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2019, 6 big changes that determine your life and death 每到年末岁初,人们都会对新的一年抱有新的希望,希望在新年里能够过上好日子。企业也不例外,迫切希望难熬的日子赶紧过去,尽早迎来一个春暖花开的季节。

At the end of the year and at the beginning of the year, people have new hopes for a good new year.Enterprises are no exception, eager to endure the days quickly past, as soon as poible ushered in a warm spring season.然而,总是事与愿违,丰满的愿望和骨感的现实反差太大,当一个年份快过去的时候不少企业会惊奇地发现,年初的愿望和目标,基本都落空了。尤其,2018年对很多企业而言,就是这样的年份。

However, it is always counterproductive.The reality contrast between plump desire and bony feeling is too big.When a year paes quickly, many enterprises will be surprised to find that the wishes and goals of the beginning of the year have basically failed.In particular, 2018 is such a year for many businees.01


In 2018, chicken hair 共享单车集体阵亡;

Shared Cycling Group killed;无人超市无人问津;

No one is interested in the supermarket;温州制造门可罗雀;

Wenzhou makes the door rooque;义乌商品风光不在;

Yiwu commodity scenery is not;创业公司深陷泥潭;

Startups are mired in trouble;达芙妮、富贵鸟相继倒闭,大润发、百盛退出舞台,《内涵段子》被迫叫停,《全民TV》停止运营,当年最具投资价值的“咖啡陪你”也轰然倒塌,其创始人跳楼自杀……

Daphne, rich birds have closed down, big Runfa, Parkson withdrew from the stage, “content Duan” was forced to stop, “National TV” stopped operations, the most valuable investment in those years “coffee with you” collapsed, its founder jumped to suicide.这还没完。据有关数据显示,在中国上市公司中,民营企业的经营性现金流一落千丈,债券净发行量一落千丈,多数民营企业陷入“缺血”状态,资产负债率不断飙升,平均值已经达到56%,创下历史新高…

It's not over yet.According to the relevant data, among the listed companies in China, the operating cash flow of private enterprises has plummeted, the net iuance of bonds has plummeted, most private enterprises have fallen into a state of “ischemia”, and the ratio of aets and liabilities has been soaring.The average has reached a record high of 56.早在2017年,马云预言:2018年,将迎来30年来最恐怖的失业潮和倒闭潮。当时还有很多人不信,但现在看来,马云的预言毫不夸张,即将过去的2018年,只能用四个字来形容:一地鸡毛。

Back in 2017, Mr Ma predicted the worst wave of unemployment and bankruptcy in 30 years.At that time, many people did not believe, but now, Ma's prophecy is no exaggeration, the past 2018, can only be described in four words: a ground chicken hair.02 二


Will there be any improvement in 2019? 面向2019,我想说:只要基因不改变,仍然一地鸡毛。因为,如果2018年是老基因企业的倒闭潮,那么2019年可能成为创业公司的倒闭潮。那些靠投资、靠政策、靠关系勉强生存的企业,很有可能在2019年一片一片地倒下去,惨烈程度应该不亚于2018年。

Facing 2019, I want to say: as long as the gene does not change, still a chicken hair.Because if 2018 were to be a wave of old genetic failures, 2019 could be a wave of startups.Businees that subsist on investment, policy and relationships are likely to collapse in 2019, as badly as 2018.最近,我们反复强调:未来属于新基因企业。并对那些老基因企业说:基因一旦改变,命运随之改变;基因不能改变,必将噩运连连。

Recently, we repeatedly streed: the future belongs to the new gene enterprise.And to the old gene companies: once the gene changes, the fate will change;if the gene does not change, it will be bad luck.这不是一个概念,更不是危言耸听,而是在时代变革和市场变革下必须要面对的现实。

This is not a concept, much le alarmist, but a reality that must be faced with times and markets.那些曾经风光无限的行业老大们,如今为什么都陷入困境?归根结底是基因的老化。当市场发生突变的时候,越是规模大的企业,越难以适应变化。不是技术问题,不是资金问题,更不是人才问题,而是基因问题。

Why are the industry boes who used to be in trouble? Ultimately, it's the aging of genes.When the market mutation, the larger the enterprise, the more difficult to adapt to change.It's not about technology, it's not about money, it's not about talent, it's about genetics.所以,这个时代,就像查尔斯·狄更斯在《双城记》里写到的那样:既是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代。“最好”是因为,谁的适应力强,谁就会赢得先机,甚至可以创造奇迹;“最坏”是因为,市场的变化让我们乱了方寸,不知所措,再不去变革,就会被他人“割命”。

