You have read the extract below in an international environmental magazine which has asked its readers to contribute articels to a feature, entitled Crisis, what crisis?.You decide to write an article responding to the points raised and expreing your own views.“Some scientists have suggested we are facing an uncertain future and a poible global crisis.The way many people live is seriously damaging the environment and we know that some natural resources are rapidly disappearing.Perhaps it is not too late for people to change their lifestyle and their attitudes to prevent future environmental damage.”
广外2014年翻译硕士考研初试真题回忆版总算考过了,趁记忆清晰,给大家略微总结一下,仅供参考: 翻译硕士英语:30个单选题,和去年相比难度上升不少,感觉那些句式很奇怪,读都读不顺,语法......
2013考研英语(一)翻译真题--中域教育网46.yet when one looks at the photographs of the gardens created by the homele, it strikes one that, for all their diversity of......