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弟子规开篇第一章就讲到孝,可见孝的重要性,可能有人认为弟子规中讲的孝已经不在适合于快节奏的现代社会,但其中为孝的精神本质是始终不变的,需要我们认真学习,并结合当今社会和个人的家庭进行落实。“父母呼应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒 父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承”从弟子规所述内容上看,实际上很多都是我们日常生活中的小事,很容易做到,也很容易被忽略,关于“孝”的很多事情我们都知道,可是真正能做到的少,所以我认为,对于行孝,一定要能够知道而做到,只有做到了才算真正和孝,知道而不做到,反而比不知道更要批评。而且要注意细节,从周围的小事做起。对于其他做人做事亦是如此。




At Home, Be Dutiful to My Parents


fùmǔhū yìngwùhuǎn fùmǔmìng xíngwùlǎn

父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒

When my parents call me, I will answer them right away. When they ask me to do something, I will do it quickly.


fùmǔjiào xūjìngtīng fùmǔzé xūshùnchéng

父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承

When my parents instruct me, I will listen respectfully. When my parents reproach me, I will obey and accept their scolding. I will try hard to change and improve myself, to start anew.


dōngzéwēn xiàzéqìng chénzéxǐng hūnzédìng

冬则温 夏则凊 晨则省 昏则定

In the winter, I will keep my parents warm; in the summer, I will keep my parents cool. I will always greet my parents in the morning to show them that I care. At night I will always make sure my parents rest well.


chūbìgào fǎnbìmiàn jūyǒucháng yèwúbiàn

出必告 反必面 居有常 业无变

Before going out, I must tell my parents where I am going, for parents are always concerned about their children. After returning home, I must go and see my parents to let them know I am back, so they do not worry about me. I will maintain a permanent place to stay and lead a routine life. I will persist in whatever I do and will not change my aspirations at will.


shìsuīxiǎo wùshànwéi gǒushànwéi zǐdàokuī

事虽小 勿擅为 苟擅为 子道亏

A matter might be trivial, but if it is wrong to do it or unfair to another person, I must not do it thinking it will bear little or no onsequence. If I do, I am not being a dutiful child because my parents would not want to see me doing things that are irrational or illegal.


wùsuīxiǎo wùsīcáng gǒusīcáng qīnxīnshāng

物虽小 勿私藏 苟私藏 亲心伤

Even though an object might be small, I will not keep it a secret from my parents. If I do, I will hurt my parents’ feelings.


For example, in Buddhism, it is considered breaking the precept of not stealing if I borrow a piece of paper or take someone’s pen without permission. It is considered breaking the precept of not killing if I kill an ant or mosquito. If I lie or talk about someone behind his or her back, I have broken the precept of not lying, etc.


qīnsuǒhào lìwèijù qīnsuǒwù jǐnwèiqù

亲所好 力为具 亲所恶 谨为去

If whatever pleases my parents is fair and reasonable, I will try my best to attain it for them.38 If something displeases my parents, if within reason I will cautiously keep it away from them.


shēnyǒushāng yíqīnyōu déyǒushāng yíqīnxiū

身有伤 贻亲忧 德有伤 贻亲羞

When my body is hurt, my parents will be worried. If my virtues40 are compromised, my parents will feel ashamed.


Parents will be saddened by the actions of a child who behaves secretively. If he/she behaves in such a way when he/she is still young, then he/she will probably twist the law, obtain bribes, and be a curse to his/her country and his/her people when he/she grows up.


qīnàiwǒ xiàohénán qīnzēngwǒ xiàofāngxián

亲爱我 孝何难 亲憎我 孝方贤

When I have loving parents, it is not difficult to be dutiful to them. But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me, only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.


If what pleases my parents is illegitimate or unreasonable, I should tactfully dissuade my parents, and tell them the reasons that they should not have it. 不合情、理、法的爱好,要婉转的劝导父母。 (卷)

I should lead my parents to proper views and understanding of things. 要诱导父母走向正知正见。

Virtues are standards and principles of one’s conduct. In China a man’s conduct is ruled by “Wu Chang” (五常) and “Ba De” (八德) . Wu Chang are the five moral principles: kindheartedness (仁), duties and obligations (义), proper etiquette (礼), wisdom (智), and trustworthiness (信). Ba De are the eight virtues: duty to parents (孝), respect for elders (悌), loyalty (忠), credibility (信), proper etiquette (礼), duties and obligations (义), a sense of honor (廉), and a sense of shame (耻).“德”是人的.道德修养。德有五常八德。五常是仁、义、礼、智、信。八德是孝、悌、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻。

qīnyǒuguò jiànshǐgēng yíwúsè róuwúshēng

亲有过 谏使更 怡吾色 柔吾声

When my parents do wrong, I will urge them to change. I will do it with a kind facial expression and a warm gentle voice.


jiànbúrù yuèfùjiàn hàoqìsuí tàwúyuàn

谏不入 悦复谏 号泣随 挞无怨

If they do not accept my advice, I will wait until they are in a happier mood before I attempt to dissuade them again, followed by crying, if necessary, to make them understand. If they end up whipping me I will not hold a grudge against them.


In ancient China, when a child did not obey the parents, the parents were allowed to discipline the child. If a child refused to be disciplined, the parents had the right to ask the authorities to have the child executed. 中国的古法,如孩子不听管教,父母有权惩罚他们,如果非常不听话,有权要求官府把孩子处死。

qīnyǒují yàoxiāncháng zhòuyèshì bùlíchuáng

亲有疾 药先尝 昼夜侍 不离床

When my parents are ill, I will taste the medicine first before giving it to them.I will take care of them night and day and stay by their bedside.


sāngsānnián chángbēiyè jūchùbiàn jiǔròujué

丧三年 常悲咽 居处变 酒肉绝

During the first three years of mourning after my parents have passed away, I will remember them with gratitude and feel sad often for not being able to repay them for their kindness in raising me. During this period I will arrange my home to reflect my grief and sorrow. I will also avoid festivities and indulgence in food and alcoholic drinks.


Chinese people take herbal medicine prescribed by Chinese doctors. Herbs are boiled with water to make a liquid medicine. Before giving such medicine to one’s parents, a child should first taste it to ensure it is not too hot or too bitter. 古时候的中国用草药治病。把医生开的药方加水煮成药汤。子女要先替父母试尝药的温度与苦味,调理好后才端去给父母喝。

sāngjìnlǐ jìjìnchéng shìsǐzhě rúshìshēng

丧尽礼 祭尽诚 事死者 如事生

I will observe proper etiquette43 in arranging my parents’ funerals. I will hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate my parents’ anniversaries with utmost sincerity. I will serve my departed parents as if they were still alive.











弟子规易解-入则孝父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承易解:父母呼唤,应及时回答,不要慢吞吞的很久才应答,父母有事交代,要立刻动身去做,不可拖延或推辞偷懒。......

弟子规 入则孝



弟子规「入则孝」《弟子规》之〈入则孝〉原文及解说:父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒 父母教须敬听 父母责 须顺承冬则温 夏则凊 晨则省 昏则定 出必告 反必面 居有常 业无变事......


弟子规zǒngxù【总叙】dìzǐguīshèngrénxùnshǒuxiàotìcìjǐnxìn1 弟子规圣人训首孝悌次谨信fànàizhòngérqīnrényǒuyúlìzéxuéwén2 泛爱众而亲仁有余......





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