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G类大作文: Some students travel abroad for one year before starting university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?

A类大作文: Some people think that space exploration is a waste of money and the funds should be relocated to other more needed areas. To what extent do you agree?









雅思分学术类和普通类两种题型,学术类(A类、Academic Module)主要适合留学,普通类(G类、General Training Module)主要适合移民。雅思考试产生听说读写四个单项分数,单项的满分是9分(精通英语),其次是8分(优秀英语),7分(良好英语),6分(掌握英语),5分(勉强掌握),4分(有限英语),3分(少量英语),2分(少量单词),1分(不懂英语),0分(没有考试)。

普通培训类(General Training Module)的雅思考试侧重评估考生是否有足够的英语技能可以在英语国家生活,因此也被称为对survival English的考查,前往英联邦国家参加非学历培训的考试者通常会应培训机构的要求参加普通培训类的考试。此外,加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰的移民机构均以雅思普通培训类的考试成绩作为技术移民申请人的英语能力参考标准。

学术类(Academic Module)的雅思考试着重评估考生是否具有在英语环境中就读大学本科或研究生课程的语言能力,不同的学校和学位对雅思成绩会有不同的要求。目前雅思学术类的考试的成绩在美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、欧洲、新西兰、香港、新加坡和马来西亚的大学均得到认可,如果还没有决定去哪个国家学习,雅思无疑是一个很好的选择。

雅思分为:听力、阅读、写作、口语。 其中阅读和写作是A、G分开的(A类比G类难),听力和口语一样。



1. 考试题型。目前从雅思考试中文官网的统计来看:雅思阅读考试A类题型共有10种;G类题型共有11种。由于雅思阅读G类考试题型多一种,我们先看看都有哪些?分别是:选择题;多项配对;填空;完成句子;完成笔记、总结、或流程图;完成总结;为段落或文章的部分选择相对应的小标题;寻找信息;判断作者观点、看法或文章中的具体信息;分类;配对题。而雅思阅读考试A类题型中没有多项配对以及完成总结这两种题型,不过雅思阅读A类考试中也多出一种考试题型,那就是“对图表进行标记”考试题型。

2. 考试形式。无论是雅思阅读A类还是G类考试,考试时间都是60分钟,40道考试题目。但是雅思考试阅读(A类)部分共有三篇文章;而G类阅读由三部分组成,G类雅思阅读第一部分通常包含2到3篇短文或者若干段文字(如广告等)。第二部分通常有2篇文章,第三部分则为一段较长的文章。从这方面来看雅思阅读G类考试要比A类考试文章内容多,大家再看一下两者文章字数统计,A类雅思阅读考试三篇文章字数总计约在到2750字之间,G类雅思阅读考试所有文章总计长度约在2400字左右。这样大家可以看出,虽然G类文章内容多,但是文章字数上并不是有太大差异。

3. 考题来源。雅思阅读考试A类文章主要来源于诸如杂志、期刊、书籍和报纸等途径,与考生未来在大学课程中将阅读到的文章极为相似。而G类考试文章内容是由易到难,所以文章来源比较杂也比较广泛。第一部分的内容选自通知、广告、时间表、宣传品、以及其它的类似内容。第二部分的内容选自大学招生简章、课程介绍、大学课程介绍、图书馆指引、规定、以及其它的类似内容。第三部分的内容选自报纸、杂志、期刊、小说或非虚构的书籍、以及其它的类似内容。



1. 考试时间,考试形式。 雅思写作无论是A类还是G类考试时间都为60分钟,二者都是在指定时间内完成两篇作文(大小作文各一篇)。并且雅思考试官方都是建议第一篇小作文用时20分钟,大作文40分钟。并且在文章字数上要求也是一致的,小作文150字;大作文250字。从这两方面可以看出二者是一样的,没有什么区别。

