A=放在单词或者词根前,等于negative(否定)=not, without
amnesty大赦,特赦,amoral 非道德的apathy冷漠,漠不关心asymmetry不对称
放在单词前,表示“在,的” asleep, aside
Ab,abs-=from, away from, off 加在词根前,表示“相反,变坏,离去”
ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-加在同辅音字母的词根前,表示“一再”等加强意。accompany, accomplish, affirm, attract Ad=to, at, for ad-加在单词或词根前,表示“做,加强”
adapt 使适合,使适应 addict使沉溺,使热衷
Ambi=on both sides, about, around:
ambidextrous两手都很灵巧 ambient周围的 ambiguous含糊的,不明确的Amphi=on both sides,around
:anonymous 匿名的,anarchism 无君主义
:antecedent在先的antechamber来宾接待室 antedate提前的日子 anticipate预期
Anti=against, opposite to
anti-communist反共的 Antarctic南极的 apo-表示“离开,远离” apogee Auto=self
autobiography自传 autocracy专制政治
autogamy 自体生殖(gamy=marriage)
Be-构成动词,表示“使……成为”befall, befriend, behold
构成介词,beside, behind, below, before, beneath Bene=well, good
benefaction恩惠 benefactor恩人
beneficial有益的benign良性的 Bi=double, two
bicameral两院制的 bicolored两色的bigamy重婚的bilingual双语的by-“在旁边,副的”:
byroad, byway, bywork
Co-表示“共同”,通常放在元音词根前。Coeducation, cohabit, coexist, coincide Circum=around, round about
circumference圆周 circumstance环境 circulate流通 Com(con)=together, with
cohabitation同居 Contra=against
contradict否认,反驳 contrary相反
Counter-表示“反对,相反” counteract, counterbalance
col-, cor-在同辅音词根前,表示“共同”:
collapse, colleague, collect
De=down, downward 表示分离的时候(away, from):Deform 使残废,使丑陋
Derive 获得,得来,起源 表示否定的时候
:Demerit 过失,短处
:Demonstrate 证明,示范
Devastate 使荒废,毁灭 DE的另外用法
:Decode 译码
Deficit 赤字
Decimeter分米 di-表示“两个,双”:
dichromatic, dioxide 表示“使…变成,分开,离开”
digest Demi-=half
Demigod Di-=double,twice:
Dilemma 进退两难
Diploma双学位 dia-表示“穿过,二者之间”: Dialogue, diameter Dia-=through, between, acro Diagnosis=between+knowledge 诊断 Diagonal=through+angle对角线 Diameter=through+meter直径
dif-和辅音重复表示“不,否定,分开” differ, difference, diffident dis-=除去,剥夺,反对,否定 Disadvantage不利,缺点,损失 Disannul 取消,废弃 Disband 解散
Disconsolate哀伤的,忧闷的Dismember割断四肢,使四分五裂 Duo-=two, double Dozen一打,12个
Duplicate完全相同的,复制的 dys-表示“坏,不良”
dyspepsia, dyslexia, dysfunction
evaluate, elongate, elaborate em-,en-表示“进入…之中,包围”: embrace, embed, empathy 表示“使…进入状态”:empower, embitter, embody epi-表示“在…上,在…周围,在…后面 epidermal, epidemic, epigram eu-=well Euphemism 委婉的说法 Euthanasia 安乐死 Ex-=out of, fully Elaborate=用心地做,苦心经营 Execute实现,执行 Exempt免除 Exert运用,实施 Exhale呼出,呼气 Exhilarate使兴高采烈,使快活
exo-表示“外部的,外面”exogamy, exotic Extra-=beyong Extracurricular课外的 Extrajudicial法庭外的Extravagant奢侈的,过度的Fore-=before Forearm前臂
Foremost最先的,首要的 Forth-=towards Forthcoming即将出现的,Forthright一往直前地,直路
Kilo-=thousand Kilocalorie大卡 Kilohertz千赫 Kilovolt千伏 Kilowatt千瓦
Hemi-=half hemicycle 半圆 Hemisphere 半球
Hetero-= other, different Heterodyne 异齿形的? Heterosexual 异性爱的人 Homo-=same homosexual 同性恋的人
