2. 下定决心做某事 be determined to do sth./determination 3. 没有任何意义 There is no sense/ point doing sth 4. 集中精力做某事 concentrate(one’s attention)on sth/focus on sth.5. 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth 失败 get nowhere/fail Failure is the mother of succe.6. 适应当地的生活 adjust oneself to the local life
7. 给某人留下好的印象 leave sb.a favorable/good/deep impreion= leave a favorable/good/deep impreion on sb.8. 虚度光阴 idle away/waste one’s life/ time
9. 积累知识/经验 accumulate knowledge / experience 10. 在一定程度上 to some extent/ to some degree 11. 提出好的建议 put forward/come up with/ a constructive proposal 12. 做好心理上的准备 get mentally prepared
13. 激发学习兴趣 stimulate one’s interest to study 14. 拿出一个解决方案 come up with a solution 16. 生活水平 standard of living / living standard 17. 申请银行贷款 apply for a bank loan 18. 毫无疑问 there is no doubt that/undoubtedly 19. present/recently/in years/nowadays
目前 at
20. 构建和谐社会 construct a harmonious society Peace and harmony 23. 激烈的竞争(be faced with)fierce competition 29. 起重要/关键作用 play an important/key role in 31.The conference discuion focuses on the sustained/sustainable development of agriculture.32.As for air pollution, most people believe that steel factories are at fault.34.I’d like to take the opportunity to wish you a good trip./May you have a good trip/journey.35.Internet chat rooms make people feel free to expre themselves.写作常用短语(3)
2. 下岗 be laid off a laid-off worker 4. 从长远来说 in the long run/ term 从短期来说 in the short run / term
10. 闲暇时间 in one’s spare time
12. 光明的前途 have a promising / bright future 14. 面临。。困难 be confronted /faced with a difficulty 16. 参与社会活动 take part in/ participate in social activities 17. 尽情地 to one’s heart’s content
They were singing and dancing to their hearts’ content.18. 不劳无获 No pains, no gains.20. 可再生能源 renewable energy 不可再生能源 irrenewable energy/resource 22. 我们应该活到老,学到老 We should live and learn./You’re never too old to learn.25. On behalf of my family, I expre deep gratitude to you.26. There is no denying that the environmental pollution/air pollution is becoming more and more serious.27. 越。。越。。the more…..the more…… the more, the better
the le, the better
the fewer, the better
28. 该是。。的时候了 It is high time we did….It is high time we took measures to protect the environment from pollution.prevent the pollution of the environment.30. 希望工程 Project Hope 32.In my view, she’s far too reliant on her parents for financial support.Rely on/depend on 33.rural migrant workers 34.Jack is an intellectual/clever student, but he lacks motivation.写作常用短语(4)1. 就。。而言 as far as ….be concerned: as far as I am concerned, I support this view.As far as the ability is concerned, I think he’ll qualify for this job.a qualified doctor 2. 在某人看来 in one’s view, in one’s opinion, in one’s mind/ as for me 3. 把理论付诸实践 apply theory to practice put what we
have learned into practice 把所学的知识运用到实践中
4. 高度重视 give/attach high importance to If winter comes, would spring be far behind? 6. 坚持原则 adhere to a principle
维护原则 uphold a principle 8. 得出一个结论 conclude that…/: From the reasons presented above, I can conclude that..reach/ come to,/arrive at/draw a conclusion that…
consider=take…into consideration 考虑。。
account/ The study failed to consider people’s sleeping quality _____________(把人们的睡眠质量考虑在内)9. 每个事物都有两个方面。Every coin has two sides。/ Every sword has two blades,…is no exception.10. 虚拟空间 the chat room is a virtual space 12. 这是一个感人的故事。This is a touching/ moving story。I am touched/moved by the story.The story is very interesting.I am interested in this story.13. 交通堵塞 traffic jams/ congestions
交通事故 traffic accidents 14. 成上升趋势 on the rise/ increase 15. 成下降趋势 on the decrease/ decline 16.In the daily life, honesty is the best policy.It pays to be honest.17. 总而言之 in a word/ in short,to sum up