So this time, as Charles Dickens writes in Tale of two cities, is both the best and the worst.The “best” is because who is resilient, who will win the first chance, or even can do miracles;“worst” is because the changes in the market let us me up, overwhelmed, no longer to change, will be “cut off” by others.说到这里,我想给故宫点一个大大的“赞”。故宫作为博物馆,承载着几千年的沧桑历史,不得不说是老基因单位。但是,今天的故宫变了,就在2018年他们推出的一系列活动,深受大家的喜欢,甚至他们跨界推出的口红和睡衣等产品都被人们一抢而光。

Speaking of which, I'd like to order a big “like” for The Imperial Palace.The Imperial Palace as a museum, bearing thousands of years of viciitudes of life, must be said to be an old genetic unit.But today's The Imperial Palace has changed.In 2018, they launched a series of events that were so popular that they sold lipstick and pajamas acro the border.为什么会发生这种奇迹?是因为故宫的基因变了,从以前的老基因转向新基因,适应了这个时代,适应了这个市场。

Why did this miracle happen? Because The Imperial Palace's genes changed from old to new, adapted to this era, adapted to the market.那么,连故宫这样本该属于历史的博物馆都勇于改变自己的基因,适应时代的变化,你还在等什么呢?

So what are you waiting for, even a museum like The Imperial Palace, which should belong to history, to change its genes and adapt to the changing times? 面向2019,我坚定地认为:基因改造才是我们根本出路。在2019年,甚至更长的时间里,我们能否活下去,就看是否有勇气去改变自己的基因,拥抱这个时代。

Facing 2019, I firmly believe that genetic modification is our fundamental way out.Whether we can survive in 2019, or more, depends on the courage to change our genes and embrace this era.03 三


Six changes that determine your life and death 那么,中国企业改造基因的工程该如何进行?我提出以下六大变革,供大家参考,也衷心希望这些建议能够给企业带来一线生机,战胜2019,面向更好未来。

So, how to carry out the engineering of Chinese enterprises' genetic transformation? I propose the following six major changes for your reference, but also sincerely hope that these suggestions can give the enterprise a chance to survive 2019, facing a better future.1、品类变革

1.Category change 新基因企业的第一硬实力,就是品类创新能力。谁能开创一个能够抢占顾客心智的新品类,谁就有可能改变命运。

New gene enterprise's first hard strength, is category innovation ability.Whoever can create a new category that can capture the customer's mind could change his destiny.现在的市场,比任何时候都有条件开创新品类。首先,顾客的需求从大众转向小众,这一点可以催生无数个新品类;其次,企业的技术装备不断提升,新技术、新标准不断涌现,这一点也可以催生无数个新品类。

Today's market, more than ever, is in a position to create new categories.First, the shift of customer demand from ma to niche can create countle new categories;second, companies' technological equipment, new technology, new standards are constantly emerging, which can also lead to countle new categories.更重要的是,现在市场上已有的老品类,定位的机会基本没有了。代言品类的机会早就被大品牌占领,占据特性的机会也被那些跟进者抢光,聚焦业务的机会也所剩无几,而且被那些“地头蛇”们牢牢把守。所以,开创新品类,几乎是唯一的出路。

More importantly, the market now has the old category, positioning opportunities are basically no longer available.Endorsement opportunities have long been seized by big brands, and the opportunities for identity have been snapped up by those who follow them, and there are few opportunities to focus on the busine, and they are firmly guarded by the “local snakes”.Therefore, the creation of new categories, is almost the only way out.杯装奶茶的领导者香飘飘,最近的日子不太好过,“杯子连起来,可绕地球三圈”的神话也成为往事。原因是什么?我认为,不是定位问题,而是品类问题。

The leader of cup milk tea flutters, the recent day is not very good, “cup is connected, can circle the earth three times” myth is also a thing of the past.Why? In my opinion, it is not a question of positioning, but of category.以喜茶为代表的现泡茶,对杯装茶的冲击造成了香飘飘的困境。所以,香飘飘在定位上再怎么努力,不会有本质的改变,出路只有一条:开创新品类。要站到喜茶的对立面,根据自身的优势开创一个“现泡奶茶”的新品类,才有可能重回神坛,继续绕地球。

As the representative of tea, the impact of cup-filled tea has caused the plight of fragrance fluttering.Therefore, how to work hard in positioning, there will be no eential change, only one way out: to create new categories.To stand on the opposite side of tea, according to their own advantages to create a “milk tea” of a new category, it is poible to return to the altar, continue to orbit the earth.其实,跟香飘飘相似的悲剧同样发生在其他行业里。比如说,方便面的衰退就是有力的证明。以美团为代表的外卖平台,几乎把方便面这个老品类一锅端,加速它的灭亡。这就是新品类的力量。

In fact, the tragedy similar to the fragrance fluttering occurred in other industries.For example, the decline of instant noodles is a powerful proof.Meituan as a representative of the takeout platform, almost instant noodle this old category, accelerating its demise.This is the power of the new category.所以,要想打造一个新基因企业,就在品类上做文章,通过开创新品类,创造市场新机会。

