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here: hereafter, hereby, herein, hereof, hereto, hereunder, hereupon, herewith, hereinbefore, hereinafter;there: thereafter, thereby, therein, thereinafter, thereon, thereof.这些词汇的共同特点是使文体更具庄重感,同时意义确定,能将复杂的含义集中到一个简洁的表达里,在合同文件中使用这些词,可以避免重复、误解和歧义,使行文庄重严谨。









商务合同语篇特色 语体正式、严肃、稳重; 措辞严密准确;




















The offer may be withdrawn, if, before or at the same time when an offer arrives, the withdrawal notice reaches the offeree.例:The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as part of this Contract.整个合同期间,本合同的附件应被解释为合同的一部分。


旧体词均为副词,一般是here, there,或where与in, on, after, of 等介词结合构成复合词。




B/L: bill of lading 提单

CIF: coast, insurance, and freight到岸价格、保险费加运费 D/D: demand draft 即期汇票

FOB: free on board 船上交货价格,离岸价格 M/T: mail transfer 信汇,邮汇 T/T: telegraphic transfer电汇

计量单位及相关名称通常以简短词形式出现: CM: centimeter KG: kilogram MA: maximum No: number PC: piece T: ton

同一个首字母缩写词可指代不同的短语:P.O.D.既可指交货地点(place of delivery),也可指目的港、卸货港(port of destination;port of discharge)大小写不同,意义不同: SC:sales contract销售合同 Sc: scilicet.亦即,换句话说 书写形式不同,但指代同一意义:

C.O., C/O均指cash order 现金汇票,现金订货

用词选择: 同义词的选择:



Within the validity term of the Contract, both parties shall provide each other with the improvement and development of the technology related to the Contract Products free of charge.(provide: give sb.sth.free of charge.supply不明确)例:改进和开发的技术,其所有权属于改进和开发的一方。The improved and developed technology shall be owned by the party who has improved and developed the technology.(belong to, poe)本细则的解释权属于中华人民共和国财政部。

The right of interpreting the detailed rules and regulations resides in the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China.根据搭配关系进行选择


All the activities of a joint adventure shall comply with the laws of the People’s Republic of China.(observe, abide by, obey, comply with-activities)


The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before the date specified in Clause Three of this Sales Confirmation, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for loes sustained, if any.例:Party A shall not be required to pay at once/forthwith any royalties in default on the part of Party B to the Delivery of Technical Documentation.如乙方在技术资料的交付方面违约,不应要求甲方立即支付任何专利权使用费。

The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Joint Venture Company shall be formed forthwith upon satisfaction of the condition.缔约各方确认并同意,一旦条件符合,合资经营公司便立即成立。


例:If the Licensor allows/grants any other license under the Patent or their other responding patents to any third party in connection with the manufacture, use and sale of the licensed products in any place under such conditions as are more favorable to a licensee than those provided herein, the licensor shall promptly/forthwith inform/notify the Licensee in written form of the details of such other license and the licensee has the choice/option to adopt equally favorable conditions.一词多义的处理 根据词性确定词义

例:The prices quoted include a progreive commiion, to be calculated on FOB basis, of 2% for a single order for 10 dozen or up 3% for 30 dozen or up.所报价格包括累进佣金,按FOB价(free on board离岸价格)为基础计算,每订单在10打及以上时佣金为2%,30打及以上时为3%。

Party B is commiioned by the manufacturers to buy steel plated and this contract shall supersede all previous commitments.乙方受制造厂家的委托购买钢板,因此本合同将取代以前的一切承诺。

例:The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination.检验与索赔的期限为货物卸至目的港后60天。

Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge Party B from its obligation.乙方同意在许可证到期时并不免除乙方应尽的义务。Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors.董事会任命的总经理负责履行合营公司的日常职权。


例:The invoice shall be subject to the usual trade discounts allowed by the Consignor.发票须按照发货人所给予的通常批发折扣开立。

The Buyer shall lodge a 90-day note in Bank of China, Taiyuan Branch for discount.买方将把一张90天的期票提交中国银行太原分行贴现。

Our end-users consider the Voltmeter to be unfit from application and claim that the instrument be replaced by you with a sound one.我方(终端)用户认为该电量计不适于使用,要求你方用一只好的替换。仪器

The board of directors may authorize any agent or agents to enter into any Contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation.董事会可授权任何代理人以公司名义并代表公司签订合同或签发单据。正式单据或文件

A party to an instrument may authorize an agent to endorse the instrument but must specify the principal-agent relationship on the instrument.票据当事人可以委托其代理人在票据上签章,但应当在票据上注明其代理关系。结算业务中票据总称

The ocean freight and transfer charges from the interior points to the port of shipment shall be paid by the Buyer.该项海运费及从内地发货点至装船口岸的中转费均须由买方支付。运费

