卖方(签章): 地址: 电话: 传真: 电子邮箱 :
买方(签章): 地址 : 电话 : 传真 : 电子邮箱:
第一条.品名、规格: 单位: 数量: 单价: 总价: 总金额:
第二条. 原产国别和生产厂: 第三条. 包装:
FOB/CFR/CIF/。除非另有规定“FOB”,“CFR”和“CIF”均应依照国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS1990)办理。第六条. 装运日期: 第七条. 装运港口: _ 第八条. 卸货港口: 第九条. 保险:
当交货条件为FOB或CFR时,应由买方负责投保。当交货条件为CIF时,应由卖方按发票金额 %投保 险;附加险:。
买方收到卖方交货通知后,应在交货日前 天,由________ 银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销/可撤销信用证。信用证于装运日期后 天内有效。
该信用证适用UCP500/UCP600/ 的规定(2)托收(D/P或D/A)支付:
A、货物装运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的即期跟单汇票(D/P),连同装运单据,通过卖方所在地银行和买方 银行交给买方进行托收。
B、货物装运后,卖方出具以买方为付款人的承兑跟单汇票(D/A),汇付款期限为 后,按即期承兑交单(D/A 日)方式,通过买方所在地银行和买方________ 银行交给买方进行承兑,买方承兑后,向买方转交装运单据,买方按汇票期限到期支付货款。
买方在收到卖方依本合同第十一条规定提交的装运单据后 日内,以电汇/信汇方式支付货款。
买方收到卖方装运单据后 天内,以航邮向卖方支付货款。第十一条.单据:
(1)卖方按照以下不同运输方式向买方提供相应单据: A、海运:
全套清洁海运提单,标明“运费付讫”/“运费预付”,作成空白背书并加注目的港________ 公司。
(3)在CIF条件下的保险单/保险凭证 份。(4)由厂商出具的装箱清单一式 份。(5)由厂商出具的质量和数量保证书。(6)原产地证明书
(7)货物装运后立即用电报/信件通知买方。第十二条. 装运条件:(1)FOB条款:
b、卖方船运代理________ 公司________,(电报:________),负责办理租船订舱事宜。
B、卖方应在合同规定的装运日期前 天,用电报/信件将合同号、品名、数量、价值、箱号、毛重、装箱尺码和货抵装运港日期通知买方,以便买方租船订舱。
C、买方应在装船期前 日通知卖方船名、预计装船日期、合同号,以便卖方安排装运,要求卖方与船方代理保持密切联系。
E、如果船只不能在卖方通知的船期后 日内到达装运港,买方应承担从第 日起发生的货物仓储保管费用和此期间的货物保险费用。
卖方于本合同第六条规定的装运日期前 天,以电报/信件把交货预定期、合同号、品名、发票金额等通知买方。货物交办发运,卖方即刻以电报/信件将合同号、品名、发票金额、交办日期通知买方,以便买方及时投保。
第十四条.卖方有权在 %数量内溢装或短装。第十五条.质量保证:
在货物运抵最终目的地后,买方有权向向货物检验机构申请对货物进行检验。检验机构为中华人民共和国 进出口商品检验局。
自货到目的港起 天内,经发现货物质量、规格、数量、重量、包装、安全或卫生条件与合同规定不符者,除应由保险公司或船方承担的部分外,买方可凭前条规定的检验机构所出具的商品检验证书,有权要求更换或索赔。卖方应在收到索赔要求后 天内回复买方。
货到目的港起12个月内,使用过程中由于材料质量和工艺问题而出现的损伤,买方应当立即以书面形式通知卖方并出具前条规定的检验机构开列的检验证书,提出索赔,卖方应当承担违约责任。卖方应在收到索赔要求后 天内回复买方。
第十八条. 不可抗力:
(1)在货物制造和装运过程中,由于不可抗力的原因(如战争、严重火灾、水灾、台风和地震或其他由双方认可的事件)致使延期交货或不能交货,卖方概不负责。卖方于不可抗力事件发生后,应立即通知买方并在事发 天内,以航空邮件将事故发生所在地当局签发的证书寄交买方以作证据。
(2)在此情况下,买卖双方应当根据具体情况确定合同是否能够继续履行以及卖方是否仍有责任采取必要措施促使尽快交货。(3)不可抗力事故发生后超过 天而合同尚未履行完毕,买方有权解除合同。
除本合同十八条所述不可抗力原因外,卖方若不能按合同规定如期交货,应当提前 通知买方,买方可同意延期交货,且可以同时相应减少议定的货款支付金额,并通知付款银行相应减少议定的支付金额。该减少的部分作为合同延期履行的违约金,但违约金数额不得超过迟交货物总额的5%。卖方若逾期10个星期仍不能交货,买方有权解除合同,且有权要求卖方如期支付上述违约金。
第二十一条.附加条款:(1)法律适用: 本合同之签订地、或发生争议时货物所在地在中华人民共和国境内或被诉人为中国法人时,适用中华人民共和国法律,除此规定外,适用《联合国国际货物销售公约》/。
(2)本合同一式两份,自双方 之日起生效,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
卖方: 买方:
Sales Contract
Contract No.: Conclusion Date: Conclusion Place:
The Seller: Addre:;Zip Code: Tel:;Fax: The Buyer:
The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to by the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stated below: 1.Name of Commodity, Specification: Quantity: Unit: Unit Price: Amount: Total Value: 2.Country of Origin and Manufactorers: 3.Packing: To be packed in new strong wooden case(s)or in carton(s), suitable for long distance ocean/parcel post/air freight transportation and to change of climate, well protected against moisture and shocks.The Seller shall be liable for any damage and lo of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Seller in regard to the packing.One full set service, maintenance and operation instructions concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s).4.Shipping Mark: The Seller shall mark on the four adjacent sides of each package with fadele paintin.g the package number, gro weight, net weight, measurement, Contract No, port of destination, consignee code and the wordings: “KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”, “THIS SIDE UP”, and the shipping mare.5.Terms of Delivery: Addre:;Zip Code: Tel:;Fax: FOB/CFR/CIF/ ,.The terms “FOB”, “CFR” or “CIF” shall be subject to the “International Rules for the interpretation of Trade Terms”(INCOTERMS1990)provided by International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)unle otherwise stipulated herein.6.Time of Shipment: 7.Port of Shipment: 8.Port of Destination: 9.Insurance: If the term of delivery is on FOB or CFR basis, insurance shall be effected by the Buyer.If the term of delivery is on CIF basis, insurance shall be covered by the Seller for % of the invoice value against;Additional insurance.10.Terms of Payment: 10.1 Letter of Credit The Buyer shall, after receiving the notice of delivery from the Seller and days prior to the time of shipment, open an irrevocable/revocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller in Bank.The L/C shall expire days after the completion of loading of the shipment.The applicable law for the L/C is UCP500/UCP600/.10.2 Collection(D/P or D/A)10.2.1 After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on the Buyer and deliver the documents through Seller’s bank and Bank to the Buyer against payment, i.e D/P.The Buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill of exchange.10.2.2 After shipment, the Seller shall draw a bill of exchange, payable days after on the Buyer and deliver the documents through Seller’s bank and
