原创 2015-09-10 英语点津 中国日报网双语新闻
李 克强:尊敬的施瓦布主席,女士们、先生们,祝贺世界经济论坛新领军者年会在大连召开。这已经是第九届年会了,无论在前排还是后排都有很多熟悉的面孔、许多 老朋友。因为场地有限,很难和大家一一握手问候。但是你们能来到这个论坛,说明你们对中国关心,也愿意参与中国的现代化建设。我很高兴和大家见面,因为每 次参加这个年会总会得到一些新的信息,特别是这次的主题是“描绘增长新蓝图”,我也愿意就此同大家分享和交流。
Li Keqiang: Profeor Schwab, ladies and gentlemen, let me first send my congratulations on the opening of the ninth Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian.It's good to see so many familiar faces and old friends in the audience.As the place is so packed today, it's difficult for me to walk into the audience and shake hands with each one of you.But I do appreciate the interest you have shown in China by coming to the meeting and your participation in China's modernization proce.I am very happy to meet you here, because each time I come to the annual meeting, I get some new food for thought.The theme of the annual meeting this year –Charting a New Course for Growth–is highly relevant.I look forward to sharing my views and observations with you on this topic.李克强:国际金融危机爆发至今已经7年了,目前世界经济仍然增长乏力。中国经济也的确受到下行的压力。大家都很关心中国的经济形势,我认为,中国的经济形势可以说是“形有波动,势仍向好”。这是因为今年上半年中国经济增长7%,在世界主要经济体中居前列。
Li Keqiang: It has been seven years since the global financial crisis broke out.Global growth remains sluggish.It's true that the Chinese economy has come under downward preure.I know that you all follow the Chinese economy very closely.The “shape” of the economy is that there have been some ups and downs, but the underlying trend remains positive.In the first half of this year, the Chinese economy expanded by 7%, which is one of the highest among the world's major economies.我曾经说过,只要有比较充分的就业,与GDP同步增长的居民收入和不断改善的环境,这样的发展速度就是我们能够接受的。反过来讲,今年上半年城镇调查失业率在5.1%左右,新增城镇就业人数在700万以上,这也证明了中国经济运行保持在合理区间。
I have said on several occasions, a GDP growth that secures sufficient employment, increase in household income in step with GDP growth and improvement in the environment would be one that we can live with.In the first half of this year, surveyed urban unemployment rate was
5.1%.And we added over 7 million urban jobs.All these show that the Chinese economy has been running within the proper range.可以说,经济增长的新动能,就是我们在致力推动的大众创业、万众创新。通过推动商事制度等改革和“双创”,去年以来,我们平均每天新增市场主体一万家以上,而且经济结构也在发生着向好的变化。比如说,消费对经济增长的贡献率已达60%,服务业占GDP的比重已提高到50%,高技术产业增速超过1O%。这些新的变化是我们努力推动并乐于看到的。
Talking about new drivers of economic growth, we are encouraging ma entrepreneurship and innovation.Thanks to busine registration reform and other reforms as well as ma entrepreneurship and innovation, over 10,000 new market entities are registered on an average daily basis since last year.There are also positive changes in the economic structure.For instance, consumption is contributing about 60% to China's economic growth.The service sector now accounts for almost 50% of GDP.Growth of high-tech industries is over 10%.All these are the changes we have been promoting, and we feel heartened by these developments.当 前中国经济运行可以说是缓中趋稳,一方面稳中向好,但另一方面稳中也有难。因为我们正在努力推进以结构性改革带动结构调整。在这个过程中,由于发展动能转 换,一些经济指标在月度、季度间发生波动是难免的。不仅今年有,去年、前年也都有,但中国经济仍然处于合理区间。我们将坚持宏观政策的基本取向,继续下力 气推动改革开放,推动结构调整。当然,我们也会加强区间调控、定向调控、相机调控,保持经济在合理区间平稳运行,为结构性改革和结构调整创造条件。