This freight must be carefully handled when loading.货物装卸时必须小心搬运。

The premium rates vary with differed interests insured and with different destinations, routes and carrying periods of insurance.保险费率随保险货物的不同而变化,也随目的地、航线和保险责任有效期的不同而变化。(insurance interest: 被保险的货物,保险标的物;保险利益)

If the Buyer fails to pay any amount when due, the Buyer shall be liable to pay to the Seller overdue interest on such unpaid amount from the due date until the actual date of payment at the rate of five per annum.Such overdue interest shall be paid upon demand of the Seller.如果买方未能按期支付到期款项,那么,买方应支付卖方从到期之日起算至实际支付之日止的年利率为5%的过期利息。一经卖方提出,买方应支付该过期利息。


In case of any request by either party, the party having poeion of the desired records may deliver the appropriate records to the requesting party.如遇任何一方提出要求,拥有所需记录资料的一方可将合适的记录递交给提出要求的一方。

The price difference should in no case be as big as USD 25 per metric ton.价格的差额决不会大到每公吨25美元。

In the case of an order for more than 6000 pieces, Party B allows a special discount of 6%.对于数量在6000件以上的订单,乙方愿给予6%的特别折扣。

Upon the arrival of the goods at the place of delivery the Buyers claim an allowance of USD 350 on account of inferior quality.货物运抵交付地点后,由于货物质量不佳,买方要求索赔350美元。赔偿费

Both Party A and Party B shall make a liberal allowance for such unforeseen circumstances arising during transit.甲乙双方应充分考虑到运输中所发生的意外情况。

The part of the contract price shall be paid in USD by way of an irrevocable Letter of Credit against presentation by Contractor to the negotiable bank.合同价格要由承包人在议付银行以不可撤销的信用证方式用美元支付。

negotiable amount 可议付金额 negotiable bill of lading 可转让提单

negotiable certificate of deposit 可转让定期存单 negotiable instrument 可流通/转移票据



Party B shall request his bankers to open an irrevocable letter of credit in Party A’s favour upon receipt of Party A’s confirmation of this order.一旦收到甲方关于此项订货的确认,乙方即要求其银行开立以甲方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。

Our goods that we offer you are much in favour on the European Continent.我方向你方报盘的货物在欧洲大陆颇受好评。

The Borrower agrees to transfer to the lender the right to accept and substitute other aigned accounts subsequent to this date, in lieu of accounts this day aigned.借款人同意向出借人转让收取和兑取自即日起的一后各项应收帐款的权利,用以取代今天的各项应收帐款。accept a cheque in lieu of cash接受支票替代现金

Machinery shall become the sole property of the Joint Venture Company, free and clear of all liens, charges and claims of any kind whatsoever.机械设备应成为合资公司的独占财产,不存在任何留置权、任何费用和索赔等情况。(free and clear 没有义务或牵连)


The Contract Price set forth in this Contract shall not include any withholding tariff and any charges imposed on the contractor by the government in New Zealand.合同中规定的合同价格不应包括新西兰政府向承包人征收的扣缴关税和任何费用。

The China Corporation shall bear all relevant taxes and levies imposed upon the personnel by the Chinese Government, whereas the Employer shall bear the same imposed upon the personnel by the Government of the Project-host Country.中国公司应负责缴纳中国政府对人员所征收的一切税金;雇主应负责缴纳项目所在国政府对人员所征缴的一切税金。The price quoted above do not include any taxes, duties, impost and any other charges of any kind which may be levied in China.以上所报价格并不包括在中国境内所征收的各种税款、关税、进口税以及其他各种费用。tax & levies(政府所征的)一切税金

tariff 关税(tax to be paid for importing & exporting)GATT duty 关税(tax to be paid for importing)




The Party shall terminate its performance of the contract if it has conclusive evidence that the other party is unable to perform the contract.However, it shall inform the other party of such termination.由于发生地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争及其他无法预见并且对其发生和后果均不能防止或避免的不可抗力事件,导致直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时,遇有上述不可抗力事件的一方应立即将事件情况书面通知对方,并在其后15日内,提供事件详情及全部或部分合同不能或需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件,此项证明文件应由事件发生地区的公证机构出具。按照事件对履行合同影响的程度,由双方协商决定是否解除合同,或者部分免除履行合同的责任,或者延期履行合同。

Should either of the parties to the Contract be prevented from executing the Contract by Force Majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war and other unforeseen events, and their happenings and consequences are unpreventable and unavoidable, the presented party shall notify the other party by a written notice without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide the detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence iued by the relevant public notary organization for explaining the reasons of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the Contract.Both parties shall, through consultations, decide whether to terminate the Contract or to exempt part of the obligation for implementation of the Contract or whether to delay the implementation of the Contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the Contract.乙方将其50万美元的定期存款单移交甲方占有,将该单证作为债权的质押凭证。