2. 考试题型,考试难易度。


作文二(大作文): 雅思写作无论是A类还是G类,第二篇文章都是一篇议论文。考试题目中会给出一个看法、论点或某个特定题目的问题,大家需就此提供事实性的信息、概述或提出一个解决方案、论证一个观点、或评价观点和论据。考生在这部分需进行议论文形式的写作。虽然都是议论文,考试形式,要求也大同小异。但是考试题目是不一样的,但是近年来的雅思考试写作题目二者经常交换重复以往的考题。




1) 开头段写作保持简短。

2) 40分钟大作文的写作时间,开头最多只能话4-5分钟的时间

3) 留下2-3分钟的时间计划整体的布局和论据

4) 不可照抄题目,照抄题目必然导致低分

5) 对背景信息进行描述。

6) 简单阐明自己所支持的观点

Here is an example introduction for the above essay question about IT:

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected by IT, with many advances in this field. However, while these technological advances have brought many benefits to the world, it can be argued that these developments in IT will result in more negative impacts than postive.

As you can see, the first sentence makes sure it refers to the topic (IT) and uses facts about IT taken from the question. Note that these are paraphrased - you must not copy from the rubric!

The second part then clearly sets out the what the essay will be about and confirms the writers opinion (some questions may not ask for your opinion, but this one does).


1. a lot of/lots of

这对词组一般不要出现在academic essay中,考官已经看烦了。可以用A considerable number of代替

2. Everything has two sides/every coin has tow sides


3. Recently

这个词不好。按照他们的说法就是too imprecise,没有一个具体的时间。可以用 In the last 5 years…/since…。代替

4. There is survey……

老师是这么说的:has there been?/only say this if you actually know of one 也就是说考官知道这些都是你编的,最好不要用了

5. And, because, but

这三个词我们还是经常会用到。其实最好用in addition, therefore, however等代替

6. 不能用vivid 来形容world vivid可以用来说memories或者是dream之类的

7. No one can deny that…/Undoubtedly

这2个词组太绝对了,用来开头并不合适。 其实每个人都能持与你意见相反的态度

8. in a word

很多人会用它来做conclusion。 鬼佬的意见是:如果你准备用这个词组来引出你的观点,那你最好用一个词来概括,谁让你是这么写的呢

9. Meanwhile don’t use in general academic writing or for task 2—but it is ok for describing a process in task 1

10. Nowadays

理由和3差不多, 这个词用在文章里显得太普通了, 老师的原话是it does not mean very much

11. It is a well known fact… 最好不要用, 有的考官会扣分

12. advantages and disadvantages 换成merits and drawback 和pros and cons

13. In my opinion, I dis/agree with this

这是多余的表达。 When stating your opinion you follow with a fact 相信大家都能看懂,就不翻译了

14. IELTS文章中千万不能用缩写, 例如I’m 在考场上别犯懒,平时最好也别写缩写,多多注意,养成习惯

15. very不能用来形容delicious, lovely, fantastic, wonderful, amazing, gorgeous and huge。

16. human being MS这个词指的是动物+植物, 以后可以用man kind代替



as we all know?

it can not be denied?

除非你真的列举一些不可推翻的事实,比如:中国是世界上人口最多的国家——可是太过事实的事实,往往对你的作文毫无用处,就比如:every coin has two sides。都是写可写可不写的废话。



You and some friends ate a meal at a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion, and you were very pleased with the food and service. Write a letter to the restaurant manager. In your letter

give details of your visit to the restaurant

explain the reason for the celebration

say what was good about the food and the service


Dear Sir,

I am writing to thank you and your staff for making our celebration meal so special last Friday evening.

I made a booking for ten people at very short notice on Friday, and you managed to find us a table. When we made the spontaneous decision to eat out that evening, we were amazed to find a table for such a large group, and we could not have chosen a better restaurant.

The ten of us were celebrating our university graduation. The ceremony had taken place, and my friends and I were all so relieved to have finally received our degree certificates. Nobody wanted to go home, so I suggested that we find somewhere to have dinner together.

As soon as we walked into the restaurant, we knew that we were in good hands. Your waiters were extremely friendly and obliging, and the food was delicious. We were also impressed that both you and the head chef came to check that everyone was happy with their food.