So if you want to create a new gene company, you can create new market opportunities by creating new categories.2、品牌变革

2.Brand change 如果品类变革是第一硬实力,那么品牌变革就是第二硬实力。

If category change is the first hard strength, then brand change is the second hard strength.中国企业,在品牌方面犯的最多的错误就是用一个虚弱的定位走向市场。要么定位不疼不痒,说跟没说没有两样;要么概念太大,云里雾里,根本无从理解。

The most common mistake Chinese companies make in brand terms is to move to the market with a weak position.Either the positioning does not hurt and does not itch, say and did not say the same, or the concept is too big, in the clouds, can not understand.比如,“活力”、“均衡”、“品质”等概念都是属于不疼不痒的定位,对品牌业绩的成长毫无帮助;而“全屋定制”、“全产业链”、“智慧地球”等概念都太大,顾客无法理解你到底在卖什么。

For example, “vitality”, “equilibrium”, “quality” and other concepts are not pain and itching of the positioning, no help to the growth of brand performance;The concepts of “whole house customization”, “whole industry chain” and “smart earth” are too big for customers to understand what you are selling.大家想想:顾客对你卖的东西,要么提不起兴趣,要么难以理解,怎么可能掏腰包消费你呢?这就是品牌问题。解决这个问题,要从以下两个方面入手:

Think about it: how can a customer pay for what you sell if they don't have an interest in it or it's hard to understand it? This is the brand iue.To solve this problem, we should start with the following two aspects: 首先,定位概念化。

First of all, positioning conceptualization.找到定位等于找到了方向,但是找到方向并不等于成功。所以,定位需要概念化。

Finding a position is finding a direction, but finding a direction does not mean succe.Therefore, positioning needs to be conceptualized.定位概念化,就是基于自身优势,对定位进行具体化、创意化的描述。

Positioning conceptualization, is based on their own advantages, positioning specific, creative description.具体化,是指对定位用实际的事物进行可衡量或可落地的描述。比如说,乐百氏纯净水曾经推出的“27层净化”,就是对乐百氏“高品质纯净水”的可衡量性描述;南孚电池“聚能环”,就是对南孚“耐力性能好”的可落地性描述。

Concretization refers to the measurable or landfall description of the actual object of positioning.For example, Robust's “27 levels of purification”, once launched by Robust, is a measurable description of Robust's “high quality pure water,” while the Nanfu battery “ring of energy” is a landfall description of Nanfu's “good endurance performance.” 创意化,则是对定位做的一个富有创意、戏剧性的描述。比如,金龙鱼的“1:1:1更健康”就是这样的案例。如果金龙鱼说“我的调和油营养均衡,利于健康”,顾客肯定没有任何感觉。但是,它推出这么一个奇怪的概念,就容易引起人们的注意,勾起人们探知的欲望。这就是创意化的贡献。

Creativity is a creative and dramatic description of positioning.For example, the golddragon fish's 1:1:1 healthier case is such a case.If the golddragon says, “my blend oil is balanced and healthy,” the customer must not feel anything.However, its introduction of such a strange concept, easy to attract attention, arousing the desire to know.This is the contribution of creativity.无论如何,定位必须概念化。通过更加具体化、创意化的概念来支撑定位,强化定位,才能快速进入顾客心智。

In any case, positioning must be conceptualized.Through more concrete, creative concept to support positioning, strengthen positioning, can quickly enter the customer mind.另外,定位概念化,要避免大概念和假概念。

In addition, positioning conceptualization, to avoid large concepts and false concepts.资本市场往往喜欢大概念,诸如:出行、生态、全品类零食等等。概念越大,越容易引起他们的兴趣。然而,在顾客的心智里,却恰恰相反。越是小的概念,越容易被接受。比如,“滴滴打车”比“滴滴出行”更容易被顾客接受,“乐视电视”比“乐视生态”更容易被顾客接受,“三只松鼠坚果”比“三只松鼠全品类零食”更容易被顾客接受。

Capital markets tend to like big concepts, such as travel, ecology, whole-range snacks, and so on.The larger the concept, the easier it is to interest them.In the customer's mind, however, the opposite is true.The smaller the concept, the easier it is to be accepted.For example, “Didi Taxi” is easier to be accepted by customers than “DiDi”, “Letv TV” is easier to be accepted by customers than “Letv Ecology” and “three squirrel nuts” is easier to be accepted by customers than “three squirrel whole category snacks”.所以,我们一定要用冷静的头脑和敏锐的眼光看穿那些大概念和假概念,尊重顾客心智,遵从心智规律,让品牌定位回归本源,务求实效,不要让眼前的销量和短暂的成功蒙蔽双眼。

