introspection examining one's own thoughts and feelings
invective abusive language, curses
inveigle trick by using flattery, deception
inveterate deep-rooted. long-established
irate angry
ire anger
irksome tiresome
irrelevant not relevant, not connected
irrevocable final and unalterable
itinerary plan for a journey, details or records of a route
jabber talk excitedly; utter rapidly
lackluster (of eyes) dull
lag go too slow
latent present but not yet active, developed or visible
laudatory expressing or giving praise
lavish giving or producing freely, liberally or generously
leakage the process of leaking
lien legal claim until a debt on it is repaid
limp lacking strength, walking unevenly
loll rest, to sit or stand in a lazy way; hang (dog's tongue)
loquacious talkative
lubricant substance that makes work easier
lubricate put oil to make work easily
lugubrious dismal, mourful;
lull become quiet or less active
luminary star, light-giving body
macabre gruesome, suggesting death
maladroit tactless, clumpsy
malapropism misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)
malign injurious, speak ill of smb, tell lie
martial brave, of associated with war
massacre cruel killing of a large number of people
matriculation be admitted, enter a university as a student
mature come to full development, to a state ready for use
mendacious false
mercurial lively, quick-witted; inconsistent, changeable
meretricious attractive on the surface but of little value
mischievous harmful, causing mischief
miser person who loves wealth and spends little
missile smth that is thrown or shot
moderation quality of being limited, not extreme
mollify make calmer or quiter
molt moult, lose hair, feathers before new growing
morbid diseased, unhealthy (eg. about ideas)
mortuary place where dead bodies are taken to be kept until burial
mundane wordly, ordinary, dull
negligent taking too little care
noisome offensive, disgusting (smell)
noxious harmful
numb without ability to feel or move
numbness without ability to move a finger
obdurate stubborn, impenitent
obsequious too eager to obey or serve
officious too eager or ready to help, offer advice
opprobrious showing scorn or reproach
ostentation display to obtain admiration or envy
ostentatious fond of
ostracism shut out from society, refuse to meet, talk
ostrich fast-running bird unable to fly
outset start
overhaul examine thoroughly to learn about the condition
overwhelm weigh down, submerge
palpability can be felt, touched, understood
palpitate tremble, beat rapidly and irregularly
parenthesis sentense within another one, smth separated
parsimonious too economical, miserly
peccadillo small sin; small weakness in one's character
penchant taste, liking, inclination
penury poverty
peremptory not to be disobeyed or questioned
perennial lasting for a long time (eg. a year)
perfidious treacheres, faithless
perfidy treachery; breaking of faith
perfunctory done as a duty withour care
perjury wilful fasle statement, unlawful act
pernicious harmful, injurious
persevere keep on steadily, continue
pertain belong as a part, have reference
pest destructive thing or a person who is nuisance
petulant unreasonably impatient
pied of mixed colors
pinch be too tight, take between the thumb and finger
pious dutifull to parents; devoted to religion
pique hirt the pride or self-respect, stir (curiosity)
pitfall covered hole as a trap, unsuspected danger
pith essential part, force, soft liquid substance
placate soothe, pacify, calm
plaque flat metal on a wall as a memorial
plea request
plead address a court of law as an advocate
plethora glut
pliant pliable, easile bent, shaped or twisted
plod continue doing smth without resting
plummet fall, plunge, steeply
plunge move quickly, suddenly and with force
poise be ready, be balanced, self-possession
ponderous heavy, bulky, dull
posture state, attitude; adopt a vain
poverty state of being poor
precept moral instruction
precipitate throw smth violently down from a height
precursory peliminary, anticipating
predilection special liking, mental preference
preempt obtain by preemption or in advance
premature doing or happening smth before the right time
presage warning sign
pristine primitive
procrastination keeping on putting off
prodigious enormous, wonderful
profundity depth
proliferate grow, reproduce by rapid multification
prolix tiring because too long
propagation increasing the number, spreading, extending
prudence careful forethought
prudish easily shocked, excessively modest
prune dried plum, silly person
prune cut away part in order to control growth
pugnacious fond of, in the habit of
punch strike with the fist; tool for cutting holes; alc. drink
pundit pedant, authority on a subject
pungency sharpness
pyre large pile of wood for burning
quack person dishonestly claiming to smth
qualm feeling of doubt, temporary feeling of sickness in the stomach
qualms feelings of doubt, sickness in the stomach
quell suppress, subdue
quixotic generous, unselfish
raconter person who tells anecdotes
rancorous feeling bitterness, spitefulness
rapacious greedy (esp for money)
recalcitrant disobedient
recast cast or fashoin anew
reciprocity granting of privileges in return for similiar
recitals a number of, performance of music
recluse person who lives alone and avoids people
recuperate become strong after illness, loss, exhaustion
redeem get back by payment; compensate
refine make or become pure, cultural
rejuvenation becoming young in nature or appearence
relapse fall back again
relinquish give up
reluctant unwilling or disinclined
renovate restore smth to better condition
rent regular payment for the use of smth, division or split
repine at be discontented with
reproach scold, upbraid
requite repay, give in return
resilience quality of quickly recovering the proginal shape
restive refusing to move; reluctant to be controlled
resurrect bring back into use
