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1.Don't let others talk over you.Raise your voice and be heard= 不要让别人说服你〃提高你的嗓音让别人听到=

You know who ignores a tiger< You know who interrupts a tiger during a work meeting< No one, that's who= If you were a tiger, your roar would be heard nearly two miles away.你知道有谁会忽视老虎吗<你知道有谁在工作会议期间会打断老虎吗<没有人〃那可是大人物。如果你是一只老虎〃你的怒吼声两英里外都能被人听到。

2.Don't be afraid to show off your stripes — the things that make you unique= 不要害怕炫耀自己的条纹——这才是你独特的地方=

Every tiger's stripes are unique — no two are alike= You shouldn't feel the need to hide your stripes either.Customize your workspace with pictures of your family or favorite hobby.Find cool wallpapers or desktop apps like Rainmeter to make your desktop your own.每只老虎的条纹都是独一无二的〃没有两只是一样的=你无需隐藏自己的条纹。用家人或最钟爱的嗜好的照片装饰你的工作空间。用一些好看的墙纸或像Rainmeter这样的桌面应用〃做一个属于你自己的桌面。

3.If you've got a problem, jump right in and start swimming.如果你遇到问题了〃跳进去〃立马开始。

What does this mean for you< If you're got a job or aignment, don't procrastinate.If it feels too large, find a small part of it you can do now and try working on it for just 10 or 20 minutes.If you can keep doing that, no problem is too big(or too wet)for you.对你来说这是什么意思呢<如果你拿到一份工作或任务〃不要耽搁。如果任务太重了〃你先找出马上就能进行的一小部分〃用10分钟或20分钟来解决这个问题。如果你一直这样做〃对你来说就没什么难题了。

4.Don't let others take advantage of you.Own your space.不要让别人利用你〃你要有自己的空间。

Someone asking to borrow your stapler or eyeing your lunch again< Tigers can claim more than 200 square miles as territory.What's yours is yours.Don't be afraid to let people know it or be afraid to say no(politely, of course).If you do loan something out, set clear expectations of when you want it back.有人又跟你借订书器或关注你的午餐了<老虎周围200平方英里都是自己的领地〃所以你的东西就是你的东西。不要害怕让别人知道或害怕说―不‖(当然要注意礼貌)。如果你把东西借出去了〃一定要清楚什么时候要回来。

5.Be social= But respect the space and time you need to chill out.要去社交=但注意〃在需要冷静时要留有自己的空间和时间。

Tigers have their own territories and tend to live on their own but do often roam larger areas as well, which means they can keep track of what their neighbors are doing.老虎都有自己的领地〃喜欢独居〃但也经常会到更广阔的地方去漫步〃这样它们就能知道邻居在做什么。

“Solitary tigers actually have a rich social life;they just prefer to socialize from a distance,” says the National Zoo's website.国家动物园的网站上说:―孤傲的老虎真的有很丰富的社交生活;他们只是在和别人交往时会保持距离。‖ You can balance your private and social life as well.Set time limits for social media.You'll be more productive, and it'll mean that when you do meet up with your friends, you can leave work at work and focus on them.你也能平衡好自己的私生活和社交活动。花费在社交网站的时间要有限〃你做事效率会更高〃重要的是见朋友时不要考虑工作的事〃把心思收回来。

6.If you don't succeed at first, don't give up.Keep trying until you get it right.如果你开始不成功〃别放弃。一直努力到成功为止。

Even though tigers are powerful hunters, only about 1 in every 10 hunts is succeful.That's OK, though, because does the tiger give up< No= So don't get discouraged.Take a break, relax, analyze what went wrong, and try again.即使像老虎这样强大的狩猎者〃成功捕食的概率也只有十分之一。然而这都没关系〃你看老虎放弃了吗<没有=所以你也不要沮丧。休息放松一下〃分析哪里出了问题〃然后继续尝试。

And when a tiger succeeds, they know how to make the most of a good thing, chowing down on up to 90 pounds of food in one sitting.You should savor your victories as well, after all, you've earned them= 老虎成功时知道如何最大程度享受胜利果实〃坐下来一次吃掉多达90英磅的食物。你也应该沉浸于你的胜利〃毕竟那是你自己赢来的= 7.Finally: Take your sleep seriously.最后:把睡觉当回事。

If you've been working like a tiger, you've also got to take care of yourself like one.After all, tigers can sleep over 16 hours a day.如果你像老虎一样工作〃也要像老虎那样照顾自己。毕竟老虎一天睡眠时间能超过16个小时。