Therefore, we must use a cool mind and keen vision to see through those big concepts and false concepts, respect the customer's mind, follow the laws of the mind, let the brand position return to its source, and seek practical results.Don't let immediate sales and temporary succe blind your eyes.其次,右脑驱动市场。

Second, the right brain drives the market.我们提出的“认知思维”与定位理论最大的不同在于,强调品牌的阴阳均衡,提倡“定位解决左脑问题,个性解决右脑问题”。

The biggest difference between the “cognitive thinking” and the positioning theory is that we emphasize the balance of Yin and Yang of the brand, and advocate “solving the left brain problem by positioning and solving the right brain problem by personality”.过去的几十年,在左脑的世界里,我们的品牌可谓扎堆儿亮相,拿出各自不同的价值和概念来拼得你死我活,热火朝天。但是,在顾客的右脑里,却一直冷冷清清,没有几个品牌真正让顾客怦然心动。我认为,这恰恰是千载难逢的好机会。

Over the past few decades, in the left-brain world, our brands have come out with different values and concepts to fight for each other.However, in the customer's right brain, but has been cold, few brands really let the customer palpitate.I think this is a golden opportunity.一个好的品牌,不仅要占据顾客的左脑,成为他的首选,更要占据顾客的右脑,在右脑的感性世界里建立“统治”地位。

A good brand should not only occupy the left brain of the customer and become his first choice, but also occupy the right brain of the customer and establish a “dominant” position in the perceptual world of the right brain.如果你能做到这一点,就意味着你学会了右脑驱动市场,极有可能创造下一个奇迹。

If you can do this, it means you have learned to drive the market in the right brain, most likely to do the next miracle.右脑驱动方面,我们认可的品牌里,江小白可以算一个。

Right brain drive, we recognize the brand, Jiang Xiaobai can be counted as a.江小白的酒到底有多好?懂酒的人不一定看上它;江小白的定位到底是什么?常喝江小白的人也未必能说出来。

How good is Jiang Xiaobai's wine? People who know wine do not necearily like it;what is the orientation of Jiang Xiaobai? People who often drink Jiang Xiaobai may not be able to say so.这就意味着,江小白在顾客的左脑里,其实没有太清晰的身份和价值。

This means that Jiang Xiaobai in the customer's left brain, in fact, not too clear identity and value.但是,在顾客的右脑里,江小白却成为“情绪”的代名词,成为全中国最能发泄情绪的酒。更重要的是,年轻人对这种情绪产生了强烈的共鸣,并为它掏了腰包,从而成就了江小白的传奇。

However, in the customer's right brain, Jiang Xiaobai has become a synonym for emotion and the most venting wine in China.More importantly, young people have a strong resonance for the emotion, and paid for it, thus making Jiang Xiaobai legend.这就是右脑驱动的力量。一个成功的品牌个性,一个成功的右脑驱动,可以让品牌定位更加清晰,更加强大,甚至对一个定位不太清晰的品牌找到定位。

This is the power of the right brain.A succeful brand personality, a succeful right-brain drive, can make brand positioning clearer, stronger, and even find a location for a brand that is not clearly positioned.江小白“年轻人的二锅头”这个定位,当初并不是江小白自己喊出来的。而是江小白的品牌个性驱动的结果,“小饮、小聚、小情绪”吸引年轻人,促使他们消费的结果。

Jiang Xiaobai “young Erguotou” this positioning, was not Jiang Xiaobai himself called out.It is the result of Jiang Xiaobai's brand personality drive, “drink, gather, and emotion” to attract young people and encourage them to consume.所以,在顾客的右脑里打造一个强大的品牌个性,是当今世界莫大的市场机会,品牌变革不可忽略的重要环节。

Therefore, creating a strong brand personality in the right brain of customers is a great market opportunity in today's world, and brand change can not be ignored.3、视觉变革

3.Visual change 从品牌个性延伸出来的另外一个变革就是视觉变革。

Another change that extends from brand personality is visual change.视觉变革的关键在于,要实现一个历史性转变,即:从视觉表达向视觉竞争转变。把视觉当作右脑驱动市场的重要武器来看待,而不仅仅是表达某种审美或偏好。

The key of visual transformation is to realize a historic change, that is, from visual expreion to visual competition.Look at vision as an important weapon in the right brain driving the market, not just expreing an aesthetic or preference.那么,视觉竞争该如何做到?五个字:个性视觉化。也就是把你的品牌个性向视觉方向输出,打造一个与众不同的、过目不忘的、强化定位的视觉锤。

