瑞典科学家发明死亡手表 倒数生命由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“我想发明多功能手表”。
瑞典科学家发明死亡手表 倒数生命
First there was a website that predicted when your parents would die;now there's a watch that not only predicts when you will die, it also begins counting down.先是出现了一个能预测你双亲何时去世的网站;现在有一种手表,不仅能预测你将何时去世,而且开始了死亡倒计时。
Users fill out a questionnaire about their medical history before subtracting their age from the overall results to get their death score.This score is entered into the Tikker and the countdown begins.使用者首先要填写一张疾病史的调查问卷,然后根据问卷的综合结果减去他们的现有年龄,就得到了他们的死亡倒计时数字。这一数字被输入到手表Tikker中,倒计时就开始了。Dubbed the 'death watch', Tikker has been created by Swedish inventor Fredrik Colting but far from being morbid, Colting calls it 'The Happine Watch' and claims it has been designed to help people make the most of their life and cherish the time they have left.Tikker又被称为“死亡手表”,是瑞士发明家弗里德里克·科尔廷发明的。科尔廷绝非出于病态的意图,他把这款手表称为“幸福手表”,并称他的设计意图是帮助人们更好的实现生活价值,珍惜所剩下的光阴。
'Imagine someone told you that you only had one year left to live.How would that change your life? For all of us life comes with a best-before date,' said Colting.“想象一下如果有人告诉你,你的生命只剩下一年时间,你的生活会发生什么变化?对于我们所有人来说,生命都是一次前所未有的约会。” 科尔廷这样表示。
'While death is non-negotiable, life isn’t.All we have to do is learn how to cherish the time and the life that we have been given;seize the day and follow our hearts.' “虽然死亡是不可避免的,生活方式却是可以选择的。我们所必须做的就是学习如何珍惜时间和我们被赐予的生命。把握今天,随心而行。”
Colting came up with the idea when his grandfather paed away.To set up Tikker, the wearer fills out a questionnaire by entering information about their medical history.科尔廷是在祖父去世时产生了发明此物的念头。佩戴Tikker的人只需填写一份关于疾病史信息的调查问卷,就可以启动手表。
They are also asked whether they drink or smoke and if there are any instances of cancer, diabetes and other diseases in their family.问卷还会问及佩戴者是否酗酒,抽烟,有无癌症,糖尿病等家族病史。
Wearers are additionally asked about how much exercise they do, as well as how much they weigh before receiving a score.同时佩戴者们还会被问及他们是否锻炼身体,在得出死亡倒计时数字之前体重多少。Their age is then deducted from the results to predict a death date, and the Tikker begins the countdown.然后从结果中减去他们现有的年龄,Tikker就开始倒计时了。
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瑞典科学家发明死亡手表可倒数生命First there was a website that predicted when your parents would die; now there's a watch that not only predicts when you will......
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