Heat : 1.兴趣是工作学习的动力
Interest is the work motivation
Two different people for different jobs
the interest contribute to the pursuit of life 问题
1.兴趣是最好的老师,如果你对自己的专业不感兴趣你觉得你还能学好你的专业吗?(Interest is the best teacher, if you are not interested in their profeional you think you can learn your profeion.)2.现在就业形势这么严峻,对方辩友如何认为满足社会需求可以缓解就业压力呢?(the employment situation is so severe how the other side argue the Friends that meet the needs of the community can ease the employment preure?)
3.创造个人价值是社会价值的前提条件,没有了个人价值,何谈社会价值?Create personal values is a prerequisite of the social values, personal values, what about the social value?
Heat :
Today, our view is that students choose a profeional to adapt to individual preferences is more important than the needs of society.Now, please allow me to do a detailed exposition of it.今天我方的观点是大学生选择专业依照个人喜好比社会需要更重要,现在,请允许我来做一个详细的阐述。
To begin with, interest is the study power.When we are hot for something, we fell relaxed and interested.So that we can do anything well.On the contrary, the profeional we are not interested is boring even if it’s a hot profeional.首先,如果对某一方面感兴趣,那么学习起来才能调动你的主动性,觉得轻松、有意思,这样才能学好;反之若是学自己不感兴趣的专业,无论那个专业多么热门你学起来味同嚼蜡。
Then, the personality is various.Everybody has their suitable job.The suitable job can develop our full potential, increase efficiency.How can you do well in it if you choose a profeional which you don’t suit.其次,人人都有不同的性格,每个人都有适合自己的工作,只有适合自己的才能发挥出最大潜能、提高效率。如果选择了一个自己不适合的专业,怎么能够做的好呢? Besides, meet the individual preferences and make it works as well as it might, which is contribute to achieving the life pursuit.Thus, it can create more value for society.此外,以个人需要为前提,做到物尽其能,有助于实现人生追求,发挥个人价值,从而为社会创造更多的价值。
The other side argue Friends of the reference to the job requirements are factors restricting the employment of university students.Admittedly, the employment situation is indeed growing tension, however, the other side argue the Friends I am afraid ignored today's debate, “Students career.Since it is a ”career“ rather than ”employment“, the premise is naturally the industry may be chosen, and all the problems we are discuing today are built on the premise that Students career, from college students to choose jobs, but not the other side argue Friends of said positions to select college students.In the industry may be chosen under the premise, we have detailed discued from various angles of the material, spiritual and other personal needs more important than the needs of the community
2答:Only like can make you work seriously, make you show the best talents.It is also contribute to the society.Besides, it can help you achieve the values.So, why don't we do? As you like it, prove you are talented in this respect, so that you can put this work to a new height.The society needs the talent who is creatively!只有喜欢才会认真去做,才想去更好的展现自己的才华,这样也是为社会做贡献啊!而且还可以实现自己的自身价值,有何不好吗?这样的人生才有趣有价值。而且你喜欢,证明你在这方面有天赋,这样你可以把这个工作推到更高的高度上。对社会来是说,它更需要创造型的人才!
3答:对于对方辩到提到的社会发展需要大学生奉献自我以满足社会需求,我方认为,作为一个接受过高等教育、拥有知识力量的新时代大学生,如果他连个人根本需求都无法满足,那么他将如何满足社会需求呢?换言之,社会进步的意义就在于提供给社会公民更好的生活环境,如果个人需求无法得到满足,那么社会需求的意义又将从何体现呢?The other side to the debate mentioned in the social development needs of college students dedicate themselves to meet the needs of the community, we believe that a new era of college students as an educated, have the knowledge, strength, if he even individual fundamental needs are unable to meet, then he willhow to meet the needs of the community? In other words, the meaning of social progre is to provide a better living environment to the citizen, if the individual needs can not be met, then the meaning of the needs of the community in turn come to embody it?
Individual need is not equal to pursue the benefit of the individual unilaterally.Although it streed the personal realization, it identified with the social responsibility and dedication.From the angle of personal analysis: the university is a place of knowledge.Every college student will be a talent in the profeional domain, and who have their most suitable work.Students' choice adapt to individual need will give the more personal subjective initiative.When the student measures the individual need, it has internalized the social needs at the same time.个人需要并不等同于片面追求个人的利益,它虽然强调自我价值的实现,但同样认同对社会的责任与奉献。从个人的角度分析:大学是一个传授知识的地方。所谓“术业有专攻”,每一个大学生都会成为某个领域的专业人才,都有自己最擅长和最适合的工作。大学生择业以个人需求为重能更好的发挥个人的主观能动性。在学生择业对个人需要进行衡量的同时,已经将社会需要内化。
From the above, we insist that students choose a profeional to adapt to individual preferences is more important than the needs of society.Everything is poible if we have enough interest.People who submit to the needs of society are the same to the machine.正方坚持认为个人需要更重要,只要有兴趣就可以把不可能的事变为可能,若一味服从社会需要就会与机器无异。
Polar bear : 1.社会提供岗位,是个人就业的前提 A community to provide jobs, is the premise of individual employment 2.就业是为了生存
Employment in order to survive 3.个人要适应社会
the individual to adapt to social 问题
1.对方辩友难道不认为岗位需求是制约大学生就业的重要因素吗?Other defense Friends of Do not think that the job requirements are important factors restricting the employment of university students.2.对方辩友难道不认为个人利益应该服从社会利益吗?Other defense Friends of Do not think that individual interests should be subordinated to the interests of the community.我方认为社会需求对大学生择业更重要,不管你有多么大的理想,但你最终是面对现实,好的理想是好事,但是,我们总是在给社会培养人才,社会需要神什么样的人,我们才能培养什么样的人所以社会的需求更重要,人是为社会服务的,不是为自己,试问对方辩友:如果公司只招聘一位助理的话,你却一直想应聘一位经理,你肯定不会上岗,难道你一直想失业吗?We believe that the social needs of college students career is more important, whether you have how big the ideal, but you eventually face the reality, the ideal is good, but we always to the community nurture talent, social needs God, what kind ofwe can cultivate the kind of person so the needs of the community is more important is to serve the community, not for themselves, ask the other side argue the Friends: if the company is recruiting an Aistant, but you want to apply for a manager.you certainly do not posts, do not you think the unemployed?