Party B shall deliver his certificate of fixed deposits of USD 500,000 to Party A for poeion and take the said fixed deposits as mortgage of the obligatory right.借款合同中的担保条款。乙方将存款移交给甲方作为担保属于担保方式中的“质押”,而且是一种“权利质押”。Pledge Mortgage 也表示用财产担保,但该担保方式是以不转移财产的占有向债权人担保。






In the event that the Company’s operations are reduced substantially from the scale of operation originally anticipated by the Parties, or the Company experiences substantial and continuing looses resulting in negative retained earnings not anticipated by the Parties in the agreed Busine Plan, or in any other circumstances permitted under applicable laws or agreed by the Parties, the Parties may agree to reduce the registered capital of the Company on a pro rata basis.如果公司的经营规模比双方原来预期的规模有大幅度缩减,或公司持续遭受严重亏损,导致双方商定的业务计划中所未能与其的盈余保留负数,或在任何相关法律允许或双方一致同意的情况下,双方可以协议按原有出资比例减资。该句逻辑关系非常清楚,即三个假设条件,一个结论,表达顺序与汉语一致,因此,可按照原文的语序进行翻译。


The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure, which might occur during the proce of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.在制造或装船运输过程中,因不可抗力致使卖方不能或推迟交货时,卖方不负责任。






The Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。这是以英文开头的固定套语表达,在译成汉语时必须将句子拆分按照汉语合同的习惯表达。





Either Party may terminate the Contract in case of failure on the part of the other Party to fulfill or perform any of its obligations hereunder and in the event that such failure remains unremedied sixty(60)days after the service of a written notice described in Article X below by the non-defaulting Party to the other Party specifying the failure in question and requiring it to be remedied.如果一方未完成或未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,而且未按照下述第X条规定在另一方向其送达书面通知,指出其违约行为并要求其予以改正后六十(60)天内,其仍未予以改正,另一方则可以终止本合同。


涉外经贸合同的基本格式和条款的翻译 合同 Contract 日期Date 合同号码Contract No.买方 The Buyer 卖方 The Seller 商品名称 Name of Commodity 数量 Quantity 单价 Unit Price 总值 Total Value

包装 Packing 生产国别 Country of Origin 支付条款 Terms of Payment 保险 Insurance 装运期限 Time of Shipment 装运条款 Terms of Shipment 起运港 Port of Loading 目的港 Port of Destination 索赔 Claims 不可抗力 Force Majeure 仲裁 Arbitration

hereby: by means of, by reason of, 特此,因此,兹 常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。一般置于主语后,紧邻主语。

This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between ______ Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party A)and ______

Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party B)on _______(Date), in ______(Place), China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through a amicable consultation.本合同双方,________公司(以下称甲方)与_______公司(以下称乙方),在平等互利的原则上,通过友好协商,于____年___月___日在中国_____(地点),特签订本合同。

We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request.特此证明,据我们所知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误,并提供了全部现有的资料和数据,我们同意,应贵方要求出具证明文件。

hereof: of this 关于此点;在本文件中。在表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的„”时使用。

如表示本合同条件、条款时,可以说“the terms, conditions and provisions hereof”,(of this Contract);表示本工程的任何部分,可用“any parts hereof”(of this Works);一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。

Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not, the owner of the goods shall, without interruption, by day and night, including Sundays and holidays(if required by the carrier)supply and take delivery of the goods, provided that the owner of the goods shall be liable for all loes or damages including demurrage incurred in default on the provisions hereof.不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,货方均应昼夜,包括星期日和假日(如承运人需要),无间断地提供和提取货物。货方对违反本款规定所引起的所有损失或损坏,包括滞期应承担赔偿责任。

If, as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons, an arbitrator fails to perform his duties as an arbitrator, another arbitrator shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, be selected or appointed.仲裁员因回避或者其他原因不能履行职责的,应当依照本法规定重新选定或指定仲裁员。

In the event of conflict between the provisions on arbitration formulated and prepared prior to the effective date of this Law and the provisions of this Law, the provisions hereof shall prevail.本法施行前制定的有关仲裁的规定与本法规定相抵触的,以本法为准。

hereto: to this 在此上;至此


表示“本合同双方”,可以说“the Parties hereto”; 表示“本协议附件4”,可用“Appendix 4 hereto” 一般置于要修饰的名词后面,与之紧邻。

All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto.Should, through negotiations, no settlement be reached, the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commiion, Beijing and the arbitration rules of this Commiion shall be applied.The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties hereto.The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unle otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commiion.对于因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,本合同双方应友好协商解决,如协商无法解决争议,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),依据其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局性的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费用应由败诉方承担,但仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外。