18. 已经成为一个全球性的问题 Global warming/Environmental pollution has been a global problem 19. 经过仔细的调查研究 after investigation
survey/ 20. 应聘。。工作 apply for a job 22. 为。。羞愧 be ashamed of his son’s selfishne 23. 正如一句谚语所说,Just as a proverb/saying goes,25. 众所周知 as is known to all/ as we all know/ it is well known that…
26. 有志者事竟成 Where there is a will,there is a way。
27. 欲速则不达 More haste,le speed。
28. 采取积极措施 take positive/effective measures/ actions to do something 29. 希望早日得到你的回复 I am looking forward to your early reply./I am eager to get your reply at your earliest convenience。
30. 对。。有好处 do good/harm to
31.Applicants/candidates for this position need fluency in at least one foreign language.32.An employment contract should define the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms.33.The immediate needs of the refugees are warm clothing and clean drinking water.34.put his new ideas into practice 35.It’s not a good habit to look up every new word you come acro in your reading.写作常用短语(5)
1. 平易近人 be easy to approach/ easygoing平易近人 的,随便的(尤指生活作风方面)
4. 偶然看见/碰到 come acro You shouldn’t always look it up in your dictionary when you come acro a new word.5. 一般说来 generally speaking/generally 8. 与某人关系良好 get along well with sb。
9. 如果我是你的话 If I were you/ if I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.Playing games too much will lead to some kind of eye diseases.12. 追求 run after/ pursue 14. 为。。付出代价 pay a price for/ pay for …
Someday you’ll pay for your selfishne.It pays to be honest.诚实是大有裨益的。
17. 行动胜于空谈 Action speaks louder than words。事实胜于雄辩 Facts speak louder than eloquence.18. 一切皆有可能 Nothing
impoible./ Everything is poible。
19. 尖端技术 advanced technology
science and technology 科学技术 20. 我写这封信的目的是。。I am writing this letter to。。/ The purpose of this letter is to。。
21. 社会经验丰富 be rich in social experience/working 22. 精通英语 be in good command of English
23. 迎接挑战 meet the challenges 24. 朝阳产业 / 夕阳产业 sunrise industry / sunset industry Tourism industry is becoming a kind of sunrise industry.25. 疏于练习/锻炼 be lack of practice 26. 愿我们的友谊就象长江之水直到永远 I wish our friendship would last forever just as Yangtze/ the Changjiang River pursues it eternal flow。
27. 利远大于弊 The advantages far outweigh its disadvantages。
29. 被。。深深吸引 be deeply fascinated/attracted by。。The travelers were deeply fascinated by the beautiful scenery.30. 综上所述 From what is discued above,31.To say that human rights are not protected in the country is a denial of the obvious truth.33.The book gives us a realistic picture of contemporary life in rural(urban)China.34.The warming of the Earth and the consequent climate change will affect us all.写作常用短语及经典句子(6)1.正在迅速地变得流行起来grow rapidly in popularity。。越来越流行 is becoming increasingly popular The temperature has gone up again.4.满足。。的品味satisfy one’s taste 迎合。。的品味 cater to one’s taste
5.发表演讲 give / deliver a speech
It’s my great honor to stand here and give you a speech.6.超重 overweigh 超过 outweigh:(1).The web’s advantages far outweigh its shortcomings/disadvantages.(2).Female students outnumber males.7.用现金支付pay in cash 8.用支票支付 pay by check 9.失业率 unemployment rate = joble rate Eg: He is joble/ unemployed/ out of work.10.出差 on busine(trip)Eg: I’m here on busine/ vacation.=I’m on my busine trip.11.经济周期 economic/ busine cycle 商界 economic/busine circle/community =the corporate world 12.economic
depreion/ receion(经济衰退)economic crisis 经济危机 economic recovery 经济复苏
economic prosperity 经济繁荣
吸食毒品 take drugs
13.energy/power/electricity crisis 电力危机
14.promote 提升 demote 降职 15.poor/ low-income families 低收入家庭
16.goal/ aim/ target/ destination 目标
