Federal Reserve
Export subsidy
net worth;
hard shoulder
China New service
population ageing
default fine
documentary translation
Skopos theory
tax evasion
intellectual property
population ageing
宽松货币政策;养老保险;文化逆差;城镇化;资源配置;居民储蓄存款;扩大内需; 中国创业板;原油价格;蛇年;住房公积金;宽带速度;钱权交易;网络推手;民生
Globalization: 全球化
Accreditation: 官方认证;鉴定;认可
CAT: 计算机辅助翻译(Computer Aided Translation)
CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)
CRH: 中国高速铁路(China Railway High-Speed)
ASEAN: 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Aociation of Southeast Asian Nations)
OPEC: 石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Dubbing: 配音录制;电影译制;对白配音
Third-Party Insurance: 第三方保险
sampling: 抽样;取样;抽样调查
tax refund: 退税;出口退税;返税
overdraft: 透支;透支额
after service: 售后服务
the tertiary industry: 第三产业
fiscal deficit: 财政赤字
II.Put the Following Terms Into English.生态文明: ecological civilization
小康社会: a moderately prosperous society
科学发展观: Scientific Outlook on Development
自由职业翻译者: a freelance translator and interpreter
律师事务所:law firm;law office
法人代表:legal representative
国有资产流失:lo of state aets;erosion of state aets
上市公司:listed company;public company
人民币升值压力:upward preure on the Renminbi;The preure of RMB appreciation
外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve
信用评级:credit rating
成本价:cost price
安居工程:affordable housing project;Comfortable Housing Project;Housing Project for low-income Families
贸易保护主义:trade protectionism
三农问题:iues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers;iues of agriculture, farmer and rural area
Localization: 本土化
APEC: 亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
MT: 机器翻译(Machine Translation)
ATA: 美国翻译协会(American Translators Aociation)
BRIC: 金砖四国(Brazil,Ruia,India,China)
Budget Deficit: 预算赤字
Full Refunds: 全额赔偿;全额退费
Paternity Test: 亲子鉴定;亲权鉴定
Price Ceiling: 最高限价;价格上限
Money Laundering: 洗钱
Microblog: 微博
Performance Appraisal: 绩效评估;成绩评价
Market Share: 市场份额;市场占有率
Translation Shift: 翻译转移(是翻译中的普遍现象,指原文译为目的语时发生的语言变化)
Subtitling: 字幕翻译
II.Put the Following Terms into English.(15%)
实体经济: the real economy;substantial economy
住房公积金: housing fund
房奴: mortgage slave 不动产: real estate;immovable property
债权人: creditor
纯收入: net income;net receipt
欧债危机: European debt crisis
增值税: value-added tax
国际评级机构: International rating agency
免税: tax-free;tax exemption;duty-free, free of tax
不可抗力: Force Majeure
资产负债表: balance sheet
醉驾: drunken driving
转基因水稻: genetically modified rice
政府采购: government procurement
ASEAN: 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Aociation of Southeast Asian Nations)
CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index);消费者物价指数
EQ: 情商(Emotional Quotient)
GMT: 格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)
GNP: 国民生产总值(Gro National Product)
NGO: 非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)
OPEC: 石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
UNCF: 联合国儿童基金会(United Nations Children’s Fund)
UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)
Dynamic Equivalence: 动态对等 [功能对等理论由美国人尤金·A·奈达(Eugene Nida)提出。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等]
Foreignizing Method:异化法;异化策略(指对文化价值观的偏离主义的压力下,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情境)
Intersemiotic Translation:符际翻译
Lingua Franca:通用语;混合语;共通语
Polysystem Theory:多元系统理论
Department of Homeland Security:(美国)国土安全部
II.Put the Following Terms into English(15%)
即席翻译:Impromptu translation
稀土: rare earth
产品导向: product-oriented;Product Orientation
民族的先知:the oracle of the nation; the prophet of the nation
操纵汇率:to manipulate exchange rate
第三产业:tertiary industry
虚拟经济:virtual economy
生态补偿机制:a mechanism for ecological compensation
西部大开发:Go-West Campaign;China’s
development campaign of the western regions
抑制流动性:curb/control liquidity;rein in liquidity
全球战略伙伴关系: global strategic partnership
转变政府职能: transform the functions of the government;transformation of ernment functions
国际金融新秩序: a new international financial order
ASEAN: 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Aociation of Southeast Asian Nations)
CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index);消费者物价指数
EQ: 情商(Emotional Quotient)
GMT: 格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)
GNP: 国民生产总值(Gro National Product)
NGO: 非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)
OPEC: 石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
UNCF: 联合国儿童基金会(United Nations Children’s Fund)
UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)
Dynamic Equivalence: 动态对等 [功能对等理论由美国人尤金·A·奈达(Eugene Nida)提出。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等]
Foreignizing Method:异化法;异化策略(指对文化价值观的偏离主义的压力下,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情境)
Intersemiotic Translation:符际翻译
Lingua Franca:通用语;混合语;共通语
Polysystem Theory:多元系统理论
Department of Homeland Security:(美国)国土安全部