Hyper-=above,beyond Hyperacidity 胃酸过多症
Hyperactive 极度活跃的,过分积极的 Hypermilitant 极端好战的 Hypersensitive 过度敏感的 Hypersonic 超音速的 Hypertension 高血压的Hypertrophy 肥胖,异常发达 Hypo-=under Hypocrisy 伪善,矫饰 Hypotension 低血压 Hypothermia 低体温 Hypothesis 假说,假设
In-=in,into,on Inborn 天生的,天赋的Incubate=on+lie+ate= 孵蛋,孵化,筹划 Induce=towards+to lead=引诱,说服,招致 Infect=in+to make 传染
Inflate= in+to blow 使膨胀,使得意,使物价上涨 Intoxicate=into+poison+ate=使醉,使陶醉,使中毒 Im-=in,into Immerge=into+to sink 浸,沉入 immigrate= into+to wander 移民 emigrate 迁居
impediment= in+foot+ment 妨碍,阻碍 Impinge=in+to strike 撞击,侵犯
Implicate=in+to fold 牵连,暗示,使纠缠 explicate 说明,解释 I(n)-=negative=not Inacceible 不能亲近的,不能得到的 Inadequate 不适当的,不充分的Inaudible 听不见的Indecisive 缺乏决心的,优柔寡断的 Insane 疯狂的Invaluable 无价的,非常珍贵的 Illegitimate 违法的,私生的Illiterate未受教育的人,不和逻辑的 Inter-=between,among Intercept=between+catch 中途拦截,截获 Interlude=between+to play间奏曲,中间 Interstellar=between+star星际的Intra-,intro-=within,inward(与extra-相反)Intraparty 党内的Intravenous静脉内的,静脉注射的 Introspect 内省
Introvert使内向,使内省 Iso-=equal Isochronal同一时间的,等时性 Isotherm等温线 Isotope同位素
Macro-=large, long
macrocosm=large + universe 大宇宙,总体
Macroeconomics 总体经济学,宏观经济学
Macroscopic= large+ scop(to look)+ic(al)肉眼可见的 Mal(e)-=badly,ill(与bene 相反)
malediction= badly + to speak 诅咒,诽谤
Malignant= bad+ to produce恶性的(benigant 良性的)
Malnourished 营养失调的 Mege= large, million megadeath 百万人的死亡
Megalopolitan大都市的Megaphone 扩音器的,传声筒
Megaton 一百万吨,megavolt 百万伏特,megawatt百万瓦特 Meta-=among, with, after(一般表示变化,主要用在科学用语中)
Metabolism= after+ to throw+ ism 新城代谢
Metagenesis 世代交替
Metaphor 隐喻
Metaphysical 形而上学,非物质的Metonymy 换喻
microbiology 微生物学
Microeconomics 具体经济学,微观经济学
Microwave 微波 Milli-=thousand, thousandth
Millimeter毫米 Mis-=wrong, bad, ill
Misadvise 给予错与的劝告
Misapply 误用
Misarrange 排列错误
Misconduct 行为不检 Mono-=single, sole, alone
Monochrome= single+ color 单色画,单色的Monocracy= alone + rule 独裁政治
Monogamy= alone+ marriage 一夫一妻制(polygamy 一夫多妻制)
Monolingual=single+ language 只用一种语言的Monotheism= single + god 一神论
Monotonous= single+ tone+ ous-单调的,无变化的 Multi-=many, much
Multiform 各种形式的,多种的Multilingual 使用多种语言的Multiply 增加,繁殖,乘
Multipurpose 多目标的,用途广大的Ne-= negative= not
Nescience 无知,不可知论
Naught= nought= nothing
Null= not any Neo-=new
Neoclaicism 新古典主义
Neofascism 新法西斯主义
Neoimpreionism 新印象主义 Non-= not
nonaggreion 不侵略,不侵犯
Noncombustible= not+ together+ to burn+ ible 不容易燃烧的Nonconformity 不顺从,不一致
Noncooperation 不合作
Nonpartism 无党派的,客观的,无偏袒
Nonverbal 不使用文字的,非语文的omni-表示“全部,到处”
omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience Ob-= as, towards, at, before, upon, over, about, near, against
Obfuscate= over + to darken 使暗,使困惑
Obituary= near + to go+ uary 形容词词尾