All ten of us would like to thank you for giving us such a memorable


Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(189)


雅思G类写作备考 如何写好G类大作文和小作文?

一. 雅思G类写作总览


二. 雅思G类写作如何备考

1. 雅思G类小作文备考

雅思G类小作文相对来说写作难度较低,大家在写小作文的时候要注意格式和表达。小作文的书信类型一般是正式的,所以大家要注意写作开头和文中用语正式化,开头称呼要使用规范化称呼“Dear 某某”,然后在正文中不要使用缩写。至于雅思小作文备考资料,建议大家使用剑雅真题即可,将所有的真题写一遍并对照范文修改提高即可。

下面给大家举个例子,比如这道题目“Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday. Write a letter to your friends. In your letter thank them for the photos and for the holiday explain why you didn’t write earlier.”

这道题目是让你写一篇感谢信,感谢朋友寄来的照片并解释为何之前不写信给他们。那么遇到这样的题目应该如何写呢?首先要规范化开头“Dear _(朋友的名字)”,然后另起一行开始写正文,思路应该是先感谢他们寄来照片,然后再解释自己之前为什么没有写信给他们,比如工作忙或者课业繁重等等,然后可以诚挚邀请他们来找你玩,最后别忘了写上信末祝福和署名,这样,一篇雅思G类小作文就完成了。

2. 雅思G类写作大作文备考


In modern society, there has been a growing trend that people prefer to have fast food instead of cooking for themselves. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food.







G类大作文: Some students travel abroad for one year before starting university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?

A类大作文: Some people think that space exploration is a waste of money and the funds should be relocated to other more needed areas. To what extent do you agree?









雅思分学术类和普通类两种题型,学术类(A类、Academic Module)主要适合留学,普通类(G类、General Training Module)主要适合移民。雅思考试产生听说读写四个单项分数,单项的满分是9分(精通英语),其次是8分(优秀英语),7分(良好英语),6分(掌握英语),5分(勉强掌握),4分(有限英语),3分(少量英语),2分(少量单词),1分(不懂英语),0分(没有考试)。

普通培训类(General Training Module)的雅思考试侧重评估考生是否有足够的英语技能可以在英语国家生活,因此也被称为对survival English的考查,前往英联邦国家参加非学历培训的考试者通常会应培训机构的要求参加普通培训类的考试。此外,加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰的移民机构均以雅思普通培训类的考试成绩作为技术移民申请人的英语能力参考标准。

学术类(Academic Module)的雅思考试着重评估考生是否具有在英语环境中就读大学本科或研究生课程的语言能力,不同的学校和学位对雅思成绩会有不同的要求。目前雅思学术类的考试的成绩在美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、欧洲、新西兰、香港、新加坡和马来西亚的大学均得到认可,如果还没有决定去哪个国家学习,雅思无疑是一个很好的选择。

雅思分为:听力、阅读、写作、口语。 其中阅读和写作是A、G分开的(A类比G类难),听力和口语一样。



1. 考试题型。目前从雅思考试中文官网的统计来看:雅思阅读考试A类题型共有10种;G类题型共有11种。由于雅思阅读G类考试题型多一种,我们先看看都有哪些?分别是:选择题;多项配对;填空;完成句子;完成笔记、总结、或流程图;完成总结;为段落或文章的部分选择相对应的小标题;寻找信息;判断作者观点、看法或文章中的具体信息;分类;配对题。而雅思阅读考试A类题型中没有多项配对以及完成总结这两种题型,不过雅思阅读A类考试中也多出一种考试题型,那就是“对图表进行标记”考试题型。

2. 考试形式。无论是雅思阅读A类还是G类考试,考试时间都是60分钟,40道考试题目。但是雅思考试阅读(A类)部分共有三篇文章;而G类阅读由三部分组成,G类雅思阅读第一部分通常包含2到3篇短文或者若干段文字(如广告等)。第二部分通常有2篇文章,第三部分则为一段较长的文章。从这方面来看雅思阅读G类考试要比A类考试文章内容多,大家再看一下两者文章字数统计,A类雅思阅读考试三篇文章字数总计约在到2750字之间,G类雅思阅读考试所有文章总计长度约在2400字左右。这样大家可以看出,虽然G类文章内容多,但是文章字数上并不是有太大差异。