So how does visual competition work? Five words: personality visualization.That is, to export your brand personality to the visual direction, to create a unique, forgettable, enhanced positioning of the visual hammer.在这个方面,中国品牌也有着巨大的机会,很多历史元素、文化元素、品类元素、生活方式元素,都没有被充分挖掘,可谓机会多多,触手可及。但遗憾的是,没有几个品牌真正抓住这些机会。原因有两个:一方面,企业营销人员没有这个意识和能力;另一方面,中国绝大多数设计师仅仅停留在“美工”的水平,根本没有能力去挖掘这些机会。

In this respect, the Chinese brand also has the huge opportunity, many historical elements, the culture element, the category element, the life style element, has not been fully excavated, may be called the opportunity many, can reach.Unfortunately, few brands really take these opportunities.There are two reasons: on the one hand, marketers do not have this awarene and ability;on the other hand, the vast majority of Chinese designers simply stay at the level of “art workers” and have no ability to exploit these opportunities at all.最近,人们乐于传播“苹果被切成华为LOGO”的图片,从而表达自己的爱国之情。但是,从视觉竞争力的角度看,华为的视觉体系远比不过苹果,无论它的LOGO还是产品造型都形不成视觉锤。甚至不少人觉得华为的LOGO像菊花,因此给华为起了一个外号叫“菊花科技”。虽然这是一种调侃,但从品牌联想的角度看,这种联想是糟糕的。

Recently, people like to spread images of Apple being cut into Huawei LOGO to expre their patriotism.But from a visual competitivene point of view, Huawei's vision system is far le than Apple's, neither its LOGO nor its product shape is a visual hammer.Even many people think Huawei's LOGO like chrysanthemums, so Huawei has a nickname called “chrysanthemum technology.” Although this is a kind of ridicule, but from the brand aociation point of view, this aociation is bad.视觉变革方面,还有一个非常重要的做法是:新品类一定要实现全新设计。从外观上、包装上,甚至从所有的细节上,都要与老品类进行革命性地区隔。只有这样设计,才有可能更容易凸显新品类的新定位,更容易进入顾客心智。

There is also a very important approach to visual change: new categories must achieve a new design.The appearance, packaging, and even all the details, must be revolutionary with the old category.Only in this way can it be easier to highlight the new positioning of the new category and to gain acce to the customer's mind.近几年,在中国奶粉市场上掀起一股“有机”潮,无论是国际品牌,还是本土品牌,纷纷推出自己的有机奶粉。从品类的角度看,这是一次进化,我们应该喝彩。

In recent years, there has been a wave of organic milk powder in the Chinese milk powder market, both international and local brands have launched their own organic milk powder.From the category point of view, this is an evolution, we should applaud.但是,当我看到他们的产品包装,就泄气了。这么好的新品类,却统统被装进老品类的包装里,跟普通奶粉没有任何区别,不仔细看“有机”二字,从包装上根本看不出有何不同。这是失败的做法。

But when I saw the packaging of their products, I was discouraged.Such a good new category, but all are loaded into the old category of packaging, no different from ordinary milk powder, not carefully look at the word “organic”, from the packaging can not see any difference.This is a failure.在新品类的视觉设计上,我们应该向戴森学习,敢于挑战传统,甚至颠覆传统,要设计出与老品类截然不同的风格。因为,在小众崛起时代、感性消费时代、追求颜值的时代,只有这种全新的设计,才能把一个品牌的差异化充分体现出来,从而推动一个新品类的快速发展。

In the visual design of the new category, we should learn from Dyson, dare to challenge the tradition, even subvert the tradition, and design a completely different style from the old category.Because in the era of the rise of small crowd, the age of perceptual consumption and the age of pursuing face value, only this kind of new design can fully reflect the differentiation of a brand and promote the rapid development of a new category.4、模式变革

4.Model change 对企业来讲,开创一个新品类也许不难,改变一个品牌定位也许不难,甚至换个LOGO、改个颜色和字体都不叫什么事儿,但是改变企业固有的商业模式可谓难上加难。这也是诺基亚被苹果打掉的核心原因。

It may not be hard for companies to create a new category, change a brand position, or even change the color and font of a LOGO, but changing the busine model is even more difficult.This is also the core reason why Nokia was knocked out by Apple.诺基亚被苹果打下去,不是品类问题,也不是定位问题,而是商业模式问题。因为,当诺基亚基于塞班系统,自行研制地图、游戏以及各种工具软件,走多元化道路的时候,苹果干了什么?苹果正在平台化,把自己的平台开放给全球的手机软件厂商,用他们的力量做自己的事情。这才是诺基亚衰败的关键。

Nokia was hit by Apple, not category problem, nor positioning problem, but busine model problem.Because what did Apple do when Nokia built its own maps, games and tools based on Symbian? Apple is platform, opening its platform to mobile software vendors around the world, using their power to do their own thing.That is the key to Nokia's decline.因为,在多数情况下,当多元化遇到专业化的时候,专业化胜出;当专业化遇到平台化的时候,平台化胜出。更何况当年的诺基亚从专业化走向多元化,怎么可能是平台化的对手呢?!

