Research Plan for PhD Joint Training Program
1.Research background:
Composite materials with high energy density hold high significance in the fabrication of electronic devices.But it is still a challenge to construct flexible composite film with high-permittivity and low dielectric lo.The high energy density composites by incorporating conductive fillers into polymer matrix have good dielectric properties, especially on exfoliated graphite, graphene, and carbon nanotubes.To realize the above target, this project is to investigate the effect of nanoscopic structures, and interface interactions of the components on the macroscopic properties of composites.The interactions between different building units through interfaces, as well as the micro/nano-structures of the composite film would be explored.The relationship among the microscale intermolecular interactions, mesoscale structures, macroscopic properties will be systematically studied and documented.Profeor Vander Wal has direct experience including synthesizing a range of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes, carbon onions, and graphene in “bottom-up”.These morphologies are characterized by transmiion electron Microscopy(TEM)imaging with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy(FTIR)characterizing surface chemistry.Physical and mechanical properties of composites will be tested.Thus, the main work in Pennsylvania State University is to increase the understanding of properties of fillers, such as valence state, surface properties and electric properties effects on the development of high energy density composites and is to prepare carbon materials for energy storage material and anode materials in Li ion batteries.2.Scientific preparations of the applicant:
In order to obtain the effect of nanoscopic structures, and interface interactions of the components on the macroscopic properties of composites, it is neceary to fabric the fillers with different nanoscopic structures and the dielectric properties of composites should be texted.Graphene, carbon nanotubes, and exfoliated graphite modified by polyaniline or TiO2 were prepared.For example, graphene is prepared according to the Hummers method.To get completely oxidized, an additional graphite oxidation procedure was needed and the preoxidized graphite was prepared by KPS and PPO in concentrated H2SO4.This preoxidized graphite was then subjected to oxidation by Hummers’ method;graphene–polyaniline nanoflakes were fabricated by dilution polymerization.In a typical proce, graphene was loaded in round-bottom flask to which water–ethanol(3/1, v/v)was added followed by sonication.The aqueous graphene solution was added to HClO4 solution containing a variable amount of the aniline monomer.After stirring in an ice bath for 1 h,(NH4)2S2O8 was poured rapidly into the solution and the reaction proceeded for 24 h.An emerald product was isolated by filtration and washed with large amounts of HClO4, methanol, and deionized water, respectively.GPNs were washed with ammonia solution to form the insulating polyaniline layer.3.Expected goal, research methods and arrangements:
I apply to come to Pennsylvania State University as a visiting student for one year.The time is from August 2013 to August 2014.In order to develop the work succefully, I make this plan following two tutors’ advises.This project is to prepare and modify graphene, and carbon nanotube.The morphologies and chemical properties should be characterized.In addition, the morphologies and interface interactions of the fillers on the macroscopic properties of composites should be considered.The carbon materials with special nanoscopic structures and chemical properties can be used as fillers of energy storage material or as anode materials in Li ion batteries.According the plan, the specific works with the time are listed below:
1)August 2013 to November 2013
The research of preparation and properties of graphene.Graphene is prepared in “bottom-up” or “up-bottom”.To compare two kinds of graphene prepared by template method and chemical method, the morphologies and surface properties are characterized by transmiion electron microscopy(TEM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR).I plan to analyze the influence of the different preparation methods on the chemical properties with XPS and FTIR, thereby developing an understanding of the correlation between the preparation methods, surface properties, and the microstructures.2)December 2013 to February 2014
The research of preparation and properties of carbon nanotubes.Carbon nanotubes are prepared by CVD and then modified by acidification.The morphologies and surface properties are characterized by transmiion electron microscopy(TEM), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR).After acidification, the functional groups on the surface of nanotubes are analyzed by XPS and FTIR.The correlation between morphologies, dispersion state and chemical properties was analyzed.3)Match 2014 to May 2014
The research of modification and properties of graphene/carbon nanotubes.Graphene/carbon nanotubes are modified by the polyaniline.Graphene–polyaniline nanoflakes and carbon nanotubes-polyaniline nanorods are prepared.Ammonia solution can adjust the conductivity of polyaniline formed on the surface of graphene/carbon nanotubes.The polyaniline can be adjusted to insulating polyaniline layer on the surface of graphene/carbon nanotubes and can prevent direct contact of conductor fillers and formation of conductive network in the polymer matrix.In addition, the polyaniline can be adjusted to conductive polyaniline layer on the surface of graphene/carbon nanotubes and it can be used as anode materials in Li ion batteries.4)June 2014 to August 2014
The application of graphene/carbon nanotubes-polyaniline.Graphene–polyaniline nanoflakes and carbon nanotubes-polyaniline nanorods are prepared to energy storage material and anode materials in Li ion batteries.The electrical properties are analyzed.
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