讣告,死亡的Object= towards, against+ to throw 反对,拒绝;物体,目标,对象
Obstacle= over, against+ to stand+ cle 名词词尾
Obtain= near, close to+ to hold 在身边
Occupy= at+ to seize 占有,占领
Octa-, octo-=eight, eighth
Octagon=eight+ angle 八角形
Octahedron= eight+ side 八面体
Octopus= eight+ foot 章鱼
Octuple= eight+ to fold八倍 Omni-= all
Omnibus 公共汽车
Omnicompetent=all+ competent 能干的有全权的Omniscient= all + knowing 无所不知的Omnivorous= all+ to eat+ ous 杂食的 Out-= out, beyond
Outdo 凌驾,胜过
Outgrow 生长速度超过的Outlaw 被放逐的Outrival 胜过
Over-= above, acro, beyond
Overact 动作过度
Overbridge 天桥,路桥
Overcome 击败,压倒
Overcrust 以外皮或外壳包裹的Overhaul 彻底检查,分解检查
Pan-(to)= all
Panacea= all+ cure, remedy 万灵药
Pan-American 全美洲的Panorama 全景,全图
Pantheism 泛神论
Para-= beside, beyond, against, contrary
Parachute= against+ fall 降落伞
Parasol= against+ sun 阳伞
Palsy= para-(beside)+ lsy(to loosen)使麻痹 Pen-= almost
Peninsula= almost + island 半岛
Penultimate= almost+ last 倒数第二的Penumbra = almost + shadow 半影部 Penta-= five
Pentagon= five + angle 五角形
Pentarchy= five+ rule 五头政治,五国联盟 Per-= through, thoroughly, away
Perform= thoroughly+ form(to furnish)实行,供给
Perfunctory= away+ to perform+ ory 敷衍的,表面的,草率的Permanent= through+ to remain+ ent 永久的,不变的,耐久的,常设的Perpendicular = through+ to weigh+ lar 垂直的,直立的Persecute= continually+ to follow 迫害,困惑,烦恼
Persevere= through+ properly to make to stand 固执,持久 Peri-= around, round about
Pericardium= around+ card(heart)+-ium 心包,心囊
Perimeter= around+ to measure 周围,周长,周边
Periphrase = round+ to speak 拐弯抹角地说 Poly-= many
Polycentric= many+ center 多中心的,多元的Polygamy= many+ marriage 一夫多妻
Polygon=many+ angle 多角的Polytheism= many+ god+ ism多神论 Post-=after, behind
Postdate= 把日期填迟
Posterity 子孙,后裔
Postscript= after+ to write(p.s.)附笔,后记 Pre-= before
Precaution 预防
Preface= before+ to speak 作序,写前言,开始
Preliminary= before+ threshold 门槛
Prescribe= before+ to write 规定,开药方 Pro-= for, before, forth, forward
Proceed= before+ to go 继续进行,开始
Procure= for, in behalf of+ cure(to take care of)取得,Prominent= forth+ to jut 突出+ent 突出的,显著的 Pseudo-= false
Pseudocarp= false+ fruit 假果
Pseudoclaicism= 伪古典主意
Pseudonym= false+ name 假名,笔名
Pseudoscience= 假科学
Quadr(i)-= four
Quadrilingual=four+ language 四国语言的Quadruple= four time+ to fold 四倍的 Quasi-= partly
Quasi-contract 准契约
Quasi-judicial 准司法性的Quasi-official 半官方的Re-= again, back Reconcile= again+ concile 使和谐
和解,复交,调停 Reiterate= again+ to repeat 反复地说或做,重述
获得,说服 Remorse= again+ to bite 悔恨,懊悔
Retract= back+ to draw 缩回,放回,撤回 Retrieve= again+ to find 取回,恢复,更正 Revive= again+ to live 苏醒,复活
Revoke= back+ to call 取消,废止,宣告无效 Retro-= backward
Retroact=backward+ to act 反动,反作用
Retroflex= backward+ to bend 反曲的,翻转的Retrograde= backward+ to go 后退,倒退,退化,退步
