Friendly or Personal Letters_friendlynice区别

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Friendly or Personal Letters

I.Format for a Friendly or Personal Letter

The following picture shows what a one-page friendly or personal letter should look like.The horizontal lines represent lines of type.II.Personal letters, also known as friendly letters, normally have five parts.1.The Heading.This includes the addre, line by line, with the last line being the date.Skip a line after the heading.The heading is written in the upper right-hand corner of a friendly letter.Always include the date.If the correspondents are familiar enough and the recipient knows the writer's addre, or if the stationery is imprinted with the return addre, then the return addre may be omitted.2.The Greeting.The greeting always ends with a comma.The greeting may be formal, beginning with the word “dear” and using the person's given name or relationship, or it may be informal if appropriate.Formal: Dear Uncle Jim, Dear Mr.Wilkins, Informal: Hi Joe, Greetings, 3.The body.Also known as the main text.This includes the meage you want to write.Normally in a friendly letter, the beginning of paragraphs is indented.If not indented, be sure to skip a space between paragraphs.Skip a line after the greeting and before the close.The body of the letter contains the main text.The block style(no indented paragraphs)is considered too formal for a friendly letter, so each new paragraph should be indented.Skipping a line between paragraphs, especially in typed or printed copy, also helps the reader.4.The complimentary close.This short expreion is always a few words on a single line.It ends in a comma.It should be indented to the same column as the heading.Skip one to three spaces(two is usual)for the signature line.The complimentary close begins with a capital letter and ends with a comma.1 5.The signature line.Type or print your name.The handwritten signature goes above this line and below the close.The signature line and the handwritten signature are indented to the same column as the close.The signature should be written in blue or black ink.If the letter is quite informal, you may omit the signature line as long as you sign the letter.6.Postscript.If your letter contains a postscript, begin it with P.S.and end it with your initials.Skip a line after the signature line to begin the postscript.7.Commas in Letter Writing

Use commas after the salutation(also called the greeting)in a personal letter and after the complimentary closing in all letters.Salutation:

Dear Fred,My dearest Emmeline, Closing:

Sincerely, Truly yours, 8.Ending After a heart-to-heart talk, you should take a polite leave.You may bid warm farewell to your friend, e.g.I have to sign off now.I must stop now as I have something important to do.(offensive)Keep in touch.Don’t forget to write.See you in October.I shall be looking forward to hearing from you soon.I love your letters, and I hope you’ll write soon again.I do hope you will be able to come this time.Please give / extend my love / regards/best wishes to … Please remember me to… Please say hello to … for me.Don’t work too hard and don’t drink too much.Take care.Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.I’ll write again in a few days and I’m sure I’ll have a lot to tell you.I’ll write again very soon, and keep you informed of … 8.Useful expreions.1)It was nice to hear from you.2)What a happy surprise to get a letter from you after all this time!3)Thank you so much for answering my letter so quickly.4)You will be very glad to hear that..5)I was very sorry to hear that…

6)I thought you would be interested to hear of…

7)I loved your letter, and I hope you’ll write again soon.Samples I.The Thank You Letter Sample Letter 1

Owls’ RetreatLong Lane


Hui 3SX

Sunday, 26th Decemember

Dear Uncle George, Thank you for a marvelous Christmas present.I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw a gleaming SHOPPER bicycle by the tree with my name on the label.It’s a beautiful bicycle.I love the metallic finish(and you chose green, my favorite colour).It’s very useful having the basket and that huge saddle-bag.My friend, Elaine, has a bicycle a bit like it but not so modern.I cycled round to her house this morning to show her and she likes the built-in lock on my bike.She has to use a combination lock and chain, and she says it’s a real nuisance.I’m going to cycle round to Auntie Dot’s this afternoon.It’s such bli pedaling a bicycle that’s my size.Anne’s bicycle was too small for me and my knees kept hitting the handlebars.You know, when you promised to buy me something special for doing well in my exams, I didn’t think you meant to buy me a BICYCLE.I can hardly believe it.This letter is just to thank you until I can come myself to thank you.As soon as the last of the snow has gone, Mum says I can cycle over to Cosford to see you.(It will be fun cycling DOWN Cosford Hill!)

