Cheap Trick 1: Go with the shortest answer.We’ll make this quick.When you find yourself staring blankly at two or three answer choices, go with the shorter answer choice.The SAT likes to keep the right answers concise.In the example about Brent’s goofy cowboy hat, B is notonly the right answer, it’s nice and short: since he lives in New York City.Cheap Trick 2: Cut answer choices that change the meaning of the sentence.Be suspicious of answer choices that tweak the meaning of the sentence.E is the obvious suspect in the sample question: after all he doesn’t live in the West.Sure, there’s a better reason than the Cheap Trick to eliminate E: If you substitute E into the original sentence, you get Brent’s cowboy hat looks prettysilly, after all he doesn’t live in the West, which is a run-on sentence.But if youdidn’t spot the run-on, and were in a panic, you could have eliminated E anyway, thanks to Cheap Trick 2.The sentence initially had to do with New York, and how ridiculous one looks sporting a cowboy hat there.E brings up theWest—new territory.Remember, the directions explicitly instruct you to choosethe answer that best exprees the meaning of the original sentence, so an answer choice that mees with the original meaning should be eliminated.Cheap Trick 3: Cut answer choices that begin with words ending in –ing.More often than not, gerunds(words ending in –ing)do not appear in correct answer choices.If you apply this trick to the goofy hat example, you can eliminate answer C considering him living in New York CIty.In cases like this one,-ing words are often awkward.If you read the sentence and have no ideawhich answer choice is right, get rid of the one with a word like considering.Cheap Trick 4: Get your A in gear
It’s worth reiterating that about one-fifth of the answers on this section will beA—“no error.” Students tend to freak out when they can’t find errors, and theypick some random B, C, D, or E rather than go with A.A is not your enemy.Infact, A can be very helpful when you’re in a bind on Improving Sentences
questions.Here’s why: Cutting A tips the gueing odds in your favor.That means if you’re unsure how to fix the error in a sentence, but you’re certain it contains some error, you can always cu A and gue with confidence.以上就是关于SAT语法考试简易答题方法的全部内容,包括了对语法考试题目中答案的分析和对比,包括了对题目的分解等内容,非常实用,应用在解题的过程中可以为大家节省很多时间。大家在备考的时候可以适当的练习一下。
SAT语法考试答题步骤分析SAT语法题部分属于SAT中的写作(writing)板块,与eay writing 分值一起组成写作板块的总分。SAT语法题之所以被划分在Writing Skills当中,是因为它实际......