II.Put the Following Terms into English(15%)
即席翻译:Impromptu translation
稀土: rare earth 产品导向: product-oriented;Product Orientation
民族的先知:the oracle of the nation; the prophet of the nation
操纵汇率:to manipulate exchange rate
第三产业:tertiary industry
虚拟经济:virtual economy
生态补偿机制:a mechanism for ecological compensation
西部大开发:Go-West Campaign;China’s
development campaign of the western regions
抑制流动性:curb/control liquidity;rein in liquidity
全球战略伙伴关系: global strategic partnership
转变政府职能: transform the functions of the government;transformation of ernment functions
国际金融新秩序: a new international financial order
一、ASEAN: 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)(Aociation of Southeast Asian Nations)
CPI: 居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index);消费者物价指数
EQ: 情商(Emotional Quotient)
GMT: 格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)
GNP: 国民生产总值(Gro National Product)
NGO: 非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)
OPEC: 石油输出国组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
UNCF: 联合国儿童基金会(United Nations Children’s Fund)
UNESCO: 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)
Dynamic Equivalence: 动态对等 [功能对等理论由美国人尤金·A·奈达(Eugene Nida)提出。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等]
Foreignizing Method:异化法;异化策略(指对文化价值观的偏离主义的压力下,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情境)
Intersemiotic Translation:符际翻译
Lingua Franca:通用语;混合语;共通语
Polysystem Theory:多元系统理论
Department of Homeland Security:(美国)国土安全部
II.Put the Following Terms into English(15%)
即席翻译:Impromptu translation
稀土: rare earth
产品导向: product-oriented;Product Orientation
民族的先知:the oracle of the nation; the prophet of
操纵汇率:to manipulate exchange rate
第三产业:tertiary industry
虚拟经济:virtual economy
生态补偿机制:a mechanism for ecological compensation
西部大开发:Go-West Campaign;China’s
development campaign of the western regions
抑制流动性:curb/control liquidity;rein in liquidity
the nation 全球战略伙伴关系: global strategic partnership
转变政府职能: transform the functions of the government;transformation of government functions
国际金融新秩序: a new international financial order
1.全面建成小康社会: On building moderately prosperous society
2.安倍晋三: Shinzo Abe
3.翘尾因素: tail-raising factor;carry-over effects(用于股市或物价上。指上年后期价格的涨跌会影响下年)
4.中国围棋: Chinese Che
5.骑楼: arcade(骑楼是一种近代商住建筑, 在两广福建海南等地)
6.植入广告: Product Placement;Guerilla Advertising
7.逆回购: reverse repo;reverse repurchase
8.汽车单双号限行:odd-and-even license plate rule; the “odd-even” traffic restrictions
9.乱穿马路: jaywalking
10.花旗银行: Citibank
11.两“非”(非法鉴别性别和非法终止妊娠): illegal fetal sex determination and illegal abortions
12.湄公河:Mekong;Mekong River
15.兵部尚书:minister of war(兵部尚书是六部尚书的其中之一,别称为大司马,统管全国军事的行政长官,明代正二品,清代从一品。相当于现在主持中央军委日常工作的军委副主席兼国防部长)
1.swing states:摇摆州(在美国总统政治中,摇摆州是指那些从民意调查结果中看不出哪位候选人占据明显优势的州。传统上的“战场州”有佛罗里达、宾夕法尼亚、俄亥俄等)
2.poetic justice:报应;应得的赏罚;善有善报,恶有恶报
4.to scale back headcounts:缩减人员;裁员
5.cheerleader: 啦啦队队长
6.skopos theory: 翻译目的论(是赖斯(Rei)和弗米尔(Vermeer)于上世纪八十年代早期提出。目的论强调翻译的实用性)
7.shopping spree: 疯狂购物
8.wailing wall: 饮泣墙,哭墙〔耶路撒冷犹太会堂的残壁,犹太人作为祈祷的场所〕;〔比喻〕安慰物;慰藉
9.call to collect: 对方付费的电话
10.TEU: 标准箱(twentyfoot equivalent unit)(长20英尺为标准集装箱)
11.shale gas: 页岩气;页岩天然气
12.plastic surgery:整形手术
13.a storm in a teacup: 小题大作,大惊小怪
14.windfall tax: 暴利税
15.quantitative easing:量化宽松(政策)
2012年 1.不入虎穴,焉得虎子: Nothing venture, nothing have [get;gain;win].2.她生来才貌双全:She is born with both beauty and talent.3.服装纺织业: Clothing and Textile Industry
4.中国人民政治协商会议: The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference;CPCC
5.法定节日: Legal Holiday;statutory holiday;official holiday
6.国家烟草专卖局: State Tobacco Monopoly Administration
7.磁悬浮铁轨: maglev track;Maglev Railway
8.节能减排: energy saving and emiion reduction;energy conservation and emiion reduction
9.加快自主创新的步伐: Accelerate the Independent Innovation
10.不断完善有利于科学发展的体制机制: steadily improve institutions and mechanisms that are conducive to scientific development
11.改善民生:improve people’s livelihoods;improve people’s wellbeing
12.加快发展社会事业: Developing social programs more quickly.13.实施医药卫生体制改革: put in place the reform of the pharmaceutical and medicare systems
14.提高宏观调控水平: exercise better macro-control;to improve the macro-level;to improve macroeconomic regulation
15.物以类聚, 人以群分: Birds of a feather flock together
1)an Irish Goodbye:爱尔兰式告别(指不跟任何人告别、偷偷离开酒吧或者其他聚会场所的行为)
2)helicopter parent:直升机家长(指的是连子女的就业面试也要陪同的对子女过分保护的家长。)
3)to bring the house down:博得满场喝彩;全场喝彩
4)up in the air:悬而未决的
5)to put one’s shoulder to the wheel:全力以赴;尽最大的努力;勤奋工作;鼎力相助
6)to meet one’s Waterloo:遭遇滑铁卢;遭受惨败
7)a yes-man:好好先生;唯唯诺诺的人
8)a scapegoat:替罪羊;替罪羔羊
9)to go bananas:神经错乱;抓狂
10)to paint the lily:画蛇添足;多此一举
11)Every man must carry his own cro.人人都得背负自己的十字架;自家苦难,自己承担
12)Justice has a long arm.天网恢恢,疏而不漏
15)creepy: 爬行的;恐怖的,令人毛骨悚然的、
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