Job A:manager B:candidates A:will you tell me something about yourself? B:ok,my name is Limingqiang ,I graduate form bit , my major is Computer science and technology ,I am at good at communicate with different person.I like singing ,playing basketball ,reading book and so on.A:what do you think are your strengths and weaknees? B:I think I have positive opinions to work and life ,I can work hard without any complain.but ,I know I still have many weakne ,such as carele.A:how long do you think you'd stay with us if you were appointed? B:sorry I don't know exactly ,I think I will stay as long as poible.A:which is more important to you :status or money? B:status,status is more important than money ,when you have good status ,you will have money.A:why do you want to leave your present job? B: because the workplace have long way to my house.I should spend 2 hours in the way.A:which do you think are good working conditions? B:A good office environment A:what is your best quality? B:loyal(effort)
A:what are your long-range goals? B:I want to be a good engineer.A:OK,you wait for notice B:thanks
Job A:hello,long time no see,what do you do recently? B:I work in lenovo as a aistant.A:do you like this job? B:it is hard to say ,the salary is enough for me.but, in the long time , it isn't benifit fo my career,I think I will change my job if I find the most suitable position for myself.A:I think you should change this job as soon as poible ,although it is hard at the very beginning,the ending will change if you have enough courage and confident.B:you are right ,I will think carefully to your advice.and do you satisficed with you job? A:you know,my dream is to be a layer,when I graduate from my college,I worked in a law firm as a paralegals for 1 year,and now I can deal with a case all by myself ,but I am under great preure on the this job.B:yes ,everything has two side,life is hard to satisfied for everyone's dream.so,we should think more optimistic about our life,everything will change if your attitude is right.A:yeh,tomorrow is another day,we will have a bright future.B:I firmly believe that too.Culture A:I heard you stay in American 2 years,can you tell me something about the difference between American and our country? B:Most Chinese families like to cook the meals at home.The family members sit around the table and share the dishes on the table together.Even when they are having their meals in restaurants, they eat in the same way too.But in America, just part of the Americans have their meal at home with their family members.A:can you give me a example? B:for example,when you leave.for American people, they just said “goodbye” and go back to do other work.while,in china,they will say “Go slowly.” Not farewell or Godspeed, but “go slowly”.To the Chinese it means “Take care.” or “Watch your step.” Or some such caution, but translated literally it means “Go slow.”
A:It is very interesting.and what is the most distinctive difference between American culture and Chinese culture?
B:I think is the Chinese take pride in “modesty”;the Americans in “straight forwardne”.That modesty has left many a Chinese hungry at an American table, for Chinese politene calls for three refusals before one accepts an offer, and the American hosts take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it’s the first, second, or third time.I heard you received Korea University's offer,why do you choose korea to go to graduate shool? A:I like the culture of korea ,Compared to modern China, South Korea retains the eence of traditional Chinese culture part, and I like to watch Korean dramas, so I choose to go to Korea to study.I will have the opportunity to meet my favorite stars.B:Have you ever to south korea ? A:sorry ,I never to ,all the knowledge about korea are from dramas.B:I think you the dramas may have great difference from the fact ,when you live there for a short of time ,all the definition of korea will have a new understanding.A:yes you are right ,see you next year.B:good luck ,bye.Entertainment A:how did you spend you Leisure time? B:I like watch movie direct by fengxiaogang.A:which movie do you like best? B: A:what is the movie about? B:it is a love story about qinfen and xiaoxiao.qinfen has date with different women.when he date with xiaoxiao ,he konw she is his destiny.A:is a very interesting film,I will see it.B:do you often see feng xiao gang 's movie? A:very little,I like reading books,such as science fiction,cartoon.B:whose cartoon do you like best? A:Hayao Miyazaki B:His cartoon was made in to a movie,do you like it ? A:yes ,you can see B:good idea
有关entertainment的情景对话【原创】英语口语考试作业 ——What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby? ——I have been doing yoga recently.I think yoga is suitable for me.——But I t think yoga is not so easy.And how do you feel when you practice yoga.?
——Oh I think is very tired and sweat a lot.——But it will help you keep fit,buid you body and make you more healthy.——Sure.But more importantly ,Ican have peace of mind.and yoga can improve my flexibility.——I think so.——And what about you?
——I like football,badminton,running,and swimming most.But I never have enough time.——Donnot find an excuse for your lazy.——Oh,I think so too.I perfer staying at student`s hostel than going out.want to lose the weight.But I donot have a willing heart.——That`s too terrible.I like cycling.——It is a good exercise.Besides beijing is a good place for cycling.——Not long ago,I bought a new bycle,and I always ride a bike from our school to Tiananmen.This feel is wonderful.And would you like go to cinema?
