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读后活动: Writing:

Activity 1: Discuion.Work in groups to decide which one your group would like to write about, how to organize and what expreions you can use.Share with other groups.Activity 2: Writing.Students write by themselves.Exchange with their partners to check.Activity 3: Share.Invite some students to share with the whole cla.南京外国语学校杨梦what is life教学设计: Warming-up: 1.Have students brainstorm what life is like for a teenager 2.Have students brainstorm what life is like for someone in his/her 80s.(设计意图:提问导入)Understanding the story: 1.Have students read the paage and answer questions about the basic elements of the story.(1)who is the heroine?(Rose)(2)How old was she?(87 years old)(3)What did she do at that age?(She went to college)(4)Why did she do it?(to realize her dream)(设计意图:浅层次阅读任务,要求认读文章显性事实,对文章大意进行直接理解)

2.Ask students to connect their answers to make a one-sentence summary of the paage.(设计意图:一句话总结旨在训练归纳技能,同时也是学生阅读活动的成果)Character analysis: 1.Give an example of analyzing the heroine’s friendline through detailed information in the text.(设计意图:教师的示范能帮助学生更好地理解指令,让活动顺利进行)

2.Have students work in pairs and find out more qualities of the heroine from the text.(设计意图:中层次阅读任务,要求分析文本意义,找出作者观点,归纳概括信息,旨在训练生立足文本推敲细节,更好地理解人物)

3.Invite students to report their answers by providing and analyzing details from the text.Understanding the theme: what is life?: 1.Guide students to identify the highlight of the text: Rose’s speech of wisdom and experience.2.Have students focus on the heroine’s speech and find one sentence that gives them inspiration.Ask students to write down their understandings of the sentence to facilitate thinking.(设计意图:让学生在思考过程中加入写作,辅助他们的阅读和表达。写作能够帮助学生将游弋的思维固定下来,进一步完善自己的想法)

3.Invite students to share their ideas.When poible, guide students to think deeper and talk about how the heroine’s wisdom can be applied to their own life.(设计意图:学生在交流的过程中进一步加深自己对生活的理解,教师在学生表述的过程中适时提问,引导他们将对句子的理解和自己的实际生活联系起来,在动态中获得生成)Summary: Show students a picture about the meaning of life and summarize the theme of the leon after a brief discuion.(设计意图:回顾全文,总结文章内容,升华思想内涵)

读后活动: Self-evaluation: Ask students to reflect on what they have learned from the following criteria:(1)i learned some new words and expreions(yes or no).(2)I learned some knowledge about how to be a good reporter.(3)I learned some fast reading skills.(4)I learned how to work with my partners.(5)I learned how to apply what i had learned to solving real-situation problems.(6)I was inspired to think critically and creatively.(设计意图:引导学生对自己的学习过程进行反思,提高学生的元认知能力)

Homework: Ask students to choose one that they like to finish 1.Write down one problem people may face in the future and list how to solve it.2.Michelle just finished the future tour, and she felt very excited.Write a short text about the fantastic journey.(设计意图:作业设计进行了分层设计,学生可以选择自己感兴趣的作业去完成,体现了新课标的要求,同时也增加了学生的自信,提高了学生作业的完成质量)

听后活动: Retelling:

1.Ask students to say some key words from the story.2.Use pictures to show how the story mainly develops.3.Ask students to form groups of four, and retell the story to the cla after two minutes’ preparation.(设计意图:首先让学生提取故事的关键词,使他们对复述内容有一个整体认识。通过图片演示故事的主要情节,抓住学生的好奇心,激发学生用英语复述的兴趣。最后,通过小组复述活动,由听到说,训练了学生的听力技能和口语技能,培养了学生的表达能力和思维能力,强化了学生新学的语言知识)

Role play:

1.listen to the tape again and focus on the conversation between the characters.2.Answer the following questions.(1)what did the cyclist ask Lin PU to do?(2)What excuse did Lin Pu give?(3)What did the policeman ask Lin Pu to do? 3.Read some expreions about prohibition, warning and obligation 4.Form groups of three and act out the story after five minutes’ preparation.(设计意图:让学生再听一遍文本录音并回答三个问题,旨在检查学生对对话细节的理解与记忆。让学生朗读一些关于禁止、警告和义务的表达,有助于他们提前熟悉表演中可能用到的表达,为他们提供一定的语言支持。最后的角色扮演活动能够营造轻松的学习气氛,激发学生的学习热情和学习兴趣,使学生巩固了所学语言知识,培养了自信心和团队合作精神。)


Vocabulary learning: 1.Read the text of the listening material and, find useful adjectives that describe one’s feelings when a disaster occurs and sentence structures that describe past experiences.2.Try to use these expreions to describe one of your past experiences after four minutes’ preparation.(设计意图:通过词汇运用活动,学生掌握了一些有用的话题词汇,并锻炼了口头表达能力。)

写前活动: Lead-in:

Have students watch a video clip about friendship and think about this question: What’s a friend? After watching the video, have students answer the following questions:(1)A friend is one who______(2)A friend is______(3)A friend______(设计意图:通过让学生观看视频,可以激发学生对目标话题的兴趣,为后续的课堂讨论活动作铺垫,也可以为学生的初步表达提供基本句式。学生回答问题需要用到的三个句式依次从半控制行到开放性,从对概念的基本描述到观点的自由表达,逐步挑战学生的思维。)

Brainstorm: Have students work in groups and brainstorm more words or phrases describing friends with the help of mind mapping.Discuion: Guide students to talk about the following questions in order:(1)What’s a friend?(2)What’s friendship?(3)What qualities make a great friendship?(设计意图:从思维层次上讲,第一个问题偏重于具体思维,讨论的是具体的人或与之相关的事件;第二个问题偏重于抽象思维,是对抽象概念内涵的阐述;第三个问题是对前两个问题的综合,通过具体与抽象的综合使学生达成对友谊这一话题的理解。)

写前活动的设计原则: 1.明确的目的性

2.在活动过程中使用英语 3.足够的英语语言输入量 4.搭建合适的支架 5.以学生为中心

6.发挥教师的指导和促进作用 听前活动的设计原则: 1.要以激发思维为切入点

2.应主要一熟悉语言和知识为教学目的 3.应遵循渐进性原则 4.形式应多样化


Word pool: Ask students to make a sentence by using the words in the word pool.(设计意图:单词池活动要求学生讲圈中凌乱的单词组成符合逻辑的句子,这样的活动形式有助于学生掌握正确的句子结构,同时导入一个难点结构——“Somebody will live to be...”




读后活动: Discuion:

1.ask students to work in groups and discu the question: which helps you more in your studies, IQ or EQ? And invite some representatives to report in front of the whole cla and make comments on their performance.2.Each group discues the difficult points in the paage, and when poible, teachers give proper guidance and aistance.(通过文本学习,开展小组讨论,加深了解情商对学习的重要性,懂得应该努力提高情商,改进学习方法,尤其结合现在学校在进行“问题导学,异质合作”的课堂教学模式,提高合作学习的策略和技巧,以积极的态度去面对人生的挑战,提高学习成绩。让各组讨论文章中的难点,就是为了让学生自己去发现并小组合作解决文章中的固定搭配、长难句和语法难点,这样能提高学生的自主学习能力,激发其学习兴趣,提高其学习效率。)









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