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Part one:

1.Q;你叫什么名字?你能告诉我你叫什么名字吗?What is your name?Can you tell me your name? A:我叫什么名字。My name is ……

2.Q:你多大年龄? 你什么时间出生的? 你能告诉我你的出生日期吗? 你知道你的生日吗?How old are you?What is your age?When were you born?Can you tell me the date of your birth?Do you know your birthday?

A: I am 20 years old.I was born in 1988.I was born on July 13th 1988.3.Q:你是哪里人? 你的家乡是哪里? Where are you from?Where do you come from?Where is your hometown?

A: I am from Yantai.I come from Yantai.My hometown is Yantai.4.Q:你身高是多少? 你体重是多少? What is your height?What is your weight?

A:I am 173㎝.I am 60㎏.5.Q:你结婚了吗? 你有男/女朋友吗? 你准备什么时间结婚?Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?When are you going to get married?

A:No, I am not married.I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend.I don’t want to get married in recent years.6.Q:你色盲吗? Do you have color blind?

A: No, I don’t.7.Q:你近视吗? 如果近视?你眼镜的度数是多少?Are you near—sighted? If you are near-sighted, what power of your glaes(spectacles、lenses)?

A: 是的,我近视。我眼镜的度数是三百度。Yes, I am.The degree of my glaes is 300.8.Q:你什么时间从什么学校毕业?在学校都学过什么课程?你最喜欢的课程是什么?你最不喜欢的课程是什么?你学的专业是什么?Which school and When did you graduate?What did you learn at school? What subject did you like best and Whichsubject didn’t you like best? What is your major?

A:I graduated from Yantai vocational college in 2006.I learned English、Chinese、Maths、Computer、etc.I liked English best.I didn’t like Chinese best.I majored in English(My major is English).9.Q:你家里有几个人?你父母是做什么的? 你父母一个月收入多少钱?你父母身体健康吗?How many people are there in your family? What do your parents do? How much money do your parents earn per month? Are your parents fit(healthy)?

A:我家有三口人,我父母是工人,他们一月总共收入约两千元,我父母很健康。There are 3 people in my family.They are workers(farmers).They earn about ¥2000 altogether.My parents are both healthy.Part two

1.Q:你在哪里工作? 你工作单位叫什么名?Where do you work? What is the name of your company? A: I work in Yantai.The name of our company is Yantai Dong Fang electronic company(东方电子).2.Q:你们单位有多少员工?你们班组有多少人?你的主管是谁?How many employees(staff)are there in your company? How many people in your group? Who is your supervisor?

A: There are 200 hundred people in our company.There are 15 people in our group.My supervisor is Mr.Wang.3.Q:你们公司的主要产品是什么? 一天的产量是多少?What does your company mainly produce?What is the output of your company per day?

A: Our company mainly produces TV.We produce 150 TV set per day.4.Q:你的工作岗位是什么?你现在做什么工作?你的工作职责是什么?你能描述一下你是如何做工的吗? What is your position? What do you work now(what job do you take now)? What are your responsibilities? Can you tell me something about your job?

A:我是一名操作工(质检员、包装工)。我们公司主要生产LCD.我是一名机械操作工。我。。。。I am an operator(I work as QC 质检;I work as packing 包装).Our company mainly produces LCD.I am a machine operator.I…….5.Q:你什么时间开始工作的?你工作几年了?When did you begin to work? How many years have you worked?

A: I began to work in 2006.I have worked for more than 2 years.6.Q;你是做轮班工作的吗?如果做过轮班,做的早班还是晚班?Do you work on shift? If you do, do you work on morning shift or night shift?

A: Yes, I work on shift.I work on night shift.7.Q:你能做12小时轮班吗?Can you work twelve—hour a shift(can you keep working twelve hours a day)? A: Yes, I can.I……

8.Q:在工作中你遇到的最大困难是什么?你取得的最大成绩是什么?What is the greatest difficult you have met in your job? What is the greatest succe you have met in your job?

A: The greatest difficult I have met is ……The greatest succe I have met is ……

9.Q:你能自我介绍一下你自己吗? Can you introduce yourself to me? Can you say something about yourself? A: My name is …… I am from ……

Part three

1.Q:你有什么兴趣爱好? 你在业余时间喜欢做什么? What hobbies do you have?What do you like to do

in your free time?

A : My hobbies are reading、sports、listening to the music.I like to do some sports in my free time.2.Q:你知道你的优点吗?Do you know your strong points(strengths、advantages)?