3. 考题来源。雅思阅读考试A类文章主要来源于诸如杂志、期刊、书籍和报纸等途径,与考生未来在大学课程中将阅读到的文章极为相似。而G类考试文章内容是由易到难,所以文章来源比较杂也比较广泛。第一部分的内容选自通知、广告、时间表、宣传品、以及其它的类似内容。第二部分的内容选自大学招生简章、课程介绍、大学课程介绍、图书馆指引、规定、以及其它的类似内容。第三部分的内容选自报纸、杂志、期刊、小说或非虚构的书籍、以及其它的类似内容。



1. 考试时间,考试形式。 雅思写作无论是A类还是G类考试时间都为60分钟,二者都是在指定时间内完成两篇作文(大小作文各一篇)。并且雅思考试官方都是建议第一篇小作文用时20分钟,大作文40分钟。并且在文章字数上要求也是一致的,小作文150字;大作文250字。从这两方面可以看出二者是一样的,没有什么区别。

2. 考试题型,考试难易度。


作文二(大作文): 雅思写作无论是A类还是G类,第二篇文章都是一篇议论文。考试题目中会给出一个看法、论点或某个特定题目的问题,大家需就此提供事实性的信息、概述或提出一个解决方案、论证一个观点、或评价观点和论据。考生在这部分需进行议论文形式的写作。虽然都是议论文,考试形式,要求也大同小异。但是考试题目是不一样的,但是近年来的雅思考试写作题目二者经常交换重复以往的考题。



1. Letters of complaint and apology


2. Letters asking for and giving information


3. Making suggestions or recommendations


4. Letters describing likes, dislikes, needs or wants

请使用30分钟完成一篇完整的小作文,内容最好是describing likes, dislikes, needs or wants,也可任选。

5. Analysethe question, write an introduction and conclusion

请使用40分钟完成一篇大作文的审题,题目最好选择使用to what extent do you agree or disagree提问的问题。并使用自己的语言复述一遍题目(不要与题目的写法相同,尽量用自己的话),然后定出中心,写出文章的第一段(开头)和最后一段(结尾)。主体部分可以构思一下,不需要写。

6. Getting ideas and planning, paragraphing, presenting and supporting opinions

请使用60分钟完成另一篇大作文的主体部分,不需要写开头结尾,题目还是选用to what extent do you agree or disagree提问的问题,但与练习5的题目不同。主体分为三段(根据自己的习惯调节,不能少于两段,不能多于四段),每一段有自己的分论点,分论点要切合主题。

7. Complete an essay

请使用60分钟完成一篇完整的大作文,题目使用练习5的题目或选择另一个类型相同的题目(to what extent do you agree or disagree提问的问题。)。开头结尾按照练习5的方式(练习5写完后最好请人修正一下)进行,主体按照练习6的方式(修正后的)进行。

8. Complete another essay

请使用45分钟完成一篇以what are the reasons? Does the advantage outweigh the disadvantages? 或what are the benefits and are there any backwards? 结尾的文章(即解释类文章),字数不要多于350words。完成后仔细研究自己的中心是否切题。

9. Test simulation



一个中心: 以完成任务为中心。题目中所有的细节必须涉及,所有的问题必须回答。



1. 明确的指出自己写信的目的

2. 清晰、准确的陈述事实

3. 使用坚定但礼貌的语言(这一点与概述中提及的内容一致)







NB (提示): 这些书信仅用于了解上述3要素的重要性,但表达地道、文字精准,值得学习;但是正式考试中,除了需要书信的内容,还要提供称谓和落款等内容。

书信一、写信目的:道歉信 (承认错误、表示歉意、请求原谅、寻求解决方案)

I’m so sorry I missed our appointment for this morning; I got held up in a faculty meeting and could not break away.

