雅各书5:14 你们中间有病了的呢,他就该请教会的长老来,他们可以奉主的名用油抹他,为他祷告。
我想请问你:是奉膏油的名抹他,还是奉耶稣的名?膏油比耶稣还大吗?膏油在耶稣的名字之上吗? 耶稣说过:“人子也是安息日的主。”(路加福音6:5)安息日不是耶稣的主,所以是油被恩膏了,还是耶稣被恩膏了?油并没有被恩膏,被恩膏的是耶稣。是油可以胜过疾病,还是耶稣可以胜过?你要把信心放在哪里,是放在膏油上呢,还是放在耶稣之名上?相信耶稣之名难到不够吗?这些一念之别、一字之差,就已经让基督徒在不知不觉中因膏油而变得宗教化、回到了律法的桎梏中,而事实上,耶稣才是摩西律法的主。如果耶稣是主,那耶稣就是祂所设立的一切制度的主。
至于我,正如彼得在美门口治好那个瘸腿的男人之后所说的,是对大能而奇妙的耶稣之名的信心,使他得到了医治。我所谦卑顺服、高举、仰望的,唯有耶稣那不可思议的奇妙圣名!Is it the Anointing Oil or is it the Name of Jesus? The Grace Revolution brings the focus of the Church back on Jesus.However if you are not careful, you could go back into the law while preaching the Gospel of Grace.Many Christians focus on asking the pastor to anoint their bottle of oil as they believe the oil is anointed.They use the oil to anoint their house, furniture, car, etc.This is going back to the practice of the types and shadows in the Old Testament where they used to anoint the things in the Tabernacle of Moses, which was a type of the Temple of God.But let me draw your attention to a scripture in the New Testament.We understand that one of the major principles of Bible interpretation is to let the New Testament interpret the Old Testament because the Bible has progreive revelation.In other words, the Old Testament contains the types and shadows whereas the New Testament contains the actual.James 5:14(NKJV)? Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.In the verse above, James was telling the church that if there was anyone who was sick and he is not able to pray for himself then that person should call the pastor to pray for him.Let the pastor anoint this person with oil.I would like you to take note of something else in this scripture.James said, “anointing him with oil IN THE NAME OF JESUS.”
Let me ask you, is the anointing in the oil or in the Name of Jesus? Is the anointing oil greater than the Name of Jesus? Is the anointing oil above the Name of Jesus? Jesus once said, “The Son of man is also Lord of the Sabbath”(Luke 6:5).The Sabbath was not the lord over Jesus.So then is the oil anointed or is Jesus anointed? The oil is not anointed but Jesus is anointed.Is the oil lord over sickne and disease or Jesus is? Where do you put your faith on, on the anointing oil or on the Name of Jesus? Is our faith on the Name of Jesus enough? Christians have very subtly become religious with the oil and have unknowingly gone back into the Law when in fact, Jesus is the Lord of the Law of Moses.If Jesus is Lord then Jesus is the Lord of everything He instituted.Jesus is the Lord of the Law of Moses.Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath.Jesus is the Lord of the anointing oil.Put your faith back on the Lord Jesus Christ.Anything else are just the instruments or channels for Jesus’ anointing to flow through.If these instruments and channels are for Jesus to release His anointing then Jesus is the Lord of those instruments and channels.If you are Jesus’ hands and feet, then Jesus is the Lord of your hands and feet, and thus He will anoint them.So then do not rely on your hands and feet but instead on the Jesus who is the Lord of them.When we pray in unknown tongues, we pray in His Name(Mark 16:17).When we pray the prayer of faith, we pray in His Name(John 16:23-24).When we lay hands on the sick, we lay hands in His Name(Mark 16:18).When we anoint the sick with oil, we do it in the Name of Jesus(James 5:14).In the Old Testament they anointed the things in the temple of Moses with oil because they were types of the temple of God.The things in your house, car, and money, are not parts of the temple of God.What is the temple of God? You are the temple of God and He has anointed you.As a Son of man, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus to anoint Him(Luke 4:18)for the works of the ministry and Jesus said that greater works shall we do.How are we able to do it? Just like Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes upon us to anoint us to do the works that Jesus did.When we pray in unknown tongues, the Holy Spirit comes upon us to anoint us to pray(Acts 1:8).In the Old Testament the anointing oil is a type of the anointing of the Holy Spirit that is in us(1 John 2:27), and the anointing comes upon us like it did on Jesus(Luke 4:18).In the same manner, the anointing comes upon us when we pray in unknown tongues.Therefore is it the anointing oil or is it the Name of Jesus that you put your faith on? Is it the anointing oil or the anointing of the Holy Spirit in this dispensation of grace that you rely on?
As for me, just like Peter said when he healed the crippled man at the gate called Beautiful, it is faith in the wonderful, mighty Name of Jesus.The wonderful, marvellous, Name of Jesus is all I humble before and submit to, uplift and uphold!作者简介:
序 当我的友人麦可唐纳(Murray McDonnell)跑到多伦多的黎明之家来看望我,便邀请我在华盛顿的人类发展中心(The Center for Human Development)十五周年的庆典上致辞,讲题是《二......
first name是名。国外的人都是名字在前,姓氏在后,他们的护照中也是这样写的。他们是比较注重自我,名字是自己的,而姓氏是家庭的,所以first name是名,last name 才是姓。扩展资料英......
耶稣是谁?因他受的刑罚,我们得平安;因他受的鞭伤,我们得医治。(圣经 以赛亚书 53章5节)亲爱的朋友,您知道圣诞节是怎么来的吗?为什么要庆祝圣诞节呢?顾名思义,圣诞,圣诞,——圣是指耶稣,......
耶稣,你是谁 A 在人类的历史洪流中,曾经出现过无数的英雄人物,但他们从没有象耶稣这样被人纪念,耶稣你是谁?二千多年前,你出身于木匠之家,却使当时的君王震惊,哲士困惑,你一生只不过......