Make sure you're getting a healthy amount of sleep each night, set specific bedtimes, don't drink caffeine in the evening, and — if you're feeling really wild — remove all screens from your bedroom.Your sleep is precious, and you need every minute of it.确保每晚睡眠时间充足〃明确睡眠时间〃晚上不要喝含咖啡因的饮料。如果你真的很兴奋〃把所有电子产品都拿到卧室外面。你的睡眠很珍贵〃需要珍惜每一分钟。


Hi, everybody.大家好。

In our house, everybody knows that President is only the third-most important job in the family.在我们家〃大家都知道总统是我在家里第三重要的工作。So this weekend, I’m going to take a little extra time to say thank you to Michelle for the remarkable way she does the most important job: being a mom.所以这个周末〃我要花一点额外的时间来谢谢米歇尔所做的最重要的一份工作:当一位母亲。

And I’m going to give extra thanks to my mother-in-law for the role model she’s always been to Michelle and the countle selfle ways in which she’s helped Michelle and me raise Malia and Sasha.此外〃我还要特别地谢谢我的岳母〃因为她一直都为米歇尔树立榜样以及她在帮助我和米歇尔抚养玛利亚和莎夏上所做的无数的、无私的付出。

I am incredibly lucky to have these wonderful women help me raise, love, and look after our girls.我是如此幸运〃有这样一位优秀的女性来帮助我抚养、爱护、照看我们的女儿。

I hope you’ll also take a moment to say thank you to the women in your life who love you in that special way mothers do.我希望你们也能花一点时间对你们生命中对你们付出特别的爱的那位女性——母亲说出你们的感谢。Biological moms, adoptive moms, and foster moms;single moms, grandmoms and godmothers;aunts and mentors – whomever you think of when you think of Mother’s Day.生母〃养母;单身妈妈〃教母;婶婶和导师——当你想起母亲节时所能想起的一切的人。

Or take a moment, like I will, to remember the moms who raised us, whose big hearts sustained us, and whom we mi every day, no matter how old we get.或者花一些时间〃就像我一样〃去记住抚养我们的妈妈〃那些曾经用宽广的胸怀供养我们〃那些我们无论长多大都会想念的妈妈。

Giving flowers is always a good idea.送花一直是一个好想法。

But I hope that on this Mother’s Day, we’ll recommit ourselves to doing more than that: Through deeds that match our words, 不过我希望这个母亲节〃我们不再仅仅只是送花:做一些跟我们说过的话相符的行为吧。

let’s give mothers the respect they deserve, give all women the equality they deserve, and give all parents the support they need in their most important roles.让我们给母亲应有的尊重吧〃给所有女性应有的平等〃给所有的父母在最重要的角色上需要的支持吧。That includes paid maternity and paternity leave, sick leave, accommodations for workers who are pregnant, good health care, affordable child care, flexibility at work, equal pay, and a decent minimum wage.包括给所有怀孕的工人提供带薪产假、陪产假、病假以及住宿、良好的卫生保健、儿童保健、工作上的自由、同工同酬以及合适的最低工资。

We ask our mothers to do more than their fair share of just about everything.我们让我们的母亲做了她们所应做的合理份额以外的一切事。Making sure they’re treated fairly is the least we can do.我们应该至少确保她们能被公平对待。

The idea of setting aside a Sunday in May for our mothers became an official holiday with a Congreional resolution a little more than 100 years ago.国会议决案为我们的母亲留出五月的(第二个)周日作为法定假日〃100多年前就有了。They did it on May 8 – the same day we’ll celebrate Mother’s Day this year.他们设置的日期是五月八日——跟今年的母亲节是同一天。

If Congre can make a holiday, surely they can back it up with the things that give it meaning.如果议会能够通过把母亲节设置为节假日的法案〃毫无疑问他们用行动证明了所说的一切。

After all, that’s what my mother taught me.I couldn’t just say I was going to do the right thing, or say I agreed with it on principle.I had to actually do it.无论如何〃那是我母亲教我的。我不能仅仅说我将要做的是正确的事〃或者说我做的符合原则。事实上〃我将要做这件事。

So this Mother’s Day, say thank you.Say, ―I love you.‖ And let’s make sure we show that gratitude and appreciation through acts of respect throughout the year.所以这个母亲节〃说谢谢〃说―我爱你‖。并且今年我们要确保一整年我们都能用行动表明我们的感谢和感激。

No one deserves that more than our moms.没有人能比母亲能值得更好的。

Happy Mother’s Day, and have a great weekend.母亲节快乐〃周末愉快。




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