Full text: Remarks by Li Keqiang at the 10th East Asia Summit
11月22日,国务院总理李克强在吉隆坡国际会议中心出席第十届东亚峰会。[新华社] Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attends the 10th East Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov.22, 2015.[Xinhua]
尊敬的纳吉布总理,各位同事: Prime Minister Najib, Dear Colleagues,很高兴在东亚峰会诞生地吉隆坡与诸位相聚。感谢纳吉布总理和马来西亚政府为本次会议所做的周到安排。今年是峰会成立十周年,“温故而知新”,十年后我们重回出发地,但不是回到原点。区域合作达到新的水平,展现出光明的前景。It gives me great pleasure to join you in Kuala Lumpur, the birthplace of the East Asia Summit.I would like to thank Prime Minister Najib and the Malaysian government for making thoughtful arrangements for this meeting.This year marks the tenth anniversary of the EAS.As an old Chinese saying goes, “One reviews the old to know the new”.We have come back to where we started, and progre has already been made.As we speak, cooperation in our region has reached a new level and is embracing a brighter prospect.东亚国家地缘相近,人文相通,自古以来就保持着友好交往。600多年前,中国著名航海家、外交家郑和七下西洋,五过马六甲,足迹遍布东南亚大多数国家,不仅带去了丝绸、瓷器、茶叶和农耕技术,还传播了文化和艺术,很多佳话广为传颂。东南亚人民为纪念他,修建了许多寺庙,至今香火兴旺。正如郑和携带的国书所写:“天之所覆,地之所载,一视同仁,不能众欺寡、强凌弱。”他率领着当时世界上最强大的船队,在28年间到过30多个国家,最远到达非洲东海岸。所到之处充分尊重当地的宗教信仰和文化习俗,没有占领一寸土地,而是和当地人民进行友好的贸易、文化和技术交流,成为人们敬仰的“和平使者”。可以说,郑和下西洋开创了亚洲地区国家间以德睦邻、和平共处的友好传统。Thanks to our geographical affinity and cultural bond, East Asian countries have all along enjoyed friendly exchanges.More than 600 years ago, Zheng He, a famous Chinese navigator and diplomat, made seven voyages to the western seas.He paed Malacca five times and went to most countries in Southeast Asia.He brought to the local people silk, porcelain, tea, and agricultural know-how and spread culture and art, leaving touching stories behind.Temples have been built by people of East Asian countries to remember him and they are still visited by many till this day.It was stated in Zheng He's credentials that “all under heaven are equal.The strong must not bully the weak.” In 28 years, Zheng He's fleet, the strongest in the world back then, visited more than 30 countries and went as far as to the east coast of Africa.Everywhere he went, he showed full respect for local religion and culture without taking a single inch of land.He conducted trade and friendly cultural and technological exchanges with the local people, thus becoming a celebrated “envoy of peace”.It is fair to say that Zheng He, with his voyages to the western seas, was among the first to practice the proud tradition of good-neighborline through good virtue and peaceful co-existence among countries in Asia.历史长河奔流向前,东亚各国人民历经风雨,艰辛探索,逐步走上了和平、发展、合作之路。新世纪以来,东亚发展翻开了新的一页,各层次合作机制不断丰富和完善。特别是东亚峰会成立十年来,各成员国秉持开放包容、合作共赢的精神,在贸易、投资、金融、人文、安全等领域开展了富有成效的合作,有力促进了地区和平稳定和经济繁荣。这十年,是东亚合作蓬勃发展的十年,是各国共享繁荣成果的十年,也是东亚峰会影响力不断扩大的十年。Time goes on.East Asian countries have now embarked on a path of peace, development and cooperation after hard struggle.In the 21st century, a new page has been turned in the development of East Asia and there have been more and better cooperation mechanisms at various levels.In the past decade since the inception of the EAS, its member states, working in the spirit of openne, inclusivene, cooperation and mutual benefit, have engaged each other in effective cooperation in trade, investment, finance, culture and regarding security matters, giving strong boost to peace, stability and economic prosperity of the region.The past decade witneed booming development of East Asia cooperation, shared prosperity among East Asian countries and rising influence of the EAS.今天,我们站在新的起点上,各方都很关心峰会未来发展的方向。中方支持发表《纪念东亚峰会十周年吉隆坡宣言》。过去十年大家共同取得了许多弥足珍贵的经验,值得很好传承。我们应继续坚持“领导人引领的战略论坛”定位,集中精力议大事、谋大势、增共识、控分歧;继续坚持东盟主导地位,照顾各方舒适度,保障大小国家平等参与地区事务;继续坚持发展和安全“双轮驱动”,认真落实《金边发展宣言》及其行动计划,聚焦经济社会发展,同时加强安全对话合作;继续坚持各机制协调发展,完善多层次区域合作架构。这“四个坚持”是各方都接受的最大公约数,是峰会十年发展取得的主要经验,也是峰会今后行稳致远的重要基础。