Because, in most cases, specialization wins when diversification meets specialization;when specialization meets platformization, it wins.What's more, Nokia turned from specialization to diversification.How could it be a platform rival?!回到国内,我们去找一个在模式变革上有所作为的企业,我想给海尔竖立一次大拇指。因为,在模式变革的道路上,海尔走出的路子,常人难以想象。

Back home, we look for a model change in the enterprise, I want to give Haier a thumbs-up.Because, on the road of mode change, the road that Haier goes out, ordinary person is hard to imagine.在过去的30年里,可以说,海尔输给了格力。也就是格力的专业化战胜了海尔的多元化。但是,未来30年,我想挺海尔。因为,张瑞敏先生对海尔的商业模式进行了变革,把海尔从一个航空母舰改变成联合舰队,从多元化向平台化转型。

In the past 30 years, it can be said that Haier lost to Gree.That is, the specialization of Gree overcame Haier's diversity.But, in the next 30 years, I want to support Haier.For Mr Zhang Ruimin transformed Haier's busine model from an aircraft carrier to a combined fleet, from diversification to platform.未来的海尔,可以孵化无数个新品类和新品牌,让他们相互协同,独立发展。也就是说,未来的海尔,可以孵化无数个格力这样的专家型品牌。

The future of Haier, can hatch countle new categories and new brands, let them cooperate, independent development.In other words, the future of Haier, can hatch countle Gree such expert brand.然而,今天的格力在干什么?恰恰走海尔过去的老路,开始走多元化,做手机、做汽车,做空气净化器,无所不能。“格力”品牌也不断地向无相关品类延伸,即便有“大松”、“晶弘”这样的独立品牌,但是格力品牌的延伸并没有因此而停止。

But what is Gree doing today? Haier took exactly the same old road, began to diversify, do mobile phones, cars, air purifiers, can do anything.“Gree” brand also continues to extend to no related category, even if there are “Dasong”, “Jinghong” such as the independent brand, but Gree brand extension has not stopped.如果格力不改变这种做法,不能果断向“多品牌战略”转型,不去捍卫“格力”已经建立的专家型品牌的认知,未来的日子肯定好不到哪儿去。目前半死不活的“格力”手机就是有力证明。

If Gree does not change this approach, can not decisively shift to “multi-brand strategy”, not to defend the “Gree” has established expert brand awarene, the future of life will certainly not be much better.The current half-dead “Gree” cell phone is a powerful proof.所以,我经常建议我的客户,在商业模式上,必须摒弃“大而全”的航母模式,实现“小而美”的联合舰队模式。需要涉足新业务时,至少要建立两个事业部:老业务成立一个事业部,维持现状;新业务成立新的事业部,大胆探索。而且,必须要有全球化视角,用全球资源,做全国市场,做到开放,共享,抱团,共赢。这样,我们才能赢得未来的胜利。

Therefore, I have often advised my clients to abandon the “large and complete” aircraft carrier model and implement the “small and beautiful” joint fleet model in the busine model.When you need to set foot in a new busine, you must establish at least two divisions: an old busine to maintain the status quo;a new busine to establish a new busine, bold exploration.Moreover, must have the globalization perspective, uses the global resources, makes the national market, achieves the opening, the sharing, the union, the win-win.In this way, we can win the victory of the future.5、传播变革

5.Communication change 在过去的电视时代,CCTV是绝对的流量中心,权威地位不可撼动。但是,到了PC时代,新浪微博却成为流量中心,一个姚晨的微博,发一条消息的达到率远超过CCTV很多栏目。不过,到移动互联网时代,这种情形又发生了变化,今日头条正在成为新一代的流量中心。

In the past television era, CCTV is the absolute center of traffic, authority position can not be shaken.However, in the era of PC, Sina Weibo has become a traffic center, a Yao Chen Weibo, the rate of a meage reached far more than many CCTV columns.However, in the age of mobile Internet, that has changed again, and today's headlines are becoming a new generation of traffic centers.如果把时间倒退30年,谁还敢想会有这样的变化呢?但是,这就是我们要面对的现实,If the time goes back 30 years, who would dare to think of such a change? But that's the reality we have to face.牌传播必须要面对的现实。

Card diemination must face the reality.那么,在这样一个以手机为终端的移动互联网时代,加上即将要到来的5G时代,我们的品牌传播到底要做出哪些变革呢?这是具有时代意义的话题,可能任何人都无法给出权威答案。我只是从顾客心智的角度,认知思维的角度,给几点建议,供大家参考:

So, in such a mobile Internet era with mobile phones as the terminal, plus the upcoming 5G era, what changes will be made in our brand communication? This is a topic of the times, perhaps no one can give an authoritative answer.I am just offering a few suggestions from the point of view of the customer's mind and the perspective of cognitive thinking for members' reference: 首先,传播策略要从广告转向口碑。

First of all, the communication strategy from advertising to word of mouth.2018年世界杯,可谓中国品牌的竞技场,大大小小的品牌,花重金、打广告,展开一场激烈的传播大战。但是,最后的赢家却是华帝燃气灶。为什么?

