(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx | YJBYS@.com |
Education | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI |
May 2013 | Dual B.A. in Organizational Studies and Political Science |
• | Current G.P.A. of 3.65/4.00 |
• | Writing Honors Thesis on Federal Human Capital Transformations |
• | 2011-2012 Org. Studies Andy and Ellyn Lansing Leader Scholar Award |
Internships | Partnership for Public Service | Washington, DC |
2011-2012 | Research Fellow |
• | Organized a base of background data from federal datasets and maderecommendations to advance a project creating federal human capital indicators |
• | Created outline for use as the basis of a potential twopagepublication about HRtechnology and provided research support to other projects and presentations |
• | Conducted initial research briefing team members and worked with external partnersto assist in designing a future publication examining the Senior Executive Service |
• | Scribed notes during interviews with federal Chief Human Capital Officers for use in aupcoming publication after bearing nearly full responsibility of interview scheduling |
U.S. Department of State | Washington, DC |
2010-2011 | Human Resources Intern |
• | Coordinated recruitment session attended by over 350 people and managed a team of30 volunteers to execute the event to an 80% satisfaction rate among attendees |
• | Troubleshot problems for implementing the computerbasedForeign Service examafter creating database for quantitatively and qualitatively analyzing survey data |
Center for Responsive Politics | Washington, DC |
2009-2010 | Communications Intern |
• | Published three articles about campaign finance issues for the Capital Eye Newsletterafter researching, conducting interviews and analyzing campaign finance records |
• | Recommended, researched and developed basic tools which were used to enhance theonline presence of the newsletter |
Experience | Univ. of Michigan Interfraternity Council | Ann Arbor, MI |
2011.01-Present | Executive Vice President |
• | Driving the creation of a performance management system to structure Councilengagement and chapter growth while developing community indicators |
• | Advocating against hazing and incorporating new communities in prevention efforts |
• | Advising a leadership development body of younger students after studying andrealigning the organization in conjunction with the group’s executives |
Univ. of Michigan Career Center | Ann Arbor, MI |
2010.09-Present | Public Service Intern Program Coordinator (Sept. ‘06Aug.’07), Peer Adviser |
• | Improved program quality while managing all aspects of internship program of 80+students which saw an approximately 50% increase in applicants the following year |
• | Coaching clients on career related issues by assessing client needs and deliveringservices through individual engagements and presentations to groups of 35+ people |
• | Developing ideas to improve outreach services by brainstorming with colleagues andspearheading the creation of a career advice blog |
Additional | • | The Michigan Daily - Editorial Board Member/Columnist, News Reporter |
• | Creating Peer Consulting corps with team in conjunction with a UMoffice |
• | Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity - Executive Board Officer, 2012 Leadership Award |
• | Proficient Speaker of Hindi, Beginner level Spanish |
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