Bank to Buyer against acceptance(D/A days).The Buyer shall make payment on the maturity date of the bill of exchange.10.3 T/T or M/T The Buyer shall make payment through T/T or M/T days after receiving the documents required as the Article 11 from the Seller.10.4 Direct payment The Buyer shall make direct payment through air mail days after receiving the documents from the Seller.11.Documents Required: 11.1 The Seller shall present the following documents to the Seller against the different delivery: 11.1.1 Shipping Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/to collect and indicated Company of destination port.11.1.2 Air Parcel A copy set of air parcel lading marked freight prepaid/to collect and post to the Buyer.11.2 Commercial Invoice , marked the contract number and shipping mark(the invoice should be printed separately if there are more than one shipping marks), which should be filled in accordance with the Contract in details.11.3 Under the term of CIF, Insurance Policy/ Insurance Certificate
11.4 Packing List 11.5 Quality and Quantity Certificate 11.6 Certificate of Origin 11.7 The Seller shall immediately inform the Buyer through telegraph or letter after loading.12.Terms of Shipment 12.1 In Case of FOB Terms, 12.1.1 a The Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract.b The shipping agent of the Seller(telegraph:)shall book shipping space in accordance with the Contract.12.1.2 The Seller shall days before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract advise the Buyer by Telex/Fax of the Contract number, the name of commodity, quantity, total amount, package number, total weight, and volume and the date from which goods in ready for loading at the port of shipment, in favour of the Buyer to book shipping space.12.1.3 The Buyer shall days before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract, notify the Contract number for the Seller to effect shipment.12.1.4 In case the carrying veel of the date of arrival has to be changed, the Buyer or the shipping agent shall advise the Seller in time.12.1.5 Should the veel fail to arrive at the port of shipment within days after the arrival day advised by the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear the storage expense and the insurance cost calculated from the days thereafter.12.1.6 The Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage, should they fail to have the quantity of the goods ready for loading in time as stipulated, while the carrying veel has arrived at the port of shipment as advised.12.1.7 The Seller shall bear all expenses, risks of the commodity before it paes over the veel’s rail and is released from the tackle.After it has paed over the veel’s rail and been released from the tackle, all expenses of the commodity shall be for the Buyer’s account.12.2 In Case of CFR and CIF Terms, The Seller shall days before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract advise the Buyer by Telex/Fax of the Contract number, the name of commodity, invoiced value for the Buyer.The Seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, give a shipping notice to the Buyer by Telex/Fax.The notice includes the Contract number, name of commodity, invoiced value for the Buyer to effect insurance.13 Partial shipment and the tranhipment are/are not allowed.14 With % more or le both in amount and quantity allowed at the Seller’s option.Warranty: The Seller shall warrant that all goods delivered by the Seller shall be in conformity to the Contract stipulations, brand new and unused.Warranty period in within 12 months after the date of the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.Within the warranty period, the Seller shall remove all defects of the goods due to design, workmanship and improper material used either by repairing or by replacing the defective parts or the goods on his own account.16 Inspection: The Buyer shall have the right to apply to the inspection organization for the inspection of the goods after the arrival of the goods at the final destination/at the