There has been overall stability in China's economic performance, despite certain moderation in speed.The overall trend is positive, yet there are also difficulties to overcome.We are preing ahead with structural reform to advance structural adjustment.As the traditional growth drivers get replaced by new ones, it is only natural to see fluctuations in some of the economic indicators on a monthly or quarterly basis.This has happened this year, last year and the year before last as well.The economy is still running within the proper range.We will stick to the basic orientation of our macroeconomic policy.We will continue to advance reform and opening-up, and promote structural adjustment.We will also step up ranged-based, targeted and discretionary macro regulation to maintain steady economic growth within the proper range.All these will create enabling conditions for structural reform and adjustment.我们不会随一些经济指标的短期波动而起舞,但也不会掉以轻心,而是适时适度预调微调,加大定向调控的力度。中国人民有智慧、中国政府有能力保持经济中高速增长、迈向中高端水平,对此我们是有信心的。说到G20会议明年在中国举行,它的议题正在讨论中,中国将会发挥建设性作用。
We will not be swayed by short-term fluctuations in certain economic indicators, but we will not take them lightly either.We are prepared to undertake preemptive adjustment and fine-tuning as appropriate, and step up targeted macro regulation.I am confident that the Chinese people have the wisdom and the Chinese government has the capability to maintain medium-high speed of growth and achieve medium-high level of development.The G20
parties.China will play a constructive role in this proce.李克强:最近国际金融市场发生新的波动,这也是2008年国际金融危机的延续。中国资本市场,特别是股市在今年6、7月 份也发生异常波动,有关方面采取措施稳定市场,是为了防止风险的蔓延。现在可以说防范住了可能发生的系统性金融风险。这样做不是要代替或削弱市场功能,这 是国际通行的做法,也符合中国国情。下一步,我们会继续推进发展多层次资本市场,而且要坚持市场化和法治化的方向,努力培育公开透明、长期稳定健康发展的 资本市场。
Li Keqiang: There have been new fluctuations on the global financial markets recently.They are a continuation of the 2008 global financial crisis.Last June and July, there were also unusual fluctuations on China's capital market.Relevant Chinese authorities took steps to stabilize the market to prevent any spread of risks.Now we can say that we have succefully forestalled potential systemic financial risks.This is not to replace or weaken the role of the market.What we did is common international practice and is in keeping with China's national conditions.Going forward, we will continue to develop a multi-tiered capital market in China and pursue a market-driven and law-based approach in this proce.The purpose is to establish an open and transparent capital market of long-term, steady and healthy growth.至于说到中国政府债务,风险是可控的,因为债务水平还比较低,中央政府的债务不到GDP的20%,地方政府债务中70%以上是投资性的、有回报的。何况我们现在还在规范地方债务的发行,开正门、堵后门。应该说,有人对中国政府债务可能引起大的风险的担忧是多虑了。当然,我不是否定你刚才对中国政府债务问题疑虑的提问。中国人的哲学观念也是对所有的事情都要居安思危。
On China's government debt, the risks are under control.China's government debt is still at quite a low level.The central government debt is below 20% of GDP, and over 70% of local government debts take the form of investment with returns.And we are taking steps to regulate iuance of local government bonds to keep the front door open and block back doors, so to speak.Those who are concerned that China's government debt may bring serious risks are worrying too much.Having said that, I don't mean to question if there is a need for you to raise this iue, because for the Chinese, our philosophy is that one should always be mindful of potential dangers even in times of peace.关 于金融体制改革,中国会继续推进,因为这也是中国维护金融稳定的需要,是中国对外开放的需要。譬如,最近我们在降息降准的过程中就放开了一年期以上存款利 率的上限,我们还会放宽民营银行准入,包括外资有序地进入和中方的合作等等,这些措施都会陆续推出。总的来说,改革的方向不会变,改革的步伐不会停。当 然,改革的步骤是循序渐进的。