Retrospect= backward+ to look 回顾
Se-=away, apart Secede= apart+ to go 脱离,退出 Seclude= apart+ to shut 隔离,使隐居 Secrete= apart+ to separate 分泌 Semi-=half
Semiannual 半年的Semicolon 分号
Semiconscious 半意识的Semifinal 半决赛
Semitropical 亚热带的 Sept-= seven
September 九月(是罗马日历的七月)
Septilateral= seven+ later(side)七边的 Step-= orphaned
Stepmother, stepfather Sub-= under
Subconscious= under+ aware 潜意识的Subdivide= under+ to divide 再分,细分
Submarine= under+ marine(sea)海下面的,潜水艇,水手
Submerge= under+ to dip 淹没,埋伏
Subscribe= under+ to write 签名,签署,捐助
Substitute= under+ to place 代替,取代,替换 Super-= above, over
Superabundant= above+ abundant 充足的= 过多的,过剩的,多余的Superficial= above+ fici(face)= 表面的,表皮的,肤浅的Superior 较好的,优秀的,占优势的Supernatural 超自然的,不可思议的Surpa= to pa over 凌驾,超越,胜过 Syn-= with, together
Synchronism= together+chron(time)+-ism= 同时发生的,并发
Syndrome= together+ drome(to run)= 综合症状,习性
Synonym=together+ name= 同义词
Synthesis= together+ putting= 综合,合成 Symbiosis= together+ life+ sis 共同,共存
Sympathy= together+ feeling 同感,共鸣,同情,怜悯 Symphony= together+ sound= 交响乐
Tele-= far off
Telecommunication=far off+ together+ to make= 远距离通讯
Telegram= far off+ writing= 电报
Telepathy=far off+ feeling= 心心相传 Trans-=beyond, acro, over
Transaction= acro+ to drive+ ion 办理,处理,交易
Transfer= acro+ to carry 调职,移动,让渡
Transform 变形,变质
Transparent= through+ to appeal 透明的,明白的Traitor= acro+ to give+ or = 卖国贼
Tranquil= beyond+ quil(rest)平静的,安静的 Tri-= three, threefold
Triangle= three+ angle 三角形
Trichord= three+ string 三弦乐器
Trigonometry= three+ angle+ measure 三角学
Triunity=three+ unity(一体)= 三位一体 Twi-= two
Twice 二度,二回,二倍
Ultra-= beyond
Ultra 极端的,过度的Ultramodern 极现代化的Ultrared 红外线的Ultrasonic= beyond+ sound 超音波的 Un-= no
Unambiguous= not+ ambiguous 含糊的= 明白的Unattainable= not+ attainable 可到达的=难达到的 Un-= the reversal of an action
Unarm= 卸除武器,放下武器
Unburden= 解除负担,使轻松
Unbutton 解开纽扣
Unearth 挖掘,掘出,揭发
Unveil 取下面纱,揭露 Under-= beneath
Underage未成年的Underdeveloped 发展不全的,低度开发的Underestimate 评价过低的Undermine在下面挖掘,破坏基础,在暗中损坏 Uni-=one
Unique唯一的Unite 单元,联合Universal 宇宙的,全体的Unanimous= one+ mind+-ous 意见一致的,全体一致的 Up-=up, aloft Uphold举起,支持,鼓励 Upright正直的,诚实的 Uprise 升起,站起 Upsurge 上升,向上涌
Vice-=in place of 副的Vice-chancellor 大学副校长
Vice-minister 副部长
Vice-president 副总统 With-=against, back
Withdraw= to draw back 取回,撤回
Withhold= to hold back 抑制,拒绝
Withstand= to stand against 抵抗,对抗
