俄媒:以色列不顾美反对售华武器 中国有三义务由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便”。
俄媒:以色列不顾美反对售华武器 中国有三义务
文章称,在以色列航空工程师出现在中国之前发生了一系列事情,其意义和重要性直到最近几年才得以完全理解。以色列在80年代初开始落实“幼狮”项目,以飞机设计师的目标是制造一种技战术性能优于美国F-16A/B的歼击机。这个目标实际上已经实现,以色列飞机试飞就是证明。美国意识到自己遇到了一个危险的竞争对手,随后以保护本国航空工业,担心以色列歼击机可能向对西方不友好的国家出口为借口,开始试图完全阻止“幼狮”项目。在美国的强大压力下,以色列被迫于 1987年中止这个项目。然而,以色列飞机设计师的研发成果并没有白白浪费。可能,中国和以色列达成了秘密协议,以色列把自己研制的飞机的部分设计资料卖给了中国。后来以色列飞机工程师出现在中国成都,帮助研制成飞歼-10歼击机。除了设计中国歼击机的气动布局之外,以色列专家还帮助设计一系列机载电子系统,首先是飞控系统和雷达系统。歼-10“猛龙”安装的雷达实际上是以色列ELM-2021雷达系统,火控系统同样是以色列产品。
美国国会美中关系委员会在报告中指出,以色列是中国复杂军事技术的主要供应国。特拉维夫向中国海军供应了目标拦截和火控设备、YF-12A、YJ-62和 YJ-92巡航导弹、雷达系统、机载雷达、光学和电信设备、无人机和飞行模拟器、坦克热视仪。中国空军战机装备以色列“怪蛇-3”空空导弹。以色列还帮助中国研制HQ-9/FT-2000地空导弹。2002年7月,观察家发现,中国在福建省举行的军事演习中还使用了以色列“哈比”反雷达无人机。
According to Ruia's “planet” website reported on April 23, in recent years, in spite of the United States firmly opposed to Israel and stre, help China manufacturing versatile fighters, and cruise miiles, uavs become one of the main countries of modern weapons exports to China.Expert thinks, with military www.daodoc.com experts to participate in the implementation of research and development;Third, the two countries as full and equal partner sales aircraft to third countries.The agreement is still in the foundation of military technical cooperation between the two countries.Development of normal military cooperation between Israel and the streed that China is a problem of the relationship between the two countries, not for a third country, this is the position of the Chinese government has always insisted on.The block Israel technology transfer to China In the early 90 s, the close link between Israel and China announced to public for the first time.On January 22, 1992, the two countries to establish full diplomatic relations.Since then, the relations between the two countries further development.Israel as the countries of the world's leading high technology, to attract Chinese investment in its own innovation project is very interested in.As time goes on, China can compete with the United States even.So far, there have been more than 1000 Israeli companies all kinds of projects in China.Cooling of relations between Israel and the United States has also strengthened the Israeli politics a new direction, namely comprehensive consolidation and the rapid development of the countries in the far east, is China's first economic and military ties, appointed a former Israel defense forces deputy chief of staff Ma Tan12 a, YJ92 cruise miiles, radar system and airborne radar, optical, and telecommunications equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles and flight simulator, the tank heat meter.The Chinese air force aircraft equipped with Israel “strange snake9 / FT-2000 surface-to-air miiles.In July 2002, observers found that China was held in fujian province also used the Israeli military exercise in ”hubby“ antiradar uav.Often attempt to block in the United States in military technical cooperation.At once to China because the supply of awacs agreement and serious conflict.According to the trade terms, Israel should be for China's three aircraft equipped with ”FeiErKang“ early warning radar.Under the strong preure, in the United States, but in July 2000, Israel was forced to abandon the potential deals worth $1 billion, two years later to Beijing paid $300 million in tel aviv penalty due to breach of contract.Areas of cooperation As to the development of intensive military technical cooperation, in recent years the direct link between the two militaries to further strengthen the trend began to emerge.China's serious study of actual combat experience in Israel.Famous Chinese military commentator, when commenting on the sino-japanese contradiction intensifies, points out that China should learn from Israel, croing the line for the Japanese self-defense forces in an attempt to make a strong response.Who led the Chinese military delegation visit to Israel's national defense university principal Liu Yazhou said general, it is neceary to strengthen cooperation with the Israeli air force, learning the advanced experience of the Israeli army.In his explore the future of the Chinese air force works ”ares volley, the world's air combat review in one hundred, points out that the if the air force is the sword, then Israel's incomparable best swordsman.Two army chief of staff often visits, the two countries often keep exchanges at all levels, including the communication between intelligence and navy.Beijing plans to use experience to solve problems in xinjiang Israeli war on terror.In within the framework of an agreement with Israel, in the case of absolute secrecy, 53 senior police officer in China in the Bert and guard base in northern Israel accepted the anti-terrorism training, graduation and the Israeli police director David Cohen's interview.But to police declined to comment.
兜售武器 遏制伊朗 防范叙利亚 美防长中东行“一石三鸟”(国际视点