We will pre ahead with the financial reform.This is critical for China's financial stability and opening-up.For example, while the central bank cut interest rates and the required reserve ratio recently, we lifted restrictions on the interest rate ceiling for fixed term deposits above
year.We will ease market acce for private banks, including orderly introduction of foreign investors into the financial sector and their partnerships with Chinese counterparts.China will not waver in its commitment to pursuing the reform, nor will the reform grind to a halt.But, the reform will be conducted in a step-by-step way.李克强:我想说明一个事实,自本届政府成立以来,人民币实际有效汇率已经上升了15%。由于近来许多国家的货币兑美元大幅下跌,国际市场的走势使我们调整了人民币汇率中间价报价机制,但也只是小幅微调。如果算总账,本届政府成立至今,人民币 兑美元的实际有效汇率还是有比较大幅度上升的。坦率地讲,人民币汇率小幅回调以后,目前已基本保持稳定。人民币不存在持续贬值的基础。因为中国经济运行在 合理区间,我们有比较充足的外汇储备,而且货物贸易的顺差还在增加,这都表明人民币汇率能够在合理、均衡的水平上保持基本稳定。只是有的时候,用中国的话 讲,“躺着也会中枪”。
Li Keqiang: I wish to draw your attention to one fact: Since the formation of this government, the real effective exchange rate(REER)of the RMB has appreciated 15%.As many currencies significantly depreciated against the dollar recently, developments on the international markets compelled us to adjust the quotation regime of the RMB central parity.Yet it was a small adjustment.Overall, the REER of the yuan has appreciated by a large margin during the term of this government.The truth is, after the small adjustment, the RMB exchange rate is now basically stable.There is no basis for continued depreciation of the RMB, because the Chinese economy has been operating within the proper range, we have ample foreign exchange reserves, and surplus of trade in goods has been rising.All these show that the RMB exchange rate can stay basically stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level.Yet as the Chinese often say, in some circumstances, one may get caught up in the middle of something unrelated.我 们不希望通过人民币贬值来刺激出口,这不符合我们结构调整的方向,我们更不愿意看到世界上发生“货币战”。中国作为一个同世界经济高度融合的主要经济体,如果真的发生了“货币战”,对中国只有害、少有利。举个例子,人民币汇率小幅回调以后,我曾经问过有关部门和主营出口的企业,他们都希望人民币汇率保持合 理均衡水平上的基本稳定。因为如果市场有一个持续贬值的预期,企业连出口长单都拿不到。这怎么能够有利于中国的出口呢?
We have no intention to boost exports by devaluing the yuan.This is not in keeping with our policy of structural adjustment.Still le do we want to see a global “currency war”.As the Chinese economy has become so highly integrated into the global economy, a “currency war” would only bring more harm than good to China.As a matter of fact, after the small adjustment of the exchange rate, I once talked about this with relevant departments and some export-oriented firms in China.They said they hope the RMB exchange rate will remain basically stable at a reasonable and balanced level.Should there be market expectations of continued depreciation of the yuan, these companies could hardly get any long-term export order.How could this be beneficial for China's exports?