Today, as we stand at a new starting point, we are all thinking of where we should go next.China supports the iuance of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the Tenth Anniversary of the East Asia Summit.The most valuable experience we gained in the past decade should be inherited and carried forward.We should continue to keep the EAS as a leaders-led strategic forum, focus on major iues of overarching importance and find ways to increase consensus and properly manage differences.We should continue to adhere to ASEAN centrality, be sensitive to the comfort level of all parties and ensure equal participation by all countries, big or small, in regional affairs.We should continue to give importance to both development and security, earnestly implement the Phnom Penh Declaration on the East Asia Summit Development Initiatives and its action plan, focus on economic and social development and at the same time, strengthen security dialogue and cooperation.We should continue to facilitate coordinated development of all the mechanisms and improve the multi-tiered regional cooperation architecture.These four points, acceptable to all parties, constitute the main experience of the growth of the EAS over the past decade, and the important basis for EAS to go far in the future.各位同事!Dear Colleagues,当前,全球经济复苏进程依然充满波折,局部冲突和地区热点此起彼伏。东亚要继续成为世界和平稳定之锚、发展活力之源,必须倍加珍惜来之不易的好局面,筑牢经济、安全、人文三大支柱,为区域合作注入新动力。我赞赏主席国为本次会议设置的可持续增长和金融稳定、地区安全政策和倡议等提示性议题,愿就今后峰会合作谈几点看法: Currently, global economic recovery remains difficult.Regional conflicts and hotspots keep flaring up.If East Asia is to remain an anchor for peace and stability and a source of growth for the world, we must doubly cherish the hard-won situation, and cement its three pillars of economy, security and culture to inject new impetus to regional cooperation.I appreciate the Chair's choice of sustainable growth, financial stability and regional security policies and initiatives as the indicative topics for this meeting and would like to make the following observations on EAS cooperation going forward:
第一,加快推进地区经济一体化,把东亚打造成世界经济的稳定增长极。全球化是不可阻挡的潮流。面对严峻复杂的世界经济金融形势,各国应加强协调,同舟共济。10+1是促进东亚合作的基础,中方愿同东盟加强发展战略对接,共同建设更加紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体。10+3是东亚合作的主渠道,中方建议共同规划未来蓝图,推动实现2020年建成东亚经济共同体的目标。自贸区建设是东亚经济一体化的重要抓手。中国和东盟即将签署自贸区升级谈判成果文件,应尽快履行必要程序予以落实。各方还应继续推进中日韩自贸区、区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)等谈判,共同促进亚太自贸区的建设。本次会议将通过中方与印尼共同提议的《海洋合作声明》,这将进一步促进跨太平洋和印度洋更大范围的海洋合作。First, we need to accelerate regional economic integration and make East Asia a pole of steady growth for the world economy.Globalization represents an irresistible trend.Facing grave and complex global economic and financial situation, countries need to strengthen coordination and jointly overcome difficulties.The ASEAN Plus One is the basis for East Asia cooperation and China is ready to better align development strategies with ASEAN to build a closer China-ASEAN community of shared future.The ASEAN Plus Three is the main vehicle of East Asia cooperation, and China suggests that a blueprint be drawn up for achieving the goal of an East Asia Economic Community by 2020.The development of FTA is an important step for East Asia economic integration.China and ASEAN are about to sign the outcome document for the negotiations on an upgraded FTA, and need to finish neceary procedures so that it could be implemented.Parties need to advance negotiations on the China-Japan-ROK FTA and the RCEP to jointly promote the development of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific.Under the initiative of China and Indonesia, this meeting will adopt a statement on maritime cooperation, which, I believe, will boost maritime cooperation in wider areas of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.中国始终是地区和平的坚定维护者和地区合作的坚定推动者。我们正在同东亚国家推进“一带一路”建设和国际产能合作,亚洲基础设施投资银行和丝路基金等将为此提供融资支持。中方倡议区域国家金融机构联合发起成立“亚洲金融合作协会”,将为本地区实体经济发展提供更有力的支撑。中国仍是世界经济增长的重要引擎,即将实施经济社会发展“十三五”规划,明确了到2020年全面建成小康社会的发展目标,这将为包括东亚国家在内的世界各国带来更多合作机遇。