If Party B demands to audit the accounts of Party A, Party B shall, within 10 days after receiving the written notice iued by Party A under Sub-Clause 3.4 of this Contract, notify Party A of the matter in question.The specific contents and procedure of auditing accounts are detailed in Appendix 4 hereto.乙方如需查核甲方的账目时,应在接到甲方依上述本合同第3.4款规定开出的书面通知后10天之内通知甲方,其具体的查账内容和程序详见本合同附件4。

The parties to this Agreement agree that either Party hereto shall, immediately and fully, notify the other Party hereto of any such matters comprising an improvement, modification, further invention or design as the Party in question may discover, make or develop with respect to manufacture and aembly of the Licensed Products or components thereof.本协议各方同意,一方对于有关生产及装配许可证产品或部件所作的改进、修正、更新发明或设计均应立即全部通知另一方。

The Party discovering, making or developing the subject matter in question may, at its own expense and its own name, file application for Letter Patent or take other neceary legal steps to protect the same, and any patent arising therefrom shall belong to the Party in question.开发改进的一方可以自付费用并以自身名义申请专利或采取其他必要的法律保护程序,由此产生的专利将属于该方所有。

The termination of this Contract shall not in any way affect the outstanding claims and liabilities existing between the Parties hereto upon the expiration of the validity of the Contract and the debtor shall continue to be kept liable for paying the outstanding debts to the creditor.合同期满时,双方之间发生的未了债务不受合同期满的影响,债务人应向债权人继续支付未了债务。

买方 buyer 卖方 seller 项目名称

Project name 地址

addre 电话 telephone 传真

fax 联系人 contact person 详细货物清单 detail supply list 合同价格 contract value 序号 item 型号 model 尺寸 size, dimension

数量 amount, 单价 unit price 总价 total price 备注 remark 货物运费 freight 合同总额(含安装费与税金)contract amount incl.VAT & installation Value-added tax增值税

付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms 交货地点 delivery place 发货期 delivery time 安装条款 installation clause 验收条款 inspection clause 保证条款 guarantee clause 不可抗力条款 force majeure clause 违约条款 breach clause 其他条款 miscellaneous clause 买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information a long-term contract 长期合同 A short-term contract 短期合同

Completion of contract 完成合同 Contract for future delivery 期货合同 Contract for goods 订货合同 Contract for purchase 采购合同 Contract for service 劳务合同 Labor contract 劳动合同 Contract note 买卖合同(证书)Contract of arbitration 仲裁合同 Contract of carriage/carriage contract 运输合同 Paenger carriage contract 客运合同 Cargo carriage contract 货运合同 Technology contract 技术合同

Technology development contract 技术开发合同 Technology transfer contract 技术转让合同

Technical consulting contract 技术咨询合同 Technical service contract 技术服务合同 Safekeeping contract 保管合同 Warehousing contract 仓储合同 Agency appointment contract 委托合同 Trading-trust contract 行纪合同 Brokerage contract 居间合同

Multi-modal carriage contract多式联运合同 Contract of employment 雇佣合同 Contract of insurance 保险合同 Contract of sale 销售合同 Sales contract 买卖合同

Contract for supply of power, water, gas or heat 供电、水、气、热合同

Gift contract 赠与合同

Contract for loan of money 借款合同 Leasing contract 租赁合同

Financial leasing contract 融资租赁合同 Contracts of hired work 承揽合同

Contracts for construction project 建设工程合同 Contract life 合同有效期

A nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同 A written 书面合同

An executory contract 待执行合同 Breach of contract 违反合同 Cancellation of contract 撤销合同 Contract parties 合同当事人 Contract period(term)合同期限 Contract price 合同价格

Contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定 Contract sales 订约销售

Contract terms(clause)合同条款 Contract wages 合同工资 Contractor 订约人,承包人 Contractual claim 根据合同的债权 Contractual damage 合同引起的损害 Contractual dispute合同上的争议 Contractual guarantee 合同规定的担保 Contractual income 合同收入

Contractual liability/obligation 合同义务

Contractual practice/usage 合同惯例 Contractual specifications 合同规定

Contractual-joint-venture 合作经营,契约式联合经营 Copies of the contract 合同副本 Originals of the contract 合同正本

Execution of contract/performance of contract 履行合同 Expiration of contract 合同期满 Interpretation of contract 合同的解释 Renewal of contract 合同的续订

by and between terms and conditions null& void be amended and revised be allowed and permitted made and signed by buy or purchase covenants and agreements due and payable on and after rights and interests complete and final understanding customs fees and duties loes and damages sign and iue provisions and stipulations full force and effect own or poe property or chattels or goods pardon or forgive to have and to hold entering or breaking










1.Cost.This is the traditional dimension of competition that has always been the domain of operations management.......


