Research Plan
1.Research title
Regulation of lipoxygenase gene expreion under low oxygen condition in soybean
2.Research background
Soybean deterioration and the development of a stale flavor during storage are serious problems that reduce the quality of stored seeds.Fatty acids oxidation is the major cause for the aging in the soybean.The changes of the fatty acids mostly lie on the gene of soybean variety as well as the storage conditions such as temperature, humidity and atmosphere state.Soybean lipoxygenase, greatly consist in mature embryo of the plant seed.Lipoxygenases(EC 1.13.11.-)are a family of iron-containing enzymes that catalyse the dioxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lipids containing a cis, cis-1,4-pentadiene structure.It catalyses the following reaction: fatty acid + O2 = fatty acid hydroperoxide.LOXs are also thought to play an important role in the formation of desirable or undesirable flavor and aroma in many plant products.Low temperature, low O2 or high CO2 was reported to regulate the lox gene expreion, especially the low O2 treatment which was able to suppre the accumulation of aging production including the total acid and fatty acid.Therefore, it is neceary to define the lox expreion in different soybean varieties stored at the low O2 condition.3.Current research condition
The PhD student will be expected to participate in the research project described above but more involved in the study on lox genes in soybean.The student will be mentored by a multidisciplinary science team led by Dr.Sangeeta Dhaubhadel.The other team members include Dr.Yuhai Cui, Dr.Robert Forster and Dr.David from AAFC-PARC.Dr.Dhaubhadel is a senior AAFC research scientist with over 30 years working experience and he has more than 10 years of experience in molecular plant virology, molecular biology and genetic engineering.His research areas have involved in plant breeding, plant tiue culture and molecular soybean breeding.Dr.Cui and Mr.Forster are two major technical support staffs in the research team.Dr.Forster is an expert with 20 years of experience in plant transformation.Mr.David is good at lab management, experimental designs and techniques in molecular biology and biochemistry.The team is made up of disciplines in molecular biology, crop breading and plant biotechnology.4.Research aims
The objective of this study is to analysis the gene sequence and expreion of the lox3 in the soybean varieties stored in low O2(1% O2)and low temperature.Several model soybean breed will be chosen in the expre pattern of each lox3 gene and the adjust sequence will be found.The comparison would be carried among different lox3 gene in soybean through DNAstar software in order to select the key sequence area or gene point.After that we will design the molecule marker regulating lox3 gene expreion.Finally the impact of the low O2 on the lox3 gene expreion and the key sequence area would be defined.The knowledge gained from this research may lead to new approaches to design/ select soybean cultivar with increased or decreased lox3 levels, or to produce isoflavonoids in non-legume crops for human health and nutrition.Soybean is an important crop for both Canada and China, thus the outcome of the project will benefit both countries.The student will obtain high quality training for conducting research in molecular biology, functional genomics, transient and stable plant transformation, plant tiue culture and fruit chemistry.5.Research methods
The present research aims to investigate the adductive effect of low O2 on the LOX enzyme activity and the lox3 gene expreion during the storage period of the soybean.The conservative region of lipoxygenase gene(LOX)from seed total RNA of soybean was amplified using degenerate primers, which was combined with the ESTs of LOX genes from GeneBank, and the GSP primers would be designed after Blast aligning and sequence in stalling.Three full-length different cDNA sequences will be obtained, which were named PpLox1~3(GenBank acceion No.EU883638, FJ029110 and
FJ032015).The sequence analysis of the three members of soybean LOX gene family had a high homogeneous with other plant LOX genes in protein level, but high heterogeneous in nucleotide level.Phylogenetic tree based on LOXs in soybean.With the help of special lox3 gene, the adjustive sequence of lox gene in soybean treated with low O2 can be degraded;preventing translation of that transcript and, ultimately, expreion of the gene.6.Time plans
Gene primers design, construction and screening.It includes(i)database(genomic and EST)searching for all lox3 gene sequence information related to soybean;(ii)analysis of the sequence information and design gene specific amiRNAs;(iii)making amiRNA constructs;(iv)screening and selection of high expreed amiRNA construct using transient expreion aay system established in the Dhaubhadel laboratory in AAFC-PARC.The student will be trained in research reference study, research strategy development, experimental design and planning, bioinformatics analysis, molecular biology operation, etc.2012/04-2012/12
Transformation and regeneration of soybean with plant amiRNA vectors.It involves Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation, plant tiue culture and plant regeneration, identification of different transgenic plant lines, and obtaining enough transgenic populations for functional genomic analysis, etc.2013/01-2013/08
Functional analysis of lox3 genes.It includes research in(i)detection of different amiRNA expreions in transgenic plant lines by RNA northern blot analysis;(ii)detection of mRNA productions of different lox genes in transgenic plant lines by reverse-transcript quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR)or RNA northern blot;(iii)detection of protein expreions of the lox;(iv)detection of LOX enzyme activities in different tiues of the transgenic plant lines;(v)soybean aging.2013/09-2013/12
Data analysis and writing manuscripts for publication.It includes data analysis, completion of research reports and scientific manuscripts.Some research publications could be promoted ahead of the schedule based on our research progre.Further collaborative research projects probably will be developed from this research for the student to carry on the directions in China.7.Work introduction after returning to China
1.Finishing doctoral degree thesis;
2.Keeping studying in the research field and serving my motherland.Supervisor:
Date: 3/16/2011
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