achieve/reach/get/hit target 达到目标
the hit the long-term target 达到长期目标
embrace/ take the challenge 接受挑战
17.dominate the market 主导市场
challenge Google’s dominance 挑战谷歌的主导地位
eg: In my leisure hours, I often google or baidu pop songs.18.aume/ shoulder the responsibility 承担责任
legal responsibility/ liability 法律责任
be liable for 在法律上负责 19.rapid development 快速的发展
20.wage gap 工资差距
wealth gap 贫富差距
generation gap 代沟
wealthy = rich 21.She took too few courses in her first two years at college and now she does not have enough credits to get her degree.22.I believe that he was an honorable /rspectable man, who dedicated himself to the people and his country.23.Children today would find it difficult to conceive of a time when there was no computer or TV.24.Lack of confidence in his own abilities is the chief defect in Mike’s character.www.daodoc.com 25.The project started from the premise that men and women must be treated on equal terms in this society.写作常用短语(7)
1. 采纳某人的建议/观点 adopt/take/accept one’s idea/ advice 2. 社会主义经济建设 construction of socialist economy /communism/communist
3. 留下深刻的印象 leave sb。a deep impreion / impre sb deeply 4. 奥运会火炬手 a torchbearer of the Olympic Games 6. 满腔热情 with full enthusiasm/enthusiastic
7. 人们的健康面临严重的威胁 People’s health is being confronted with a severe threat。8. 对。。感兴趣 show keen interest in。
9. 弥补代沟 bridge the generation gap
10. 个人发展 personal development 11. 从我们自身做起 start from ourselves 14. 辉煌的成就 brilliant achievements/ accomplishments 16. 我必须努力学习来回报父母的养育之恩 I must work hard in return for parents’ care and cultivation。
17. 呼吁某人做某事 appeal to sb to do sth
20. 世界的主题是和平和发展。The main themes of the present world are peace and development。21. 好久不见。Long time no see。/We haven’t seen each other for a long time/ages.22. 收到你的来信很开心。I am very happy/ pleased to hear from you。I am happy to receive your letter。How time flies.23. 最近环境问题已经引起了普遍关注。Recently the environmental problem has caught people’s widespread attention/ concern。
24. 三思而后行 Look before you leap。Think twice before you act.25. 每个人生来是平等的。Everyone is created equal.26. 适应时代的发展潮流 adjust ourselves to the development of the present age 27. … 已经成为我们不可忽视的问题 …has become a problem we can’t afford to neglect 29. 让某人失望 let sb down/ disappoint sb
30. 为国争光 bring glory to our country
31.In the hour of triumph, let us not forget those who have contributed to our succe.32.As the competition becomes increasingly intense, the shops are trying all kinds of ways to induce people to buy.33.A sense of desperation and helplene was common to most of the refugees.34.These rivers and lakes are a bleing for the local farmers.35.Our company must constantly strive for great efficiency if we are to survive in the intense competition.写作常用短语(8)1. 展示自己的才能 display /show one’s talent / ability 2. 对于。。人们的态度不尽相同 Attitudes towards idol worshipping vary from person to
person / vary from individual to individual。
3. 很多城市出现能源短缺问题 The energy shortage problem occurs in many cities。
4. 数据表明 The data reveal / indicate that。。
5. 出现这种现象的原因是。。There are several reasons to account for the emergence of this problem。Amount to You’ll never amount to anything if you idle away/waste your time.6. 继续深造 further one’s education
7. 逃课 be absent from cla / play truants 8. 守时 be punctual punctuality 9. 爱国的 patriotic patriot n.爱国者 patriotism n.爱国心,爱国精神,爱国主义
10. 赢得他人的尊敬 win other’s respect 11. 诚实是最好的美德。Honesty is the best policy。诚实是大有裨益的。It pays to be honest.pay for
12. 很有可能会。。It is very likely that。。
13. 学习是第一位的。Study comes first。We can treat the social activities as the best supplement of study.14. 减轻负担 relieve/ease parents’ financial/economic burden 15.必修课 compulsory/required courses
选修课optional courses 16.