1,-ability 表名词,“能,性质” poibility 2,-able 表形容词,“可…的” believable 3,-aceous,-acious 表形容词,“有…特征的” delicious 4,-acity 表名词, “有…倾向” capacity 5,-acy 表名词, “性质, 状态” privacy 6,-age 表名词, “状态, 总称”, “场所”, “费用” percentage, village, cottage, postage 7,-ain 表名词 “人” captain 8,-aire 表名词 “人” millionaire 9,-al 表形容词 “…的” personal, continental, rural 10,-ality 表名词 “状态,性质” personality, nationality 11,-ally 表副词 “…地” dramatically 12,-an 表名词和形容词 “人” American, Roman 13,-ance, ence 表名词, “性质,状况” difference 14,-ancy 表名词 “性质, 状况” vacancy, redundancy 15,-ant,-ent 表形容词 “…的” distant, different 16,-ar 表形容词 “…的” familiar 表名词, “人” liar, beggar 17,-ard 表名词, “不好的人” bastard, coward, laggard 18,-arian 表名词, “…的人” vegetarian,19,-ary 表形容词, “…的” imaginary, elementary 20,-ate 表动词, “做, 造成” graduate, frustrate 21,-atic 表形容词, “有…性质” diplomatic 22,-ation 表名词 “行为, 过程, 结果” election, production 23,-ative 表形容词 “有…倾向” active 24,-ator 表名词, “做事的人或物” dictator, generator 25,-atory 表形容词, “有…性质” explanatory 26,-cy 表名词 “性质, 状态” privacy 27,-dom 表名词 “状态” freedom 28,-ee 表名词 “被动的或主动的人” employee, examinee 29,-eer 表名词 “人员” engineer 30,-el 表名词 “人或物” novel, channel 31,-en 表动词 “变成” shorten, darken 32,-ency 表名词 “状态,性质” efficiency 33,-ent 表形容词, “…的” excellent 表名词 “人”
student, resident 34,-eous 表形容词, “有…的” courteous,35,-er 表名词 “人” mutter, chatter, waver 36,-ern 表形容词, “…方向的” eastern, western, southern 37,-ery 表名词 “场所”, “行为” nursery, rosery, robbery, bravery 38,-esque 表形容词 “如…的” picturesque 39,-e 表名词 “女性” poete, godde, actre 40,-et,-let 表名词, “小东西” circlet, booklet 41,-etic 表形容词, “属于…的” theoretic, energetic 42,-ette 表名词, “小的东西或状态” kitchenette 43,-ety 表名词 “状态” anxiety 44,-eur 表名词 “…人” amateur, entrepreneur 45,-faction 表名词 “达到的状态” satisfaction 46,-fold 表形容词或副词 “双重” threefold 47,-form 表形容词, “有…状态的” uniform 48,-ful 表形容词, “有…的” beautiful, wonderful 表名词 “满, 量” handful, spoonful 49,-hood 表名词, “时期, 性质” childhood, boyhood 50,-ial 表形容词 “有…的” judicial, beneficial 51,-ian 表名词 “某种人” historian, librarian 52,-ibility 表名词 “具备…性质的” sensibility, poibility 53,-ible 表形容词 “能…的” poible, credible 54,-ic 表形容词, “…的” scientific, fantastic 55,-ics 表名词, “学科, 学术” physics, mathematics 56,-id 表形容词, “如…的” valid, humid 57,-ific 表形容词, “产生…的” scientific, terrific 58,-ify 表动词, “…化” purify, clarify 59,-ile 表示形容词 “…的” juvenile, fertile 表示名词 “物体” miile 60,-ine 表形容词, “…的”, 表名词 “状态, 药物” elephantine, discipline, routine 61,-ing 表名词, “状态” feeling, learning 表形容词 “正…的”
62,-ion,-tion,-sion 表名词 “动作或状态” production, union, decision 63,-ior, “较…的” superior, junior 64,-ious “…的” curious, spacious 65,-ise ,-ize 表动词 “…化” memorize, advertise 66,-ish 表形容词 “像…一样” foolish, selfish 表动词 “造成”
67,-ism 表名词 “…主义, 宗教” socialism, capitalism 表示 ”学术或学术流派” modernism 68,-ist 表名词 “表示信仰者, 专家或从事人” communist 69,-istic 表形容词, 由 ist+ic 构成, 表示 “…的” artistic 70,-ite 表形容词, “有…的” polite,71, ition 表名词, “行为过程, 状态” definition,72,-itude 表名词, “性质, 状态” attitude,73,-ity 表名词, 指具备某种性质 probability 74,-ive 表形容词, 根据不同的单词结尾可分-sive, ative, ive, itive paive, active, 表名词, “人或物”