进口了6亿多吨。但是大宗商品进口价格下来了,有的下跌了40%、50%,这给我们也带来了影响。关税下来了,财政收入受到较大压力。但是国际市场价格不是我们能决定的,我们进口量没有下来,由于价格下降导致进口额减少,应该由 谁来负责?我想大家可以进行讨论。大家都知道,如果国际市场大宗商品价格有所回升,我们进口关税也可以多征收,这能够用于改善我们的民生。同时,PPI也会有变化,这对企业利润、经营效益的改善是有利的,当然这需要各方共同努力。
As you know, commodity trade takes up a large part in China's total foreign trade.Between January and August this year, China imported 220 million tons of crude oil, up by 10% over the previous year.Soy bean imports rose by 7%, and iron ore imports were over 600 million tons, more or le the same as last year.However, commodity prices have dropped significantly, with some plunging 40-50%.We have been affected as a result.There were le tariffs and hence the strains on China's public finance.But commodity prices are not something for us to decide.Total import volume has not declined, yet the value of imports has come down as a result of falling prices.Who should be held accountable for this? It is a topic that can be further discued and debated.If international commodity prices rebound, we would get more import tariffs.This would mean more public money to spend on improving people's lives.There would be change in the PPI too, which is beneficial for improving corporate profitability and performance.This is an iue that requires joint efforts for a solution.至于人民币的国际化,将由市场来选择,也要根据中国经济发展的实际来推进,它有一个过程,我们也会逐步推进人民币资本项下可兑换等措施。但有一点可以肯定,人民币持续贬值一定是不利于人民币国际化的,这不是我们的政策取向。中国愿意加入SDR,不仅是为了人民币逐渐实现国际化,也是尽一个发展中大国应尽的国际责任。中国不是世界经济风险之源,而是世界经济增长的动力之源。
As for internationalization of the RMB, it should be a market-driven proce.It needs to fit China's reality of economic development and will take some time.We will gradually achieve full convertibility of the RMB under capital accounts.One thing is certain: a continually devaluing RMB is not conducive to the RMB internationalization proce.This is not our policy orientation.China wishes to join the SDR, not just for making the RMB more internationalized, but also for fulfilling China's due international responsibilities as a big developing country.China is not a source of risks for the global economy;China is a driver of world economic growth.李克强:中国利用外商投资总的政策不会变,但具体政策确实在变化,而且是在向更多吸引外资、放开更宽领域的方向变化。比如今年我们继续扩大外资投资的领域,限制类条目取消了50%,为了推动外资投资的便利化,我们把核准制基本上改为了备案制,大概现在保留的需要核准的项目也只有不到5%。同时,我们正在探索以准入前国民待遇加负面清单的管理模式,推进中美、中欧投资协定的审议,同很多国家进行FTA谈判。可以说,外资进入中国的领域会更为宽广,方式会更为便利。我们吸引外资的能力实际上也在增强,在全球今年投资不佳的情况下,中国上半年吸引外资还增长了7.7%。
Li Keqiang: On the whole, there has been no change in China's overall policy on FDI.But in
opened more areas to foreign investors and will help China attract more foreign investment.For example, the number of items where restrictions were imposed on foreign investment acce has been slashed by 50%.We are also taking steps to facilitate foreign investment.We have replaced past practice of comprehensive review and approval with the practice of record keeping.The number of items requiring government approval only accounts for 5% of the total.We are promoting a management model based on pre-establishment national treatment and a negative list approach.We are conducting BIT reviews with the United States and the European Union, and FTA negotiations with many countries.Foreign investment will be able to get into more areas in an easier way in China.We are also becoming more capable of attracting foreign direct investment.With global foreign investment in decline, FDI flowing into China still grew by 7.7%in the first half of this year.我 们正在实施创新驱动战略,推动大众创业、万众创新,这本身就需要保护知识产权,需要营造公平竞争的营商环境,对在中国注册的外资企业和中国企业一视同仁,不管是合资还是独资。但不要误解,不是说没在中国注册的企业的知识产权就可以侵犯,那是中国法律不允许、世界公理也不允许的。
In the meantime, we are pursuing innovation-driven development and encouraging ma entrepreneurship and innovation.This requires that we better protect intellectual property rights and ensure that there is a level-playing field for all market entities.All foreign invested companies registered in China will be treated as equals as their Chinese counterparts, be they joint ventures or solely owned foreign companies.But don't get me wrong: this does not mean that foreign companies which are not registered in China will not have their intellectual property protected in China.Otherwise, it is against not only Chinese laws but also internationally accepted practices.李 克强:由于时间有限,请允许我简要回答。在治理环境污染方面我们受到的最大挑战是,中国是一个发展中国家,但中国又必须转变发展方式,承担应当承担的国际 责任,应对气候变化。这两者之间并非没有矛盾,我们需要找到一个平衡。中国已经宣布了应对气候变化国家自主贡献方案,实现这里面提出的目标应该说对中国压 力还是很大的,需要经过艰苦卓绝的努力。当然,我们既然说了,就要“言必信、行必果”。
