A Couple 阳光的心情_午后的阳光心情语句

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A Couple 阳光的心情由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“午后的阳光心情语句”。

A Couple’s Heartbreak A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage.They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eyes.When the boy was around two years old, the husband saw a medicine bottle left open one morning.He was late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard.The mother,Preoccupied i the kitchen,totally forgot about the matter.The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle and fascinated with its color,drank it all.It happened to be a poisonous medicine meat for adults in small dosages.When the child collapsed,the mother hurried him to the hospital,where he died.The mother was stunned.She was terrified to face her husband.When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child,he looked at his wife and uttered just four words.What do you think were the four words? The husband just said “I love you Darling.”

The husband’s totally unexpected reaction is proactive behavior.The child is dead.He can never be brought back to life.There is no point in finding fault with the mother.Besides,if only he have taken time to keep the bottle away,this will not have happened.There was no point in attaching blame to his wife.She had also lost her only child.What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband.That is what he gave her.Some times we spend time asking who is responsible or who to blame, whether in a relationship,in a job or with the people we know.We mi out some warmth in human relationship in giving each other support.After all, shouldn’t forgiving someone we love be the easiest thing in the world to do ? Treasure what you have.Don’t multiply pain, anguish and suffering by holding on to forgivene.If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be much fewer problems in the world.Take off all your envies, jealousies,unwillingne to forgive,selfishne and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think.


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