[摘 要] 钢琴向来被人们誉为音乐皇冠上的明珠。近年来,随着人们生活水平的普遍提高,钢琴这1乐器之王也开始走进寻常百姓人家。为了培养孩子成材,许多家长不惜重金购买钢琴,想尽办法聘请钢琴教师,不辞辛苦, 风雨无阻地带孩子上课,从而在社会上兴起了“钢琴热”。然而钢琴教学是1项10分专业的学问,尤其是幼儿钢琴教学更有其特殊性。因为幼儿时期有其特殊的心理表现。因此,很多家长也开始注重幼儿的钢琴启蒙教育了。但是钢琴它不仅仅是有欣赏性和表演性,它还存在着1种创造性。所以,我们在培养儿童钢琴表演艺术的同时,还要尽量放手去给孩子们1个充分自由发挥的空间。使我们的每1个儿童都能够根据自己的理解、自己的'喜好、自己的特长、去进行自由的想象、自由的表现和自由的创作。
[关键词] 了解 情感 心理 想象 创作
Abstract: The piano is always praised as the pearl on the music imperial crown by people. In recent years, living standard general to raise with people, piano musical instrument this king is it come into common people household to begin too. In order to train children to become a useful person, a lot of parents spare no high price to buy the piano , try every possible means to engage the piano teacher, make nothing of hard ship, the child of area stopped by neither wind nor rain has a class, thus risen in the society “the piano is hot”. But piano teaching is a very professional knowledge, especially infants piano teaching has its particularity even more. Because infant period have his special psychology display. So, a lot of parents begin to pay attention to the infants piano formative education. But piano it is have person who appreciate and person who perform not merely, it have one creativity also. So, we will try ones best to go all out to give the children an abundant space that give play to freely while training art of acting of pianos of children. Enable our every children to follow ones own understanding, ones own taste, ones own specialty , going to carry on the imagination , free behavior and free creation of freedom.
Key words: Understand ; Emotion; Psychology; Imagination; Creation
儿童钢琴启蒙教学的规范之路 原文地址:儿童钢琴启蒙教学的规范之路作者:钢琴家长互助学堂在尚处于启蒙阶段的儿童钢琴课堂教学中,对出现在一些孩子身上的错误弹奏综合症,采取“......
关于儿童钢琴启蒙教学研究及思考摘 要:从儿童时期就抓好素质教育,这已经成为目前的一种趋势。学钢琴也成为众多家长和孩子的选择。本文从钢琴学习对儿童身心发展的重要性出发,......