焖、煽、炸、熏、铁扒等十几种,其中铁扒、烤、煽最具特色。veels.Cook the cooker and tableware are there Different from Chinese characteristics.Especially the tableware, except

porcelain Product, crystal, gla and metal cutlery was Large proportion.6.器皿讲究。烹调的炊具与餐具均有不同于中餐的特点。特别是餐具,除瓷制品外,水晶、玻璃及各类金属制餐具占很 大比重。

Second, the western diet reasons for the differences


(a)the western diet culture origin(一)中西方饮食文化的渊源 Chinese traditional culture in the social development and thought, The differences in life custom, etc, the west diet Cultural differences.中西方在社会发展、传统文化思想、生活习俗等方面的差异,造就了中西饮食文化的差异。China traditional culture.By early Chinese culture Richard environment restraint greatly.China is located in the Asian continent In the vast desert northwest is, graland and Wall is boundle, southeast of the sea.The Chinese culture The Yellow River bedfrom table variety of dishes will not

Difficult to see.This value concept formed between Chinese food Too much notice food color, fragrance, taste, while the westerners Throughout persisted from nutrition is Angle, contempt Other functions of food.西方是一种理性饮食观念,不论食物的色、香、味、形如何,力求口味清淡和膳食的均衡。西方人认为饮食只是一种手段,因而享受在饮食中并不占重要位置,故而不会过分地追求口味。对于烹饪食物,营养性就是他们的出发点和目的地。他们全力开发和研究食物在不同状态下的营养差异,即便口味千篇1律,也一定要吃下去—— 因为有营养。在宴席上,可以讲究餐具,讲究用料,讲究服务,讲究菜 之原料的形、色,方面的搭配;但不管怎么豪华高档,菜只有一种味道,无艺术可言,作为菜肴,鸡就是鸡,牛排就是牛排,纵然有搭配,那也是在盘中进行的,色彩上对比内鲜明,但在滋味上各种原料互不相干,调和。各是各的味,简单明了。然而,中国人却是一种感性饮食观念。中国人很重视“吃”。人们把吃的功能发挥到极致,不仅维持生存,还用它维持健康,即“药补不如食补”;同时人们对美味展开了孜孜不倦的追求。而美味的产生,在于调和,要使食物的本味,加热以后的熟味,加上配料和辅料的味,以及调料的调和之味,交织融合协调在一起,使之互相补充,互助渗透。可见,在中国的饮食文化中,对“味”的追求往往大于对“营养”的追求,饮食的美性追求显然压倒了理性——从餐桌上各式各样的菜色中就不难看出。这种价值理念的差别形成了中餐过分注重饭菜色、香、味的特点,而西方人则自始


Four, the western diet differences

四、中西方饮食方式的差异(a)sat forms of differences(一)就坐形式的差异 In the American diet is very different, this way Difference of national character may also be affected.In China's feast Mat, everybody, sharing a circle round table.With round table Table, it is in the form of a unity, polite, The atmosphere of interest.The people, make a toast, advised Food, beautiful things in front, reflected between people Mutual respect, the comity of virtue.Although the Angle from health J management observation, February 2009 See, this way has obvious deficiency, but It meets our national “happy”.The banquet catering western-style, is the core of companionship, Through the conversation between the guest and the neighbour, achieve companionship Purpose.If the party's companionship and dance similarities Ratio.Then say, Chinese style banquets like ballroom dancing, But men and women are like banquet of dancing.thus Visible, Chinese and western dinner party companionship

