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Unit 2 My family 第五课时教学设计 黄瑾
??教学内容:PEP Book 2 Part B let’s learn let’s chant ??课型:词汇课新授课 ??教学背景及学情分析:
【教材分析】本单元的话题是family,通过学习有关家庭成员的单词和一些简单的句型,让同学们学会用英语谈论和介绍自己的家人。通过创设各种情境让同学们运用所学的单词和句型。本课通过家庭族谱图呈现六个家庭成员单词,学生将学会听、说、认读图片中的家庭成员单词。并通过句子This is my...来介绍自己的家庭成员。
【学情分析】家庭成员的称呼,学生之前也接触过一些。因此,本课紧扣图片、相片,家庭场景进行词汇教学以及滚动练习“.This is my...”。另外学生在第二课时已学两个有关家庭成员的单词——“mother/mum”、“father/dad”,本节课可以进行滚动复习,加以巩固。
一、教学目标: 【语言知识目标】
能听、说、认读单词“sister”、“brother”、“grandfather/grandpa”和“grandmother/grandma” 【语言技能目标】
能运用句型This is my...来介绍自己的家庭成员。【情感态度目标】
1.运用phonics学习单词发音 2.培养小组合作精神 【文化意识目标】
区分grandfather, grandmother在中西方国家的含义。
二、教学重难点 【教学重点】
能听、说、认读单词“sister”、“brother”、“grandfather/grandpa”和“grandmother/grandma” 【教学难点】
能在适当的情景中运用句子This is my...介绍家庭成员。
四、教学准备:PPT,卡片, 相片,头饰
五、Teaching procedure: Step 1.Warming up and Revision(1)Greeting T:Good morning,boys and girls.S:Good morning,Mi Pan.T:Do you still remember this chant :“The man is the father----tall,tall ,tall.” Ss :Yes.T: Let’s chant together.(全班同学边做动作,边唱歌谣)T:Good job.(指着chant中一家三口的画面)Look, they’re a family.What a happy family.T:Who’s that man? S: Father.T:Who’s that woman? S:Mother.T:Who’s that boy? S:Son.T: Wonderful.Today I’m very happy.I want to give you some presents.But one is big ,the other is small.Who wants the big one? Ss:Me.T:(老师做出很为难的表情,指着黑板上出示的评价平台说)How about have a race? Let’s climb the trees.The winner can get the big present.Ss:OK!T:(指着学生说)You’re GroupA,you’re GroupB.【设计意图】教师用亲切的话语和学生谈话,拉近师生之间的距离。通过一首有趣的歌谣复习已学过的家庭成员单词,以旧带新,重新整合,自然引入本节课要学习的新知识,可谓一举两得。并出示本节课的评价机制,调动了学生的学习积极性。Step 2.Lead-in and Presentation T:Are you ready? Ss:Yes.T:First.Let’s play a gueing game.I have a good friend.He is a boy.He’s from Canada.Gue:Who’s my friend?(ppt出示A,B,C三个人物画面,请学生选择,答对的奖励)T:Today we’re going to Mike’s home and meet his family.(老师带上Mike的头饰,转身变成Mike的角色,ppt出示Mike’s family tree,用第一人称给学生介绍Mike’s family,整体呈现新课内容。)Hello,I’m Mike.I’m from Canada.Welcome to my home.Look,this is my family.This is my father.This is my mother.This is my grandmother.I call her grandma.This is my grandfather.I call him grandpa.They are my grandfather and grandmother,too.This is my brother.This is my sister.I have a happy family.(1)T:Just now,I introduced my family to you.You know this is my father and this is my mother.(老师把mother,father图贴在黑板上)T:Look at this old woman,she’s my mother’s mother.She’s my...Listen.(播放单词录音)Yes,She’s my grandmother.I call her grandma.Now let’s learn to read.(结合phonics教学,适当时提供已经学过的词,提供帮助,引导学生说出字母,再跟录音读。学生表现好的奖励)green, great------gr gr+and------grand------grandmother ma ma--------ma grand+ ma ,--------grandma(老师贴出奶奶图片说)This is my father’s mother.She’s my grandmother,too.I call her grandma.(2)T: Look at this old man,he’s my mother’s father.He’s my...,Now let’s learn it.(教师右手出示卡片grand,左手出示卡片mother,请学生跟读,然后再把两张卡片拼在一起,让学生读;老师左手马上举起father,请学生读,然后又把grand和father拼在一起,让学生读,听音跟读grandfather)Yes,he’s my grandfather.I call him...(教师出示卡片grandma,然后把ma换成pa,引导同学读,跟录音读,学生表现好的奖励)grand+mother----grandmother grand+father-----grandfather grand+ma---------grandma grand+ pa ,--------grandpa(老师贴出爷爷图片说)This is my father’s father.He is my grandfather,too.I call him grandpa.(3)T:Well,in my family,there are other two members,Look,this is my...Now let’s learn to read.(贴出brother图片)T:(结合phonics教学,适当时提供已经学过的词,提供帮助,引导学生说出字母,再跟
