Unit 1
The full name of UK
Four parts of UK and its capital cities respectively
History---native Celts
invasion from Roman Empire---43 A.D.Settlement of Anglo-Saxons---410.Norman Conquer----William the Conqueror---1066
Battle between Parliament and King---Oliver CromwellWilliam and Mary---the Glorious Revolution---1688
Independence of Scotland for 300 years and its union with England in 1707 Wales---independence tendency
Unit 2
The Easter Rising of 1916
The Sinn Fein Party
The Good Fridady Agreement in 1998
Unit 3
The Monarchy----the role of queen
The Parliament---the Bill of Rights in 1689
The Prime Minister/ the Cabinet
The Consitution---no written consitution
Parliament---the role of Parliament
The House of Lords
The House of Commons----central role---651 MPs
Unit 4
General Elections---who can vote and who cannot voteyears term
The Labour Party
The Conservative Party
Cla—middle cla / working cla
Relative decline
Three industries---North Sea---oil and gas
London Stock ExchangeThe City
Frank Whittle---jet engine in 1937
Unit 6
The Canterbury Tales
The legends of King Arthur
William Shakespeare---comedies and tragedies
17thcentury----Francis Bacon, John Milton
18th century----Jonathan Swift, Robert Burns, Daniel Defoe
19th century----Romanticism----poem---Wordsworth, Byron, Keats, Shelley
Novel----Jane Austen, the Bronte Sisters, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy20th century---Modernism---Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, D.H.Lawrence,E.M.Forster, George Orwell
Unit 7
5---16 compulsory education
Public school---Eton, Winchester
Comprehensive school
A-level exams
famous universities of UK
the Open University
Unit 8
Permanent member of UN Security Council
FCO(Foreign and Commonwealth Office)---foreign policy making
Unit 9
Newspapers---The Times---oldest daily newspaper
The Observer---odest national newspaper
The qualtiy papers/tabloids
Fleet Street/ Street of Shame
Media----BBC(licence fees)/ ITV
Unit 10
Football---FA—football hooligans
Tennis---Wimbeldon---invented in Britain
Cricket---first sports with organised rules/same rules nationally---fair play Gofl---invented by Scottish
Horse Racing---flat racing/ steeplechasing
The Royal Ascot
Fox hunting
Holidays and Festivals
Chrismas---three unique traditions
Trooping the Colour---second Saturday in June
Guy Fawks Night---Nov.5
Orange Marches---July 12
St.Patrick’s Day---March 17
New Year’s Eve
Burns Supper---Jan.25
Unit 1American Beginnings
Native Americans/ Indians
1492 Christopher Columbus
1497 John Cabot
The first English Settlement---London Company---virginia in 1607---JamesⅠ Beliefs of Puritans
Maryland---Catholic settlement---Lord Baltimore
Pennsylvania---Quakers---William Penncolonies
The American Revolution---1774, the first Continental Congre
1775, the second Continental Congre
1776, July, 4Declaration of Independence1783Independence
Unit 2 The Political System
Artiles of Confederation
Constitutional Convention in 1787
Constitution, Bill of Rights/ amendments in 1791
Checks and Balances
Legislative Branch----The House of Representatives---435—two-year termThe Senate---100---six-year term
Executive Branch----President---two terms---8 yearsdepartments
Judicial Branch----Supreme Court---chief justice---8 aociate justies
Federal Courts of Appeal
Federal District Courts
The Republican Party---elephant---red
The Democratic Party---donkey---blue
Unit 3Economy
Alexander Hamilton—protective tariff
Industrial Revolution---the first factory---Samuel Slater---1793---cotton textile millRhold Island
Eli Whitney----cotton gin/ interchangeable parts
Henry Ford---aembly line---1913
Scientific management
The New York Stock Exchange---Wall Street
The roots of affluence
Unit 4 Religion
mainstream culture---WASP
Religious liberty
Protestants----Baptists(largest)---Bible Belt
Quakers, Lutherans, Congregationalists, Presbyterians
Catholics----second largest
JFK---first Caholic President
Three faiths
Religious Diversity-----Amish, Mormons
Unit 5 Literature
Early Writers----Washington Irving.James Fenimore Cooper
Transcendentalists----Ralph Emerson, Henry David Thoreau
Herman Melville.Nathaniel Hawthorne
Poets----Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Regionalism----Mark Twain
Natrualism----Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, Jack London
Henry James, Edith Wharton
Sinclair Lewis---first American writer who won Nobel Prize for Literature Modernism----Ezra Pound, T.S.Eliot.E E.Cummings
Lost Generation----F.Scott.Fitzgerald.Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner----Stream of Consciousne
Harlem Renaiance
Drama----Eugene O’ Neill, Tenneee Williams, Arthur Miller
John Steinbeck
Margaret Mitchell
Joseph Heller
Black writers----Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin
Beat Gerneration----Allan Ginsberg
Black women wrtiers----Toni Morrison, Alice Walker
Unit 6 Education
public school(boards of education)/ private school
education decided by local government
elementary school/ secondary school
admiion to university----SAT
famous universities
community college
GI Bill of Rights in 1944
Enrollment of black and women students
Unit 7 Social Movements
Civil Rights Movements----segregation
----Rosa Parks---bus boycott---Alabam---1955----SNCC, CORE, SCLC
----Martin Luther King, Jr.Malcolm X
The Youth Anit-War Movements-----The Vietnam War
-----the Free Speech Movement----Berkeley-----counterculture, Hippes
The Women’s Movements----Betty Friedan
Social problems-----Watergate Affair----Richard Nixon----1972----resign in 1974
Unit 8 Technology
Rifle Works-----John H.Hall
Mechanical reaper----Cyrus H.McCormick
Railroad----the Stevens family
Steamboat----Robert Fulton
Morse Code----Samuel F.B.Morse
Telephone---Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison----the Wizard of Menlo Park
Taylorism and Fordism
The television---the age of visual information
Apple/ IBM/ Microsoft
Unit 9 Foreign Relations
Cold War with Soviet Uniton
Truman Doctrine(the Korean War/ the Vietnam War)
Cuban Mile Crisis in 1962
Richard Nixon---visit China in 1972----ceasefire agreement of the Vietnam War Star Wars Project
The Gulf War in 1991
Bill Clinton
George W.Bush----unilaterlism and faith in military faith
Terriorist attack in 2001
The Second Gulf War in 2003
American Domination
Unit 10 Sports and Scenic Spots
American football---Super Bowl
Baseball---World Series
Basketball----invented by James Naismith----NBA
Scenic Spots
Grand Canyon National Park
Yellowstone National Park---oldest---geyser and hot spring
Yosemite National Park
The Rocky Mountains/ The Appalachian Mountains
Mount.Rushmore---four presidents
Florida---Miami---Florida Keys----Key West
New York State---Niagara Falls
---New York City---Manhatten---the Statue of Liberty
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英美概况题:一.What do you know about the Roosevelt’s New Deal?1.The great depreion of 1929-1933 happened in America, which made the American economy fall into a......
英国概况 英格兰面积最大 苏格兰,爱丁堡为首府威尔士,加的夫,Cardiff为首府 北爱尔兰,贝尔法斯特Belfast为首府伦敦,UK首都,皇家法庭royal courts of justice 及圣保罗大教堂st pa......
英美概况总结 1.Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors except __D___.英国之所以能成为世界上最早开始工业化的国家,原因有很......