We, the Leaders of APEC, gathered in Yokohama under the 2010 theme of“Change and Action” to articulate our vision of further building and integrating the Asia-Pacific region in the 21st Century, and the paths to realize that vision.APEC's Road Thus Far Twenty-one years ago, APEC's founders saw the need for greater consultation and cooperation to guide the increasingly interdependent economies of the Asia-Pacific toward a more closely and effectively linked regional economic system.From this new and creative approach was born the consensus, asarticulated in the Bogor Goals, that achieving free and open trade and investmentis the surest way to accomplish greater common prosperity and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.APEC has since followed the insight of the APEC founders and the direction provided by the Bogor Goals, and the Asia-Pacific region has become a driving force and engine of growth in the world economy.Through our individual and collective 集体的 efforts toward achieving the Bogor Goals 茂物目标, the Asia-Pacific region has achieved substantial 实在的reductions 削减 in barriers to trade and investment 投资.These efforts have led to increased trade and investment flows 潮, sustained 维持 economic growth, and a vast improvement in the welfare 福利 of people in the region.We are confident that APEC is well on track 轨道 toward achieving the goal of free and open trade and investment among its economies.This year we conducted a review 复审 to ae 估价the achievement of the Bogor Goals by five industrialized economies and eight volunteer developing economies.We endorse the Report on APEC's 2010 Economies' Progre Towards the Bogor Goals and conclude that while more work remains to be done, these 13 economies have made significant progre toward achieving the Bogor Goals.From 1994 to 2009, APEC economies' total trade in goods grew at 7.1 percent per year while intra 内部-APEC trade tripled 三倍 over the same period.Foreign direct investment into and out of the APEC region both grew at 13 percent per year from 1994 to 2008.The simple average applied tariff 税率 acro the region fell from 10.8 percent in 1996 to 6.6 percent in 2008.通过我们个人和集体的在为了达成《茂物目标》上的努力,亚太地区已经在贸易和投资的关税削减上取得了实实在在的成果。这些努力带来了贸易和投资热潮的增长,维持了经济的发展,广泛的提高了这一地区人们的福利。我们坚信亚太经合组织正在以达到经济上自由开放的贸易和投资政策为目标的道路上稳步前进。今年我们进行了一次复审,去评估《茂物目标》在五个工业化经济和八个义工发展经济上取得的成就。我们赞同关于亚太经合组织2010年各成员国为实现《茂物目标》所作努力的报告,并且明确了今后还有很多工作要去完成。这13个成员国都在实现《茂物目标》的过程中获得了巨大的进展。
Strong progre toward the Bogor Goals of free and open trade and investmenthas been made poible by the decisions by APEC Leaders to liberalize their owneconomies, confident that others in APEC would make similar decisions.Thisconfidence to open up domestic economies would not have been poible were itnot for the formation of APEC.We reaffirm our unwavering commitment toachieving free and open trade and investment in the region.Current Opportunities and ChallengesThe 21st century presents new promises and new challenges.The global andregional environment is being transformed by the rising influence of theAsia-Pacific region, the development of extensive supply chains, and the rapidadoption of new information and communication technologies.Driven by thesechanges, our region has become more integrated and interdependent.While thishistoric transformation has brought about remarkable economic dynamism in theregion, events of recent years have shown that crisis can rapidly spread acroeconomies and have a dramatic impact on the entire regional and globaleconomic system, slowing growth and employment.The Asia-Pacific regional economy is recovering from the recent economic andfinancial crisis, but uncertainty still remains.We also face heightenedchallenges with regard to the protection of our environment and natural resources,including the neceity to jointly addre climate change.We must take to heartthe leons of the recent past, recognize the increasing role we play in the globaleconomy as the most dynamic region in the world, and seek to strengthen thefoundations of each of our economies and of the multilateral trading system toensure strong, sustainable, and balanced growth as called for by the G20Framework.3In this regard, we welcome the outcomes of the G20 Seoul Summit.Ashighlighted in the APEC Finance Ministers' “Kyoto Report on Growth Strategyand Finance,” we will rebalance and strengthen global demand, pursue soundfiscal management and enhance finance to key sectors such as infrastructure,small and medium enterprises, households and green investment.We shouldcontinue to take steps to build a stronger and more resilient global financialsystem.We remain committed to maintaining open markets and fightingprotectionism.We reaffirm our common resolve to support the recovery in acollaborative and coordinated way.We reaffirm our strong commitment to bring the Doha Development Agenda to aprompt and succeful conclusion.Bearing in mind that 2011 will be a criticallyimportant “window of opportunity,” we direct our Ministers to empower ourrepresentatives to engage in comprehensive negotiations with a sense of urgencyin the end game, built on the progre achieved, including with regard tomodalities, consistent with the Doha mandate.We affirm our commitment towin domestic support in our respective systems for a strong agreement.In ourcontinued efforts to resist protectionism, we agree to extend our commitment onstandstill made