Obviously, only Chinese style of party reflected morely At the feast, and banquet more fellowship in phase The neighbors asked guests fellowship.And the way of the Chinese diet The difference is more obvious of popular western buffet.You need not fixed in the table, eat, About freedom, this way for individuals Feeling, not all will communicate the word, also In the west of self respect individuality,.but The dinner, the lack of mutual interfered some Chinese Chat.Jihs huan 中美方的饮食方式有很大不同,这种差异对民族性格也有影响。在中国的宴席,大家团团围坐,共享一席。筵席要用圆桌,这就从形式上造成了一种团结、礼貌、共趣的气氛。人们相互敬酒、相互让菜、劝菜,在美好的事物面前,体现了人们之间相互尊重、礼让的美德。虽然从卫生的角度J 管理观察·2009年2月看,这种饮食方式有明显的不足之处,但它符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态。西式饮宴上,宴会的核心在于交谊,通过与邻座客人之间的交谈,达到交谊的目的。如果将宴会的交谊性与舞蹈相类比。那么可以说,中式宴席好比是集体舞,而西式宴会好比是男女的交谊舞。由此可见,中式宴会和西式宴会交谊的目的部很明显,只不过中式宴会更多地体现在全席的交谊,而西式宴会多体现于相邻宾客之问的交谊。与中国饮食方式的 差异更为明显的是西方流行的自助餐。大家各取所需,不必固定在位

子上吃,走动自由,这种方式便于个人之间的情感交流,不必将所有的话摆在桌面上,也表现了西方人对个性、对自我的尊重。但各吃各的,互不相扰,缺少了一些中国人聊欢共乐的情调。(2)the differences in eating tools用餐工具的差异 Chinese use chopsticks, dining, eat A bowl with rice bowls, While the westerners are dish, with food Dao is cut eat, drink soup spoon is special.The knife The origin and early European ancient nomads habits They live close to carry knives, often cooked meat, Cut down to eat.Chinese early in the spring and autumn and warring states period Using chopsticks.Chopsticks is the human finger Stretch, finger can do it almost all can do, and fear Heat and cold.Chinese use chopsticks to replace table knife Fork, reflected in a culture hero scholar than the advantage Western savage warriors.A pair of chopsticks and ~ ~ ~ zhang to taste Mouth is made with Chinese characteristics, abound the diet culture.中国人用餐使用的是筷子,汤匙,吃饭用碗盛;而西方人则是盘子盛食物,用刀即切即吃,喝汤则有专门的汤匙。刀的最初起源和欧洲古代游牧民族的生活习惯有关,他们马上生活随身带刀,往往将肉烧熟,割下来就吃。中国人早在春秋战国时期就开始使用筷子。筷子可说是人类手指的延伸,手指能做的事它几乎都能做,而且不怕高温与寒冷。


(3)dining way就餐方式的差异 Usually a Chinese dinner is a meal “Sharing” the way, Shared a table, sharing the table The dishes, often a dish, just in the master Yin Hello, they frequently collaborate together.“ In the end, the bill is to pay.all To emphasize the outstanding is a ”close“ word.By the influence of individualism thought, westerners please The habit of eating guest is an a person, and each object Since some of their own food, need not consider others taste and 1 Preferences, meals and eat their dinner, pay Also often take AA system, each one pays the bill 通常中国人请客吃饭采取的是一种“共享”的方式,大家共享一席,共享桌上的菜肴,往往一道菜刚上桌,在主人的殷勤招呼下,众人通力合作,共同“消灭”盘中之物,最后结账也是争相付钱。一切行为都强调突出的是一个“合”字。而受个人主义思想的影响,西方人请客吃饭的习惯是每人一份,且主客双方各自点自己的饭菜,不必考虑他人的1:3味和喜好,用餐时也只吃自己的盘中餐,付钱也往往采取AA制,各人自付各人账。

Five, Chinese and western restaurants object variances


(a)catering object variances(一)餐饮对象差异 Westerners believe that food is to eat, so special Big meat, chicken block ”food“.But Chinese dishes ”Eat flavour“, so the Chinese cooking in the material also A great many westerners as arbitrary outcast In China, is a good raw material, foreign chef Unable to handle things, to a Chinese chef hands, just Can decayed for magical.Chinese food in reading materials Aspect of the arbitrary.西方人认为菜肴是充饥的,所以专吃大块肉、整块鸡等“硬菜”。而中国的菜肴是“吃味”的,所以中国烹调在用料上也显出极大的随意性:许多西方人视为弃物的东西,在中国都是极好的原料,外国厨师无法处理的东西,一到中国厨师手里,就可以化腐朽为神奇。足见中国饮食在用料方面的随意性之广博。