China is firm in upholding peace and promoting cooperation in the region.China is working with East Asian countries to advance the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road as well as international cooperation on production capacity.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund will provide financing support to these initiatives.China proposes that an Asia Financial Cooperation Aociation be jointly established by financial institutions of countries in this region to support the growth of the real economy.China remains an important engine driving world economic growth.The implementation of its 13th Five-Year Plan and the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 will bring more cooperation opportunities to countries in East Asia and beyond.第二,积极开展政治安全对话,探讨建立适合本地区的安全架构。中方主张各方就各自的发展战略和政策加强沟通交流,增进政治互信,消除猜忌疑虑,避免误读误判。中方倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续的亚洲安全观,支持在东亚峰会框架下就安全理念和架构进行交流,并将于明年承办第五届安全架构研讨会。Second, we need to carry out political and security dialogue to explore a security architecture that fits the region.China maintains that all parties need to increase exchanges and communication on their respective development strategies and policies, increase political mutual trust, dispel suspicion and misgivings, and avoid misinterpretation and miscalculation.China advocates a new security vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and supports discuions on security concept and architecture within the EAS framework.China will host the fifth Workshop on Regional Security Architecture next year.恐怖主义不是宗教和民族问题,而是反人类的问题,是人类面临的共同挑战。当前,全球反恐形势正经历复杂深刻变化,恐怖活动的广度和烈度都达到新峰值,严重威胁国际和地区安全稳定,没有哪个国家可以独善其身。最近法国巴黎发生严重恐怖袭击事件,两天前马里首都也发生了惨无人道的人质劫持事件,包括3名中国公民在内的多国公民不幸遇害。国际社会合作应对非传统安全威胁尤为紧迫。中方坚决反对一切形式、在任何地方发生的恐怖主义,支持会议就全球温和运动、应对暴力极端主义发表声明,愿继续本着相互尊重、平等合作的原则同各国加强交流合作,坚决打击任何挑战人类文明底线的暴恐犯罪活动,共同维护世界和平与安宁。Terrorism is not an iue about religion or ethnicity.It is against human nature and represents a common challenge facing mankind.Global counter-terrorism situation is now undergoing profound and complex changes.Terrorist activities, which are more extensive and intensive than ever before, pose serious threats to regional and international security and stability.No country could stay immune from the scourge.Not long ago, the serious terrorist attacks happened in Paris, and the heinous hostage incident happened in the capital of Mali two days ago took the lives of citizens from several countries, including three from China.This has made it a more preing task to carry out international cooperation to tackle non-traditional security threats.China is against terrorism of all forms anywhere in the world, and China supports the EAS in iuing statements on Global Movement of Moderates and combating violent extremism.China will continue to increase exchanges and cooperation with other countries under the principle of mutual respect and equality to resolutely combat all criminal acts of violence and terror that challenge the bottom line of humanity to jointly maintain peace and tranquility of the world.中方支持会议发表卫生安全、网络事务等成果文件,致力于为本地区提供更多公共安全产品。中方愿于明年举办印太海洋安全合作二轨研讨会,与峰会成员国联合举办地震搜救演练,探讨举办海上搜救演练。中方将积极与东亚国家特别是本地区发展中国家共同应对气候变化,继续举办清洁能源论坛。中方支持亚太地区2030年消灭疟疾的目标,愿继续支持湄公河流域国家开展相关项目。China also supports the EAS in iuing outcome documents on health security and cyber affairs, and is committed to providing more public security goods to the region.China is ready to host a Workshop on Maritime Cooperation for Security in the Indo-Pacific Ocean next year.China will co-sponsor the EAS Earthquake Response and Relief Joint Exercise with relevant EAS countries and explore the poibility of maritime search and rescue exercises.China will work with East Asian countries, especially developing countries, to tackle climate change and continue to hold the clean energy forum.China supports the goal of eliminating malaria by 2030 in the Asia Pacific region and will continue to support Mekong River countries in carrying out relevant programs.