Today is the anniversary of my birth.I have twenty-eight years.This diary and the pen I am writing with are the best gifts I got—except maybe my cake.R.gave me the diary, the pen, and the white frosted tiers.He also gave me emerald earbobs.I think maybe they be my emeralds are just green gla;I hope maybe they be genuine peridots.I was born May 25, 1845, at half-past seven in the morning into slavery on a cotton farm a day’s ride from Atlanta.My father, Planter, was the master of the place;my mother was the Mammy.My half-sister, Other, was the belle of five counties.She was not beautiful, but men seldom recognized this, caught up in the cloud of commotion and scent in which she moved.R.certainly didn’t;he married her.But then again, he just left her.Maybe that means something to me.Maybe he’s just the unseldom one who do recognize.第一章
If I strip the flesh off my bones, like they stripped the clothes off my flesh in the slave market down near the battery in Clarleston, this would be my skeleton: childhood on a cotton farm;a time of shawl-fetch slavery away in Clarleston;a bare-breasted hour on an auction block;drudge slavery as a maid in Beauty’s Atlanta brothel, when Milledgeville was the capital of Georgia and Atlanta was nothing;a season of candle-flame concubinage in the attic of that house;a watery Grand Tour of Europe;and, finally, concubinage in my own white clapboard home, with green shutters and gaslights, in the center(near the train depot)of a fast-growing city that has become the capital of Georgia, concubinage that persists till now.How many miles have I travelled to come back to here.第二章
They called me Cinnamon because I was skinny as a stick and brown.But my name is Cynara.Now when I tell it, I say they call me Cinnamon because I was sweet and spicy.Sweet, hot, and black—like good cup of coffee.Leasetways, that’s how Planter liked his coffee.Planter used to say I was his Cinnamon and Mammy was his coffee.He said those words a day I had gotten into trouble dashing before Other upon the stained-gla colored light that fell in rows of blue and pink diamonds down the wide hall of the big house.If I was ten years old, it must have been 1855.I bumped into the leg of the Hewitt sideboard.Other was ten years old too.It was one of those days we had back when everything seemed it would always been.Everything and everyone had a place and rested deep in it, or it seemed that day to would-be knights and ten-year-olds.Then I bumped into that carved leg, and the shell-shaped bonbon dish jumped off Lady’s sideboard as if it just wanted to split into a hundred porcelain shards on the lemon-oiled pine floor.Something had changed, and I had changed it.Someone wanted to beat me.Mammy said she’d beat me good, with a belt.Other lied and said she’d knocked into the table.Said it’cause she knew it would pain Mammy to give me a whipping.第三章
口译第一套I 英译汉: Mr.President, your state visit to our country gives us the opportunity and responsibility to chart a course for the future that is more posit......
Teaching AimsStudents can use identifying owner sentence well, for example, Is this your pencil / pen /…? Yes, it is my pencil / pen /… No, it isn’t , it’s......
Good Morning,Ladies and Gentleman! I’m glad to have a chance to stand here.Today I will teach Unit 7 Hobbies.the first period for Grade four.Shall we start? It......