port of destination.The inspection organization is Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau of the People’s Republic of China.17.Claims: Within days from the date of the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, should quality, specification, quantity, weight, packing and requirements for safety or sanitation/hygiene of the goods be found not in conformity with the stipulations of this Contract, the Buyer have the right to lodge claims against the Seller on the strength on the inspection certificate iued by the inspection organization, except those for which either the insurance company or the shipping company should undertake the obligations.The Seller shall reply the Buyer no later than days after receipt of the claims.Within months from the date of the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, should be found damages for the matter of the material quality and craft, the Buyer should written inform the Seller and lodge claims on the strength on the inspection certificate iued by the inspection organization.The Seller shall reply the Buyer no later than days after receipt of the claims.18.Force Majeure: 18.1 The Seller shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment of the goods due to Force Majeure such as war, serious fire, flood, typhoon and earthquakes or other events agreed upon by both parties, which might occur during the proce of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.The Seller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within days thereafter, the Seller shall send by airmail to the Buyer for their acceptance a certificate of the accident iued by the Competent Government Authorities where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.18.2 Under such circumstances, both parties should make a certain whether the Contract could be performed and the Seller is still under the obligation to take all neceary measures to expedite the delivery of the goods.18.3 In case the accident lasts for more than days and the performance does not be completed, the Buyer shall have the right to terminate the contract.19.Late Delivery and Penalty Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract, with exception of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 18 of this contract the Seller shall days before the time of stipulated delivery inform the Buyer.If the Buyer agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the payment could be reduced, which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment.The reduced part of value, as a penalty of late delivery, shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved.In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated in the contract, the Buyer shall have the right to terminate the contract and the Seller, in spite of the termination, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay.20.Dispute Resolution Rules All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settles friendly through negotiations.In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to Xi’an Arbitration Commiion in accordance with the arbitral rules promulgated by the said Arbitration Commiion.The arbitration shall take place in xi’an and the decision of the tribunal of Arbitration Commiion shall be final and binding upon both parties.Arbitration fee shall be borne by the parties as the decision of the tribunal.21 Special Provisions 21.1 The Contract will be governed by the law of the People’s Republic of China under the circumstances that the contract is signed or the goods while the disputes arising are in the People’s Republic of China or the defendant is Chinese legal person, otherwise is governed by United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods/.21.2 The Contract shall come into force from the date of.In witne therefore this contract is signed by both parties in two original copies;each party holds one copy.21.3 The Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall be deemed equally authentic.In the event of any conflict between the different versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.The Buyer: The Seller:
国际货物买卖合同(中英文对照)一、交货条款TERMS OF DELIVERY1.装船条件:Terms of Shipment; 离岸加运费价条款:卖方应在本合同第(9)条规定之时间内,将货物由装船口岸直接船运到中国......
国际货物买卖合同买 方:____________________________________ 地 址: 邮编:____________ 电话:____________ 法定代表人:____________ 职务:____________ 国籍:____________ 卖 方......