第三,加强亚洲文明对话交流,促进不同文明和谐共生。文明只有内容形式之别,没有高低贵贱之分。东亚文明多样性独具特色,不同文明交流互鉴、兼收并蓄,成为地区发展进步的不竭源泉,也有助于促进各国理解互信。中方支持开展亚洲文明对话,明年将举办亚洲文明对话大会,欢迎各国踊跃参加。Third, we need to strengthen dialogue and exchanges among Asian civilizations to promote harmonious co-existence of civilizations.Civilizations are only different, not superior or inferior.Diverse and unique East Asian civilizations, by learning from one another, provide inexhaustible impetus for regional development and progre and for better understanding and trust among countries.China supports dialogue among Asian civilizations.China will host a conference for dialogue among Asian civilizations next year and welcomes active participation of all countries in the conference.同时,地区各国还要深化教育、科技、文化、媒体、智库、青年等各领域交流合作。中方将继续支持那烂陀大学重建,为东亚文化交流搭建新平台;倡议建立东亚峰会二轨机构网络,鼓励博鳌亚洲论坛与东亚峰会加强联系。At the same time, countries in this region also need to deepen exchanges and cooperation in areas such as education, science and technology, culture, media, and among think-tanks and the youth.China will continue to support the revival of Nalanda University to give a new platform for East Asia cultural exchanges.China proposes establishment of a Track II Network among EAS countries and encourages close contacts between the Boao Forum for Asia and the EAS.各位同事!Dear Colleagues,刚才有的同事谈到了南海问题。这里,我有必要讲一讲目前的真实情况和中方有关立场。Some leaders mentioned the South China Sea question.Let me say something about the truth and about China's position on this question.千百年来,南海沿岸各族人民环海而居、和睦相处,友好交往、守望相助。近几十年来,南海虽然出现了一些问题,但中国和东盟国家始终保持对话沟通,在没有外部势力干预和介入的情况下,很好地维护了南海的总体和平稳定。中国与东盟国家经过协商,于2002年签署了《南海各方行为宣言》,中国认真履行了《宣言》中的各项义务,包括按照第四条的规定,努力与直接当事方通过对话协商和平解决争议。过去两年来,中方又明确提出了处理南海问题的“双轨”思路,即有关争议由直接有关的主权国家谈判协商解决,南海的和平稳定由中国和东盟国家共同维护。这一思路得到了多数东盟国家的支持,也完全符合国际法和国际实践鼓励的方向。For centuries, people in the area of the South China Sea have lived in peace and harmony, and forged friendly ties of mutual aistance.Indeed, in the past several decades, problems have come along.Yet, through dialogue and communication between China and ASEAN countries, overall peace and stability in the South China Sea have been maintained without the intervention or involvement of external forces.Through consultations, China and ASEAN countries signed the DOC in 2002.China has earnestly fulfilled obligations under the DOC, including working under Article 4 to seek peaceful settlement to disputes with parties directly concerned through negotiation and consultation.In the past two years, China has identified a dual-track approach for resolving the South China Sea question, i.e., relevant disputes should be resolved by sovereign states directly concerned through negotiation and consultation, and peace and stability in the South China Sea should be jointly upheld by China and ASEAN countries working together.This approach is supported by most ASEAN countries and is consistent with international law and international practices.当前,中国和东盟国家正在全面有效落实《宣言》框架下的务实合作,本着极大的诚意积极推进“南海行为准则”磋商,已经取得早期收获。同时,各方还同意中方提议的探讨制订“海上风险管控预防性措施”,以便在“准则”最终达成前有效管控海上局势,防止不测事件的发生。这些成果来之不易,值得共同珍惜。At present, China and ASEAN countries are working to ensure full and effective implementation of practical cooperation within the framework of the DOC, and are actively advancing COC consultations with utmost sincerity.We have already had some early harvest.At the same time, all sides have agreed to China's proposal to explore and formulate the Preventive Measures on Managing Risks at Sea so that we could, pending final conclusion of a COC, effectively manage maritime situation and avoid unexpected incidents.These achievements are hard-won and should be doubly cherished.中国一直是南海航行和飞越自由的坚定维护者,因为这首先事关中国的切身利益。中国是世界主要贸易国,南海是重要国际航道,如果南海局势不稳,受损的首先是包括中国在内的地区国家,对其他国家也无益处。目前每年有十几万艘商船顺利安全地在南海通行。事实上,南海的航行和飞越自由从来就没有发生过问题。中国和本地区国家完全有能力继续维护好南海的航行和飞越自由。需要强调的是,各国在行使航行和飞越权利时,有必要充分尊重沿岸国的主权和安全。