If we get up early every day 2.5 hours, is 17.5 hours a week, a month is 70 hours, 840 hours a year, equivalent to us more than being a full year for 35 days time.Surprise?So...It's time to get up early.As is known to all, a habits need to 21 days 众所周知,一个习惯需要21天
一项新研究表明,每天早晨如能感受阳光的照耀,会和食欲下降、减少热量摄入相关,从而暗示也许早睡早起有助于减肥。这项研究发表在2014年4月的PLOS ONE上。
A new study shows that if you can feel the sun every morning, and lo of appetite, reduce calorie intake, suggesting that perhaps early to bed and early to rise can help you to lose weight.The study, published in PLOS ONE in April 2014.身体质量指数(BMI)Body ma index(BMI), 接触光照的时间每向后推1个小时,BMI增加1.28,相当于体重增加了3-5公斤(依身高而定)。
Every backward one hour of exposure to light time, BMI increased by 1.28, is equal to the weight of 3-5 kg(depends on the height).早睡早起的7大好处。
Early to bed and early to rise of 7 big benefit.快乐感更强
Happine is stronger 加拿大多伦多大学一项新研究发现,无论是年轻人还是老年人,早起者的情绪更积极,自我健康感更好。早起者沐浴晨光可能是心情舒畅的一大原因。The university of Toronto, Canada, a new study found that whether the young or the old, more emotionally positive early riser, sense of self health better.Early riser bathing the morning may be in a buoyant mood one big reason.成绩更好
Better grades “百灵鸟型”(早起)大学生的成绩点比“夜猫子型”(熬夜)大学生整整高出一个点。研究负责人丹尼尔·泰勒博士说,“百灵鸟型”学生生活更规律,准时上课,学习更主动,且没有熬夜带来的健康问题。
“Lark”(early)college students' grade point than the “late”(stay up)for a points higher college students.Study leader Dr Daniel Taylor said, “lark” student life more regularity, on time for cla, learning more active, and not to stay up late to bring health problems.full of beans精力旺盛
研究发现,早起者通常醒得更快,而且头脑更清醒,能够快速投入注意力要求较高的活动,也不容易犯困,精力更旺盛。Studies have found that early riser usually wake up faster, and more sober mind, able to quickly put attention to demand higher activity, is not easy to nod off, report more energy.上午效率高
High efficiency in the morning “夜猫子”睡眼惺忪的时候,早起者可能已经完成晨跑、做好早餐、处理完一大堆事务。对于当天更具挑战的活动,早起者更可能会早早制订计划并及时付诸实施。
“Late” sleepy time, early riser may already be running in the morning and make breakfast, after a lot of affairs.For more challenging activities that day, early riser are more likely to plan early and timely into practice.做事更认真
Do things more seriously 多项性格研究发现,责任心强的人效率更高、组织性更强、目标更明确、更关注细节。一些研究发现,早起者头脑更清醒,遇事提前计划,行动更加果敢。A number of character, the study found a strong sense of responsibility of the person is more efficient, more organized, objectives more clear, more attention to detail.Some studies have found that early riser mind more clearly, they will plan ahead and more resolute action.为人更和善 Be kinder 习惯早起的人通常更和善。更少出现“黑暗三性格”,即自我中心(自恋者)、热爱冒险刺激且心狠手辣(心理变态者)和善于撒谎喜将人玩弄于股掌(权谋者)。People are usually more friendly habit to get up early.Le “dark triad”, in which self center(narciists), love on and terminating adventure(psychopaths)and be good at lying like to play with people at the palm(tactics).
用英语该怎么说早睡早起? 怎样学英语keep early hourse.g: Keeping early hours does do good to our health, according to my night shift schedule, however, it’s hard......
《早睡早起》 教学设计王艳芳教学内容:早睡早起 教学目标:知识技能目标1、看图认读字词“早睡、早起”。2、纠正学生发音,“早”是平舌音。 情感价值目标1、知道为什么要早睡早......