1.Good morning, everyone.Welcome to Wu Lingyuan for sightseeing.I am very glad to be your tour guide.Today the scenic spot we are going to visit is one of the central scenic spots here called Mountain Tianzi.It is also acclaimed as “king of the forests”.2.天子山风景秀丽,气候宜人,举目远眺,千山万壑是尽收眼底。大家眼前看到的这种奇特的地貌叫做“石英砂岩峰林地貌”,根据科学的论证,三亿多年以前,这里曾经是一片汪洋大海,大约在一亿年前左右,由于海浪的冲击,石英砂岩在海底沉积了五百多米厚,后来经过新构造运动的强烈抬升,这里成为了陆地,地面抬升后,在流水深切的作用下,一些细小的砂石被冲走了,加上在重力作用下岩石崩塌,又被雨水、溪流慢慢的冲刷等综合作用,就使得武陵源地区在漫长的岁月中逐渐形成了这种奇特的“石英砂岩峰林地貌”。看到此情此景,我想没有人不会为这大自然的鬼斧神工而惊叹,那么下面就请大家跟我一起徒步漫游,用心体会这“扩大的盆景,缩小的仙境”,欣赏那“峰林之王”的无穷魅力。
2.Mountain Tianzi has very beautiful scenery and pleasant climate.If you look into the distance from the summit, you would see a superb panorama of countle peaks and ravines.The peculiar landform presented before your eyes was called “quartz sandstone peak landform”.According to scientific research, more than three hundred million years ago, there used to be a vast ocean, about a million year ago, as a result of the shock of the waves, the quartz sandstone laid about five hundred meters deep at the bottom of sea.Later, due to the movement of earth’s crust, the land rise out of the water.After that, a lot of tiny sandstone was carried away by the constant flow of water;With the aid of gravity, the rocks crumbled.Then after many years of combined effects of rains and streams, the peculiar quartz sandstone peak physiognomy gradually formed in Wulingyuan area.In the presence of this sight, no one , I think, will not marvel at the magic hand of nature.Now please follow me and ramble together for the charm of the “amplified bonsai and minified fairyland”and the “king of all the peaks”.3.好了,现在我们来到的地方就是神堂湾。神堂湾是武陵源景区最为神秘的地方。为什么说它神秘呢?神堂湾共有岩墩九级,曾经有人想进山探险,可他才下到四五十丈深的第四级,就是一片漆黑,阴风怒号,还伴着各种凄厉的叫声,使人毛骨悚然,魂飞天外。1968 年的时候解放军某部为采灵芝等贵重药材,带上枪,利用绳索等工具,也只下到第六墩就不敢再下去了,因为从第六墩往下看,还是阴森恐怖、深不见底,因此“神堂湾”这个地方从此以后便成为了无人涉足的神秘世界。大家现在所处的地方是“点将台”,相传向王天子当年就是在这个地方操练军队,发号施令,那是何等的威风。
3.Ok, now the place we are coming to is the Shengtangwan.Shengtangwan was one of the most mysterious places in the Wulingyuan tourist resort.Why we say so? Someone once ventured into the village only to return at the forth level.Because he was totally horrified by the howling wind and miserable shrills there.In 1968, some PLA soldiers wanted to cull some precious medical herb there, with the help of guns and slings.Again they were forced badk at the six levels.Because seen from there, it still looked gloomy, horrifying and bottomle.From then on, Shengtangwan became a mysterious world and no one dare to set foot in it.Now the place under your feet was called “Diangjiangtai ”or Platform for mustering comrades.Legend has it that, the national hero Xiang Dakun used to practice his army here.How impreive!