Your loving niece,Sara

Sample 2

(This is a letter of thanks for hospitality.)Dear Mrs.Grant,I just had to write and thank you for a most enjoyable weekend.Jim’s party on Saturday and the picnic at Fladow on Sunday made it a weekend to remember.It was all great fun.I did enjoy seeing everyone again.Thank you for your kindne in inviting to stay overnight on Saturday and for looking after me so well.I am very grateful.With best wishes,Erika Lud Low Sample 3 Dear Mrs.Madigau, Thank you very much for looking after Chico so well while we were on holiday.You have no idea what a comfort it was to know that he was with someone who loved dogs and who understood them.He obviously had a marvelous time with you.When I had him out for his walk last night, he kept pulling me in the direction of Fodale!We are very grateful to you for looking after him so lovingly and at such short notice.He really is in first-cla condition.Thank you once again for all your kindne.Yours sincerely,Helen Webster

II.Exchanging News Sample 1 Dear James, Thank you for the letter.It arrived yesterday and it was waiting for me when I got back from the dentist.I’d had a tooth out and needed cheering up, and your news certainly did that.I’m so pleased to hear you’ve been promoted.I know what it means to you, and how hard you’ve worked for it.The extra money will no doubt come in useful, but I’m sure that real satisfaction comes in realizing your efforts have been appreciated.I was even more pleased with the rest of your news – that you hope to spend your summer holiday down here.Of course, we’ll pat you up!Do you remember the little room on the top landing where we used to keep all the junk? We’ve thrown everything out and been very busy with paper, paste and paint, and it’s made a very useful spare bedroom.It may not be quite luxurious enough for a newly-promoted sales manager, but at least it has a bad and a wardrobe!It will be wonderful sitting up half the night, laughing about the old times.Things have been fairly quiet here.About the only excitement was the Rugby Club dance on Saturday.All the usual crowd was there and Bill Rogaorson is back.Do you remember him – the one who joined the Merchant Navy? He’s now studying for a navigation exam.I saw onld Mr.Bennet the other day.He’s retired now and he’s very short-sighted.He insisted he remembered me well, but he kept calling me Peter.I suppose he must be confusing me with my brother.My parents send their best wishes.They’re as pleased at the prospect of seeing you again as I am.Do write and make the final arrangements and, once again, heartiest congratulations.Yours very sincerely,Tom Sample 2 Dear Jim,We were very pleased to hear from you on Tuesday and so excited that you are back in Greyvill.There are so many things we want to ask you.How is your new job? Is Mr.Mathers still foreman? Was Gran surprised to see you? Do the trains still stop at Telton Junction? Uncle Joe was in last night and he was just as interested as the rest of us.He started in the factory, you knowk and wonders if the old loading bay is still there, directly in front of the Accentuite Section.Mother sends her love and the enclosed pair of slcks.She asks if you’d like a pair of gloves knitted in the same colour, as it is usually very cold up there at this time of the year.Do write soon – and tell me what you want done about the rabbits.Young Joe is looking after them at the moment, but he will be going off to school next week.Love,Mary

