Thank you, Lord Hurd , for those kind words.It is an honor and pleasure to be here.When l left Bruels yesterday, it was 12 degrees Celsius and hailing.赫德勋爵,感谢您的美言。
Here, it was 25 degrees and sunny.我很荣幸也很高兴来到这里。昨天我离开布鲁塞尔时,那里还下着冰雹,气温只有12撮氏度,而这里则阳光明媚,气温高迭25撮氏度。
Speaking of climate change, I don't understand why you British are always complaining about the weather.说到这样的气候差异,我不明白为什么你们英国人还总是抱怨天气不好。
I confe I am a little intimidated, Lord Hurd, at being moderated by a veteran statesman of your distinction.赫德勋爵,说实话,您这样一位声名显赫的资深政治家为我做引见令我有些诚惶诚恐。
When I first accepted the gracious invitation to addre this Institute, I was especially excited about the prospect of speaking under the Chatham House Rule.最初接受来贵所演讲的盛情邀请时,一想到将有机会按照英国皇家国际事务研究院规则 演讲,我就特剐兴奋。
I understand the rule means the audience is free to use the information received at the meeting, but may not reveal the identity of the speaker, nor his affiliation.我知道,按照这一规则,听众可以自由引用会上所获信息,但不得披露演讲者身份及其所属组织。I thought to myself, now there's a rule we should apply from time to time at the United Nations.我心想,我们在联合国也应当不时采用这一规则。
I could get my meage acro, but keep a low profile at the same time.这样我既可以表达想法,还能同时保持低调。
And conversely* those interested in grand-standing would have one le opportunity to do so.而反过来,那些喜欢抛头露面的人则少了一个炫耀的机会。But it was not to be.可这次演讲将不启用这一规则。
Having understood that this event is on the record, I will have to wait for another occasion to experience the Chatham House Rule at first hand.我知道这次活动会记录在案,我只好另找机会亲身感受这一规则了。
Mr.Niblett, Director of Chatham House, 英国皇家国际事务研究所所长宁布莱特先生,Excellencies, 阁下们
Ladies and gentlemen , 女士们,先生们:
It is truly a privilege to join such a distinguished group of experts and scholars, diplomats and opinion-makers, politicians and not least, representatives of civil societywho by then had become the UK Ambaador to the UNand the world as a whole-has come to appear much complicated.自那时起,联合国乃至整个世界似乎变得更加复杂。So have the challenges confronting our Organization.联合国所面临的挑战也是如此。
The perception of us is no longer so black and white, and tends now to be drawn in various shades of gray.如今,人们对我们的看法不再是非黑即白,而是倾向于不同程度的灰色。But if you are an optimist, as I am, you will paint the UN in brighter colors.但是,如果你们和我一样,是乐观主义者,那么你们会用更明快的色彩来勾画联合国。
You will know that our world of complex and global challenges is exactly the environment in which our United Nations should thrive-because these are challenges that no country can resolve on its own.你们会知道,我们的世界充满了复杂的全球性挑战,而这正是联合国应该蓬勃发展的大好环境,因为任何一个国家都无法单独应对这些挑战。
It is a world in which the UN can, and must, grow and take on new roles, develop and deliver on new fronts.正是在这样的世界中,联合国能够并且必须成长壮大,承担新的任务,开辟新的战线并在那里有所作为。
Thank you very much.多谢各位.
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