录音读。学生表现好的奖励)brown,bread---br;mother,father----ther br+o+ther=brother.T:This is my brother.(4)T:Look at this girl.She’s my...,Now, let’s learn to read.(老师把sister图贴在黑板上)(结合phonics教学,提供已经学过的词,提供帮助,引导学生说出字母,再跟录音读。学 生表现好的奖励)s i s t e r Six ,sit--------sis;water---ter sis+ter-------sister T:Do you like singing? S:Yes.T:Do you like this song?(老师哼着两只老虎的曲调)S:Yes.T:Now let’s put the new words in this song.Listen.(老师示范唱)This is my sister.This is my brother.Sister,brother;sister,brother;This is my grandfather.This is my grandmother.Grandpa,grandma;grandpa,grandma.(5)T:Oh,you know all my family now.【设计意图】这一环节,我通过谈论朋友的话题,进入新课的整体呈现,自然导入了新课,同时又复习了旧知识。我创设了同学们去拜访Mike家人的情景,自己扮演Mike 来介绍Mike的家庭,采用第一人称,一边介绍,一边教学新单词。Step 3 Practice(1)Let’s chant.(18页)
T:All the people in my family are very kind.They always help each other.Look ,my grandma , grandpa ,sister and brother are helping each other now.ppt出示18页Let’s chant 的图画,播放录音让学生跟着唱歌谣,老师领读并解释新词,“Help each other”。
T: Oh,they’re very helpful.I think you’re helpful ,too.Look,these are the word cards.But I forgot to put them under the right picture.Can you help me?(教师手中出示单词卡片,前班同学齐读,请学生上台贴在图画下面,贴对的奖励)Ss:Yes.T:(贴好后)Thank you very much.You ’re so helpful.【设计意图】通过本活动,检查学生对本课单词音、形、义的的掌握情况。(3)Sharp eyes.(老师指着黑板的新单词说)T:We have learned these new words.Can you read them as quickly as poible? Ss:Yes.T:OK!Have a try!Let’s play sharp eyes.Read the words as quickly as poible.(ppt出示Sharp Eyes,PPT快速的闪现家庭成员的图片、单词,让全班学生快速读出来,见到单词倒过来的请全班站立读,说对的该组得到奖励)【设计意图】这个游戏,能集中学生的注意力,游戏中图片和单词的不断滚动,巩固学生对图片,新单词的认读能力,加深学生对单词的形和义的印象。(4)Let’s say.(教师转身拿下头饰做回老师角色)T:You’re great.Every one has a family.Me too.Look ,This is my family photos.This is my father.This is my mother.This is my brother.This is me.I have a happy family.I love my family.How about you?(PPT出示老师的家庭照片,老师示范介绍)T:Now,take out your family photos and introduce your family in your group.If you have no photos,you can introduce the picture I give you.I’ll give you 2 minutes.For example: You want to introduce Xiaohuihui’s famly.You can say:Hello,I’m xiaohuihui.This is my family.This is my father.This is my mother.This is my sister.This is me.请学生拿出自己准备的相片和同伴互相介绍自己的家人,也可以选择老师给的卡通人物家庭照介绍(PPT出示 Mike’s family,小灰灰家庭,大耳朵图图家庭,樱桃小丸子家庭),并准备头饰,请同学上台来介绍,看谁说的句子又多又好,该组的奖励就越多)Tips: Hello,I’m? I’m from? This is my...I have a happy family.I love my family....【设计意图】本环节,我让学生把所学的单词运用到句子中去,通过介绍自己的家人或Mike,小灰灰,樱桃小丸子和大耳朵图图的家庭,来巩固本课所学的单词,同时训练了学生的口
语表达能力,既复习了旧句子,又引导学生说出更多新句子,让本课知识得到了很好的拓展。(5)Listen and number.T:Now let’s do some exercises.【设计意图】意在检查学生对单词的听力能力。Step 4 Summary(1)教师指着黑板上的图片,小结。
T:今天我们学习了关于家庭成员的单词,请大家在日常生活中要多关心爱护自己的家人。今天获胜的是Group...,You can get the big present.【设计意图】本环节,对本课知识进行小结,回顾本节课所学的家庭成员单词,并借此机会对同学们进行思想教育,培养学生关心爱护家人真挚情感。我还总结了评价平台,对同学们进行奖励,调动了学生的积极性。Step 5 Homework(1)运用所学的句型和单词与同学谈论自己的家人。(2)制作family tree.七、?板书设计 Unit 2 My family —— Part B Let’s learn , Let’ s chant 六.教学反思:
5.在操练方面,我设计了歌谣、单词和图画配对活动、sharp eyes游戏、介绍自己的家庭活动,通过各种形式,让学生巩固本课所学的单词,做到词不离句,句不离篇,不断滚动,提高学生对语言的听、说、认、读能力。6.在口语操练中引入小朋友喜欢的卡通人物家庭,小灰灰,樱桃小丸子和大耳朵图图,投学生所好,具有一定的趣味性,让本课知识得到了很好的拓展。注重提升学生的英语口语能力,活动以比赛的形式进行,富有挑战性。7.教学新课内容的同时,还培养了学生关心爱护家人真挚情感。没有最好,只有更好,这节课上也还存在着一些需要改进的方面,比如:上课提问的面还不够大,这就告诉我以后上课时,一定要关注每一个学生,在提问设计上要尽量做到人人参与。
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