EXEMPLARY(Grade A)Knowledge: Fully understand and remember all key points.Skills: Fully master the key skills and happy them with full flexibility Language Notes: Remember all the words and expreions and use them with full flexibility and precision.Language Delivery: Use a full range of structures naturally and appropriately and convey complex meanings without errors.Cooperation: Excellent COMMENDABLE(Grade B)Knowledge: Understand and remember the majority of the key points.Skills: Understand the key skills and happy them with high flexibility.Language Notes: Remember the majority of the words and expreions and use them with high flexibility and precision.Language Delivery: Use a mix of simple and complex structures with high flexibility and produce a majority of error-free sentences.Cooperation: Good.UNQUALIFIED(Grade D)
Knowledge: Understand and remember le than half of the key points.Skills: Fail to master the key skills.Language Notes: Remember le half of the words and expreions and hardly use them.Language Delivery: Make numerous grammatical errors that cause several comprehension problems.Cooperation: Unsatisfied.学生互评标准 EXEMPLARY(Grade A)Situations: The speaker fully understands the situation and responds appropriately to any questions asked and infers meaning where neceary.Application of Words & Expreions: The speaker uses words and expreions precisely.Points Covered: The speaker covers all the points.Pronunciation: The speaker’s pronunciation and intonation are clear, natural and easy to understand with a wide range of phonological features to communicate effectively.Grammatical Accuracy: The speaker uses a full range of structures naturally and appropriately and conveys complex meanings without errors.Fluency and Coherence: The speaker communicates fluently with only rare repetition , fillers or hesitation , and develops the topic coherently with appropriate cohesive devices.Lexical Resources: The speaker applies a full range of vocabulary and adopts idiomatic language flexibly, accurately and appropriately for the topic.Verbal Expreions: The speaker’s verbal expreions are fully appropriated.Non-verbal Expreions: The speaker’s non-verbal expreions are fully appropriated.COMMENDABLE(Grade B)Situations: The speaker manages to understand the situation and demonstrates ability to participate in the situation by responding appropriately to more complex questions asked in spite of occasional errors.Application of Words & Expreions: The speaker uses cohesive words and expreions suitably, though with occasional inappropriatene.Points Covered: The speaker covers almost all the points.Pronunciation: The speaker’s pronunciation and intonation can be understood though mispronunciation may occasionally occur to hinder communication.Grammatical Accuracy: The speaker uses a mix of simple and complex structures with some flexibility and produces a majority of error-free sentences.Fluency and Coherence: The speaker communicates with occasional repetition, fillers or hesitation, and uses a range of cohesive devices with some flexibility.Lexical Resources: The speaker applies a wide range of vocabulary and adopts idiomatic language to discu the topic, but with occasional inaccuracies and some inappropriate choices of words.Verbal Expreions: The speaker’s verbal expreions are suitable in spite of occasional inappropriatene.SATISACTORY(Grade C)Situation: The speaker demonstrates basic comprehension of the situation and some ability to participate in simulation by responding to questions asked, but with limited flexibility Application of Words & Expreions: The speaker is able to use some words and expreions, but makes frequent errors in word choices.Points Covered: The speaker covers more than half of the points.Pronunciation: The speaker’s pronunciation and intonation are somewhat difficult to understand and mispronunciation may frequently cause problems for the listeners.Grammatical Accuracy: The speaker uses a limited range of complex structures with reasonable accuracy, but the grammatical errors my cause some misunderstandings.Fluency and Coherence: The speaker is able to keep the communication going but repetition, fillers or hesitation frequently occur, and the speaker may use certain cohesive devices inappropriately.Lexical Resources: The speaker conveys basic meaning but with frequent errors in word choices.Verbal Expreions: The speaker’s verbal expreions are roughly suitable, and inappropriatene frequently occurs.Non-verbal Expreions: The speaker’s non-verbal expreions are roughly suitable, and inappropriatene frequently occurs.UNQUALIFIED(Grade D)Situation: The speaker rarely understands the situation and demonstrates poor ability to participate in situation by responding of few questions asked.Application of Words & Expreions: The speaker fails to use words and expreions.Points Covered: The speaker mies most of the points.Pronunciation: The speaker’s pronunciation and intonation are difficult to understand and hinder communication.Grammatical Accuracy: The speaker produces numerous grammatical errors which cause several comprehension problems.Fluency and Coher4ence: The speaker is unable to convey basic meage and communicate with long pauses, many fillers or repetitions.Lexical Resources: The speaker uses insufficient and very limited vocabulary to discu the topic and fails to convey basic meanings.Verbal Expreions: The speaker’s verbal expreions are rarely appropriate.Non-verbal Expreions: The speaker’s non-verbal expreions are rarely appropriate.教师评价标准
EXEMPLARY(Grade A)Teaching Method: Student-oriented.Management of the Cla: Excellent.Skills: More than 90% of the students have mastered.Knowledge: more than 90% of the students have mastered.Words and Expreions: More than 90% of the students have mastered and applied.COMMENDABLE(Grade B)Teaching Method: Roughly student-oriented.Management of the Cla: Good.Skills: More than 80% of the students have mastered.Knowledge: More than 80% of the students have mastered.Words and Expreions: More than 80% of the students have mastered and applied.SATISFACTORY(Grade C)Teaching Method: Roughly teacher-oriented.Management of the Cla: Satisfied.Skills: More than 60% of the students have mastered.Knowledge: More than 60% of students have mastered.Words and Expreions: More than 60% of students have mastered and applied.UNQUALIFIED(Grade D)Teaching Method: Teacher-oriented.Management of the Cla: Unsatisfied.Skills: Le than 60% of the students have mastered.Knowledge: Le than 60% of the students have mastered.Words and Expreions: Le than 60% of the students have mastered and applied.