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Great Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.Pip is the main character of this novel.It describes the whole story from Pip‟s view.The story beginned when Pip, who was seven years old, was in a misty field of tombs.Suddenly,a man appeared and frightened him.He asked him to bring him some food to eat and a grater to get him rid of the iron chains.If Pip does not follow his words, then the other criminal, who has also escaped from the prison, may eat Pip and he wouldn‟t save Pip‟s life.So Pip did as what the man asked him to do.After that day, Pip never got any news of the fearful man.Pip lived with his sister and Joe, his sister‟s husband.Joe was a good blacksmith in town.They may have arguments at times, but they lived very happy.Pip was also invited to play with Estella, daughter of Mi Havisham , who was very rich and old.Estella was very charming and Pip loved her a lot.But she was taught to be rude and Pip thought his own education would never make his dream of marrying her come true.There is a twist in the plot when a very generous stranger gave Pip a lot of money.Pip was about 18 years old when this happened, and the fortune set him free from the financial worries.Pip made the abrupt decision to move from Kent to London, which he liked so much.So, Pip began his great expectations of becoming a gentleman.Upon his arriving in London, Pip went to meet Herbert and his father.He then spent several years studying in London.Money and education did make him a gentleman, but have also changed him.Before long he developed the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice, even against his old companions, including Joe.He asked Bitty to teach Joe some basic iues of being a gentleman.Pip disliked it when Joe came to visit him in London.He had rigid ideas of what it meant to be civil and to be a gentleman, and was embarraed by Joe because he did not fit these.Joe felt that Pip‟s life do not fit his and left London soon.Pip was bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella‟s love.For Pip, Estella was not only a beautiful girl, but also a symbol of education and money.Then one day, a poor man knocked into Pip‟s home.Later, Pip knew that he was just the man who gave him a lot of money in return for Pip‟s saving him many years ago at the tomb.Pip felt shocked because he thought it was Mi Havisham that gave him a big fortune and wanted him to become a gentleman.Pip did not want to admit that his money came from a criminal, whose life he saved.Anyway, Magwitch helped Pip and made Pip a gentleman.Then, Magwitch‟s enemy, Compeyson, who was the other criminal at the tomb, came to London also.Pip and Herbert prepared to send Magwitch away from London because he may be sent to prison by the police.When their boat for Magwitch was about to leave, Compeysom saw Magwitch and the two man began to fight against each other.Later, Magwitch was sent into prison and died soon.After that, Pip had a high fever and Joe went to look after him.When Pip felt better, he found that Joe had left him.When Pip recovered, he came back to see Joe and Bitty and joined their wedding cheerfully.In the end, Pip came to where Mi Havisham and Estella lived.He found that the place was empty.Then he met Estella there.He knew that she has got much of the money that Mi Havisham left.To his surprise, Estella has changed a lot.She had married and then divorced.She said to Pip that „I often thought of you‟ and Pip replied ‟You have always had a place in my life‟.Estella felt sorry for what she did to Pip before.Pip said they would continue to be friends,but Estella thought friends would continue to part again.Later, Pip took her hands and left the ruined place.In the clear moonlight Pip saw no shadow of another parting from her.There are a few things which intersts me a lot when reading this novel.First, Pip has no father and he was eager to get educated and become a gentlemen.At this point, Magwitch actually played the role of his father.When Pip received his great fortune, he was required to never ask the name of the person who gave him such a great fortune.Why didn‟t Magwitch want to tell Pip the truth? It's because Magwitch did not want Pip to know his big fortune was all from a criminal he saved many years ago.And when Magwitch went to Pip‟s house in London and saw Pip had became a real gentlemen, he must have felt relived at that moment, for he had tried his best to pay back the help that little Pip gave him when he escaped from the prison.And until his death, he felt happy for Pip, whom he supported with the fortune he made in Australia.The story also begined between the two criminals and Pip at the tomb.Second, Mi Havisham was an important figure in the whole pot.She raised up Estella and taught her to be cold-hearted to men.The reason why she did that is that she received a letter from her fiance at their wedding and was totally hurt by his words.After her unsucceful wedding,she stooped all the clocks in her house at the time when she received the letter and always wore the wedding dre until the end of her life.I think she is a person who put all her wishes on marriage and once the marriage break up,her inner heart will never be filled with any positive feelings.She lived in an enormous house with all the windows closed and used coutle candles to make the light.She lived in such a kind of terrible house all her life.In my opinion, when people put too much focus on a single event, it is highly poible to hurt themselves if the result is diatisfying.Third, I feel interested in the role of Joe.He was an excellent blacksmith in town and taught Pip to learn some work.When he heard Pip was about to go to London and become a gentlemen, he felt happy for Pip.However,when he went to London a few years after after Pip‟s leaving,he looked very stubborn and awkward, which upset Pip a lot.From this part of the plot, I began to see the life of different claes of the English society.Before, Pip and Joe are very good friends living in a quiet town.But things have changed when Pip received high education and became a gentlemen.When they met again,Joe seemed to feel nervous and uneasy.In the society of China,I can also see such differences.Some students love making friends with those whose parents own much money and political power;upper cla government workers are well treated than ordinary people;teachers love students who have a good family background.This book has given me much thought about the society and the relationships betweens people.And I have to find out my own answer to these problems.MADAME BOVARY