A:我认真,工作勤奋,热情,乐于助人。I am careful、hard—working、kind、ready to help others, etc.3.Q:你知道你的缺点吗?Do you know your weak points(weakne、disadvantages)?

A:我不怎么健谈。我说话不多。I am not talkative.I don’t like to talk to much.A:我看起来很严肃,少一点亲和力,但我是一个很热心肠的人。I look serious, not very brotherly;but I am quiet kind to others.A:我很安静,我不怎么喜欢运动。I am very quiet , I don’t like to do sports.A:我身高有点矮,我希望自己还能再长高一点。I am a little short , I hope I can be taller.4.Q:你喜欢交朋友吗? 一旦与朋友、同事发生矛盾,你如何处理?Do you like to make friends?Suppose there is a conflict between you and your friends、fellow workers, how will you do with it?

A:是的,我喜欢交朋友。如果是我的错,我会向他们道歉。如果是他们的错,我会尽力解决。Yes, I do.If it’s my fault, I will say sorry to them.If it’s their fault, I would try my best to solve it mildly.如果不行,我会向主管报告。If my effort fails, I will report to my supervisor as soon as poible.5.Q:工作中,一旦与主管发生矛盾,你怎样处理?Suppose there is a conflict between you and your supervisor on work, what will you do with it?

A:我会尽力服从主管的安排。I will try my best to obey my supervisor.6.Q:当你的主管责备你违反操作规则,你怎么办?What will you do when your supervisor complain you that you have broken the rules of manipulation?

A:我会马上道歉,并找出原因保证以后不再违反。I will say sorry at once first, then find out the reason and make promise I won’t break again.7.Q:你能与别人同居一室吗?Can you share a room with others?

A: Yes, I can.1.Q:你是怎样知道这次招聘信息的?How do you the work? How do you know this job opportunity? A:通过代理、报纸。I know it through the agency、newspaper.2.Q:你身体健康吗?你能提多重的东西?Are you in good health? How heavy weight can you carry? A:是的,我健康。我能提50㎏.Yes, I am.I can carry 50kg.3.Q:你为什么要去新加坡工作? Why do you want to work in Singapore?

A: For more money.4.Q:你期望一个月能挣多少钱?How much money do you expect to earn per month in Singapore?

A:我期望一个月收入S$800.5.Q:你打算在新工作多长时间?How long are you going to work in Singapore?

A:至少两年,越长越好。I work at least 2 years, the longer, the better.6.Q:你父母身体健康吗?一旦生病,谁来照看他们?Are your parents healthy? Once they are ill, who will look after them?

A:我父母身体健康。一旦生病,我们的亲戚、朋友会照看他们。My parents are fit.Once they are ill, my relatives and friends will look after them.7.Q:你父母同意你去新加坡工作吗?他们同意你多夜班吗?Do your parents agree you to work in Singapore?Do they support you to work night shift?

A:是的,他们同意。他们同意我做轮班。Yes, they do.They support me to work night shift.8.Q:在新加坡你想你父母怎么办?While working in Singapore , what will you do if you mi your parents? A:我会打电话、写信、上网。I can telephone、write letters and contact them through Internet.9.Q:你了解新加坡吗?你是怎样了解新加坡的? Do you know something about Singapore? How do you know it?

A:是的,新加坡是一个清洁、漂亮的国家。Yes, it’s a clean、beautiful country.I know it by map、internet.10.Q:你在新加坡有亲戚朋友吗?你在我们公司有亲戚朋友吗?Do you have relatives and friends in Singapore?Do you have relatives and friends in our company?

A:不,我没有。No, I haven’t.11.Q:新加坡天气很热,你能较快适应吗?It’s hot in Singapore.Can you be used to it soon?

A:是的,我会尽可能适应炎热的气候。Yes, I can be used to the hot weather as soon as poible.12.Q:你将怎样花你的薪水? How do you spend your salary?

A:我会留一部分作为我的生活费,其余的存到银行或者寄给我的父母。I will keep some money for daily expenses, and send the rest to my parents or save in the bank.13.Q:到我们公司你能吃苦吗?Can you stand the hardne and difficulties in our company?

A:是的,我可以。我从小在农村长大,我不怕任何困难。Sure, I can.I grow up in the countryside and I am not afraid of any hardne or difficulties.14.Q:你抽烟、喝酒吗?Do you smoke/drink?

A:不,我不抽烟喝酒。No, I don’t.Part five

1.Q:你能做轮班吗?你能做夜班吗?Can you work on shift? Can you work night shift ?

A:是的,我在以前的公司做过夜班。Yes, I can.I worked night shift in the previous company.2.Q:你能做加班吗?Can you work overtime?