in 2008 to the end of 2013 to refrain from raising new barriers toinvestment or to trade in goods and services, imposing new export restrictions, orimplementing World Trade Organization inconsistent measures in all areas,including those that stimulate exports.We commit to take steps to rollback tradedistorting measures introduced during the crisis.Furthermore, we will continueto exercise maximum restraint in implementing measures that may be consideredto be consistent with WTO provisions if they have a significant protectionisteffect and promptly rectify such measures where implemented.Addreing the threat of global climate change is an urgent priority for all nations.We reiterate our commitment to take strong and action-oriented measures andremain fully dedicated to United Nations climate change negotiations.Wereaffirm the objective, provisions, and the principles of the UN FrameworkConvention on Climate Change, including common but differentiatedresponsibilities and respective capabilities.Those of us who have aociatedwith the Copenhagen Accord reaffirm our support for it and its implementation.We all are committed to achieving a succeful, balanced result that includes the4core iues of mitigation, transparency, finance, technology, adaptation, and forestpreservation.We expre our appreciation for Mexico's hard work in preparingfor and hosting COP16.The Way Forward for APECWe envision an Asia-Pacific region that can embrace and overcome challengesand make full use of opportunities to be more fully integrated, with a higherquality of growth and a safer and more secure economic environment.We seek to develop an APEC community in which trade and investment are freerand more open;supply-chains are better connected;doing busine is cheaper,faster, and easier;growth is more balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, andsecure;and we are better able to cope with threats to human security andeconomic activity.1.Our vision of an APEC community · Economically-integrated community: A community that promotes strongerand deeper regional economic integration We aim to establish a solid foundation for prosperity and well-being in the regionby promoting stronger and deeper regional economic integration throughfurthering our work to liberalize and facilitate trade and investment – the coremiion of APEC.Barriers against the movement of goods, services, and capitalshould be further reduced and busine persons should also be able to move moresmoothly.Measures that make it cheaper, faster, and easier for businees totrade and operate in the region should be enhanced.Customs-related procedurehould be further simplified and harmonized.Regulatory cooperation should bebroadened and deepened.Trade costs should be minimized and bureaucraticinefficiencies removed.The multilateral trading system should be promoted andstrengthened.· Robust community: A community with higher quality growth We aim to further enhance the quality of growth so that the Asia-Pacific regioncan realize sustained growth and continue to be an engine of economic activityand progre in the world economy.Policies that promote balanced growthwithin and among APEC economies should be adopted.All sectors of society,in particular potentially disadvantaged and marginalized groups, should beprovided opportunities to fully realize their potential.Both economic growthand environmental sustainability should be advanced in a holistic manner, andprogre toward a green economy should be accelerated by promoting trade andinvestment in environmental goods and services, developing this sector in APECeconomies, and enhancing energy efficiency and sustainable forest managementand rehabilitation.Innovative growth should be advanced within and acro oureconomies through the adoption of policies and regulatory environments that bestenable economies to support innovation, utilize information and communicationtechnologies, develop a skilled workforce, and increase research anddevelopment.· Secure community: A community that provides a more secure economicenvironment We aim to build a regional community in which people can live without the fearof poverty, violence, crime, disease, and hunger and engage in economic activityfreely and at ease, bearing in mind the need to achieve the MillenniumDevelopment Goals.Our economies' capacity to minimize natural and humanrisks to economic activity should be enhanced and a secure and resilienteconomic environment should be achieved.Poverty should be reduced tomaintain the intrinsic dignity of the human condition.The region's environmentfor trade, finance, and travel should continue to be staunchly protected fromterrorism.Economies should strengthen their resilience and capacity to manageemergencies and natural disasters.Infectious disease preparedne,non-communicable disease control, and health systems should be enhanced.The availability of and acce to reliable, nutritious, safe, and affordable foodshould be further ensured.Efforts to combat corruption and illicit trade andimprove governance should be strengthened.
亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议宣言北京纲领:构建融合、创新、互联的亚太—亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议宣言 1.我们,亚太经合组织各成员领导人聚首北京......
北京纲领:构建融合、创新、互联的亚太 ——亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议宣言中国 北京 2014年11月11日THE 22ND APEC ECONOMIC LEADERS' DECLARATIONBeijing, Ch......