The 2018 World Cup is the arena for Chinese brands, big and small, expensive, advertising and a fierce communications war.However, the final winner is the Huadi gas stove.Why? 因为,华帝在世界杯期间推出了一个促销活动,叫“法国队夺冠,华帝退全款”。结果,法国队真的夺冠了,从而把华帝推向了关注的制高点,赢得了这场传播战的胜利。这就是口碑传播的力量。

Because Huati launched a promotional campaign during the World Cup called “France wins, China returns all funds.” As a result, France did win, pushing Huati to the top of attention and winning the communications war.This is the power of word of mouth.在大互联时代,我们一定要具备口碑传播能力,要善于运用互联网技术及社群裂变的手法,把品牌有效地传播出去,从而实现低成本建立品牌。

In the era of great interconnection, we must have the ability to spread word of mouth, be good at using Internet technology and community fiion techniques, effectively spread the brand, so as to achieve low-cost brand building.尤其,当一个新品牌进入市场的时候,而且还特别缺钱的时候,就应该用口碑传播手段,通过制造新闻、制造内容、口口相传、病毒蔓延的方式来传播品牌,而不是惦记广告。

In particular, when a new brand enters the market and is especially short of money, it should use word-of-mouth to spread the brand by means of news, content, word of mouth, virus spread, rather than thinking about advertising.其次,传播工具要从静态转向动态。

Secondly, the communication tool should change from static to dynamic.如果大家仔细观察,即便是互联网时代的传播媒介也不断地发生变化,在不同的时期迎来不同的红利期。比如:2013-2015年是互联网杂志的红利期,典型代表是微信公众号和今日头条;2016-2017年是互联网广播的红利期,典型代表是喜马拉雅和得到;2018年以来,却迎来了互联网电视的红利期,典型代表是花椒直播和抖音短视频。

If you look closely, even the media of the Internet age are constantly changing, with different bonus periods at different times.For example: 2013-2015 is the dividend period for Internet magazines, typically represented by WeChat's public number and headlines today;2016-2017 is the dividend period for Internet broadcasting, typically the Himalayas and get;Since 2018, however, ushered in the dividend period of Internet TV, typical representatives are Huajiao TV and Tik Tok.现在看来,大家热议的5G时代即将到来,相信到那个时候,互联网的传播媒介还会发生革命性的变化。所以,我们一定要提前做好准备,当风口到来的时候,遇风而起,乘风而飞。

It now seems that the 5 G era is coming, and I believe that by then, the media of the Internet will be revolutionized.Therefore, we must be prepared in advance, when the arrival of the tuyere, meet the wind and fly.那么做什么准备呢?我认为,在传播工具上,我们一定要从静态转向动态,让品牌形象变得更加立体。说得具体一点,就是要从海报转向短视频,把品牌对外传播的所有内容都要视频化,在1分钟之内,甚至在15秒之内,把话说清楚。

So what are you going to do? I think we have to move from static to dynamic to make brand image more stereoscopic.To be specific, to move from posters to short videos, to video everything the brand spreads out, within a minute, or even within 15 seconds, to make it clear.前几年,在海报方面,我们看到了杜蕾斯的成功,甚至有人评价:海报成就了杜蕾斯。那么,未来三年,传播工具的视频化将会成就谁?这是耐人寻味的问题,也是一个难得的机会,谁走在前面,谁就可能创造下一个“杜蕾斯”!

A few years ago, in terms of posters, we saw Durex's succe, and some even commented that posters made Durex.So, over the next three years, who will become a video of the media? This is a thought-provoking question, but also a rare opportunity, who goes ahead, who can create the next “Durex”!第三,传播效率要从说服转向共鸣。

Third, the communication efficiency should shift from persuasion to resonance.这些年,大家一致在谈“场景”这个词汇,甚至有人说“场景”是产品开发的源泉。但是,我对这种说法不太认同,因为,场景的背后是生活方式,对营销真正有帮助的是生活方式研究。而生活方式研究的目的就是要与顾客的精神世界产生共鸣。因此,我在很多场合一直在谈:有共鸣,有市场;无共鸣,无市场。

