山东省地处中国东部沿海,陆地面积约15.71万平方公里,人口约9470万,辖17个市、140个县(市、区)。东临浩瀚的黄渤海,西接广袤的中原腹地,南连江浙沪,北通京津塘,与日本、韩国隔海相望。2009年,全省实现生产总值(GDP)33805.3亿元,居全国第3位。地方财政收入完成2198.53亿元,全社会固定资产投资19031亿元,进出口1581.4亿美元。新签对外承包劳务合同额约92亿美元,新核准境外企业(机构)247 家。目前与山东有经贸关系的国家和地区达200多个。
Shandong Province(“Shandong”)is located in the coastal region of east China, which covers an area of 157,100 square kilometers and exercises administration over 17 cities and 140 counties(cities, districts), whose population is approximately 94.70 million.To the east, Shandong faces the vast Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea.To the west, Shandong connects with the widespread central plain.To the south, Shandong links to Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Shanghai City.To the north, Shandong leads to Beijing, Tianjin and Tanggu.Moreover, Shandong faces Japan and South Korea acro the sea.In 2009, the GDP of Shandong achieved RMB 3380.53 billion yuan, which ranked the third nationwide.The local fiscal revenues reached RMB 219.853 billion yuan, the fixed aet investment amounted to RMB 1903.1 billion yuan, the import and export volume amounted to US$158.14 billion.New contracts which worth approximately US$9.2 billion were signed for export of labor services, and 247 overseas enterprises or institutions were newly approved.At present, Shandong has established trade and economic ties with more than 200 countries and regions.山东省律师协会隶属于中华全国律师协会,是山东省境内唯一合法的律师行业自律性组织。依据《中华人民共和国律师法》的规定,山东省律师协会严格履行以下职责:保障律师依法执业,维护律师的合法权益;总结、交流律师工作经验;组织律师业务培训和职业道德、执业纪律教育,对律师的执业活动进行考核;
Shandong Bar Aociation(the “Aociation”)is the only legal self-discipline industrial organization in Shandong, under the supervision and guidance of China Bar Aociation.Subject to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Lawyers, the Aociation strictly performs the following duties: auring lawyers to practice according to the laws and protecting lawyers' lawful rights and interests;summarizing and exchanging lawyers' profeional experience;organizing profeional training for lawyers;conducting education in, inspection of, and supervision over, the profeional ethics and practice discipline of lawyers;arranging and managing the internship activities for the interns applying to lawyer license;rewarding or punishing the law firms and lawyers;accepting the complaints or reports of lawyers;mediating disputes arising in lawyers' practice activities;and other duties prescribed by laws, administrative rules and regulations.Since the foundation of the Aociation in 1980, significant achievements in the growth of lawyers’ businees have been made in Shandong.By now, there are more than 10,000 lawyers practicing in more than 1,000 large, medium and small-scale law firms in Shandong.The total number of lawyers practicing in Shandong takes 7%-8% of the total number of lawyers practicing in China, and lawyers’ busine volume in Shandong has consistently been top-ranked nationwide.目前,山东省律师协会下设省律师协会行业发展战略研究、律师权益保障、业务指导及教育培训、财务、奖励与惩戒、女律师工作、会员事务及文体、宣传
At present, the Aociation has eight special committees which include: trade development strategic research committee, lawyers’ rights safeguarding committee,practice guidance and training committee, financial committee, reward and penalty committee, female lawyers committee, members affairs and recreations and sports committee and propaganda and communication committee, as well as 11 profeional committees which include: civil committee, criminal committee, international committee, intellectual property committee, real estate and construction engineering committee, securities and financial committee, administrative law committee, corporatecommittee, minors protection committee, legal aid committee and maritimeand admiralty committee.With the establishment of the special committees and profeional committees, all the affairs and activities of the Aociation have been carried out smoothly and actively, and the self-discipline function of the Aociation has been taken into full play.山东省律师协会秘书处为山东省律师协会的执行机构,具体负责落实律师代表大会、理事会、常务理事会的各项决议、决定,承担律师协会的日常工作。省律协秘书处工作实行常务理事会领导下的秘书长负责制,秘书处内设机构定为:办公室、综合调研部、会员部、业务培训部、信息中心、山东律师编辑部。
The secretariat of the Aociation is the executive organ of the Aociation responsible for carrying out the decisions and resolutions of the Congre of the Lawyers Representatives, the Bar Council, the Standing Committee, and undertaking the daily administration of the Aociation.The secretariat of the Aociation adopts the system of leadership by the secretary general under the supervision of the
Standing Committee.The secretariat consists of the administration office, comprehensive research department, membership department, training department, information center and editorial department of Shandong Lawyers.