China stands firm for the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, as it, above all, concerns China's own interests.China is the main trading nation in the world, and the South China Sea constitutes a major international shipping route.Should there be instability in the South China Sea, it will hurt, first and foremost, the interest of countries in the region, including China, and will do no good to other countries either.Each year, hundreds of thousands of commercial ships pa through the South China Sea, safe and sound.The fact is, there has never been any problem regarding the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea.China and countries in the region have the capability to maintain the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea.It needs to be pointed out that countries concerned, when exercising the freedom of navigation and overflight, need to fully respect the sovereignty and security of countries along the coast.中国在南沙群岛的有关设施建设,主要是民事功能,有助于中国更好地履行国际责任和义务,有助于为各国船只提供更多的公共服务,包括应对海上灾难。有关建设活动不针对、不影响任何国家,也无意搞军事化。The relevant constructions carried out by China in the Nansha Islands are primarily for civilian purposes.They are constructed to help China better fulfill its international responsibilities and obligations, and provide more public services to veels from other countries, including in times of maritime disasters.Such constructions are not targeted at any other country, nor does it affect any other country.We have no intention for militarization.在此,中方愿提出五点倡议: China hereby makes the following five proposals:
一是各国承诺遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,捍卫二战成果和战后秩序,珍惜得来不易的和平,共同维护国际和地区包括南海地区的和平与稳定。First, all countries make the commitment to observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, defend the outcome of WWII and post-war order, cherish hard-won peace and jointly safeguard peace and stability in the world and the region, including in the South China Sea.二是直接有关的主权国家承诺根据公认的国际法原则,包括1982年《联合国海洋法公约》,通过友好磋商和谈判,以和平方式解决领土和管辖权争议。Second, sovereign countries directly concerned undertake, in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law, including UNCLOS of 1982, to peacefully settle sovereign and jurisdictional disputes through friendly consultation and negotiation.三是中国和东盟国家承诺全面有效完整落实《南海各方行为宣言》,加快“南海行为准则”磋商,在协商一致的基础上尽早达成“准则”,并采取措施不断完善地区互信合作机制建设。Third, China and ASEAN countries commit themselves to full and effective implementation of the DOC in its entirety, accelerate consultations to strive for early conclusion of a COC on the basis of consensus, and take steps to improve regional mechanisms for mutual trust and cooperation.四是域外国家承诺尊重和支持地区国家维护南海和平稳定的努力,发挥积极和建设性的作用,不采取导致地区局势紧张的行动。Fourth, countries from outside the region undertake to respect and support efforts by countries in the region to uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea, play a positive and constructive role and refrain from taking actions that may cause tension in the region.五是各国承诺依据国际法行使和维护在南海享有的航行和飞越自由。Fifth, all countries undertake to exercise and uphold the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea in accordance with international law.各位同事!Dear Colleagues, “砖连砖成墙,瓦连瓦成房”。东亚各国相互依存,日益结成利益共同体和责任共同体。只要我们秉持团结合作、开放包容的精神,积极扩大利益汇合点,有效管控分歧,就能使东亚合作保持在健康发展的轨道上,就能把南海建设成和平与合作之海,更好地造福地区各国人民。As the saying goes, brick after brick make a wall, and tile after tile make a roof.East Asian countries are so interdependent that we have become a community of shared interests and responsibilities.As long as we uphold the spirit of solidarity, cooperation, openne and inclusivene, expand our converging interests and effectively manage our differences, we will keep East Asia cooperation on the right track, make the South China Sea a sea of peace and friendship, and bring more benefits to people of our region.谢谢大家!Thank you!
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