Our view is that students choose a profeional to adapt to the needs of society is more important than individual preferences.Reasons can be listed as follow.我方的观点是大学生选择专业适应社会需要比个人喜好更重要,理由如下。
First, for we colleague students, choosing our majors is not only for policy, economy and culture of the whole society, but for environment and feasibility of work, Those involved closely with the social needs.首先,对我们大学生而言,选择专业并不仅仅取决于社会的政治、经济、文化,还取决于环境和工作可行性,这些所涉及的都与社会需要密不可分。
Second, college students have become a thing of the past profeional counterparts, only to meet the needs of the community is the most feasible and most appropriate approach.其次,大学生专业对口已成明日黄花,满足社会需要才是最可行也是最合适的做法。
Third, choosing major should think about the general situation, once our interests conflict with the needs of society, we should choose the overall situation.第三,选择专业应该从 全局着手,一旦我们的兴趣爱好与社会需要发生冲突时,我们应该选择大局。
Each other Friends of the debate comes to only interested in what will go all out, then what Is admitted to Tsinghua students reading a keen interest? Not necearily right, and perhaps most people are not reading much interest, but they are profound, it is one of the means to achieve the value of life.So will go all out.Subjective and must meet objective, the Practice has proved that does not comply with the laws of social development is bound to be eliminated.Imagine if the interest of the students we are doing is immortal, eternal youth, we should disregard all of the district to pursue? We recognize that the needs of the community is changing, but changes in the needs of the community there is a pattern, changes of the interest is casual.The other side argue Friends of interest is the best teacher, but only the teacher, the bo needs of the community.Must eventually be subordinated to the needs of society.2答:大学毕业生“择业难”是现在社会舆论炒做的一个热点,我更想说的是不一定是择业难,更确切的说应该是大学生的理想化择业难。许多学子在青青校园里辛辛苦苦的学习了四到五年,在择业的时候多多少少还是带着一点点自负的。非专业对口单位不去;非排名在前的大公司、大企业不去(立志做公务员的就更不用说了);整体行业前景模糊的单位不去;综合福利待遇不达标的不去。有理想、有抱负我赞同,志存高远我欣赏。可现在的社会是一个节奏飞快、竞争激烈的社会,大学毕业生,尤其是本科以下(含本科)整体供大于求,就业形势日趋严峻,是一个不争的事实。一个成年人,无业可立,何谈独立生活?何谈理想与抱负?
University graduates' careers difficult ”is a hot fry in the public opinion, I want to say is not necearily difficult career, more precisely, should be college students idealistic careers difficult.Green campus, many students in the hard learned four to five years in the careers of more or le, or with a little bit conceited.Non-profeional counterparts do not;non-top-ranked large companies, large enterprises do not(determined to make the civil service, not to mention);fuzzy unit not of the overall industry outlook;comprehensive benefits not substandard.Ideals, and aspirations I agree, high aspirations and I appreciate.Today's society is a fast-paced and highly competitive society, university graduates, in particular(including undergraduate)Undergraduate below the overall supply exceeding demand, the employment situation is worsening, is an indisputable fact.An adult, unemployed stand, so what is independent living? What about the ideals and aspirations?
3答:If the person just keep the focus on their preferences, their needs to live, to work, to learn, but did not realize he was just this sea of a society quite small waves, then the individual can gradually away from the Social, consumer Almost unconsciously his own, and finally can only sigh as she painted on the end.倘若个人只是一味的注重自己的喜好、自己的需要去生活、去工作、去学习,而没有意识到自己只是社会这个大海里的一朵不起眼的小浪花,那么个人只有渐渐的远离这个社会,在不知不觉中消殆了自己,最后只能以一声叹息为自己画上终点。
Social need of the undergraduate career choice is more important: Society from primitive tribes to the present high degree of social civilization, and every step of the proce of development requires different talents, different ideas, whether it is noble.Or inferior, only each person based on reasonable needs of the community to determine their own direction of development, be poible to truly integrate into the community, could truly be made for the social contribution of its power.社会需要对大学生择业更重要:社会从原始的群居部落到现在的高度文明,每一步的发展过程都需要不同的人才、不同的思想,无论是高尚的,还是低贱的,只有每个人依据社会的需要而合理的决定自己的发展方向,才有可能真正的融入这个社会,才有可能真正的为这个社会作出自己力所能及的贡献。
In all, we insist that students choose a profeional to adapt to the needs of society is more important than individual preferences.The one-sided emphasis on personal needs can lead to people into extreme.反方坚持认为社会需要才是更重要的,片面的强调个人需要会导致人们走向个人主义的极端。
We believe that social needs of college students career is more important, whether you have how big the ideal, but you eventually face the reality, the ideal is......
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