According to the investigation of the western, Chinese scholars plants The plants are more than 600 many western six times.actual In Chinese, the dishes, vegetarian food is ordinary, Volunteers only during the holiday or higher living standards,Enter the normal diet, so has he Food, ”said, dish in normal diet of god Guiding status.Chinese food in plants, and Buddhism ACTS of thousands of advocating a wire connection.Million, They move For a “living”, and “spirit” is, therefore, some Chinese advocates vegetarianism.据西方的植物学者的调查,中国人吃的菜蔬有600多种,比西方多六倍。实际上,在中国人的菜肴里,素菜是平常食品,荤菜只有在节假目或生活水平较高时,才进入平常的饮食结构,所以自古便 菜食”之说,菜食在平常的饮食结构中占主导地位。中国人的以植物为主菜,与佛教徒的鼓吹有着千缕万丝的联系。他们视动物为“生灵”,而植物则“无灵”,所以,有些中国人主张素食主义。

Westerners in their countries diet is introduced In China, more than when the reasonable nutrition value is tie-in, The food industry has developed, such as fast, canned, Although taste, but saves time machine-made, and nutrition So small.Someone according to the western diet object obvious difference This is a different characteristics, the Chinese character, the west is called plants

Fang called animal character.西方人在介绍自己国家的饮食特点时,觉得比中国更重视营养的合理搭配,有较为发达的食品工业,如罐头、快餐等,虽口味千篇1律,但节省时间,且营养良好小。有人根据中西方饮食对象的明显差异这一特点,把中国人称为植物性格,西方人称为动物性格。(2)three meals a day diet 一日三餐的饮食差异 Chinese food is usually eat breakfast should be Man First, DouBao, porridge, etc., and appropriately increase some protein Qualitative rich foods, such as soybean milk, eggs, match again with a Small dishes.Lunch is usually in rice, noodles food In an arbitrary choice.Types of food is very extensive, such as: Meat, eggs, milk, poultry and seafood and vegetables, bean Etc.Dinner in the family meals were the only people together Enjoy the meal, tianlun everybody cook very rich.but Chinese is not eat supper, and one day as the habit Follow the three meals a day habit.中国人的早餐是以主食一般应吃馒头、豆包、稀饭等,还要适当增加些含蛋白质丰富的食物,如豆浆、鸡蛋等,再配以一些小菜。午餐一般主食就是在米饭、面制


While the westerners breakfast with bread and milk, eggs, Juice, cereal, coffee, sausage, etc.Lunch In the work place in fast food, general sandwiches, fruit, Coffee, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.Dinner is dinner, comparison Great, like steak, Fried chicken, roast pork, etc, match Packet, butter, vegetables, fruits, snacks, etc.American restaurant is More generally, fast food and supply buffet supper(fixed Rice), the meal of the meal, various forms of price general than Relatively cheap, also can order, order the highest prices.they Sleep is the habit of snack, adult with fruit, candy Fruit is given priority to, child is milk and cookies.weekend Or holidays, many families eat only two meal.They will be early Eat lunch for a merger and called brunch.而西方人的早餐以面包、牛奶、鸡蛋、果汁、麦片、咖啡、香肠等为主。午餐一般在工作地点用快餐,一般有三明治、水果、咖啡、汉堡包、热狗等。晚餐是正餐,比较丰盛,如牛排、猪排、烤肉、炸鸡

等,配面包、黄油、青菜、水果、点心等。美国餐馆很多,一般供应自助餐、快餐、特餐(固定份饭)、全餐等各种形式的餐饮,价格一般比较低廉,也可点菜,点菜价格最高。他们在临睡前有吃点心的习惯,成人以水果、糖果为主,孩子则食用牛奶和小甜饼。周末或假日,许多家庭只吃两顿饭。他们将早餐和午餐合并为一顿,称为早午餐。Total“ Food and Chinese food, is a kind of diet culture, Is the inevitable cultural exchanges and communication will have different, though The social history, different ethnic culture and different Domain features, the western diet, but different background Eentially, the connotation of ”eat" will not because these Differences and change, exquisite varieties, nutrient balance, build With reasonable, pay attention to health has become the western diet science The consensus, this is the western diet culture exchange fusion most An important foundation, only, just can understand, and communication May develop.a总 结



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