Please call me to reschedule. I am available any weekday except Friday from 2 to 4 P.M., and because I missed our meeting I also am willing to drop by the office any time Saturday if that works better for you.

My apologies.


I have just moved into Apartment 32B, and am enjoying my stay here. However, I do have a concern about one of my neighbors.

When I signed my lease it was emphasized to me that there could be no more than two persons living full-time in a studio apartment. That is definitely not the case in the apartment directly above mine, 33B.

During the one month I have been here, there must have been at least six adults and three young children somehow squeezed into that studio apartment at any one time. The constant noise, the traffic into and out of the apartment, and the four cars they use is very annoying.

Please look into the matter and advise me of the resolution as soon as possible.

书信三、写信目的: 请求图书馆增加互联网服务 (介绍身份、描述问题、博得理解)

I am a senior citizen and a regular patron of the Small-town Public Library.

I think we have a fine facility in Small-town, but compared to other libraries in the area we are behind the times. Our library has only two computers connected to the Internet, and the last time I attempted to use the machines, there were six people ahead of me.

Are there any plans to get more computers? I would be happy to participate in a fundraising effort to add more machines and connections to the Internet.

第二个基本点 写信的基调





第一段 简单介绍自己(要联系这封信的目的)+ 说明你和收信人之间的关系

第二段 具体说明一些问题(按题目要求,可适当的增加一些细节)

第三段 明确提出自己的想法(按题目要求,适当增加一些谦辞,但不可数量过多)


One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to tell your friend that you couldn't attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

apologise for missing the birthday celebration

explain why you missed it and why you didn't tell your friend

and say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry.


Dear Mark,

I hope you're well and that you had a fantastic time on your birthday.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to celebrate with you, and for not letting you know beforehand that I wouldn't be able to come. I feel terrible that I haven't found the time to contact you until now.

The truth is that I've been under a lot of stress at work recently. I was in danger of losing my job if I didn't meet a sales target, so I haven't been able to think about anything else over the last few weeks. This is why I couldn't be at your party, and why I didn't call to tell you I wouldn't be there.

I really hope you'll forgive me for being so thoughtless, and I hope you'll let me make it up to you. By way of an apology, I've bought tickets for us both to go to the football next Saturday; I hope you'll come.

Speak to you soon,




You wish to immigrate to a country but are not sure about the requirements and applicationprocedure. Write a letter to the immigration officer of this country to ask about, say who you are and explain your qualificationsand experience.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to receive information regarding the immigration proceduresto Canada.


I am 34 years old and am currently working as senior mechanical engineer at ABC Tech Company in Shanghai. I hold a Bachelors and a Masters degree from Shanghai Tongji University. I am married and my wife will be having our first child this coming autumn.


I have been considering immigrating to Canada for quiet some time and would like to know if my qualifications and work experience make me eligible to apply. I have enclosed my resume as well as a bank statement of my current financial status and my English proficiencylevel.



One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to tell your friend that you couldn't attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

apologise for missing the birthday celebration

explain why you missed it and why you didn't tell your friend

and say what you would like to do to show that you are sorry.


Dear Mark,

I hope you're well and that you had a fantastic time on your birthday.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to celebrate with you, and for not letting you know beforehand that I wouldn't be able to come. I feel terrible that I haven't found the time to contact you until now.

The truth is that I've been under a lot of stress at work recently. I was in danger of losing my job if I didn't meet a sales target, so I haven't been able to think about anything else over the last few weeks. This is why I couldn't be at your party, and why I didn't call to tell you I wouldn't be there.

I really hope you'll forgive me for being so thoughtless, and I hope you'll let me make it up to you. By way of an apology, I've bought tickets for us both to go to the football next Saturday; I hope you'll come.

Speak to you soon,



On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter

describe the item you lost

explain how you lost it

tell the insurance company what you would like them to do


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to make an insurance claim for an item that I lost while on holiday last week.

The item is a wristwatch that I inherited from my grandfather. Both the watch strap and the face are made of gold, and the watch is worth a considerable amount of money. It also has great sentimental value.