resuscitation coming back to consciousness
reticent reserved, in the habit of saying little
revere have deep respect for
rift split, crack, dissension
roll call calling of names
rope thick strong cord made by twisting
savant person of great learning
savor taste, flavour smth
sawdust tiny bits of wood
scabbard sheath for the blade
scent smell (esp pleasant)
scurvy diseased state of the blood caused by eating too much salt
seal piece of wax, lead, etc stamped on the document
sedulous persevering
sequence succession, connected line of
serration having a toothed edge
servile like a slave, lacking independence
shaft arrow or spear, smth long and narrow
shallow little depth; not earnest
shard piece of broken earthenware
sheath cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool
shove push
shrill sparp, piercing
shun keep away from; avoid
shunt send from one track to another; lay aside; evade discussion
sidestep step to one side
skiff small boat
skit short piece of humorous writing
slate king of blue-grey stone; propose; critisize
sluggard lazy, slow-moving person
sluggish inactive, slow-moving
soar rise, fly high
sober self-controlled
sobriety quality or condition of being sober
soggy heavy with water
solvent of the power of forming a solution
somatic of the body
soot black powder in smoke
sophisticated complex, subtle, refined
sordid wretched, comfortless, contemptible
spear weapon with a metal point on a long shaft
specious seeming right or true but not really so
squalid dirty, mean
squander spend wastefully
steeply rising or falling sharply
stickler person who insists on importance of smth
stigma mark of shame or disgrace
stingy spending, using unwillingly
stipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition
strands smth twisted together into a rope, line of development
stray wander, lose one's way
stygian hence, dark, gloomy
subdue overcome, bring under control
submerge put under water, liquid, sink out of sight
suborn indice by bribery or smth to commit perjury
subpoena written order requiring a person to appear in a low court
sullied to be stained or discredited
superfluous more then is needed or wanted
supersede take the place of
supine inactive, lying flat on the back
susceptibility sensitiveness
sustain keep from falling; maintain; suffer; give a decision
synopsis summary or outline
taciturn saying very little
talon claw of a bird of prey
tamp tap or drive down by repeated light blows
tarnished lost brightness
taunt contemptuous reproach, hurtful remark
tedious tiresome
temperance abstinence from alcohol, self-control, moderation
tenuous thin, slender
terse brief and to the point
thrift care, economy, thriving, prosperous
timid shy, easily frightened
tolerable fairly good
tonic smth giving strength or energy
topple be unsteady and overturn
tortuous full of twists and bends
tout person who worries others to buy smth, to use his service
touting act as tout
toy think not seriously, handle absent-mindedly
tractable easily controlled or guided
trend tendency, general direction
trepidation alarm, excited state of mind
turbulence being uncontrolled, violent
underbid make a lower bid then smb else
undermine weaken gradually, at the base, make smth under
unfeigned not pretended, sincere
unscathed unharmed, unhurt
untoward unfortunate, inconvenient
upbraid scold, reproach
urbane polite, elegant
vacillation being uncertain, hesitating
vain without use, value or result
valiant brave
valorous brave
veneration regard with deep respect
veritable real, rightly named
verve spirit, vigour, enthusiasm
vex annoy, distress, trouble
vigilance watchfulness, self-appointed group who maintain order
vigilant member of a vigilance committee
vilify slander, say evil things
vindictive having a desire to revenge
waft scent, waving movement; carry lightly through
wage payment, carry on, engage in (war)
warmonger person who stirs up war
warrant authority, written order, guarantee
wary cautious
weave make (threads) into cloth
weigh measure hoe heavy smth is
whimsical full of odd and fanciful ideas
wince show bodily or mental pain
abjure promise or swear to give up
abraded rubbed off, worn away by friction
abrasion rubbing, scraping, wearing off
abrogate repeal or annul by authority
abundant plentiful
abut border on
abysmal bottomless, extreme
acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval
accolade praise, approval
accretion the growing of separate things into one
acquisition smth acquired, acquiring
adhere remain faithful, stick fast to
adhesion adhering, support
adjacent lying near, next
admonitory containing warning
adulteration making unpure, poorer in quality
agile active, quick-moving
ail trouble; be ill
alacrity eager and cheerful readiness
allegiance duty, support, loyalty
amalgamate mix, combine, unite societies
amendment improving
amplify make large or fuller, increase the strength
annul put an end to
antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease
apprehensive grasping, understanding; fear, unhappy feeling about future
apt well-suited, quick-witted
arboreal of connected with trees
ardently with full of ardour
ardour enthusiasm
articulate speak distinctly, connect by joints
ascend go or come up
ascent the act of ascending
ascertain get to know
asset valuable quality, smth that has money value
assuage make smth (pain, desire) less
assumption smth supposed but not proved
asterisk the mark .(eg. omitted letters)
astringent substance that shrinks
astute clever; quick at seeing to get an advantage
atonement repayment; death of Jesus
audacious daring, foolishly bold, impudent
augury omen, sign
austere severely moral and strict; simple and plain
aver state positevly
aversion strong dislike
balloon swell out like balloon
balm sweet-smelling oil; smth giving peace of mind; consolation
banal uninteresting
band flat, thin strip of material; group; range of frequences