Madame Bovary was set in the middle 19th century.Gustave Flaubert created the main character whose name is Emma.The novel is the story of Emma‟s metting Mr.Bovary and her lovers.Mr.Charles Bovary is a doctor of a small town.Although he was a bit reserved and awkward,he had a good reputation for his serious and kind personality and was respected by the local people.When he was treating the broken leg of Monsieur Rouault, who lived in a farm called Les Bertaux, he accidently fell in love with Monsieur Rouault‟s daught, Emma.Emma is a girl with smooth and black hair, tied back, rosy-like cheeks and full lips.Charles promised he would return three days later, but he returned the very next day, and twice a week after that, and some unexpected casual visits.He began to find Emma was well educated, for she was an expert at dancing, drawing, sewing, and the piano.And soon Emma felt she loved Charles too.At that time, Charles‟s former wife died and after make a proposal in the end and Emma became Mrs.Bovary.However, a short time later, Emma thought Charles could never gue her true feelings.Charles‟s conversations bored her, lacking emotion, laughter and dreams.As their outward familiarity grew, she inwardly separated herself from him.And then,towards the end of September,they received an invitation to La Vaubyeard, the home of the Marquis d‟Andervilliers.So Mr and Mrs Bovary left for La Vaubyeard.At the dancing party, one of the men,called “Viscount” asked Emma to dance.They started slowly, and then got faster.The dancing party was a turning point of Emma‟s life.At that night,she saw what the life of upper cla people is and she began to love luxurious life and often remembered Viscount she danced with.And all the time, Emma was waiting for something to happen in her life.Since Emma often got sick in Tostes ,Charles decided to move to a small town called Yonville-l‟Abbaye,whose doctor had left a week ago.They left in March and Emma was pregnant.Emma then gave birth to a girl in Yonville.However, a young clerk, called Leon appeared in her world.He was handsome and romantic.They fell in love at first sight and often read poems to each other.Since Leon was too young and he always kept his love for Emma at the bottom of his heart, he belived their love woule not last long and went to Paris for busine.When Emma knew that Leon left her ,she became more upset and bored of her life with Charles.Emma was bored of her quiet life when the lady-killer Rodolphe noticed her and her dull husband.He began to figure out how to end their relationship.He then said some romantic words to Emma,walked with her at the Agricultural Show,taught her to ride a horse and dated with her frequently.In this way,he made Emma absorbed in love and Emma bought lots of goods for him and they planned to leave Yonville.At last, Rodolphe abandoned Emma and left Yonville alone.Emma‟s health failed a lot,but Charles carefully looked after her.Once they went to the cinema and happened to meet Leon.Emma and Leon began to date again and Emma spent a lot of money buying things.Later she was in debt.She asked Leon for help,but Leon didn‟t do real action to help her.She then went to Rodolphe,who lived in a luxurious life.However,he said he had no money to lend to Emma.In the end,Emma ate Arsenic and paed away.Mr Bovary‟s clinic went bankrupt and he felt depreed and died later.From my perspective, I would like to talk about two main characters, which is Charles Bovary and Madame Bovary.They were a couple,but their marriage was not great.First, about Charles Bovary.He studied his courses hard at school and became a doctor after graduation.His mother managed to help Charles marry a woman who was said to be rich.She opened his letters,listened when he had female patients, and decided what he should hear.She often told him that he paid her no attention, or that he was in love with another woman.Soon after, it became known that Madame Bovary had lied about her great fortune.One week later,Madame Bovary died.For Charles, it must be a great event in his life that he married Emma later, for he loved her throughout her life.When Emma became upset after taking part in the dancing party, it was Charles who took good care of Emma.And taking his wife‟s health into consideration, he decided to move to Yonville.And when Leon talked to Emma, Charles did not get angry and instead, he thought Leon was quite friendly.And when Emma was abandoned by the lady-killer Rodolphe, it was also Charles who look after Emma every single day until she fully recovered.When Emma died, Charles threw himself upon his wife, crying, “Goodbye!Goodbye!” Chared always thought that Emma loved him a lot , but he did not discover that Emma had her own lovers until she died.He never read Emma‟s letters and when she lied to him,he belived her words.These all show he trust her wife very much.Compared with Emma‟s lovers, he was the most devoted to Emma.Second,about Emma.At the very