I believe that I must have left the watch on the beach in front of the hotel where I was staying. I did return to search for it, but I can only assume that it was either covered in sand or that it had been washed out to sea.

I took out comprehensive travel insurance with your company, and my contract states that all lost items are covered. I would therefore ask that you review the attached information regarding the estimated value of the watch, and that you process my claim as quickly as possible.

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(170)


You and your family are moving to another country, and you are looking for rented accommodation there. Write a letter to a property agent. In your letter

introduce yourself and your family

describe the type of accommodation that you hope to find

give your preference for the location of the accommodation


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask for your help finding accommodation in Australia. My name is Mark Smith, and I am married with two young children. A recent promotion at work has meant that I will soon be based in Sydney instead of London, and so we are hoping to emigrate as soon as possible.

Our plan is to find rented accommodation for at least the first year of our stay in Australia. Ideally, we would like a detached house with three or four bedrooms and a good-sized garden so that the children have somewhere to run around.

We would prefer a quiet, suburban location within easy commuting distance of the city centre. The local schools are an important consideration, and we would like to be close to shops and other amenities.

I hope you can help us with our house search, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Smith(157)


There have been some problems with public transport in your area recently. Write a letter to the manager of the transport company. In your letter

describe the problems

explain how these problems are affecting the public

suggest some changes that could be made.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention some issues with my local train service.

I take the Bam train from Manchester to Liverpool every morning. This week, my train has arrived at least 10 minutes late each day, and I have been unable to find a seat due to overcrowding.

Passengers are becoming increasingly frustrated. I have seen several people complain to members of your staff that the delays are making them late for work, and the overcrowding means that many of us are

forced to stand in the central aisle of the train for the duration of the journey. This is extremely uncomfortable.

I would like to suggest that you run a more regular service on the Manchester to Liverpool line. Another solution would be to add an extra carriage to trains at peak times in order to provide more space.

I hope you will address these concerns as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(162)




Someone you know well is applying to a university abroad. Write a recommendationletter for him, say how you got to know him and why he is worth your recommendation.(推荐信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to recommend to you the outstandingpersonality and the super ability for learning of Mr. Robert Jiang.



I got to know Mr. Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British literature to a class of English majors in which he was a student. His excellent performances on several occasions such as group discussions and open debatereally took me by great surprise. Never had I met a young student speaking English so fluently and accurately. His insightinto British literature as a whole as well as the perspectives he cut into the analysis of characters in the literature aroused my great curiosity about his first-class and unique capability of doing research work. Later on, upon his completion of the Bachelordegree, he moved on to pursue his study for a Master’s degree in the same field of study and I was very lucky to be his supervisor. Mr. Jiang has always been an honest person. He is very friendly to people and is very easy-going. Many of his classmates have mentioned on different occasions about how helpful he was to them and to which I simply cannot agree more.


Now Mr. Jiang is applying to your prestigious university for a chance to continue his Ph.D research. I hope you’ll find he is just as good as I’m now recommendinghim to be. And should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address:……


Truly yours

Kenny Gao


Kenny Gao



Someone you know well is applying to a university abroad. Write a recommendationletter for him, say how you got to know him and why he is worth your recommendation.


Dear Sir or Madam,

Im writing to recommend to you the outstandingpersonality and the super ability for learning of Mr. Robert Jiang.



I got to know Mr. Jiang a few years ago while I was teaching British literature to a class of English majors in which he was a student. His excellent performances on several occasions such as group discussions and open debatereally took me by great surprise. Never had I met a young student speaking English so fluently and accurately. His insightinto British literature as a whole as well as the perspectives he cut into the analysis of characters in the literature aroused my great curiosity about his first-class and unique capability of doing research work. Later on, upon his completion of the Bachelordegree, he moved on to pursue his study for a Masters degree in the same field of study and I was very lucky to be his supervisor. Mr. Jiang has always been an honest person. He is very friendly to people and is very easy-going. Many of his classmates have mentioned on different occasions about how helpful he was to them and to which I simply cannot agree more.




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