detective, locomotive 75,-ization 表名词, 来自-ize+ation “…化或发展过程”
modernization, organization 表形容词, “无…的” helple, carele 77,-like 表形容词, “像…一样” dreamlike, childlike 78,-ling 表名词, “小东西或某种人” duckling, gosling, darling headmost, outmost
79,-ly 表形容词, 通常加在名词后 timely, lively, friendly 表副词, 通常放在形容词后 greatly, briefly, mainly 80,-ment 表名词, “行为或结果” movement, agreement 81,-most 表形容词, “最…的” 82,-ne 表名词, “性质, 状态” kindne, busine的” 83,-ory 表形容词 “…的” introductory, 表名词, 指场所 factory, dormitory 84,-ous 表形容词, “…的” dangerous, lustrous 85,-proof 表形容词, “防…的” waterproof, rainproof 86,-re 表名词 “指女性” actre, waitre,87,-ship 表名词, “表示某种关系或状态” friendship, hardship 88,-some 表形容词, “充满…的, 具有…倾向的” handsome,89,-th 表名词, 通常指抽象名词
warmth, growth, strengthsinger, leader, writer 表动词 “反复做”
90,-ture 表名词, “一般状态, 行为” miniature, conjecture, denture, mixture 91,-ward 表形容词, 副词, “向…” downward, upward, northward 92,-wise 表副词, “方向, 状态” clockwise, likewise 93,-y 表形容词, rainy, windy
词根 –audi-,-audit-
auditorium, auditor
chronology, chronological
say, speak
dictator, dictation
-graph-,-gram-write, writing
telegraph, telegram
-log-, ology-
speech, word, study
describe, script
look at
inspect, spectator
video, vision
go, move, yield
put, place
first, chief, leader
make, do
different, other
form, structure
feeling, disease
great, large
head, chief
straight, correct
reflect, flexible remit, miionary postpone, position portable
consequence, consecutive inspiration, conspiracy telegraph, telephone convene, convention vocal, revoke
monarch, archbishop affect, benefactor
monogamy, polygamous
heterosexual, heterogeneous homogenized milk manually, manage polymorphous
synonym, nomenclature sympathy, telepathy theology, polytheism
astronomy, stellar
automobile, automatic
bicycle, cycle
megaton, megalopolis mortal, immortality philosophy metropolis psychology
philosophy, sophomore
captain, cap, decapitate corporation, incorporate epidermis, dermatology
geology, geography
hydrogen, hydrology
orthodox, orthography
podiatrist, pedestrian
sound , sonic
thermal, hypothermia
verity, veritable
词根词缀: soph(wise智慧):sophism 诡辩,sophomore 大二学生,philosophy 哲学,zoophilis t 动物保护者 con—com(together一起):coincidence con(together/ fully):contact; tact(touch):co......
авиа…… (复合词前一部分)表示"航空"、"飞机"之意,如:авиадвигатель 航空发动机.авиаписьмо航空信.авиа-связь航空通讯(联络).ав......
millionaire的构词是million n.百万 + aire 人 → millionaire百万富翁,millionaire的后缀“-aire”表名词,指“……的人”,相似的构词法有:扩展资料billion 十亿 + aire 人 →......
常见词根词缀大总结第一部分 词根 做,动agency ['eidʒənsi] n.中介;代理,代理机构(agent 中 t 变为 cy) agenda [ə'dʒendə] n.议事日程agent ['eidʒənt] n.代理......