Li Keqiang: As we both have only limited time, allow me to give a brief answer to your question.The biggest challenge China faces in controlling pollution is that China is still a large developing country, yet it needs to shift the growth model and aume due international responsibilities in tackling climate change.There is a certain conflict of interests, and we need to strike a balance between the two.Not long ago, China announced its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution.China faces tremendous preure in meeting these goals and will have to make enormous efforts.However, now that we have made those commitments, we will deliver on our commitment with concrete actions.中国在不断加强生态保护,尤其是加大节能减排和污染治理的力度。今年上半年单位GDP能耗下降了5.9%,我们还会继续按这个方向推动转型发展、绿色发展。但是,我也希望不
“是不是经济放 缓了”、“拖累实体经济了”。我们正在采取措施,努力培育绿色的、节能的,又能支持经济增长的新动力,比如发展互联网+等新业态、新产业。当然,这需要有 一个过程。
The Chinese government is taking steps to advance ecological conservation.In particular, we are intensifying efforts to save energy, cut emiions and control pollution.In the first half of this year, we managed to bring down per unit GDP energy consumption by 5.9%.We will continue to shift the growth model and promote green development.As China steps up efforts in environmental protection, the growth speed may have been affected.This may have caused concerns that the economy is slowing down and the real economy is being affected.We are working hard to foster green and energy-efficient industries that can be new drivers of growth, such as “Internet plus” and other new busine models and industries.But again this needs a proce.李克强:中国的城镇化率只有约55%,而且还有相当一部分人并不是完全固定生活在城市。中国的工业化伴随着城镇化还有一个长期的过程,这也是巨大的内需空间。中国在城镇化快速发展当中,也不是说没有问题。比如说我们现在还有1亿人口居住在棚户区,必须给他们一个符合现代标准的居住条件,我们将继续大规模地推进棚户区改造。同时还要推动城市地下基础设施的建设,中国在这方面要学习一些已经实现城镇化的国家的经验。最近我们就在推动城市地下综合管廊的建设。
Li Keqiang: The current urbanization rate in China stands at about 55%.Among residents in urban areas, a large portion of them are not permanent urban residents, but a floating population.There will be a long proce for China to achieve urbanization amidst the pursuit of industrialization.This also represents enormous space of domestic demand in China.China's rapid urbanization has not been all problem-free.For example, we still have about 100 million people living in urban rundown areas.These people deserve more decent living conditions.So we will continue to rebuild these run-down areas on a large scale.We will also further improve our underground infrastructure.In this respect, we need to draw on the experience of countries that have completed urbanization.We are taking steps to enhance urban underground utility pipeline network.我们还要进一步改善城市的发展规划。中国和欧盟建立了城镇化伙伴关系。我们不仅愿意向发达国家学习经验,也愿意向发展中国家学习经验,在城镇化进程中加强合作,因为不论哪个国家都有它的独特优势,或者说比较优势。
We also need to improve our urban development plans.China and the EU have established a partnership on urbanization.We wish to draw on the experience of both developed and developing countries, and enhance international cooperation in urbanization.I believe that each country has its own unique strength and comparative advantage to offer in this proce.中国人民对南非的港口城市“好望角”很熟悉。我上午在大连看了一家企业就以“好望角”来命名,希望以此帮助企业吸引更多的人才,得到更多的管理经验和技术,我们愿意和南非携手合作,实现共赢。
The Cape of Good Hope in South Africa is very well known to the Chinese people.I visited a local company in Dalian this morning which actually named itself after this place in South Africa, hoping that this name will help the company attract more talented people and gain more managerial expertise and technology.China wants to work with South Africa to enhance our cooperation for win-win results.
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