危机 crisis/receion
18. 公务员 a civil servant 20. 存钱 save/deposit money in the bank 21. 取钱 draw money from the bank 22. 社会地位 social status 社会声誉 social reputation 24. 就业市场 employment market/constract(n.)25. 坚持不懈地做某事 persist in doing sth.26. 继承。。的光荣传统 inherit the glorious tradition of respecting and caring the old people
28. 高昂的物价 soaring prices 29. 被罚款 be fined 30. 稳步发展 develop steadily 31.The government is taking effective measures to overcome current difficulties.32.I am afraid that the gap between rich and poor is still widening in our country.33.They are making further efforts to decrease the cost of production.34.New machines were introduced into the factory.As a result, not only were time and energy saved but production was greatly increased.35.You should take advantage of this opportunity and try to make a good impreion on your potential bo.写作常用短语(9)
1. 对。。感到厌倦 feel/get tired of 2. 把推卸责任 shirk the responsibility 3. 一个深入的调查 an in-depth investigation 4. 相反地 on the contrary 5. 与。。相比 compare with。。
6. 有。。企图 attempt to do sth.7. 圣火传递 pa the sacred Olympic flames 8. 中国实行计划生育政策 China adopts the family planning policy。
9. 水土保持 conserve land and soil
conservation 10. 能够胜任某项工作 can be qualified for a job a qualified teacher 一位合格的教师
11. 每样规则都有例外。There are some exceptions to this rule。
12.。。无法用语言来描述 The beauty of the scenery is beyond description 13. 一个知心朋友 a bosom friend 14. 发光的并不都是金子。All that glitters is not gold。15. 一日之计在于晨 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening。
16. 温室效应 greenhouse effect 17. 根据时间表 according to the schedule/timetable 18. 人生的转折点 the turning point of one’s life
19. 追求时髦 run after/pursue the fashion 20. 寻找问题的根源 look for the root cause of the question 21. 良好的人际关系 good interpersonal relationship 22. 以事实为根据 be based on the facts
23. 扰乱社会治安 disturb social peace 24. 爱上某人 fall in love with sb。25.
市化 urbanization of the rural area 26. 农村地区 the rural area 27. 城市地区 the urban area 郊区 suburb
28. 替我向你的父母问好!
my regards/greetings to your parents。
29. 探讨。。的可能性 explore into the poibilities of。。
30. 一个可行性方案 a feasible/workable solution 31.The concept of a world dominated by two superpowers has long become out-of-date.32.People who are overweight usually don’t like physical exercise and lack of exercise makes them put on more weight---it is a vicious cycle.33.They agreed to the plan in principle but there were several details they did not like.34.The degree of punishment is meant to be proportional to the seriousne of the crime.35.The rebels refused to surrender their arms and insisted on their right to use violent means in pursuit of their goals.写作常用短语(10)1.公司 company / firm / enterprise/ corporation 2.钱花在。。The money goes to… My pocket money goes to playing online games.3.compete(v.)with…
fierce competition(n.)When college students graduate, they will be confronted with fierce competition on job hunting.Competitive(adj.)
competitor(n.)4.无发言权 have no say 有最后发言权 has the final say 5.适者生存survival of the fittest Few paengers survived the plane crash.6.集中于。。concentrate on=focus on=center on=fix on 7.制定一个明确的目标 set a specific goal 8.absorb = take in
By taking this course, I took in a wealth of profeional knowledge.9.广博的知识
read extensively read intensively intensive reading 10.医疗行业care/community
medical 医疗保险medical insurance
11.be proud of = take pride in 12.provide sb.with sth.= offer sb.sth.提供就业指导 offer career guidance 13.老年人 the old / the aged / the elderly / seniors / senior citizens 14.因为某事表扬某人 praise sb.for sth.因为某事批评某人 criticize sb.for sth.15.假设,认为(主要指没有根据的假设)aume:A host of people aume that lucky numbers could bring good luck.16.国际社会 international community 17.in the world = acro the world =acro the globe/planet= all over the world 18.firstly = in the first place = to begin with =
take advantage of 利用
I’d like to take advantage of the opportunity to expre my greetings to your family.19.first of all 20.使用 employ = use
21.局限于 be limited to= be confined to : Our teaching system should not be confined to what books say.22.吸引注意力 draw one’s attention= draw one’s eyeballs 23.与。。有关 be related to 24.某事重要。It matters = It’s important.25.大一新生:first-year student= fresher大二学生:sophomore 大三学生:junior大四学生:senior =graduating students= graduate 26.语言障碍language barrier 语言技能 language skills
情感障碍 emotional difficulty 精神病 mental illne 27.n.(1.)(迁移的人)migrant;immigrant(移入);emigrant(移出)
citizen 公民/市民
net citizen 网民 28.社会地位 social status= social rank 29.接受高等教育 receive higher education educator=teacher
常用英语写作短语句子【导语】 短语是由句法、语义和语用三个层面上能够搭配组合起来的没有句调的语言单位,又叫词组。它是大于词而又不成句的语法单位。以下关于常用英语写......
1..What is genuine friendship?..........fulfill their self-improvement.Claicaltotionutillityground occurgoodne as to poepreserve bound mirrorventucommitmen......