船舶了头须知 Instruction for looking out fore
When veel sailing in or out port, chief officer, bosun and AB without duty(at least 2 person)need to look out in fore deck and to be prepare for dropping anchor at any time.2.航行于船只密集水域、狭水道、渔区、复杂航段时,船长可根据情况需要派人了头。When veel sailing in heavy traffic area, narrow water channel, fishing area, restricted water area, the captain may arrange crew to look out in fore deck depended on the circumstances 3.能见度不良时,由水手到船首轮班了头。
When meet poor visibility, AB should look out in fore deck.4.了头时应认真了望周围海面情况,如发现灯况、船形、岸形、山形、漂浮物及其他障碍物等或听到气笛声及其他声音,应立即报告驾驶台。
Should watch surroundings when look out on fore deck.If find light, ship type, shore type, mountain type, floating object and other obstacle or hear steam horn and other voice, should report to bridge right now.5.了头者向驾驶台报告的方法:
The ways which look out in fore deck reports to bridge 5.1.敲钟报告:一右、二左、三当头
驾驶台听到后,应用扬声器、手电筒闪光或口哨回答。Knocking bell: one time for right, two times for left, three times for abeam One knocks: show to find something starboard Two knocks: show to find something port side Three knocks: show to find something abeam When officer in bridge hears it, he should answer by speaker or light of torch or whistle.5.2.用对讲机报告 Report by interphone 6.了头及其撤消命令须由船长根据情况作出,未经船长同意或驾驶台通知,了头者不得擅离岗位。
The captain decides to arrange look out on fore deck and remove look out in fore deck depending on circumstances.The look out in fore deck should not leave work site without captain’s approval or bridge’s notice.7.记录
值班驾驶员应将了头人员姓名、职务、起讫时间记入航海日志。Record Duty officer should fill name, rank, commencement time and termination time of look out on fore castle in deck log book.
SQM-04 船舶维护保养手册/MAINT-01船舶维护保养须知船舶维护保养须知1.目的为保持船舶的良好技术状态,加强对船舶的日常维护保养工作,特制定本须知。 2.维护保养工作安排 2.1.......
103:公司一般对船舶的调度通信做哪些规定? 答:一般规定会包括以下内容:(1)船舶每天应根据当天所处位置和生产活动,向公司报告船舶动态、。(2)公司每日掌握跟踪,监控船舶航行,停泊,作业或......
船舶能见度不良值班须知“能见度不良”是指任何由于雾、霾、下雪、暴风雨、沙暴或任何其他类似原因而使能见度受到限制的情况。船长负责船舶能见度不良航行的操作指挥。 该......
船舶技术档案、证书管理须知 Shipping technology archives, certificate management instruction1.船舶技术档案是记录船舶各项管理工作的一个重要证据,也是船舶安全管理体......