A:是的,我能。我以前经常加班。Yes, I can.I oftenworkedovertime in the previous company.3.Q:你能在公共节假日做工吗?Can you work on public holidays?

A:能。我以前常在节假日做工。Yes, I can.I often worked on public holidays before.4.Q:如果主管安排你重复做无聊的工作,你怎么办?If your supervisor asks you to keep doing the same boring work, what will you do?

A: 我会尽量做好这项工作。I will try my best to do the work well.5.Q:如果你发现不喜欢你的工作,你能做好吗?If you feel you don’t like your job, can you do it well? A:尽管我不喜欢我的工作,我也应该做好。Though I don’t like my job, I also should do my job well.6.Q:如果你这次没有被录取怎么办?If you are rejected this time, what will you do?

A:那可能我有什么地方不符合你们的要求,但我会在努力,下次再来。That must be because I am not able to meet your company requirement;I will study hard and try next time.7.Q:我们公司为什么会录取你?Why should our company employ/hire you? 你认为你能被录取吗? Do you think you can be employed?

A:因为我工作努力,待人诚恳,性格开朗。Because I work hard, I’m honest and easy—going.A因为我接受能力强,有很好的工作经验,而且也热爱这方面的工作。Because I am quick to learn new things, I am experienced in this kind of work, and I also love the job.8.Q:你对你自己有社么期望?What do you expect for yourself?

A:我会努力工作,提高自己,回报父母。I try to work hard to improve myself and to pay the reward for my parents.9.Q:我们公司上班不允许用化妆品,你能接受吗?Cosmetics are not allowed in our company.Can you accept this?

A:可以,我会遵守公司规定的。Yes, I can.I should obey the rules of the factory.10.Q:你每天怎么去上班? How do you go to work everyday?

A:坐公车。骑自行车。工厂有接送车。By bus/ bike/ factory bus.11.Q:你经常做家务吗? 你会做什么家务活?Do you often do housework? What kind of housework do you often do?

A:是的,我经常做。洗衣,做饭,打扫等等。Yes, I do.I often do washing, cookingand cleaning etc.12.Q:你在外面等多久了?你在外面等多长时间了?How long did you wait outside? Are you waiting for a long time outside?

A:大约两个小时。About two hours.没关系,1个小时左右吧。Never mind, about 1 hour.13.Q:你曾经在洁净室工作过吗?Have you worked in the clean room?

A:是的,我们公司有四个洁净室用来生产和测试产品用,我在二号洁净室。Yes, there are four clean rooms for production and testing in our company, and I am in No.2.A:对不起,没有过。但我知道进入洁净室之前要穿戴好整个设备。Sorry, no.But I know I should get on(put on)full equipments when entry inside.14.Q:你看起来这么单薄?你身体怎么样? You look(seem)a little thin/slim? What about your health? A:没有问题,非常健康。No problem, very healthy.Part six

1.Q:请你戴上桌子上的手套、口罩好吗?你介意戴上桌子的口罩、手套吗? Can you put on the gloves and mask on the desk? Would you mind putting on the gloves and masks on the desk?

2.Q:请你脱掉口罩和手套好吗?Please take off your mask and gloves?

A:好的,没什么问题。OK.No problem.3.Q:你有手汗吗?Do you have hand sweat?

A:没有。No.4.Q:从你住的地方到工厂有多远?How long does it take you from your place to your factory?

A:骑自行车约三十分钟。About 30 minutes by bus.5.Q:你是怎样来这里的?路上花多长时间?How did come here? How long did it take you spending in getting here?

A:坐火车,大约24个小时。By bus, about 24 hours.6.Q:你感觉上海怎样?你喜欢上海吗?为什么?What do you think of shanghai(how do you like shanghai)? Do you like it? Why?

7.Q:你还去过什么城市?你最喜欢哪个城市,为什么?What cities have you been to? Which city do you like best? Why?

8.Q:你的家乡在哪里?你喜欢你的家乡吗?为什么?Where is your hometown? Do you like it? Why?

9.Q:你吃午饭了吗?Have you had your lunch?

10.Q:你衬衫是什么颜色的? What color is your shirt?

A: grey(灰色).11.Q:今天是星期几?What day is today?

12.Q:今天是几号?What’s the date today?

13.Q:今天天气怎么样?今天是个好天啊?What’s the weather like today?

How is the weather today? Nice day, right?

Part seven(useful words)

1.numbers:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion

2.week days: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

3.month: January February March April May June July August September October November December

3.color: grey blue yellow white black red orange purple brown pink



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