Sample 3 Dear Mary, Thank you for your letter.It brightened up my day.I have been finding it very boring up here, as I know very few people of my own age.The weather has not been too good eigher.It has rained steadily since Friday, and I had to spend most of the weekend sitting in my bedroom looking out at the puddles.I was pleased to hear that Uncle Joe had looked in.Tell him that not only the old loading bay has gone, abut the Accounts Section too.The whole factory has been completely redesigned since his day.Gran sends her love.She is not as fit as she used to be, but she insists on making me a meal every time I visit her.Love,Jim P.S.The job isn’t too bad although it is inclined to be a bit competitive.III.Letters to Pen-friends Sample 1 Dear Vay,Thank you for your letter and the photographs, which I was delighted to receive.Your family looks very nice, and, to me, at any rate, your house seems huge.Like you I am fifteen years of age, and I have only one brother.We live in a three-bedroomed house in the town of Gransport, about 80 miles from London.My father, who is 65, is a schoolteacher.He has taught primary subjects all his life and is now headmaster of our local primary school.He is also a very keen sportsman, and is our current champion of the town golf club.My mother is the same age as my father.They were in the same cla at school and have known each other all their lives.She is the gardener of the family, and takes a special pride in our rose garden.Tom, my brother, is four years younger than I am.He attends my father’s school, but does not like it, as the feels that Father is a bit hard on him.He is not very keen on leons, and I think that my father tries very hard to make a scholar out of him.Although we now live in Gransport it is only two years since we moved here.I was born in a little village in the Gotswolds, one of the most beautiful parts of England.It was a very friendly village – everyone knew everyone else – and we all adored it.However, promotion took my father to Gransport, and we all had to move here.Gransport is a rather grimy port and market town with about 50,000 inhabitants ….Sample 2 Dear Pearl,As you will see from the date.I am writing this on Christmas Eve.It is growing dark, and the snow is beginning to fall, so we are almost certain to have a white Christmas.In a few hours it will be time to join our church Youth Fellowship Group on their carol-singing round of the village.About 10 p.m.we shall finish up at the local hospital , where a cup of tea and sandwiches will be waiting for us.By then it will almost be time to join the rest of the village in church for the Christmas Eve service.By the time we come back out into the snow it will be Christmas Day.Father will probably invite a few neighbours in for a dinner, but we shall all be in bed by 2 a.m., for tomorrow morning we must be up early to open our presents, which are stacked at the moment in neat piles under the Christmas tree.After we receive our presents, I shall be helping Mother to prepare the Christmas meal.It is a very traditional one, turkey followed by Christmas pudding, over which Father will pour some of his precious brandy.After the meal the adults will refill their glaes, and we shall all settle down in front of the television set to listen to the Queen’s speech.I am looking forward to it all very much, and I hope that you have just as happy a Christmas.Do write and tell me about it.IV.“Dear John” Letter Sample 1 Dear John, This is the most difficult letter I have ever written in my life.For months now we have been quarrelling more and more, not merely about trivial things, but about really serious iues.I feel it augurs badly for the future, and the most sensible thing we can do is to admit that we have both made a mistake, and end it all while there is still time.I enclose your rug, very conscious of what it once meant to both of us and how many dreams we built on it.Try not to think too badly of me.I wish You all the happine in the world.Yours regretfully,Dilys

V.Letter of Sympathy Dear Andrew, I have just learned your very sad news.I know that the sympathy of friends cannot leen grief at a time like this, but I had to write to tell you how deeply I feel for you and how much you are in my thoughts at the moment.Mary was always such a gentle person.I shall never forget her kindne to me when I lost my own wife.Please do not bother answering this letter, but when you are feeling a little more able to face the world I do hope you will come down and stay for a few days.You will be more than welcome at any time.A phone call is all that is needed.Yours very sincerely,Owen

