新型建材发展状况自从改革开放以来,经过这30 年的发展,我国新型建材工业基本完成了从无到有、从小到大的发展过程,在全国范围内形成了一个新兴的行业,成为建材工业中重要产品门类和新的经济增长点。经济建设的迅速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,给新型建材的发展提供了良好的机遇和广阔的市场。
Development of new building materials since the reform and opening up, after 30 years of development, new building materials industry in China has basically completed the development proce from scratch, from small to large, the formation of a new industry in the national scope, as the building materials industry important product categories and new economic growth point.The rapid development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, provides a good opportunity and a broad market for the development of new building materials.目前,全国新型建材企业星罗棋布,在市场需求的带动下,已经形成了全国范围的机关报型建材流通网;大部分国外产品我国已能生产,三星级宾馆所需的新型建筑材料国内已能自给;不同档次、不同花色品种装饰装修材料的发展,http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ 为改善我国城乡人民居住条件、改变城市面貌提供了材料保证。
At present, the new building materials company is dotted, driven by the market demand, has formed a nationwide newspaper office building materials circulation network;most foreign products in China has been able to produce, three-star hotel for new building materials home already self-sufficient;development of different grades, different varieties of flower color decorative decoration materials, for the the improvement of the people's of China's urban and rural living conditions, to change the appearance of the city provides material guarantee.墙体材料我国新型墙体材料发展较快,新型墙体材料品种较多,主要包括砖、块、板,如粘土空心砖、掺废料的粘土砖、非粘土砖、建筑砌块、加气混凝土、轻质板材、复合板材等。经过近30 年来,利用研制开发的国外生产技术和设备,我国的墙体材料工业已经开始走上多品种发展的道路,初步形成了以块板为主的墙材体系。混凝土空心砌块、纸面石膏板、纤维水泥夹心板等。
The rapid development of wall materials in China, the new wall materials, wall materials more new http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ varieties, mainly including bricks, blocks, plates, such as clay hollow brick, mixed waste clay brick, clay brick, not building blocks, aerated concrete, lightweight board, composite board.After nearly 30 years, the use of foreign production technology and equipment research and development, our country's wall materials industry has embarked on a variety of development, initially formed in the system board.Hollow concrete block, gypsum board, fiber cement sandwich panel.装饰装修材料建筑装饰装修材料与人民生活水平提高和居住条件改善密切相关,是极具发展潜力的建筑材料品种之一。品种门类繁多,更新换代十分迅速。
To improve the decoration materials, decoration materials and the people's living standards and improve living conditions are closely related, is one of the most potential for development of the building materials.Varieties of category, updating rapidly.建筑业的进步不仅要求建筑物的质量、功能要完善,而且要求其美观且无害人体健康等。这就要求发展多功能和高效的新型建材及制品,只有这样才能适应社会进步的要求。http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ 作为与建筑业关联性最强,70%的产品应用于建筑业的建材工业来说,发展新型建材及制品纳入到建筑设计、施工规程规范中,以推广应用新型那样工促进新型建材的发展。
Quality, function construction progre requires not only the building to perfect, but also the beautiful and harmle to human health.This requires the development of multifunctional and efficient new building materials and products, the only way to adapt to the requirement of social progre.As with the construction industry aociations were strongest, the 70% products used in construction industry, building materials industry, the development of new building materials and products into the specification design, construction, to promote the use of new technology to promote the development of new building materials.结合不同地区、不同建筑类型,以新型墙体材料为重点,瞄准有市场前景的冶金起重机新产品、新技术,重点围绕尽可能少用天然资源,降低能耗并大量使用总收入弃物作原料;尽量采用不污染环境的生产技术;尽量做到产品不仅不损害人体健康,而应有利人体健康;加强多功能、社会效益好的产品开发。
According to different regions, different types of http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ buildings, to the new wall materials as the focus, aiming at the new products, new technology market prospects, focusing on with le natural resources as far as poible, reduce energy consumption and extensive use of total income of waste as raw material;as far as poible the use of no environmental pollution production technology;try to make the product not only does not harm to human health, but should be beneficial to human health;strengthen the function of product development, social benefits.结合各地的实际情况,选择一批有基础的城市和有实力的新型建材及制品生产企业集团和基地进行重点发展,使之形成生产规模大、配套能力台的大型新型建材及制品企业集团和生产基地。结合开平线住宅产业化试点工作,抓好北京、上海、天津等一批城市发展新型建材及制品,使之形成各具特色,具有自己的主导产品和合理的产品结构、有一定规模和配套能力的新材料基地,对全国其他大中城市起到示范作用。
Combined with the actual situation, choose a batch of production base city and the strength of the new building materials and products, focus on the development of enterprise groups and bases, to form a http://www.daodoc.com/
http://www.daodoc.com/ large scale of production, supporting capacity of large enterprise groups and new building materials and products production base.Combination of residential industrialization pilot work, do a good job Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and a number of city development of new building materials and products, to form a unique, with their main products and reasonable product structure, have a certain scale and the supporting capacity of the new material base, as a model for the large and medium-sized city of his country.四 结语综上所述,新型建筑材料还将一直更新,有毒害的材料不断减少,新的绿色建材产品不断涌现。它的应用遍布各行各业。建筑材料的发展和应用二者起着相互促进的作用。
Four conclusion in summary, new building materials will also have been updated, toxic materials have been reduced, the new green building materials products continue to emerge.Its application in all walks of life.Development and application of building materials two plays the function of mutual promotion.
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