Vendor's Cooperation Willingne &Quality Commitment
We understand and agree to the vendor responsibility as defined in the Silitek Quality Agreement.我們了解並同意旭麗品質合約書中所載明協力廠商權責。
For Vendor who have not achieved qualification status or who have defects found in proce or through in-coming inspection, we agree to do 100% inspect / test nonconforming parameters until proce control are established and verified.若未能達到品質的要求, 及在製程中或進料檢驗發現不良品,我們同意百分之百全檢, 一直到製程
We will permit Silitek personnel acce to our facilities for the purpose of reviewing quality and manufacturing procedures, procees andrecords, except those areas that are 1)proprietary,2)company confidential, or 3)government claified.我們允許旭麗人員進入我們的廠內考察我們的品質與製程, 但1)公司財產, 2).公司機密,3)政府機密不在允許範圍之內。
We will maintain product measuring records for all material shipped to Silitek.The product measuring records shall include , but not limited to, the following items: 1)part number,2)PO number, 3)revision level, 4)lot size, 5)proce capability studies, 6)Quality control Charts, 7)quantities inspection, 8)defects description, 9)lot disposition, etc.我們會保留所有材料測試記錄.這些記錄應包含(但不限制於)以下項目 : 1.料號 2.訂單號碼
3.更改序號 4.批量 5.製程產能研究 6.品管圖 7.檢驗數量 8.不良原因 9.批貨處置
We understand that Silitek's Quality Plan is to achieve the total customer satisfaction thematerial Vendor produced for Silitek shall implement the proce Cpk study on keycharacteristic of the proce.我們了解旭麗品質計劃是要達到全面客戶滿意標準, 協力廠商必需應貫徹實行主製程 CPK 之研究。
We understand that Silitek's functional reject rate for materials used in product aembly shall comply to
我們了解在所有製造過程中, 使用的材料電性不良率應
We understand that MIL-STD 105E AQL of ________% or equivalent standard is to be used at our facility prior to shipping to Silitek.我們了解產品出貨給旭麗之前, 我們廠內應使用 MIL-STD 105E AQL _______% 或相當之標準。We understand that qualified material will be shipped to Silitek and, should any defect be found, we aume liability for screening, rework, credit, or replacement as described in Quality Agreement.我們了解交給旭麗之貨品必須是合乎標準的, 如有任何不良品, 我們會承擔責任去做檢驗、重工、扣款或換貨, 如品質合約書所訂。
Silitek's acceptance level for delivery performance shall be 100% on time, as defined by individual plant's need.依據各廠需求所訂, 旭麗要求交期是 100% 準時。
日期:年月日 致: 富士康科技集團品質保証書纸箱本公司就已經或將來出售或供應予富士康科技集團(定義見注1)的(“原物料”),玆保證如下:本公司對於所有原物料應維持一客......