VI.Letters of Congratulation Dear Francis,I think it is absolutely marvelous that you have paed your final examination.I’m sure I don’t know where you get all the brains.It was so thrilling to see your name in print in today’s “Couriser”.It really is a wonderful achievement.Medicine is such a worthwhile profeion.I am always overcome with admiration for those who dedicate their lives to healing the sick.Do call in and see us soon.We are all dying to inspect the new genius in the family.I am so proud of my brilliant nephew.Many congratulations once again on your magnificent effort.Yours sincerely,Aunt Bety Sample 2 Dear Francis, I was delighted to read in this morning’s “Courier” that you had paed your final examinations, and I am sending this off right away in the hope that I may be one of the first to congratulate you.I remember well how set you were on being a doctor, even as a small boy and now that you have finally a qualified, the long years of study must seem worthwhile.Do call in and see me soon.I certainly can’t wait to lost touch with my favorite nephew – especially now that he is going to keep me healthy well into my nineties.VII.Letters of Apology Sample 1 Dear Mrs.Sauson I was most upset to learn that Thomas had kicked his ball through your sitting room window again this afternoon.He has been warned repeatedly not to play football on that piece of waste ground beside your house, especially since the last incident.Unfortunately, he disobeyed me, and I can only offer my sincere apologies.When you make have the window repaired, please send the bill to me.I intend to keep the money out of Thomas’s pocket money in the hope that this will teach him a leon.Apologizing once again.Sample 2 Can you ever forgive me for my completely infefensible conduct this afternoon? My only excuse – a very poor one – is that I prized the record so much that my anger at its desappearance made me lose all sense of proportion.The fact that you admired it as well became in my heated imagination a reason for suspecting you.I now realize how completely unjust and unfounded this was.I hve found the record and have been suffering agonies of remorse ever since.I’ve been round to see Tom and Bill and I have explained the whole matter to them.If you think that anyone else heard my outburst, I shall be only too grateful for the opportunity of giving them a full explanation as well.I know it is a great deal to ask, but I hope that my unforgivable stupidity hasn’t ruined our friendship for all time.Do come round for a cup of coffee tomorrow evening to let me apologize personally and try to make up in some small measure for the hurt I have caused you.Yours in great distre,Bill

VIII.Asking a Favor Sample 1 Dear Anne, I am writing to ask you a favor.My neighbor’s daughter has moved to your district to take up a new job.Unfortunately she has fallen ill and has had to go to hospital.Since the family lives so far away they find it difficult to visit her except at weekends, and she is very lonely.I have promised them that I would write to you and ask if you could look in on her occasionally.She is in Ward 4, St Fmary’s weekday visiting is from 6 to 7 p.m., and her name is Mary Andrews.If you could manage to visit her occasionally, she and her family would be extremely grateful, and I should be even more in your debt than I am now.Sample 2 Dear Colonel Travers,After much hesitation I am writing to ask if you would allow me to exercise my dog on your property, Grieve Hill, which slopes right down to my back door.The previous owner, Mr.Browne, was kind enough to give me his permiion, and since his death I have had to cro the motorway to Shooter Hollow, which is the only other area where a large dog can obtain sufficient exercise.My dog is an Alsatina, very docile an dwell-trained, and , if you agree to my request, I can promise you that she will cause no damage and no inconvenience of any kind.I hope you will give this matter your sympathetic consideration.Sample 3 Dear Allan, I greatly regret having to write this letter.During the past few months I have had a serious run of bad luck.The result is that debts have mounted up, and now total approximately $1,000.The position is only temporary.At the end of the year an endorsement matures, and I shall be in funds again.I wonder if you could poibly lend me the $1,000? Should you agree I promise I shall repay it the moment I receive my endorsement.X.How to Say “No” Sample 1 Dear Tom, I was extremely sorry to hear of your run of bad luck an dthe financial me in which it has left you.Remembering all your kindnees in the past, I should have been only too pleased to give you any help I could.Unfortunately there is one serious drawback.I too have had a series of expenses, and I just don’t have $1,000 at the moment.I do hope that you manage to overcome your problems, and forgive me once again for being unable to help.Sample 2 Dear Matthew, I was delighted to hear that you are to be married next month and greatly flattered that you should have thought of me for your best man.Unfortunately I must decline the honour.I shall be out of the country at the time.My bo is sending me on a selling trip to Europe, and, much as I should like to, I just can’t refuse.With your wide circle of friends, however, I am sure you will have no difficulty in finding a replacement.Give my best wishes to Jean and aure her that I’ll be thinking of you both very fondly on the big day.Apologizing once again for being unable to accept.10

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