Eentially, “Craftsman Spirit” is an artisan spirit which reflects one’s morality, ability and quality of job.It is one of the profeional value and behaviour.The fundamental elements of “Craftsman Spirit” include, among other things, devotion, lean, concentration, and innovation.其一,敬业。中华民族历来有“敬业乐群”“忠于职守”的传统。早在春秋时期,孔子就主张人在一生中始终要“执事敬”“事思敬”“修己以敬”。
First of all, devotion.It is the tradition of the Chinese to do our duty.In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius advocated that people should try to take their responsibility for their whole lives.其二,精益。能基业长青的企业,无不是精益求精才获得成功的。瑞士手表得以誉满天下、畅销世界、成为经典,靠的就是制表匠们对每一个零件、每一道工序、每一块手表都精心打磨、专心雕琢的精益精神。
Second, lean.of the succeful enterprises that can base industry evergreen without the excellence.The reason why Swi watches became internationally renowned, best-selling and a claic is the pursuit of that inspires the watchmakers to concentrate on polishing each part, each working procedure, each a watch carefully.其三,专注。专注就是内心笃定而着眼于细节的耐心、执着、坚持的精神,这是一切“大国工匠”所必须具备的精神特质。从中外实践经验来看,工匠精神都意味着一种执着,即一种几十年如一日的坚持与韧性。其实,在中国早就有“艺痴者技必良”的说法。古代工匠大多穷其一生只专注于做一件事,或几件内容相近的事情。《庄子》中记载的游刃有余的“庖丁解牛”、《核舟记》中记载的奇巧人王叔远等大抵如此。
Third, concentration.Concentration is the spirit of patience, persistence and persistence that are determined in the mind and focus on detail.This is the spiritual trait that all “great craftsmen” must poe.Through the experience of home and abroad practice, the spirit of craftsman means a kind of perseverance, which is a kind of persistence and toughne for several decades’ studies.In fact, in China, there has been a “art fool” theory.Most ancient craftsmen spent their entire lives focusing on just one thing, or few things similar.The story, Baoding Jie Niu, in Zhuangzi and the marvellous craftsman Wang recorded in the “Peach-Stone Boat” are the representations of that spirit.其四,创新。“工匠精神”强调执着、坚持、专注甚至是陶醉、痴迷,但绝不等同于因循守旧、拘泥一格的“匠气”,其中包括着追求突破、追求革新的创新内蕴。这意味着,工匠必须把“匠心”融入生产的每个环节,既要对职业有敬畏、对质量够精准,又要富有追求突破、追求革新的创新活力。事实上,古往今来,热衷于创新和发明的工匠们一直是世界科技进步的重要推动力量。
Fourth, creativity.In spite that “Craftsman Spirit” emphasizes the dedication, persistence, concentration, and even obseion, including the pursuit of creativity contents of breakthrough and reform, should in no way be equal with conformism and confinement.This require craftsman to integrate the “Craftsman Ship” into every link of production.They must be both in awe of the profeion, the precision of quality and the innovative vitality of reforming.In fact, the artisans who are paionate about innovation and invention have been an important part to promote the advancement of global science and technology.
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