Annex 1:Company Security Policy
附件 1:公司保安方针
The Company has established the Ship Security Plan to detect security threats and take preventive measures against security incident that may affect safety and security of ships under management of our Company, personnel and property on those ships, in accordance with requirements of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and ISPS Code(the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities).This Ship Security Plan has been approved by the Administration(or by Recognized Security Organization).船舶公司已经根据国际海上人命安全公约的第XI-2章和国际船舶保安和港口设施保安规则,规定了船舶保安计划以监察船舶保安威胁并对那些对于公司、人员和财产管理的安全和保安方面可能产生影响的保安事件采取相应的保护措施。该船舶保安计划已由主管机关或工人保安组织验证通过。
The master and all crewmembers should give effect to those requirements stipulated in the Ship Security Plan and should be familiar with their duties.They should also undergo neceary training given by the master or ship security officer designated by the company.船长及全体船员应按照船舶保安计划实行并熟悉他们的职责。他们应接受船长或者公司指派的船舶保安员的必要的训练。
On behalf of the Company, the undersigned declares as follows.代表公司,下面签名的人员声明如下。
1.The master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the security of the ship;
2.The Company should give neceary support to the ship when requested by the company security officer, the master and the ship security officer with respect to the security of the ship.公司应确保为公司保安员、船长和船舶保安员在船舶保安方面提出的要求提供必要的支持。
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