后天 中英文影评由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“后天的英文影评”。
《后天》中的主人公——古气候学家杰克·霍尔为了去营救被困于纽约的儿子,不惜冒着失去生命的危险在冰天雪地里前往纽约。这里体现的父子之情,是多么纯正——不论他们平时的相处时间是多么的少,无论杰克为了研究多么忽略他的家人,但在关键时刻,他做了保证,他前往,前往他儿子的身边。他的儿子森同样的爱他的父亲,当被问之最快乐的假期时,他的回答竟是和父亲一起遇难十多天。遇难可不是什么好事,可是能和爸爸在一起,那就是最美好的。当飓风眼袭击过后,通往“希望”的门被打开时,杰克和森面对面的那一刻,那种激动时不能言语的,不用说“我爱你”,只有一句“you make it”就能表达出全部的情感——欣慰,激动,无限的亲情,温暖的爱。
分析了这么多,我觉得这部影片的成功之处是给我们敲了一次警钟,保护环境不是一个人的责任,也不是一个国家的职责,而是全世界人共有的责任,如果我们还继续破坏和污染生活环境的话,那么人类的后果就像在本片上演在屏幕上的一样,相信每个人都不希望电影中的灾难再在现实地球上上演一遍.When global warming causes world wide disasters and leads to an ice age, a climatologist named Jack Hall tries to rescue his son Sam who is trapped in New York.Jack must go from Washington D.C.to New York, but on the way some things happen.Can Jack rescue his son? Forget all that you have heard about The Day After Tomorrow’s dubious scientific basis.That the drastic climatological changes the film is based around could never happen is of no concern.This, after all, is a disaster film.As such, it’s supposed to present an incredibly outlandish situation that no one in their right mind would wish to experience.Who, after all, would go to see a fictional film that accurately represents the intricacies of climate change? Would you spend your hard-earned cash on a movie that had the tagline: ‘The average rainfall has risen by 0.3% over five years.Only one man can warn the world.That man is...Fish.Michael Fish’?
Plot Summary:
This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age.At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist(a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Profeor Jack Hall(Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam(Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age.In addition to all of the other challenges Dr.Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north...后天The Day After Tomorrow英文影评
It is such a relief to hear the music swell up at the end of a Roland Emmerich movie, its
restorative power giving us new hope.Billions of people may have died, but at least the
major characters have survived.Los Angeles was wiped out by flying saucers in Emmerich's
“Independence Day,” New York was aaulted in his “Godzilla,” and now, in “The Day After
Tomorrow,” Emmerich outdoes himself: Los Angeles is leveled by multiple tornados, New York
is buried under ice and snow, the United Kingdom is flash-frozen, and lots of the Northern
Hemisphere is wiped out for good measure.Thank god that Jack, Sam, Laura, Jason and Dr.Lucy Hall survive, along with Dr.Hall's little cancer patient.So, yes, the movie is profoundly silly.What surprised me is that it's also very scary.The special effects are on such an awesome scale that the movie works despite its cornball
plotting.When tornados rip apart Los Angeles(not sparing the Hollywood sign), when a wall
of water roars into New York, when a Ruian tanker floats down a Manhattan street, when
snow buries skyscrapers, when the crew of a space station can see nothing but violent storm
systems--well, you pay attention.No doubt some readers are already angry with me for revealing that Jack, Sam, Laura,Jason, Dr.Lucy Hall and the little cancer patient survive.Have I given away the plot?
This plot gives itself away.When cataclysmic events shred uncounted lives but the movie
zeroes in on only a few people, of course they survive, although some supporting characters
may have to be sacrificed.What's amusing in movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” is the
way the screenplay veers from the annihilation of subcontinents to whether Sam should tell
Laura he loves her.The movie stars Dennis Quaid as the paleoclimatologist Jack Hall, whose computer models predict that global warming will lead to a new ice age.He iues a warning at a New Delhi
conference, but is sarcastically dismied by the American vice president(Kenneth Welsh),who the movie doesn't even try to pretend doesn't look just like Dick Cheney.“Our economy
is every bit as fragile as the environment,” the vice president says, dismiing Jack's
“sensational claims.”
Before long, however, it is snowing in India, and hailstones the side of softballs are
ripping into Tokyo.Birds, which are always wise in matters of global disaster, fly south
double-time.Turbulence tears airplanes from the sky.The president(Perry King)learns the
FAA wants to ground all flights and asks the vice president, “What do you think we should
Meanwhile, young Sam Hall(Jake Gyllenhaal)goes to New York with an academic decathlon
team, which includes Laura(Emmy Roum of “Mystic River”)and Brian(Arjay Smith).They're
stranded there.Ominous portents abound and Jack finally gets his meage through to the
administration(“This time,” says a friend within the White House, “it will be different.You've got to brief the president directly.”)
Jack draws a slash acro a map of the United States, and writes off everybody north of
it.He iues a warning that super-cooled air will kill anybody exposed to it, advises
those in its path to stay inside, and then...well, then he sets off to walk from
Washington to New York to get to his son.Two of his buddies, also veterans of Arctic
treks, come along.We are wondering:
(a)why walk to New York when his expertise is desperately needed to save millions?(b)won't his son be either dead or alive whether or not he makes the trek? And——
(c)how quickly can you walk from Washington to New York over ice sheets and through a
howling blizzard? As nearly as I can calculate, this movie believes it can be done in two
nights and most of three days.Oh, I forgot;they drive part of the way, on highways that
are gridlocked and buried in snow, except for where they're driving.How they get gas is
not discued in any detail.As for the answer to(a), anyone familiar with the formula will know it is because he
Feels Guilty About Neglecting His Son by spending all that time being a paleoclimatologist.It took him a lot of that time just to spell it.So, OK, the human subplots are nonsense--
all except for the quiet scenes anchored by Ian Holm, as a sad, wise Scottish
meteorologist.Just like Peter O'Toole in “Troy,” Holm proves that a gifted British-trained
actor can walk into almost any scene and make it seem like it means something.Quaid and Gyllenhaal and the small band of New York survivors do what can be done with
impoible dialogue in an unlikely situation.And Dr.Lucy Hall(Sela Ward), Jack's wife
and Sam's mother, struggles nobly in her subplot, which involves the little cancer patient
named Peter.She stays by his side after the hospital is evacuated, calling for an
ambulance, which we think is a tad optimistic, since Manhattan has been flooded up to about
the eighth floor, the water has frozen, and it's snowing.But does the ambulance arrive?
Here's another one for you: Remember those wolves that escaped from the zoo? Think we'll
see them again?
Of the science in this movie I have no opinion.I am sure global warming is real, and I
regret that the Bush administration rejected the Kyoto Treaty, but I doubt that the
cataclysm, if it comes, will come like this.It makes for a fun movie, though.Especially the parts where Americans become illegal immigrants in Mexico, and the vice president
addrees the world via the Weather Channel.“The Day After Tomorrow” is ridiculous, yes,but sublimely ridiculous--and the special effects are stupendous
My Impreions of the Disastrous Films I.Introduction The Day after Tomorrow and 2012 are the science fiction films, involving the advanced digital video effects......
Imagine that you’re in another ice age, shuddering from stem to stern in the biting wind, struggling to find any poible food deep in the pristine layer of snow......