恩波12月 四级作文预测由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“恩波四级预测作文”。
(一)Unhealthy Lifestyles of University Students 1. 不少大学生的生活方式消极,不上课,不运动,不出去社交,而是宅在家里或宿舍,导致知识水平下降的同时身体素质也在下降。2. 你对此有什么看法和建议? 【范文】
In recent years, many university students would like to stay at home or dormitory rather than to attend compulsory(必须做的, 强制性的)courses(课程), take exercises or join in social activities.This kind of unhealthy lifestyle will do harm to their physical conditions to some extend(在某种程度上), and reduce their scope of knowledge.Unhealthy lifestyles of university students are caused by their reversed biological clock(颠倒的生物钟), addiction to(成瘾)computer games, irregular(不对称的, 不规则的)dietary(饮食的)structure(结构), all kinds of competition preures, and so on.To improve this way of life, joined efforts are needed.As to universities, they should hold the idea “health comes first”(健康第一)and educate students to conscientiously observe(认真遵守)the rules(规章,守则)of discipline(纪律)and study hard.Parents should cooperate with universities by creating comfortable atmosphere(气氛)at home.Most importantly, university students themselves should form(培养)good habits and healthy interests, take extracurricular(学校课程以外的)activities positively(坚定的)and do exercises regularly(有规律的).【点评】
文章第一段中would like„ rather than意为“宁愿„„而不愿„„”; to some extend意为“在某种程度上”;reversed biological clock意为“颠倒的生物钟”;health comes first意为“健康第一”;conscientiously observe意为“认真遵守”;form意为“培养”。
(二)Character Education 1. 学校教育除了培养学生的学习能力之外,还应注重诸如孝顺、诚实等的品德培养; 2. 品德培养的重要性。
Normally school education aims to cultivate students' abilities to learn and think.But more and more people realize that without the cultivation of moral norms and ethics, we can hardly(几乎不)expect a society to be nice enough for leading a harmonious life(引领和谐生活).As a result, schools should attach more attention to(更加重视)develop students’ character education, such as qualities of honesty and filial piety.Character education plays an important role in(起重要作用)the development of future society.It meets the need of emphasizing and developing the students’ all-round qualities.In the long run, it protects students from being selfish, indifferent, conceited as well as impolite in their daily lives.What's more, it teaches students how to learn efficiently(高效地学习), how to live colourfully(多姿多彩地生活), how to do things seriously(认真负责地做事), for their own future, and also for the future of their motherland.【点评】
第一段第一句中hardly意为“几乎不”;leading a harmonious life意为“引领和谐生活”; attach more attention to 意为“更加重视”; 第二段第一句 plays an important role in意为“起重要作用”;efficiently,colourfully和seriously作为副词,修饰前面的动词,分别指代有效地学习,多姿多彩地生活,认真负责地做事。
(三)Does Knowledge Change Fate? 1. “知识改变命运”曾是无数寒门子弟奋斗的动力所在,可如今现实却是,不仅知识难以改变命运,穷孩子能接触到知识的机会也在减少。
2. 你对此有什么看法,且应采取什么措施阻止这种现象?
Large number of children from poor families once held the belief “Knowledge can change fate” and thought that hardworking could reward them--As one sows, so will one reap.But now the true fact is that not only knowledge can't change fate, but also the chances for poor ones to gain knowledge have decreased.This phenomenon brings more harm than good to society.First, it makes the rich-poor divide ever widening, and sense of injustice ever deepening.Second, it may let many real potential genius go away.Third, it runs against the repeated call for building a people-oriented, harmonious society.Therefore it needs to take urgent measures.On the part of government, it should increase its investments on education and urge all universities and colleges to make preferential policies for enrolling poor students.As to colleges and universities, they should establish completed systems for scholarship and fellowship in order to aist poor students.【点评】
文章由习语“知识改变命运”引出话题,指出当今社会现实---知识无法改变命运。文章第二段分析了该现象的危害:加剧穷富差距和不公平;导致“潜在的”人才流失;不利于建立和谐社会。最后一段分别给政府,学校提出建议,采取措施改变这种状况。第一段中reward 意为“回报”;As one sows, so will one reap.为习语,意为“ 一分耕耘,一分收获。” 文章第二段中列举该现象的危害,分别用 First,„Second,„Third表示“首先„„其次„„再次”。building a people-oriented, harmonious society意为“创建以人为本的和谐社会”。
第三段中 make preferential policies意为“制订优惠政策”,establish completed systems意为“建立完善的体系”。
(四)Indirect Employment 1. 工作难找,大学生流行“曲线就业”,通过实习或做一些杂活积累社会经验。2. 你对此有什么看法?
Confronting the more and more severe employment situation(严峻的就业形势), university graduates have tried indirect employment for finding ways out(寻求出路).Instead of getting good jobs, they try to gain social experience by doing internships or taking in some social activities.I am completely in favor of(支持)taking indirect employment.Firstly, it can not only relieve employment preure, but also let students gain new knowledge and practical experience which can't be gotten from books.Secondly, it benefits students a lot since it helps them to realize clearly what their real potentials are, and in which kind of jobs they really show interests.Last but not the least(最后但是最重要的是), it improves university students' social skills, qualifications and personal qualities, which are the main factors for their future jobs.【点评】
第一段中severe employment situation意为“严峻的就业形势”;finding ways out意为“寻求出路”;第二段中in favor of 意为“支持”;not only„but also意为“不仅„„而且„„”;Last but not the least意为“最后但是最重要的是”。
(五)Who Should Pay the University's Tuition? 1. 大学学费不断上涨,有人认为大学学费应由学生自己赚取,有人认为应由父母供给。
2. 作为大学生,谈谈你自己的观点,并给出理由。
University education plays an important role in a person’s career since it offers people more opportunities.With the rising of university's tuition(随着大学学费的上涨), hot discuions have arisen about who should pay the university's tuition.Some say students should pay fees by themselves as they pay for their own life.Some think that tuition fees should be paid by their parents because that amount of money is beyond students' ability.As far as I am concerned, I think parents should pay part of the fees while university students bear the rest part.It is true that trying to make money will affect university students' studies.But doing part-time jobs will help them gain working experience, learn more of society as well as realize the importance of saving money.Most importantly, it helps to lighten financial burdens of parents.【点评】
第一段中With the rising of university's tuition意为“随着大学学费的上涨”;be beyond one' s ability意为“超出某人的能力范围”。第二段中gain working experience意为 “获取社会经验”;lighten financial burdens意为“减轻经济负担”。
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