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Interview Body Language Gaffes That Can Cost You The Job 别让肢体语言搞砸你的面试

You’ve sent in your perfectly manicured résumé and flawle cover letter.You’ve researched the company and gave brilliant responses to tough interview questions.You may be the most qualified candidate—but forget to smile, slouch in your chair or fail to make eye contact during the interview, and you could be out of the running.你已经递交了精心设计的简历和完美无瑕的求职信。除此之外,你还对这家公司进行过研究,所以在面对刁钻的面试问题时,你可以对答如流。你或许是最合格的求职者——但是在求职过程中,忘记微笑、瘫坐在椅子上,又或者回避眼神交流,这些都有可能让你淘汰出局。

“A candidate can give out thousands of non-verbal cues within the first minute of meeting a hiring manager, and those meages make more of an impact than the words that you use during the interview, ” says Patti Wood, a body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impreions, Body Language, and Charisma.“Our body language says a lot about who we are and our emotional state, and poor body language often sends a meage that we are streed or fearful.”

“一位求职者在与面试经理面谈的第一分钟就会传递出成千上万非语言性的信息,在面试中,这些信息造成的影响要多过于你说过的话。”肢体语言专家、《瞬间:充分利用第一印象、肢体语言和魅力》(Snap: Making the Most of First Impreions, Body Language, and Charisma)作者帕蒂•伍德表示。“我们的肢体语言可以透露出很多关于我们身份以及情绪状态的信息,僵硬的肢体语言通常会向他人传递出我们焦虑或者恐惧的信号。” Wood says don’t wait until you’re in the hot seat to start focusing on your body language.Be aware of your posture, your facial expreions and your gestures from the moment you arrive.伍德认为不要等到你坐到座位上才开始注意你的肢体语言。从这一刻起,请注意你的姿势、面部表情和手势。

Author and career expert Dan Burns agrees.“I try to stre to people that the first impreion you make happens before you even sit down to interview, ” he says.“The hiring manager will look at your face, your hair, what you’re wearing and the image you are projecting, all before you have had a chance to formally meet.”

作家兼职业专家的丹•伯恩斯(Dan Burns)对此表示赞成,“我设法向人们强调,甚至在你们坐下来开始面试之前你的第一印象已经留在别人的脑海里了。”他说,“这家公司的人事经理会打量你的相貌、你的头发、着装以及你所展现的形象,所有这些都是你在有机会正式面试之前需要准备的。”

Once the interviewer greets you, make eye contact and offer a palm-to-palm handshake that is not too strong and not too weak.Keep an appropriate distance as he or she greets you.Relax your body and smile.“Don’t freeze, ” Wood says.“Candidates often tense up and stiffen their bodies and face when they are walking in to an interview.如果这位面试官和你打招呼,你要和他/她做一个眼神交流,并与他/她握手,握手力度要恰到好处。当他/她上前迎接你时,请保持适当的距离。放松并保持微笑。“不要僵住不动,”伍德说,“当求职者们开始一个面试的时候,他们通常会觉得紧张以至于他们的身体和脸部都会变得僵硬。”

Once you’re in the hot seat, find an appropriate place to set down your belongings.Don’t put your briefcase or purse on your lap or on the table.Sit up straight, avoid touching your face and hair, and don’t cro your arms or hide your hands.“Don’t be afraid to gesture, ” Wood says.Gesturing shows that you’re enthusiastic and expreive.It can also help acce more information in your brain and create vocal variation, she adds.一旦你已经坐下来,请找一个合适的地方放下你的随身物品。不要将你的公文包或者钱包放在你的腿上或者桌子上。坐直,最好不要触摸你的脸和头发,不要交叉双臂,或者把手藏起来。“不要担心用手势去表达。”伍德表示。打手势表明你热情、善于表达。它有助于激活更多大脑中的信息,并引起声音的变化,她补充说。

Power and confidence are typically conveyed through body language, and so are your stre level and how open and honest you are.“An employer will get a sense of who you are and how you will perform under preure by aeing your body language before, during and after the interview, ” Wood says.力量和信心通常是通过肢体语言传达的,你的压力大小以及你有多么开放、多么诚实也同样是通过肢体语言传达的。“雇主会通过分析你在面试前后和面试期间的肢体语言,来评估你和你在压力下的表现。”伍德说。

“Interview body language mistakes may tell the hiring manager that you’re flippant, scared or paive, ” she adds.“If you’re under-qualified or you say the wrong thing, the interviewer can forgive that, but if your body language says you’re a person who doesn’t work well in streful situations or that you’re not confident, that’s something they know they can’t change.”


So how do you avoid making body language mistakes? With practice and preparation.因此,你应该如何避免在肢体语言上犯错呢?答案是经常练习,做足准备。“Practice entering and leaving a room, think about where you will put your briefcase during the interview, and plan how you will say hello and goodbye to the interviewer, ” Wood says.“练习如何进出一间房间、想想在面试中你会把你的公文包放到哪里,计划一下你会如何和面试官打招呼。”伍德说。

Preparation for the interview often builds confidence, Burns says.When you’re confident, you tend to have fewer body language iues.为面试做准备往往可以建立自信,伯恩斯说。当你有信心的时候,你在肢体语言上犯的错误也会越来越少。

The hiring manager looks for ways to set a candidate apart from others, Burns says.“The negative differentiators, like poor and ineffective body language, help make the decision easy for the hiring manager.”





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