4.请大家仔细观察山下的一座座山峰,粗看是杂乱无章,细看则是井然有序,它们一个个气宇轩昂,精神抖擞,威武壮观,整齐严肃,不正像是即将出征的将士吗?现在我们到达的景点是整个武陵源唯一的一处大型人文景观“贺龙公园”,进入公园我们首先看到的就是这尊贺龙铜像。铜像高6.5 米,包括战马重达9 吨多,是中国近百年来的伟人中最大最重的一尊铜像。在铜像背后的不远处,便是 “云青岩”观景台,从这里可以欣赏到著名的“西海石林”。西海是名副其实的山的海洋,我们可以看到上千座山峰风起云涌般展现在我们的眼底。
4.please take a close look at every peak down the mountain, while at first glance, they may look disorderly and unsystematic, but with close examination, they are neat in formation, each of them is dignified and distinguished-looking, vigorous and energetic, dignified and majestic, and somber and ordered, aren’t they just like the soldiers who are ready going out for a battle? Now the scenic spots we are reaching is the “Helong park”, the only huge human landscape of the whole Wulingyuan area, upon entering the park, the first thing comes into our sight is the bronze statue of Helong(a militarist and the marshal of the republic of China).It stands about
6.5 meters high, weighing 9 tons with the weight of the horse together.It’s the biggest and heaviest among the statues of the great people in China in the late one hundred years.Behind the back of the statue there is the “Yunqingyan” view platform, from here you can see the famous “west sea stone forest”.The west sea is worth of the name of “the sea of the mountains”, because hundreds of peaks are stretching for miles.5.请大家看前方的不远处,有一排秀丽精致的石峰,这就是武陵源“十大绝景” 之一的御笔峰。相传向王天子兵败以后,曾经焚毁所有文稿,当他看到这几支御笔时,想到曾经用它们批阅公文,指挥过千军万马,如今却功败垂成,自己又有何颜面面对家乡父老,于是悲愤地将几支御笔掷落于山谷之中。然而笔通灵气,落地成峰,形成了大家眼前看到的“御笔峰”。如果在红霞满天的时候来看,御笔熠熠生辉,笔尖还残留着几点朱红墨迹。1994 年,国家邮电部发行的“武陵源” 邮票和首日封,以及大家手中的武陵源 IC 卡门票上的图案,都是用“御笔峰”作背景的。
5.Please take a look at the peaks in front of us.There stands a row of delicate and beautiful stone forest, this is one of the “ten superb scenery” known as the peak of YUBI(the writing brush used by the emperor).Tradition has it that after the Xiang Dakun was defeated, he once had burnt down all the manuscripts, but when he caught sight of the writing brushes.They reminded him of the past.With the brushes, he read official papers and making comments, also with the brushes, he gave order and lead the army.But now he had to suffer the defeat.He felt so ashamed and angry that he toed all the brushes into the valley.Much to his surprise, the writing brushes magically became several peaks, the peaks of YuBI when seen in autumn, the writing burshes would be shiny, and there were some red ink marks on the remaining on the tip of the brushes.In 1994, the wulingyuan postage stamps and the first-day cover iued by the national post and
telecommunications, together with the patterns on the IC entrence ticket card, were set against on the peaks of YuBi.6.各位朋友,接下来请大家欣赏“天女散花”的秀丽吧。请大家顺着我手指的方向看到对面山岭的中部,在朦胧的云雾中是不是有一个美女的倩影在云雾中亭亭玉立呢?你们看,她怀抱花篮,嘴含微笑,正深情地把朵朵鲜花撒向人间,因为称之为“天女散花”。天子山的风景是迷人的,这里的民风也是淳朴的,这里有看不完的风景,讲不完的故事,因此有人评价天子山为“谁人识得天子面,归来不看天下山“。但愿天子山的景色留给大家的是永远美好的回忆,希望大家下次再来天子山观光旅游,谢谢。
6.Now every friend, next, please appreciates the prettine of the “Fairy Maiden Presenting Flowers”.Please follow the pointed direcition of my hand to the opposite middle part of the mountain ridge, in the obscure cloudine wasn’t there standing a fair, slim and gracefull image of a woman? You see, she was embracing a flower basket and spreading all the petals from her flower basket to the human society.That’s why it was reputed as “Fairy Maiden Presenting Flowers ” The scenery of Tianzi mountain is charming, and the folkways is simple and unsophisticated.The scenery here is endle and the stories can never be told to an end, so the Tianzi mountain has been appraised like this: “ afer you visit Mountain Tianzi, you will have no interest in any other mountains”.I hope that you will have an unforgettable and pleasant memory here, and welcome all of you to come to Mountain Tianzi again for sightseeing.Thank you!