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The Tortuous History of the Foundation of Oxford

Representative Colleges in Oxford University1、2、Merton College Christ Church College

Notable Alumni in Oxford University1、Thatcher’s Striving Days in Oxford2、The Anecdotes of Qian Zhongshu in Oxford

一、The Tortuous History of the Foundation of Oxford

The University of Oxford, located in the English City of Oxford, is the oldest surviving university in the English –speaking World, with a long history of more than 800 years.At the end of the 12th century, the Oxford had grown rapidly into a very important teaching centre.During over 8 centuries, Oxford has always been the world’s leading academic institution.The Oxford University has two severe suspension.In 1209 an Oxford University scholar killed a woman by mistake when he practiced shooting, which activated the contradiction between townsfolk and scholars existing for a long time.As a result, two Oxford scholars were convicted of manslaughters of the woman and were hanged in public.In protest at the hanging, the Oxford went into suspension, with the scholars left Oxford one after another for a number of other locations.Another severe suspension was on February 10, 1355, when a large scale riot happened in Oxford,which was called the St Scholastica Day riot.Although there were many conflicts between them, today the town and gown are able to live together harmoniously.二、Representative Colleges in Oxford University1、A Marvellous College-Merton College

Merton College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in England.It was founded in 1264 by Walter de Merton, Lord Chancellor and Bishop of Rochester.It is claimed that Merton is the oldest college in the University of Oxford, with the substance that Merton was the first college to be provided with “statutes”, which ruled that the college governed its own funding.Merton College exists a lot of architecturally distinctive buildings in Merton College, including the Hall, the Front Quad, the Mob Quad, the Fellow’s Quad, and so on.Mob Quad is the oldest quadrangle of any Oxford or Cambridge college.2、Christ Church College

The Christ Church College is the largest constituent college of the University of Oxford in England.It is also one of the richest colleges of Oxford University, because it is the only college that has its own cathedral and gallery.Christ Church College has a number of architecturally significant buildings.It includes Christ Church Library, Peckwater Quadrangle, Torn Quad, Tom Tower, Canterbury Quadrangle, the Christ Church Hall, the Meadow Building, Christ Church Cathedral and Christ Church Picture Gallery.三、Notable Alumni in Oxford University1、Thatcher’s Days of Striving in Oxford

Margaret Thatcher, who was born on 13th October, 1925 served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975nto 1990.Following in her father’s footsteps, Margaret felt an early desire to lend people to better not only themselves, but also their situation.Having attended Huntingtower Road Primary School, she won a scholarship to Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School.She went to Oxford in 1943 and studied Natural Sciences, specializing in Chemistry.She finally received a postgraduate Bachelor of Sciences degree in 1947.2、The Anecdotes of Qian Zhongshu in Oxford

Qian Zhongshu, a Chinese Literary scholar and writer, was born on the 21st November, 1910, Wuxi, Jiangsu.His achievement in literature, ancient learning, comparative literature, and Cultural Critique was dubbed the title of “Qian Xue”.Qian was accepted into the Department of Foreign Languages of Tsinghua University in 1929 because of his excellent performance in Chinese and English languages.In 1935, Qian married Yangjiang, who was to become a succeful translator and playwright.Qian wrote English with a free pen, which had a close relationship with the strict training of his tutorial in Oxford.Tutorials were aigned by the school when they entered and Qian’s tutorial was Brett Smith.Brett Smith was extremely rigorous, and required that the eays must be clear and brief, novelty is also neceary.Generally speaking, Qian benefited a lot from the special tutorial system.


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