——Yes,I`d love to.I like the atmosphere of the cinema.I always go to a fixed cinema.——Do you like singing? ——Yes ,I do.——What kind of music do you like? ——Pop music.——What?Pop music?I`d like too.——Which singer do you best love?
——Beyond.Although they already farewell to the stage,their songs still claic.I will support them forever.and what about you?
——My idol is JJ Lam.He comes from singerpore,and not long ago,he released his sixth album.My dream is seeing the concert about his own.——Oh ,It is too easy,I heard that he will make a concert in beijing.——It is too exciting.I an looking forward to seeing his concert.——I wish your dream come true early.——Thank you very much.有关part-time job的情景对话【原创】英语口语作业 2009-12-30 2:00 ——What is the arrangemengt for the weekend?
——I found a part time job at the national day as a attendant at Fotile.That was my first part time job.——How was the feel?
——Befoe going to the workplace,I feeled very exciting and a bit anxiety.But when I begain to work,I was standing in front of the building material market,paing out flyers to customers.At first,I am very shy,But gradually I was very natural.——It sounds very great.You must add to a lot of experiences.——Yes,I love this job.Though this experience,I understand many management conception.And when I get weg,I was very exciting,because this is my first time making money for myself.——I am so happy for you.You know more and more students have part time job during study at school.I want to find a part time job too.I also want to get some work experience.For college students to do a part-time job will exert a profound influence on their personality and life.——Right,we can be a little more independent from our parents as a reasult.——Is it poible to find a part-time job via the Internet?Of course.It is the most common way to find a job these days.——Oh,no.There is no need.There a lot of advertisement on the notices boards around campus ——Oh,right,I have not think of that.We can also find a lot of information for part-time jobs on our university's online meage board.What kind of part time job are you interested in? ——Oh,let me see.I am planning to work as a private tutor at this winter vocation.My uncle ask for me to teach my cousin.——private tutor?How amazing!Which subject are you teaching?how old is the you cousin?
——I am teaching math to my cousin who is in the eighth grade.He is very naughty.and he doesnot want to study at all.I think I teach him will very hard
——Never mind,do not be in hurry.——I suppose it will have to do.——When the child was young,he was too fond of playing.——Yes,I think so too.I should have patience and confidengce,I should be able gradually to change his bad habits.and develop good study habits.——Ok,one more important tings,before you teach your cousin ,you should review the math.and finally wish you succe.——Thank you very much.I will try to work hard
高阶英文对话:Communication on the Internet 高阶英文对话
Conversation Stacy: I am thrilled about the internet telephone technology, but I have to admit I know nothing about how it works.Sue: You mean how people can speak to other people using their computers? Stacy: Yeah.I gue that's what I am trying to say.I mean can I just dial a phone number on my computer and speak to somebody? Sue: Yes, you can if you have neceary communication software installed on your computer.Stacy: I am an average computer user.But, I have no idea what kind of program I would need to make calls from my computer to other people.Sue: First of all, you need a Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol communication program.Stacy: Wait!What's that again? Sue: Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol communication program.This program makes your regular telephone line communicate with the other person's computer or just regular telephone.Stacy: You mean a program makes my computer acts like a telephone? Sue: Yap.But, in order to use your computer for making telephone calls, you must first have a high-speed internet connection Stacy: Ok.I have high-speed internet connection Sue: That's good.Next, you can install Skype for free to make calls from your computer.You've heard of Skype before.Haven't you? Stacy: Yes, I've heared about it quite often, but I don't know exactly what it does.Sue: Skype is a VoIP communication program I just mentioned earlier.VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol.VoIP transfers voice data to digital data first, and as soon as the digital data reaches the destination on the other the end of the line to the receiver, VoIP again translates it to speech so other person can hear you.Stacy: Wow!That's neat.Is that all I need? Just install Skype? Sue: No, you need little bit of more.You need, a microphone attached to your computer and a headphone.Stacy: I have a new computer and headphone.How can I check out if my computer has a microphone? Sue: It's very easy.Just do this: open the Programs from the Start Menu on your desktop.Click Control Panel.Then look for the Sound and Audio Devices icon in the control panel.If you have this icon in the control panel, then you have a computer microphone.Stacy: I see.Ok, I'll do that.If I run into a problem, I'll call you.So is it expensive to use VoIP? Sue: It can be quite costly, but it's free with Skype if both you and the person you call have Skype installed on your computers.Stacy: But, that's always not the case.Not everybody has a computer and Skype installed.If other person doesn't have a computer, can I still call that person using Skype from my computer? Sue: Yes, you can.That's the beauty of Skype.If you do so, you will be able to make calls even to those who have no computer
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A: Hey man! The weekend is coming .what are you going todo on this weekend ?B: HI! I m going to play the badminton and visit my friendwho study in songtian coll......
英语综合版一,College education and campus life A:The stage of college will be the most important period of our life.We need to learn knowledge, at the same time,......