香港中文大学 北大简介由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便”。
Introducing CUHK Founded in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)is a forward-looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a miion to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West.CUHK teachers and students hail from all around the world.CUHK graduates are connected worldwide through an extensive alumni network.Teaching Excellence As a top university in Hong Kong and Asia, CUHK aims to nurture students with both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life.The education experience here is distinguished by a flexible credit unit system, a college system, bilingualism and multiculturalism.There are general education courses to broaden students' perspectives and develop in them the ability to face the challenges of contemporary society.Our eight Faculties offer a wide array of excellent undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.Research Achievements CUHK undertakes a wide range of research programmes in many subject areas, and strives to provide scope for all academic staff to undertake consultancy and collaborative projects with industry.The University's insistence on the highest standards of research has won it an enviable research reputation.Hong Kong's University Grants Committee(UGC)provides preferential grant funding to the local tertiary institutions to conduct research into 18 selected Areas of Excellence(AoEs).Seven of these AoEs are being led by researchers from CUHK.The University houses five state key laboratories which are entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to produce research of international quality and carry out important national research tasks.The University also has an excellent record of published research, both in discipline-specific journals and in more high-profile publications such as Science, Nature, and The Lancet.Unique College System Of all Hong Kong universities, CUHK is the only one that offers a college experience.To our constituent colleges, Chung Chi, New Asia, United and Shaw, have recently been added Morningside, S.H.Ho, C.W.Chu, Wu Yee Sun and Lee Woo Sing, bring up the total number of colleges to nine.College programmes and activities complement the formal curricula by delivering whole-person education and pastoral care.The college system also encourages intimate interaction among teachers, students and alumni.Campus Environment Our beautiful 137.3-hectare campus overlooking Tolo Harbour is the largest and greenest in Hong Kong.It houses a range of facilities eential for an all-round campus experience, such as world-cla libraries, art museums, music halls, swimming pool, sports fields, tennis courts, squash courts, water sports centre and gymnasiums.中大簡介
中大校園面積一百三十七點三公頃,俯瞰吐露港,是全港最寬廣、最綠意盎然的校園。為滿足學習與生活所需,校內有齊備的設施,包括一流的圖書館,另有文物館、音樂廳、游泳池、運動場、網球場、壁球場、水上活動中心和健身室等。 北京大学创办于1898年,初名京师大学堂,是中国第一所国立综合性大学,也是当时中国最高教育行政机关。辛亥革命后,于1912年改为现名。
近年来,在“211工程”和“985工程”的支持下,北京大学进入了一个新的历史发展阶段,在学科建设、人才培养、师资队伍建设、教学科研等各方面都取得了显著成绩,为将北大建设成为 世界一流大学奠定了坚实的基础。今天的北京大学已经成为国家培养高素质、创造性人才的摇篮、科学研究的前沿和知识创新的重要基地和国际交流的重要桥梁和窗口。
General Information
Peking University is a comprehensive and national key university.The campus, known as “Yan Yuan”(the garden of Yan), is situated at Haidian District in the western suburb of Beijing, with a total area of 2,743,532 square metres(or 274 hectares).It stands near to the Yuanmingyuan Garden and the Summer Palace.Peking University is proud of its outstanding faculty, including 53 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), 7 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE), and 14 members of the Third World Academy of Sciences(TWAS).The university has effectively combined research on important scientific subjects with the training of personnel with a high level of specialized knowledge and profeional skill as demanded by the country's socialist modernization.It strives not only for improvements in teaching and research work, but also for the promotion of interaction and mutual promotion among various disciplines.Thus Peking University has become a center for teaching and research and a university of a new type, embracing diverse branches of learning such as basic and applied sciences, social sciences and the humanities, and sciences of medicine, management, and education.Its aim is to rank among the world's best universities in the future.History Founded in 1898, Peking University was originally known as the Imperial University of Peking.It was the first national university covering comprehensive disciplines in China, and has been a leading institution of higher education in China since its establishment.It also served as the highest administration for education at the beginning of its founding.In 1912, the university adopted its present name.At the end of the 20th century, the Chinese government put Peking University at the top of its agenda for promoting higher education, with the aim to build a world-cla university in the 21st Century.After merging with Beijing Medical University in 2000, Peking University once again was strengthened in its disciplinary structure.Peking University has continually played the eential role of pioneers in the course of China's modernization.The university's traditional emphasis on patriotism, progre, democracy, and science, together with its educational standards of diligence, precision, factualism, and innovation, have been paed down from generation to generation.
2015年香港中文大学(深圳)招生计划:全国拟招600人教育资讯来源:都市快报时间:2015/1/28 责任编辑:yuxueshan 评论 繁体 1月27日,香港中文大学(深圳)在杭州高级中学启动招生宣传,吸引不......
2015年香港中文大学(深圳)招生计划:全国拟招600人教育资讯来源:都市快报时间:2015/1/28 责任编辑:yuxueshan 评论 繁体 1月27日,香港中文大学(深圳)在杭州高级中学启动招生宣传,吸引不......