篇1:国际学术交流英语 邀请信
国际学术交流英语 邀请信
邀请函 INVITATION 尊敬的 先生/女士(Dear Sir/Madam): 您好!我们诚挚地邀请您参加将于9月18日(星期二)下午15:30在南京市白下区金蝶科技园(中山东路532-2号)举行的“2012南京市白下区金秋经贸洽谈会”。十一届全国政协副主席、全国工商联主席黄孟复先生等国家、省、市领导和部分工商界精英将莅临本次大会。本次活动以“创新、转型、共赢”为主题,通过举办投资推介、交流洽谈、项目合作等系列活动,为参会境内外客商搭建合作交流的平台,共享经济转型发展的丰硕成果。
We hereby sincerely invite you to the “2012 Nanjing(Baixia)Golden Autumn Economic and Trade Fair ”to be held in Kingdee Technology Park(No.532-2 East Zhongshan Road)in Baixia District of Nanjing at 15:30 Sep 18th(Tuesday).Mr.Huang Mengfu, 11th CPPCC vice-president and ACFIC president, and other political and busine elites will attend this meeting.The theme for this fair is ”Innovation, Transformation and Win-win”.We are glad to provide an interactive platform for both domestic and foreign clients by hosting a series promotion, communication and co-operation, so as to share benefits of the transformative development in economy.We sincerely look forward to your support and participation.南京市白下区人民政府
Gov of Baixia District,Nanjing Municipality 二O一二年八月二十六日 Aug 26th 2012 议程安排(Agenda)15:30区委、区政府主要领导与部分客商座谈 Leaders meeting 15:45活动签到
Conference registeration 16:18白下区人民政府区长曹永林介绍参会领导、来宾
President of Baixia government Cao Yonglin to introduce leaders and guests present 16:23十一届全国政协副主席、国家工商联主席黄孟复致辞
The 11th CPPCC vice-president, ACFIC president Huang Mengfu to deliver a speech 16:28省领导致辞 Leaders of Jiangsu Province to give a speech 16:33市领导致辞
Leaders of Nanjing Municipality to give a sp eech 16:38白下区委常委、区政府副区长薛凤冠介绍区情及辖区招商资源
Vice-president of Baixia government Xue Fengguan to introduce the investment environment and busine serving resources 16:45项目签约、发照仪式 Signing ceremony 16:55金蝶科技园领导介绍项目概况
Leader of Kingdee Technology Park to introduce the park 17:00金蝶科技园开园仪式
Opening ceremony of Kingdee Technology Park 17:10白下区委书记陈勇讲话
Secretary of the CPC Baixia Committee Chen Yong to deliver a speech 篇3:英文商务邀请函范本
这是一段邀请函: Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr.****** come to our company for visiting and busine negotiation.The busine trip will start from 30th Oct.2006.And because the long busine co-operation in future between ****** company.and us, they will come to China for many times.Please note, however, that we don’t aume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China.All expenses of ******’Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.请注意我们不承担XXX在中国的任何的法律和经济责任。XXX所有的往返中国旅行花消还有他们在中国的健康保险都有他们的顾主来承担。
We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.Date: August 22, 2010
To: Lianyong Industry Park, Beifeng Town, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China Shijiazhuang Jinglong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd.Attention: CHEN WEI From: XXXX Co., Ltd.August 22, 2010 XXXX Co., Ltd.Addre: Tel:()Fax:()INVITATION LETTER This is to invite Mr.CHEN Wei, with paport No.Gxxxxxxxx, born on September 22, 1973, to visit XXX Co., Ltd., starting from January 10, 2011, for busine purposes over the development of new products.All expenses related to his visit will be covered by Shijiazhuang Jinglong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd.during his stay in U.S.Yours sincerely, General Manager XXXX Co., Ltd.注意事项: 1 专有名词要大写 2 日期格式要统一(月、日、年),月份缩写与否,日期带缀与否标点符号后要空格
邀 请 函
联系人、电话:王景枝 83758029 沈庆诚 52887397 服务中心
二OO九年十月二十六日 Invitation Dear president Zheng:(请注意,总裁的正式说法是president而不是CEO,同时后面都是跟姓,不会加上名)The
Minister Training----SCM of HQ service center will be lanuch in 4th Nov, it will last 2 days.There will be 30 employees attend this training, and you are cordially invited to attend the opening ceremony and make a speech at 9:00 AM in 4th Nov.Addre: Meeting Room, 5 floor,Hanting Hotels,Beijing East Road.Thanks for all your kindly support for the training work.Contact: Wang, Jingzhi83758029 Shen, Qingcheng 52887397 Service Center HR Center 26/10/2009
Dear Uncle Yang,I would like to invite you to the international food festival in our schoolon Sunday,June 15th.Our students will sell many delicious foods.Hope......
尊贵的_______先生/女士:__________大会是__________领域以及__________行业的一次盛会,也是一个中立和开放的交流与合作平台,它将引领软件人对中国 软件产业作更多、更深入的......
July 29, 2005XXX, CEOXXX, Vp SalesXXXXXXXX Corporation(Addre)It’s our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (addre) in August, 2003.This vi......