Week 13Science and Technology Translation
1.【摘要】 长篇小说《呼啸山庄》是英国 19世纪著名女作家艾米莉·勃朗特的代表作。通过对小说中两代女主人公凯瑟琳在爱情婚姻道路上的命运沉浮、挫折经历的透视 ,探讨了作家艾米莉的女性自我意识 ,展现了艾米莉对女性在爱情婚姻问题上的独特见解 :人格独立、个性自由和男女平等是女性得到真正的爱情和美满的婚姻的关键所在 ,也是女性在爱情婚姻问题上进行不屈不挠的自我追求的最终目标。
【Abstract】 Wuthering Heights“ is Emily Bronte’s masterpiece who is a famous female writer in the 19th century.In this eay, the writer discued Emily’s self-consciousne as a female writer through analyzing Katherine’s hardships in pursuit of love and marriage.Emily’s idea about women’s love and marriage is unique.The key point for women to win real love and happy marriage is to get independence and freedom in personality, and gender equality.【关键词】 女性自我意识; 女性自我追求; 爱情婚姻; 人格独立、个性自由;男女平等;
【Key words】 women’s self-consciousne; women’s pursuit of self-realization; love and marriage; independent personality; free character; gender equality
2【摘要】 数据驱动语料库资源及其分析软件的知识产权保护,以及语料库数据驱动分析技术应用的复杂性,给这一技术在科技翻译教学中的推广和普及造成多重障碍。为了克服这些障碍,本文介绍自建小型语料库的方法和原则,以及我们建立语料库的实践经验。
【Abstract】 The complexities in designing corpus-based teaching aids and the stringent policies on the protection of intellectual property rights makes it hard for teachers to make use of the technology in the teaching of science and technology translation.With the aim to overcome these difficulties so that more teachers can take advantage of the technology in their claroom teaching, this paper makes an attempt to explain the methods and principles of building small bilingual corpus by sharing with the readers our practical experience of building such a corpus for the purpose of translator training.【关键词】 语料库; 数据驱动; 科技翻译教学;
【Key words】 corpusdata driventeaching of science and technology translation;
3.【摘要】 第二语言习得研究表明,母语迁移是影响第二语言习得的重要因素之一,它将影响到对第二语言的音位、词汇、词法、句法和语篇等各个子系统的学习。自20世纪40、50年代以来,国内外的母语迁移研究者们借助于对比分析和实证研究对影响第二语言习得的各种语言和非语言因素及其相互关系和相互作用进行了卓有成效的研究。
【Abstract】 Second language acquisition(SLA)research shows that first language(L1)transfer is one of the important factors that influence SLA, and this influence can occur in the course of learning all the subsystems of the second language such as phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax and discourse.Since the 1940s and 1950s, L1 transfer researchers both at home and abroad, by means of contrastive analysis and empirical research, have made effective studies of all the linguistic and nonlinguistic factors that affect SLA as well as their interrelationships and interactions.【关键词】 第二语言; 母语; 习得; 迁移;
【Key words】 second language; first language; acquisition; transfer;
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