barrage artificial obstacle built across a river
barren not good enough, unable to have young ones, without value
bask in enjoy warmth and light
be irreconcilable cannot be brought into harmony
belligerent (person, nation) waging war
belligerently waging war
bend cause smth to be out of a straight line
benevolence wish or activity in doing good
biased prejudice
bigot stubborn, narrow-minded person
blandishment flattery, coaxing
blandness polite manner, comforting, uninteresting
blithe gay and joyous
blueprint plan, scheme, photographic print
boggle be alarmed, hesitate, amazed
bogus sham, counterfeit, not genuine
bolster give greatly needed support
braid strands of hair woven together, smth edging sloth or garments
breach opening, broken place, breaking
brisk active, lively
brisket breast of an animal
brittle easily broken
broach begin discussion of, veer
burgeon put out leaves, begin to grow
calipers metal supports attached to the legs, measuring instrument
candid frank, straight-forward
castigation severe punishment
casual happening by chance, careless
catalyst substance that causes speeding up
census official counting of the population
centurion leader of a unit of 100 soldiers
chary cautious, wary
chastisement punishment
chisel steel tool for shaping materials
churl bad-tempered person
cite give as an example
cleanse make pure, thoroughly clean
clot half-solid lump formed from liquid
cloture closing, device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting
coalescing coming together and uniting into one substance
coax get smb to do smth by kindness
coddle treat with care and tenderness
coerce compel, to force to make obedient
cogent strong, convincing
cogitate think deeply, mediate
cognition knowing, awareness (emotionless)
colander bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water
collusion secret agreement for a deceitful purpose
combustion process of burning
commend praise
commendable worthy of praise
commuter person who travels regularly
complacently with self-satisfaction
complaisance easy-going habit of mind
comply act in accordance
compound mix or combine
conceal hide, keep secret
conceit over-high opinion of, too much pride
conciliatory intending to or likely to, peaceful
concord agreement or harmony
condense increase in density, strength, make laconic
congeal make or become stiff and solid
connoisseur a person with good judgement (eg. in art)
consent give agreement or permission
consolation consoling or being consoled
console give comfort or sympathy to
consternation surprise and fear,dismay
constrict make tight or smaller
consume get to the end of
contentious quarrelsome
contiguous touching, neighboring, near
contrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing
convoke call together, summon
convoluted complicated; coiled, twisted
cord twisted strands
corporeal physical; of or for the body
correlate have a mutual relation
corroboration additional, strengthening evidence
counterfeit forgery
covetous eagerly desirous
craven cowardly
crease line made by crushing; white line on the ground in criket
credulity too great a readiness to believe things
credulous ready to believe things
crush press, lose shape, subdue, overwhelm
cryptic secret, with a hidden meaning
cumbersome burdensome, heavy and awkward to carry
dart quick movement; missile in darts
dawdler person who is slow; waste of time
dearth shortage
deference respect
defiance open disobedience or resistance
deflect turn aside
deluge great flood, heavy rush of water
demur raise an objection
dent hollow, depression mad by a blow
deposition dethronoment, depositing
deprave make morally bad; corrupt
derision ridicule, mockery, deriding
derivative derived, not original or primitive
descry catch sight of, see smth in the distance
detach separate
diatribe bitter and violent attack in words
dilate speak comprehensively, become wider, large
disabuse free from false ideas, put right
discern see with an effort but clearly
discourse speech, lecture
disparate essentially different
dissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)
dissent have a different opinion, refuse to assent
dissipation going away, dispersing
distinct easily heard, seen, understood, clearly marked
distorted pulled out of the usual shape, give a false account of
distraught distracted, violently upset in mind
distraught disracted; violently upset in mind
divergerence getting farther apart from a point
divestiture taking off, getting rid of, giving up
divulge make known smth secret
dormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development
dote show much fondness, center one's attention
drone male bee, person who isn't self-employed
drowsiness feeling sleepy, half asleep
dud no use person, smth that fails
dupe cheat, make a fool of
dwarf person or smb much below the usual size
earthenware dishes made of baked clay
ebullience exuberance, outburst of feeling
eddy circular or spiral movement (eg. of wind)
effrontery shameless boldness, impudence
egress way out, exit
elaborate worked out with much care in great detail
eloquence fluent speaking; skillful use of language
encomium very high praise
endemic epidemic
endorse write one's name on the back of
enervate cause to lose strength
engender be the case of (eg. situation, condition)
engrossing taken up all the time or attention; writing in large or formal
engulf swallow up
enigma smth that is puzzling
enzyme catalyst
epistle letter
equilibrium state of being balanced
equivocal having a double or doubtful meaning; suspicious
equivocate put an end, get rig of
erode wear away, eat into
erratic irregular in behaviour or opinion
escalate increase, develop
evaluating finding out the value
evaporate change into vapour, disappear, die
evoke call up, bring out
evolve unfold, develop naturally and gradually
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