Over the years, everyone has been talking about the word “scene”, even saying that “scene” is the source of product development.But I don't quite agree with that, because behind the scenes is lifestyle, and what really helps marketing is lifestyle research.The purpose of lifestyle research is to resonate with the spiritual world of customers.Therefore, I have been talking on many occasions: resonance, market, no resonance, no market.未来是感性消费时代,是顾客的购买决策从左脑转向右脑的时代。在这个时代,我们衡量一个品牌的传播效率,再也不能用单纯的“价值”,应该从“价值”转向“共鸣”。

The future is the age of perceptual consumption and the time of customer's buying decision from left brain to right brain.In this era, we measure the communication efficiency of a brand, can no longer use pure “value”, should shift from “value” to “resonance”.举个例子。从“价值”的角度,柳桃和潘苹果跟褚橙没有什么区别,都是好水果,都值得信赖。但是,柳桃和潘苹果就是卖不过褚橙,这是为什么呢?因为,褚橙在人们的右脑里有共鸣,而柳桃和潘苹果却没有。

For instance From the point of view of value, Liu Tao and Pan apple are no different from Chu orange, they are both good fruits and reliable.However, Liu Tao and Pan Apple were unable to sell Chu Orange.Why? Because Chu Orange resonates in people's right brain, but Liu Tao and Pan Apple do not.6、组织变革

6.Organizational change 本文所提到的六大变革中,虽然我把组织变革写在最后,但我认为,组织变革是在这六大变革中最为关键的变革。因为,它对前面的五大变革提供最根本的保障。

Of the six major changes mentioned in this paper, although I write about organizational change at the end, I think organizational change is the most critical of these six changes.Because it provides the most fundamental guarantee for the five major changes ahead.那么,从品牌的角度,企业在组织上该做出什么变革呢?我认为,一定要实现“小企业大市场部”。也就是说,你的企业可以很小,但是你的市场部必须要强大。

So, from the brand point of view, enterprises in the organization should make changes? I think, must realize “small enterprise big market department”.In other words, your busine can be small, but your marketing department must be strong.在人们的常规观念里,大企业大市场部,小企业小市场部。这才是正常的。但是,在未来,这种做法肯定行不通。因为,未来是心智时代,是小众崛起的时代,小鱼吃大鱼的时代。在这个时代,你要想生存,必须打破常规,反向思考。

In people's general idea, big busine big marketing department, small enterprise small market department.This is normal.In the future, however, this will certainly not work.For the future is the age of the mind, the age of the rise of the minority, the age of the small fish eating the big fish.In this age, if you want to survive, you must break the rules and think backwards.再说,未来的市场要求企业的市场部要具备强大的内容运营能力,如果你的市场部不够强大,怎么可做到呢?

What's more, the future market requires the marketing department of the enterprise to have a strong content operation ability, if your marketing department is not strong enough, how can you do it? 所以,无论你的日子再怎么难过,无论你的钱再怎么短缺,一定要咬住牙,勒紧腰带,把市场部先做大。

So, no matter how hard your life is, no matter how short of money you are, be sure to bite your teeth, tighten your belt, and expand the marketing department first.做大市场部,可以用“自建”的方法,也可以用“他建”的方法。无论用什么方法,最终的目的就是要建立一套完善的品牌创建体系及市场运营机制,从而推动“新基因企业”的建设,在残酷的市场环境中杀出一条血路来。

To make a big marketing department can be done either by self-building or by others.No matter what method is used, the ultimate aim is to establish a set of perfect brand creation system and market operation mechanism, so as to promote the construction of “new gene enterprise” and to kill a bloody road in the cruel market environment.可口可乐的历任首席营销官塞尔希奥·齐曼先生曾经说过这样一句话:越是萧条的时候,越要加大你的投资。面向2019,面向更远的未来,我想把这句话送给大家,并衷心希望我们的企业,尤其是广大的民营企业,逆势而上,排除万难,大胆变革,书写新时代的品牌传奇。

Mr.Sergio Ziman, Coca-Cola 's chief marketing officer, once said, “the more depreed you are, the more you must invest.” Facing 2019, facing the far future, I would like to give this sentence to you, and sincerely hope that our enterprises, especially the majority of private enterprises, go against the trend, overcome all difficulties, change boldly, write the brand legend of the new era.值此辞旧迎新之际,心征服品牌咨询特别推出《十大首席洞见2019》视频版,10大专家、每人1分钟,从不同角度畅谈2019,带给大家智慧,带给大家警示,也带给大家信心,成为中国营销界岁末年初独特的风景线。

On the occasion of farewell to the old and welcome the New year, Heart Conquest Brand Consulting specially launched a video version of “Top Ten Chief Insight 2019”, 10 experts, each one minute, talking about 2019 from different angles, bringing wisdom, warning, and confidence to everyone.As the end of the Chinese marketing industry at the beginning of the unique landscape.