first of her life ,she was a simple,well-educated daught of Monsieur Rouault.When she was 13,her father had entered her at the church for schooling.She enjoyed the company of the nuns, but later grew distant after her mother‟s death.After she get married with Charles ,she began to find out that Charles was not the right person for her and she felt depreed for a long time until the invitation came.Being invting to the luxurious dancing party was a turning point of Emma‟s entire life.It was at the dancing party that she saw the luxurious way of living of the upper-cla people and it was also because they had the chance of being invited to the party that Emma became eager to seek for her true love and their marriage relationship changed.She then met Leon, a young man.Although they love each other a lot, Leon was much younger than Emma and rather shy of their relationship.Finally ,Leon left for Paris.Another man, Rodolphe, a lady-killer began to date with Emma.Emma was so devoted that she bought many things for Rodolphe but only to find herself abandoned by Rodolphe in the end.She had a large debt and tried to borrow money from others.When Emma was facing a tough situation,both of the two men, Leon and Rodolphe,did not gave a helping hand.At last , Emma felt hopele and killed herself with Arsenic.I think Emma is very eager to seek for her favorable love, but she failed in the end.Charles, her huaband, is the one who loves her and devoted to her most, but he is not the one she loved.Leon and Rodolphe are her lovers who do not want to sacrifice themselves when Emma went to them for help.The story has a sad and miserable ending ,which is within my expectation.BLACK BEAUTY

Black Beauty is the only novel of Anna Sewell.It described a story of a horse called Black Beauty.What makes the novel interesting and charming is that the author tells the story from a horse‟s view with an easy tone.Black Beauty lives in a pleasant field with its mother, other farm horses and their dear master.Black Beauty was different from other horses because he had excellent family background.His father is well known, his grandfather twice won the most important race at Newmarket.His grandmother was quiet and he was expected to grow up to be gentle and a willing worker, and never bite or kick.When Black Beauty was two years old ,he saw a hunt in the field where he and other horses standed.When the hunt was over, that one rider died and a horse was injured.Later, the horse was killed.It is really cruel that a good horse was killed just because of one little hare.Black Beauty then was trained to wear a saddle, and to carry a man, woman or child on his back.He must also learn to wear a collar, and to stand still when it is put on;then to have a carriage fixed behind him, and to go fast or slow, whichever his driver wishes.He must never bite or kick or talk to other horses, and must always do what his master tells him, however tired or hungry he feels.When reading the training part, I began to feel pitiful for horses.Normally, human beings take it for granted that animals should carry us anywhere we want to go.But if we played the role of a horse, what would you do? In my words, a horse has to be patient and should always listens to his master‟s orders.Think about what your life would be if you were a horse, and you will treat the animals,especially a horse much better next time.Anther interesting event happened when Black Beauty was about to cro a wooden bridge.They could see water over the middle of the bridge.The moment Black Beauty‟s feet touched the first part of the bridge, he was sure something was wrong and he stopped suddenly.His master found Black Beauty stop going, so he touched Black Beauty with the whip.Black Beauty did not move, so he hit it sharply, but Black Beauty would not go forward.Later, a man ruuning out of the house on the other side of the bridge told them the bridge was broken in the middle.Then the master began to thank Black Beauty.Men may be clever enough to think of things for themselves, but animals know something without thinking, and it is that often saved a man‟s life.Sometimes, people don‟t realize how wonderful their animals are, nor do they make friends with them as they should.I thik animals ,to a certain degree, did much better than human beings.Men use tools to protect themselves, but sometimes the wild features of animals tell people what it may happen within a short period of time.For example, animals can predict the earthquake before it comes while human won‟t notice the earhquake until it happens.So I find it neceary for men to do more researches on animals, which I believe may benefit human life in many ways.When Black Beauty saw his old friend Ginger outside one of the London parks.Ginger has changed a lot.She had long thin neck and there was a hopele look in her dull eye.She told Black Beauty her sad story that she had went from owner to owner several times, each one poorer than the one before.This reminds the Chinese word“伯乐”,which refers to a great person good at selecting horses.If a good horse can not meet a person like “伯乐”,it will be used in a wrong way.The same is as students.If a student can not have a good teacher situable to him or her, the student‟s potential may never be discovered.After so many years of tiring work, Black Beauty finally went back to the place he loved a lot.However, Black Beauty was much old now and wasn‟t of good use.Anyway, he found a favorable place to spend his final years.When reading this novel, I strongly recognized the importance of friendly relationships with animals, especially your own pets.Take care of them and be grateful to the pleasure they bring to you, which I believe would be an interesting experience.

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